
Questionable Questing

Gusfes, Nelyahros01 replied to a thread you are watching at Questionable Questing.

[NSFW] - My Romatic Comedy is Drowned in Fire and Blood


Why are we here at the docks waiting for the Valemen to arrive by boat? I only agreed to be here because I have taken up the challenge that my father set. But now I am here waiting for the ship as it now pulls in, my father is there with the King and his two royal brothers. Prince Daemon stands to the right wearing Darksister on his belt while Prince Jaehaerys wears Blackfyre on his own belt. I will admit that if it were not for the swords and scabbards, that I would not be able to tell the difference between the two of them.

It is a very good thing now that they do or else no one would tell them apart. I see that the King is quite at ease despite both his brothers being so armed. It's nice to see that he trusts his brothers so much now as the Valemen begin to disembark. No wait there is a slight look of concern now, no doubt he has knows something that Prince Daemon is not well liked in the Vale. But for some reason now he is forcing them to be here.

That becomes apparent to me as the first person off the ships is a lady in bronze, the armour of House Royce and she bows deeply to the King saying "Your Majesty I Rhea of house Royce, Lord of Runestone congratulate you on your wife's pregnancy."

She's first off the ships and before anyone else not even the cargo men, she seems like she wants to get this over and done with. Most unladylike of her now as I can hear the King say "Ah Lady Royce, a pleasure to see you again. I took it upon myself to have my brother Daemon your husband and my brother Jaehaerys both here to greet you."

There is a slight stiffness to her body language when she hears this and turns to greet her husband and good brother. But wait I swear from what I saw before, Prince Daemon was on the right and Prince Jaehaerys was on the left. But Prince Jaehaerys is on the right and Prince Daemon is on the left? Did they somehow move while my attention was on Lady Royce, how did they do that?

Not just that, but now I notice that Lady Rhea snubs her husband by greeting Prince Jaehaerys first saying "My Good brother Prince Jaehaerys, I am pleased to see you." She even gives him a warm smile now and I am pretty sure if eyes were not all on her, she'd embrace him in a hug if only to embarrass and shame her husband. Though I think it takes two hands to clap, Lady Royce and Prince Daemon may not like one another but they both commit to not making their marriage work.

My father Ser Otto Hightower looks very concerned now and I want to move to him but I am not with him. No I am with my brothers while he is with the King. From what I can see he has noticed the swords and is very worried about it. But why would he be concerned about the swords, unless of course he thought that Prince Daemon might kill her right here and now?

No that's not it, the subtle yet very suspicious looks his gives the swords is as if he thought they were in the wrong place. Which is what I thought, unless of course they are in the wrong place? And that is now Prince Daemon her husband she is greeting with warmth and she is snubbing Prince Jaehaerys and she is unaware of them? Wait without their swords, no one can tell the difference, but from a subtle smile from the King who catches me gazing, tells me all I need to know.

Lady Royce now turns and greets her husband saying "Ah my husband, how fair you" the fact that her words is proof their marriage is poor. But also her tone does as well now as she looks with slight disdain upon him, only being just polite enough to cause offence.

Now Prince Daemon, oh wait that could be Prince Jaehaerys states in a voice that we'd call a 'bedroom voice' "Ah lady Royce, it is so good to see that you have finally made your to King's Landing and for our King's Tourney. Are you partaking in the joust, I very much look forward to it."

The way he wiggles his eyebrows is scandalous and Lady Royce looks suitable horrified at that. I can't tell if she think she is disgusted by what he might be suggestion or in mortal peril that he is going to kill her if she competes. But my Father now politely steps forward and says "Your majesty, I hate to intrude but I think there is an error. The sword's have moved since we have gotten here, which Prince is which?"

Chuckling now his majesty replies to my father "Oh I am so glad at least one member of my court noticed something was off" he now points to the one the now perplexed Lady Royce greeted as Prince Jaehaerys and states "Let me reintroduce, this is Prince Daemon" the pointing back to the one she greeted as Prince Daemon he states "This is Prince Jaehaerys."

The twin Princes look highly amused but also apologetic now which is only matched by the restrained fury that burns behind the eyes of Lady Royce. Prince Jaehaerys the actual Prince Jaehaerys now states "I'm afraid that it was terrible misfortune for you to get off the ship first my good-sister. This the King's test for his council and King's guard, which I am afraid you've become the first casualty of."

That implies that this won't be the last time that they do it and I can see the horror growing in my father's eyes when he hears this. But Prince Daemon now speaks out of turn saying "Ah my Bronze Bitch, I can't believe you still can't tell us apart and here you going wondering why I don't to be around you. I guess next time I go to the Vale I'll borrow Blackfyre and Vahgar."


Many took what had happened as a good spirited jape by the King because it was a test by my eldest brother. And well no one could tell the difference and only that Otto Hightower could see there was something off. He too though was not sure, but at least had the balls to speak up about it. I still feel that he is a wise man but his wisdom comes at a price and now as I sit down once more in my study and my door swings open and Lady Royce is standing there and she slams the door behind her.

Now with an anger in her eyes she states "I believe you and your brothers must have thought that overly clever to humiliate me in front of the entire King's court like that, didn't you Jaehaerys?"

I calmly look up at her now and looking her directly in the eyes I simply say "It is amusing that you can be fooled by the same trick again and again and again. What would you do should Daemon comes to the Vale dressed as I? As you did today you were so polite and gentle to him. Though the prank was not for you, blame yourself for being over eager to get off the boat."

"You would be too if you ever had to set sail in one dragonrider. Not all of us can mount up a Dragon and ride it like you and your brother." She states this now, truth is if she had gone to Daemon about this, he'd have told her to shut up and leave him alone and she can't very well go and bitch to the King about this, he'd just dismiss her if he was feeling lenient.

Looking up at her I can't help but smirk as I say "Bronze Bitch indeed, if you moan and whine and complain about that no wonder, he gave you such a title. Tell me do you think it is wise to come her and just complain to me about my brothers and I and think that unlike them I will just give you time of day Lady Royce?"

She looks affronted by this and turns around to walk away, but that isn't so. Instead, she pulls the bolts across my door locking, in fact she uses all the bolts now as if to make a point and turning to me says "You haven't got your Dragon nor your armour here and now Prince Jaehaerys."

"Yes but I do have Darksister which I will need to give back to Daemon at one point and all you've got is your Bronze Armour and I don't see Lamentation at your side either, so it must be said that I am not stuck in here with you, you're stuck in here with me."

In response ton this, Lady Royce smiles and then to my surprise well not really begins to undo her armour and states to me rather plainly "Let's just say I am interested in your other sword."

"You're a married woman Lady Royce, this is not correct or right of you to do so." I say now, but don't actually move to stop her.

It is rather amusing to see someone attempt to take off armour, but Lady Rhea Royce seems proficient in it and responds in retort "I have been wed for more than seven years and your brother has not touched me once. My marriage to him was such a cruel punishment handed down by your grandfather to satisfy the egos of Lords and Nobles who knew nothing of the situation."

Now she stops undressing herself and with her armour still loosely on she walks over to desk and grabs my shirt in an effort to pull me closer to her. This doesn't work because this desk is rather large and can be used for cover in case an assassin fires arrows or bolts at me. So instead she pulls herself across the table to me and says while looking me right in the eyes "I have lived no I have existed in the Vale without joy, without happiness and without you for almost eight years Jaehaerys. I have come all the way to King's Landing now and the fist thing you do is play a prank on me, you can say that I am very frustrated!"

Looking now into her greyish eyes I almost feel powerless before her, almost but not fully. So now I gently brush her hair out of her face and say "It is not to be Rhea, I will not dishonour my brother and I shall not dishonour you. Yes I do yearn to hold you in my arms, to kiss your lips and hear your moans. To feel your naked skin against my own once more and to lay down in bliss together. But that is not to be, least of all in a den of vipers like King's Landing."

She now looks furious at me but then her eyes soften for a moment as she pulls herself closer to me and forces a kiss upon my lips. I feeling that familiar touch of hers kiss her back on instinct, we stay entwined for a few moments before she pulls away and whisper "Fuck your Jaehaerys, fuck you. If I had the power to do so, I would demand that my marriage be annulled this instant and then you'd have no more excuses. Nothing to hide behind, no excuses and we'd wed and bed each other and all night every night. Curse your grandfather for handing down such a punishment and curse your grandmother for making such a match. One day Jaehaerys, one day!"

She lets go off me now and gestures for me to assist with putting her armour back on properly and I move to do so. Helping her fit her armour back, I can tell she is tempting me, she has lost none of her beauty at all from the days of our youth. If she were wed to another who was not my brother, then I sorely would have been tempted to take her then and there but no I restrain myself. Making myself content to whisper to her "It is better to have loved and lost Rhea, than to have never loved at all. One day I hope that we can both find happiness."


King Viserys sat in his small council chambers, just he and Otto Hightower and his Kingsguard were present. They sat in silence for a few moments before Ser Otto said "So he has given you a year my King. To be truthful I would have been pleased with half of that, but now we have the impossible task of getting him wed to someone of his own volition."

Taking in those words King Viserys said "We'll need a list of all the eligible ladies of the realm, after that we'd have to shorten it to ladies he would actually look at. I would say that we'd also have to lower it for standing since he is a Prince, but my brother if he feels there is something doesn't care for noble titles and ranks."

Ser Otto was in agreement but he did not voice the other thoughts he had on that, instead he said "I've taken off Laena Velaryon from the list since she's too young and Princess Rhaenys's daughter. From the crownlands our list is few I can think of only Lord Harte's daughter from the Stormlands we have Lord Swann's niece and Lord Baratheon's daughters. The lady I can think of from the top of my head from the Westerlands is Johanna Westerling."

Continuing on Ser Otto stated "I've passed over the Riverlands for now unless someone else arrives from there to give note on them. The Reach has the most that I know of my brother has daughters, Lord Redwing that I can count. House Tarly may also. As for the North there is no one that springs to mind but the late Lord Manderly's daughter, Rhaenys Manderly your cousin. Of course if we are desperate there is Lord Manderly's widow Viserra."

"Keep that thought in your head and do not speak of it to me. Only now as a man do I realise what that witch was doing and I don't intend to stomach any talk about it." The voice of King Viserys was sharp and harsh, without compromise. Yes Ser Otto had been made well aware that mentioning the Princcess Viserra and Jaehaerys in the same sentence was not to be done again.

But now King Viserys calmed and he said "Discount that, I am hearing many things Ser Otto, but I do believe that you left out your own daughter? Is she not an eligible lady of the realm and would not be a great honour for your daughter to wed brother? And while you may have your reservations, if she is wed to him you need not worry about Daemon tormenting her. They are quite clear on that, none of us are to, willing take another's wife. It's why I can leave Aemma with Daemon and Jaehaerys and not worry."

Ser Otto was at a loss for words, not in a thousand years would he have had this nightmare that Jaehaerys Targaryen could be seen as a match for his gentle daughter. Daemon was a rouge, he was the Rouge Prince in all but name. But Prince Jaehaerys, he was like his brother except he had very different sort of cruelty to him. Daemon was a fire that burned hot, he was fierce and full of vigor, but like fire that anger did not last that long an would simmer down over time.

Prince Jaehaerys was like the long winter, the man had refused to attend court when summoned by Jaehaerys after his lover Lady Royce was wed to Prince Daemon. That Otto did not fault him for, it was entirely King Jaehaerys's decision that led to that and had he been hand at the time he would have done his best to convince the King that was the most stupid idea in the world.

The Prince had been found innocent by the court and the King did that to him to punish him and Daemon for what they did. It was the right decision because it showed the Bannermen that the wise King would not suffer such actions. But it was also the wrong decision for Jaehaerys the first of his name had plans of Prince Jaehaerys. There could have been an alliance with Dorne and it would have worked with Prince Jaehaerys being the one wed.

But no, the Queen got involved and made sure that did not happen. Then when she passed she had the king grant Prince Jaehaerys that boon to never wed unless he wished to. Now they are in this mess, funnily enough had Prince Jaehaerys just wed Lady Royce, they'd not have this problem at all.

Yet the King was still waiting for an answer from his Hand and Ser Otto said "I don't wish to insult you my Lord, but my daughter is a gentle soul. While I know you it would be a great honour and I know that he would treat her well. I, I as a father still fear for her. Not that he would mistreat her but because she would learn to fear him as I have learned to fear him. He is a man of commitment, focus and sheer will, there is nothing he won't do if he sets his mind to it and all things else can damned to him."

"I don't believe you have the right impression of my brother Ser Otto, Prince Jaehaerys never loses sight of what is beside him. Your daughter may grow to fear him, as will my daughter and as will my son. But it would the same caution that you treat a Dragpon. I also don't think you shouldn't discount your daughter Ser Otto, she noticed that the two of them had swapped before you did." The King now states this and Otto looks so utterly confused he had nothing to say in response to that.

King Viserys now rather amused stated "I might add that means there's something special about her, after all the only person who is capable of telling them apart left alive is me and perhaps Aemma. Surely that means there is something to your daughter that almost everyone else in the realm lacks."View This ThreadUnread Watched Threads

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Questionable Questing

Gusfes, Pez replied to a thread you are watching at Questionable Questing.

[NSFW] - Big Ears, Big Brain (Mass Effect | Inspired Inventor)


I do this for all of you beautiful bastards. Hugs and kisses. And if you give it a Like, maybe you'll get lucky and I'll hold your hand. *wink*

LotismanThinking about it. Imagine how the ketka would handle being in the starwars universe. The first time a jedi tried to mind trick a ketka into giving up their child is the day the order diedCmirDarthannaThe Force trembled like never before at the inevitable demise of every idiot trying to use this to realpolitik themselves into power.BlueAnime88Heh that is honestly exactly how it would go. Even if the family in particular gave up their child due to the Force, and it lasted long enough for the Jedi to get off planet without them realizing what happened, as soon as the community oriented family went to an event without their child, and was questioned by everybody else, they'd figure it out. And they wouldn't even declare war.

===== ===== In a Galaxy Far, Far Away ===== =====​

"I want to make sure I understand what happened... You wanted to give your daughter to the Jedi?"

Lponno shook her head, the skin under her eyes discolored from extended crying. "No, of course not, my Prince!"

"Then why did you sign the documents and give her away?" I asked. I had to keep my voice neutral, hiding my emotions on the matter. I knew exactly what happened. Everybody knew what happened. We had video proof of the Jedi breaking thousands of years of established precedents and protocols and fleeing with the child before security forces could arrive or lock down the Jedi's ship. This was one of our newer frontier worlds, and our security had apparently gone complacent after so many centuries of non-issues with the religious whack-a-doodle space wizards. This was probably the only world in the Empire where this could have happened, and the window for such a thing to be possible would have been closed within the next month.

I should have remembered that the Force doesn't reward good people. It's just a colossal space dildo that likes to fuck everybody up the ass without lube.

"Be-Because the Jedi asked me to," Lponno answered, almost by rote.

"Even though he knew you didn't want to do it?" I pushed.

"Yes, my Prince. I told him 'no' the first four times. I would never give up my daughter. But the fifth time... I knew that he really wanted to take her and it just... made sense? Like she belonged with him? I don't... I don't understand... Why would I...? I didn't..."

I gave a nod to the medical personnel, who quickly gave the grieving mother a calming agent before her panic rose again. It has been quite some time since we had to deal with Force-related mental fuckery- not since the last time some uppity Sith thought they could steal our shit -but we knew how to treat such things. The idiot Jedi Master didn't go the full mind rape route, which makes him very lucky, but the prick still broke numerous laws and treaties.

There's a reason Jedi don't recruit in the Empire. Apparently they have bad memories.

I'm sure I can help them with that problem.

===== ===== ===== ===== =====​

The door to the Council Chamber slid open, and Master Mace Windu walked in. He wasn't the last to arrive, but not all the members of the Council could be present on such short notice.

"Do we know what the emergency is?" he asked before he even reached his seat.

"We do not," Grand Master Yoda answered. "Unexpected, this request is. The results of the Dark Side, I feel, this is."

"Chancellor Palpatine was very tight-lipped when he sent us the emergency summons to the Senate," Master Ki-Adi-Mundi stated. "When pressed, he simply stated that he couldn't discuss it."

Master Windu leaned back in his seat and sighed. He really hated surprises.

"How much time do we have before the Senate convenes?" he asked.

"Two hours," Master Ki-Adi-Mundi immediately answered, sounding very unhappy about it.

"The Senate never moves that fast," Master Windu commented. "Other than that odd ripple in the Force eight days ago, has anybody sensed anything odd?"

Calling it a 'ripple' was putting it lightly. To Master Windu, it felt like the Force trembled in fear, but that was a preposterous idea. The Force doesn't feel emotions. And none of the other Masters, not even Yoda, experienced the same feeling during the event.

Master Yoda hummed and shook his head.

"Answers, the Force is not providing," the ancient Jedi said. "Wait for the Senate meeting, we must."

Master Windu could only nod in acceptance, as he steepled his fingers and tried to sense if he could garner any insights through the Force on what this was all about. He really hated surprises.

===== ===== ===== ===== =====​

The floating pod detached from the Chancellor's Senate entrance, and began its journey to the center of the massive Assembly Hall. I was looking forward to letting out some of my anger. Some had slipped out earlier, and physically feeling Palpy's fear at me being so pissed off would have aroused me if I wasn't so enraged at the Jedi kidnapping one of my own.

While I was glad he took our little 'sit down chat' after he offed Plagueis to heart, he was the kind of man that needed to be reminded exactly where he was in the pecking order of the universe. It was a really simply pecking order, starting with the Ketka Empire, and ending with everything else because they are insignificant in comparison. The Empire has proved that many times over the past dozen millennia. Our technology is beyond their understanding. Their understanding of the Force is a used as a common joke amongst my people. Our engineered lifespans have made us effectively immortal.

Palps understood this. He understood that his own connection to the Force remained only through our good graces. He wanted to play Emperor? We were fine with that. He knew the rules, and he knew he'd never have the power to break them.

It galled a man like him to be bound by others, but like Anubis taunted Daniel Jackson in that TV show I once watched all those thousands of years ago in another life, "You don't have the power!" And when compared to the ketka, Palpatine never would.

Still, I hated being around the Sith Lord. I didn't find his theatrics amusing, and it bored me to play along like he wasn't planning on turning the bloated and corrupt Republic into a bloated and tyrannical Empire. It made no real difference to the Ketka Empire. What I hated most about being next to him was that I could feel his absolute smug over the Jedi stealing one of our own.

In his mind, a Jedi sneaking away one of our young proves that we're not as all powerful as we claim. He doesn't realize that we could have easily reclaimed the child within hours of discovering the treachery. The only reason we didn't was simply because we knew the child wasn't in any danger and so I could be here to address the Senate to push my own agenda. But this would also push his agenda in ways he hadn't expected, and I'm sure he creamed his robes in anticipation for what would befall the Jedi from this.

I hated being on this horrid planet. It was the epitome of everything that is wrong with this galaxy outside of the Ketka Empire. This shining jewel that represents their vaulted Republic was no more than a steaming pile of space shit.

And I hated that the Force hid the kidnapping from us. That was its own act of rebellion, hating the way we 'master' it. Like we'd let any force of nature exist within our Empire that we couldn't control! Sure, some of the blame can be laid at our feet since we don't enjoy using it for any precog bullshit. When you live as old as us, you like being surprised from time to time. But bad things like child kidnappings aren't meant to be surprises, and the Force knew that.

I personally made sure to remind it that after the kidnapping, and am not expecting any further disobedience. I'll just need to remember to check its collar every thousand years or so to make sure it didn't get loose.

As our pod reached the center of the Senate, I turned off sensing the flurry of emotions around me. Some were hopeful that we might finally be increasing our partnership and trade deals with the Republic so they could take advantage of us. Others were fearful that someone had incurred our wrath and they would suffer because of it.

One of those was rather close to being the truth.

Palpatine raised his arms. "Senators!" he voice boomed out, and everybody quieted. "Thank you all for meeting on such short notice. When Prince Tlon came to me about an extremely troubling incident, I had to call this emergency session, as the very fate of the Republic is in peril!"

As expected, the many Senators started making a lot of noise. Palpatine let them act concerned for a few moments before he continued.

"I am now going to let you hear directly from Prince Tlon on what happened, and I know you'll all feel just as concerned as I am when you hear it."

I looked up at the man, his face a perfect mask of concern. I would have to admit that the Sith Lord was the best actor I'd ever met. Ancient Sith had no need for such theatrics. They got what they wanted through their power. But the modern Sith seem to get off on fooling everybody.

"Thank you, Chancellor Palpatine," I said, giving him a 'respectful' head nod. I could play his game just as well as he did. Looking out at all the Senators, I allowed my body to rise up into the air a meter, anchored relative to the position of the pod, so as to not appear so short when standing next to the Chancellor and his equally tall aide.

"Stemming back to the days of the Old Republic, the Ketka Empire has always maintained a friendly and beneficial relationship with our you, are neighbors. Through the many conflicts and wars, we were always there to provide aid and safety for refugees and non-combatants. When disasters loom and strike, our people are there to prevent it or help with the aftermath. We may not be part of your Republic, but we've long considered ourselves friends."

I mentally took over control of the pod, and had it begin a very slow course around the Senate, so I would reach my intended destination at the appropriate time.

"But the Republic hasn't always acted as friends should," I continued, a bit of my anger slipping into my voice. "Nearly six hundred years ago, when Yebblo the Hutt thought he could kidnap ketka passengers on Republic freighter through intermediaries to avoid our punishment, your Republic hemmed and hawed and condemned the action, but only offered empty words as support, too afraid to anger the hutt-kidnappers. The ketka took action and ended the cowardly hutt-kidnapper. When his brethren took issue with how we handled the situation, and send waves of ineffectual terrorists, pirates, and slavers at our Empire, we then ended every hutt-kidnapper. Your Republic was quick to proclaim how our Empire did the galaxy a great service in ending the stain that were the hutt-kidnappers, but you were also equally quick to immediately claim that territory as your own.

"Just nine years ago, when the sun in the Ghenna System become unstable and was risking going nova, it was the Ketka Empire that intervened and stabilized its solar core, preventing the disruption of a great many hyperspace routes that are vital to the Republic, not the Ketka Empire. Our ships don't suffer the limitations yours do."

I paused, moving my head so I could at least appear that I was looking at various Senators at the reminder of our technological superiority. For some of them, we're so 'out of sight' that we're always 'out of mind'. I'll need to remember to have the Empire flex its power every couple of years moving forward to remind them. They've grown fat and complacent with our meager aid and table scraps and millennia of peace.

"What every ketka doesn't understand is, after all we've done for the Republic, all the lives we've saved and enriched, why you would allow one of your own to wrong us worse than the hutt-kidnappers?"

I paused again for the concerned murmurs to stop, ignoring the sad/despondent look on Palpatine's face at my words, fully knowing that he was probably using the Force to prevent his chub from being visible.

"Eight days ago... an unforgivable crime was committed against the Ketka Empire. Our friendship with you was betrayed by one of your own. He had taken advantage of our long-standing tradition of granting his group free and safe passage through our territory, even though it offered no benefit to ourselves."

The pod came to a halt. Even though I wasn't much closer to my target, they were now directly in front of me.

"It has long been an established practice that ketka young, no matter how Force sensitive, would never be taken from the Ketka Empire." I could see on the Jedi Councilmembers' faces that they understood what this was all about now. One of their young and more carefree Knights, aided by the fucking Force, saw an opportunity to be the first to claim a ketka padawan, and took it. Many thousands of years of agreements and understanding were thrown into the garbage, all because an insignificant Jedi Knight wanted to feel special and make a name for himself.

The idiotic Knight hadn't reported what he had done to the Council. It's better to ask forgiveness than permission, after all. If he had, I'm sure he would have been told to leave the child and return to the Temple so they could punish the stupid out of him. Instead, I get to punish the stupid out of them, depending on how the Order and the Republic play things out.

"The jedi-child-kidnapper asked the child's mother permission to take her four year old daughter to the Temple for training, in violation of our established agreements. She declined. The jedi-child-kidnapper asked again, this time using the Force to influence her mind. She again refused. The jedi-child-kidnapper asked again and again and again, each time using more of the Force to bend the mother's will to give her consent, which she finally did. We have sent security footage of this assault to all of you as proof of this crime. The mother is still undergoing treatment from our mind healers. Even though assaults like this on ketka haven't occurred since the days of the Sith Empire, we have not forgotten how to properly... deal with the transgressors."

One of the Jedi members ran out of their Senate box during my speech, probably to confirm my claims. Either way, comparing the Order to the ancient Sith was rather damning, and I kept my eyes locked on Jedi so I wouldn't think about stain Palpy just made in his pants.

"The jedi-child-kidnapper didn't bother discussing this with any local ketka officials before or after the kidnapping and assault. Nor did he bother to seek out the father's approval, as he is currently stationed off world in one of my military vessels."

I drew in a long breath.

"By decree of Wked, King of the Ketka Empire, the jedi-child-kidnappers are no longer considered 'friends of the Ketka Empire'. The jedi-child-kidnappers are banned from entering the Ketka Empire. They will be given no comfort or aid from any ketka. If they are discovered attempting to enter our territory, they will be summarily punished and expelled. These decrees are only directed at the jedi-child-kidnapper, and not any of your younglings that may wish to flee from their forced indoctrination of the jedi-child-kidnapper ideology."

Windu didn't like that. Well, fuck him right in his stupid Shatterpoint. The Jedi were barely better than the Sith, and they've been allowed to do things their way for too long. The Sith may have one some long and convoluted plan to ending them while taking control of the Republic at the same time, but I would be the one knocking over that first domino.

"In addition, the Empire makes the following and non-conditional demands. The jedi-child-kidnappers have six hours to return our child to our custody. The jedi-child-kidnapper will, within the next six hours, provide the Ketka Empire with full access to their databases and archives. The Ketka Empire will be sending in a team of analysts to review the practices of the jedi-child-kidnappers in acquiring 'younglings'. We will be sending teams to the planets of origin for every current 'youngling' to verify they were willingly handed over to the jedi-child-kidnappers, a process that will continue to be followed moving forward to ensure compliance. Any that are found to have been acquired, stolen, kidnapped, purchased, or coerced will be returned to their lawful guardians, if applicable. If not, we will work with their local government for a solution that ensures the needs of the 'youngling' are met. In such cases that the Ketka Empire has determined the 'youngling' was illegally acquired, the Republic will charge and punish the responsible jedi-child-kidnappers for their crimes. The one exception to this is the jedi-child-kidnapper that kidnapped our young and assaulted her mother. He is to be turned over to us to face ketka justice. Finally, the Republic is expected to punish the leaders of the jedi-child-kidnappers for allowing such a violation and crime to take place."

I paused to let the weight of my words to sink in, and to let the present Jedi prepare to feel the full force of ketka fury.

"If these demands are not met by our given deadline, then by degree of King Wked, the Ketka Empire will formally declare war against the Order of jedi-child-kidnappers and any who harbor them and initiate immediate and swift action against them, wherever they are in the galaxy, no matter who is protecting them. Neither the jedi-child-kidnappers nor their accomplices will be given any quarter or mercy. We will secure their 'younglings', free them from the jedi-child-kidnapper indoctrination, complete their Force training, and return them to their rightful guardians. The ketka do not punish the young for the crimes of others, especially when they are the victims.

"Our hospitality was abused, our friendship and good-will was betrayed. There will be no discussion or negotiations on this. Refuse to accept these demands at your own peril. The six hours begins now."

I landed back on the floating pad, giving the Jedi one last anger-filled contemptuous glare, before I put on my mask of neutrality and indifference.

Despite my words, I knew there would be negotiations. The Jedi would be forced to submit to my demands, but wouldn't be able to meet one of them. The Knight was still in transit, and wouldn't be able to reach the Temple within the deadline. As a favor to the Chancellor, we will grant them a grace period for the Jedi Knight to return, where he will be taken into immediate custody and handed over to us for punishment, and the kidnapped returned to us.

I didn't very much care that I just handed Palpy nearly everything he wanted. We had our understanding, and we both knew there was nothing he could do to hurt us, and if he even tried, he would be a dead man. No amount of mad science or Force fuckery would save him from our wrath.

And I certainly cared not for the fate of the Jedi. The Force wasn't some cosmic pseudo-entity that was constantly seeking balance. It was more like a retarded sponge that just tried to go with the flow of the universe, but was too stupid to figure out how.

What really mattered was that I'll get what I wanted. The kidnapped child returned and the kidnapper in our hands for punishment. The Jedi's reputation damaged, and once we find evidence of their shady practices, damaged beyond repair. Even if my approach is very heavy-handed, it will earn us more goodwill than bad, because we're doing this for the children. I've long since learned that with our old age and advanced technologies, sometimes the applecart needs to be reduced to ash so a taco truck can come through.

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