
Questionable Questing

Gusfes, sinereal replied to a thread you are watching at Questionable Questing.

[NSFW] - Essentially Konosuba


Essentially Konosuba



Sitting at my workbench, I studied the disassembled piece of equipment before me. Frame, slide, barrel, spring, magazines, ammunition.

I had done some testing and, unfortunately, the pistol and ammunition from my world didn't really do much of anything here. At least, not without modifying my stats—but even then, because I was a caster, using what amounted to a ranger's weapon came with some… well, I wouldn't call them nerfs. More like, I didn't have the necessary supporting skills to boost accuracy and damage, in order to overcome the magical protection that stat points gave to things being shot at. Increasing my dex could compensate for that—even a lot, if I really dumped mana into temporarily raising it—but in the end… it just wasn't worth it.

Beside the pistol, magazines, and ammo was the shoulder holster for it, along with my phone, ear buds, and charging cord. Finished cleaning the pistol, I reassembled it, slapped in a magazine, and chambered a round before setting it on the table and sending my cube the command to scan everything, then disassemble it. But while I felt a bit disappointed at getting rid of the things that had come with me from Earth, just because I was getting rid of it didn't mean I was doing without.

Immediately, my computation orb pinged me with a notification that the data from the phone had been copied and everything was readable. Bringing up a hologram, I smiled as I selected a book and verified that it worked. Then, I checked my music. The orb produced sound right at my ears, and higher quality than any speakers of headphones I'd ever used. Turning it off, I tested the other function. Selecting Yunyun, I had it call her.

"Um, he-hello?"

I smiled. "Hey, Yunyun."

"Michael! How…?"

"The orbs can communicate between each other. I'm probably going to sell this as a separate enchanted item for people so they can communicate across any distance. What do you think?"

"I think that sounds great!"

"Good to hear. Alright, that's all I wanted to do, so I'll let you get back to it."


Disconnecting the call, I went back over how she sounded. She was… happy. She and Megumin were getting along, and since I had basically forced the two into close proximity working together, they had begun talking more and Yunyun was excited to reconnect with her friend. I was pretty sure Megumin saw her as a friend as well, but she just didn't know how to express herself and was embarrassed to admit it.

Shaking my head, I moved on to my second project. The cube opened up and fabricated a… staff. A staff made of the sturdiest and most magically conductive wood on this world, threaded with metal. Metal that was an orichalcum and mithril alloy, which was highly magically conductive and very, very durable. A sphere of coronatite sat in the butt end of the wooden stock, already beginning to glow from within as it drew a charge off the mana coming in from the city. At the near end of the metal tube that made up the longest part of the staff sat a raised arch with two green pins that seemed to glow in the light of the room, and at the end of the metal barrel was a small raised blade with a similar red pin that, when lined up together, created a sight profile.

Yes, I had made a rifle.

Or at least, something like a rifle. A staff shaped a whole lot like a rifle. Except this rifle didn't fire actual bullets. It conjured a bullet-shaped magical construct in the chamber when fired with one of a variety of different spell effects attached—piercing, homing, explosive, incendiary, long range, continuous beam/laser, multi-shot, or combinations of those. Thanks to working with some clerics to Eris and Aqua, and Wiz, I could also add the Sacred and Cursed modifiers to any shot, for extra damage against different enemy types.

Picking up the rifle, I teleported out to the usual field. Lifting it to my shoulder, I activated the scanning and targeting spells built in and the area above the sights was filled with a hologram that zoomed into whatever the weapon was pointed at and highlighted anything living based on heat and mana—so theoretically, even someone invisible should still show up because they were using mana to bend light, but if that mana suddenly became visible, then so were they. At least, for the Light of Reflection spell. I wasn't sure how it would work against Lurk and other thief-class skills.

It worked very well at spotting toads hiding underground, however. Lining up a shot, I flipped the safety off, mentally selected a piercing round, and opened fire. There was a brief flash between my rifle and the target, a small explosion of dirt as it hit the ground and bored in, and then nothing. However, after a few moments of watching, I noticed that the toad underground was beginning to fade in my sights as the mana in it dispelled.

Shifting over to a new target, I switched to explosive and fired. Instantly, the ground exploded where I'd aimed and a shower of gore fountained up from the exploded toad. That kicked the hornet's nest, as toads began digging themselves out of the ground to flee. I grinned. "Don't run away, you'll just die tired."

Selecting incendiary, I lit one on fire and moved on to test the laser, sweeping it across three. Finally, I selected homing, piercing, and multi-shot, then started designating the last eight targets. Once I had the rest selected, I pulled and held the trigger. The rifle spat out a burst of exactly eight shots and the fireworks started. Every shot scattered in the air, breaking into eight individual projectiles and tracking on each target, making for eight smaller hits per toad that put lots of little holes in them… however, those shots that over-penetrated, which was all of them, then moved on to the next target, and the next, and the next, until they were spent. In the end, all that was left were lumps of meat full of holes.

Considering that a success, I stored the rifle. Let's hope I don't have to use it.

Speaking of things I hoped I didn't have to use… I teleported to the guild hall and looked around for a sparring partner. I needed someone to practice my one-handed sword skill on, along with the other class skills that came with Spell Blade. However, finding someone who would consistently volunteer to train was kind of difficult…

But not today, I mused, spotting a head of blonde hair and a set of fancy heavy armor. Grinning, I made my way over.

"Hey, there," I greeted the young woman, offering my hand. "Name's Michael. Say, you wouldn't happen to be a Knight or something would you, miss?"

"Ah. I am a Crusader, actually. You may call me Darkness, sir. What need have you of a Knight?"

"A Crusader? Even better. I'm a Spell Blade, myself. I'm looking for a sparring partner." Meeting her beautiful, light blue eyes, I added, "Basically, I need someone who I can just absolutely wail on with no remorse whatsoever, who can take that kind of punishment, get back up, and ask for more. Preferably, someone who can also help correct me on my sword form and help guide me through it. We'd spend a lot of time in close proximity, brushing against each other, occasionally hitting each other, as we work up a good sweat together. If you've got time for that and want to make a little extra money…"

Darkness had grown progressively redder and begun to pant the more I spoke, essentially hammering her buttons for what I knew of the little masochist's personality. "I, I ah, mmf~, that is, I will agree to take up this position! Seeking to improve yourself is always commendable, certainly. But I couldn't bear it if an untrained novice were to accidentally hurt someone! It would be negligent of me, and my duty as a Crusader. Please, abuse my body to your heart's content! …In the name of training!"

I grinned. "Really? You will?" Darkness nodded enthusiastically. "Excellent! Oh," I snapped my fingers as though just remembering. "Just a word of warning, I might ah, shit talk a little. That is, I've got a bad habit of cursing and throwing out insults. I don't mean anything by it, no hard feelings, it's just a bit of fun."

"Ah, hah, haah… Yes, I, I see! Yes, surely no one else is more suited to this task than I!" she nodded, sending her blonde hair bouncing. "I cannot, in good conscience, ask someone else to do this. Give me everything you have! Vent your frustration upon my body! Do not spare me, I say!"

"Oh, I won't. I really appreciate you agreeing to help out, Darkness. You ready to go? I'll teleport us back to my place where I've got a private training yard set up for this sort of thing."

"Yes! Take me away with you! To your home, where no one knows my whereabouts and anything could happen!"

I laughed, reaching out and taking her hand as she blushed and panted, before teleporting us to the manor. She really is great.

As soon as we arrived, she looked out over the grassy lawn and the manor behind us. "This is to be our training field? Where are we?"

"Yep. We're on the north side of Axel. The river and the northernmost wall are that way," I pointed north, then pointed the other way, "Town's back that way. There's a road leading off the property if you want to walk back when we're done, but I'd be happy to teleport you."

"I see," she nodded.

I took a moment to send a request off to my cube and, a second later, it opened up and spat out a couple of wooden practice swords—made of the strongest wood in this world and weighted inside with iron, so they would be heavy and land with a good, solid hit. Darkness raised one blonde eyebrow and I tossed her a sword. She hefted it in her hand curiously. "Here. We can use these. Less risk of actually damaging someone, but they're still going to hurt."

The woman nodded, a serious expression on her face as she did. "Yes. It is commendable that you're thinking of the safety of yourself and your sparring partner. However, you need not worry about me. I assure you, I can handle whatever you can throw at me."

"Oh, I don't doubt it. How about we try these first until I get used to it, then we move on to actual swords?"

At that, the young noblewoman smiled beatifically. "Yes, that sounds reasonable."

Then, she began stripping out of her armor, carefully laying it aside as she did. I had an idea of why she was doing it, but I wanted to look like the voice of reason here. "Ah, Darkness, what are you doing?"

"…My armor might damage the practice sword. I assure you, my body can handle the punishment!" Then, she added, "Besides, you must learn what it is like to hit a person with a sword. To feel flesh beneath your blade. Otherwise, you will not be prepared for it when it happens."

"Alright," I agreed, sounding reluctant. I knew her game, however. Darkness was a hardcore masochist and enjoyed physical abuse. She was just, well… too dumb to realize that what she wanted and what she'd get in reality were two different things. I can deal with it.

"Let us begin!"



I watched as Darkness stood shaking, her eyes fluttering as she panted, clearly having an orgasm. I lowered my practice sword and gave her a moment to collect herself. This wasn't her first, and they had been coming closer and closer together the longer we progressed.

We had been at it for a few hours now and worked up quite a sweat. I had long since taken off my shirt, much to her delight as her light blue eyes feasted on my muscular form, while the black body stocking she wore under her armor had soaked through with her sweat… and other fluids, around the crotch area and it clung to her body in a way that would have been less lewd if she were simply naked. Her hard nipples stood out clearly under the stocking, fat and large, as did her fat pussy lips, outlined so clearly I could make out her clit and the way her lips spread apart.

Fuck it, let's go for one more, I decided, before stepping in with a swing she wasn't prepared for. I swung like I was teeing off and trying to put it on the green. My heavy wooden practice sword landed right between Darkness's fat lips, hitting the big nub that was her clit, and landed with enough force to lift her off her feet.

"Ungh!" she grunted, her eyes crossing, before the young woman collapsed to her knees, holding her crotch as she mewled… and a flood of liquid sprayed out from under the body stocking, between her fingers, to drip onto the ground below her. She panted and gasped, her face a deep, dark red as she shook, bowing over herself until her forehead hit the grass—completely uncaring.

Dropping my sword, I went to my knees beside her, prepared to cast healing if needed, but… I had a feeling she was enjoying it and would actually be disappointed if I did. Still, this had become a sexual thing for her, and it was the responsibility of the one in charge to make sure the submissive or masochist pain jockey wasn't actually hurt.

Rubbing her back, I asked, "You okay?"

"Yes," she managed to mewl out, almost in a whisper.

"You done, or do you want more?"

Darkness panted for a moment, before asking, "You'll give me more?"

"If you want." She nodded at that. "Okay. Darkness, I think, if we're going to be friends and do this again, it's time we were honest with each other. You want to do this again in the future, don't you?"


"I thought so. Then we need to make sure there are no misunderstandings about what's going on, and what we're going to do in the future. Do you agree?"


"I'll take that as a yes." I stroked her back, drawing a quiet moan from the blonde. "So, I'll just come out and say it. You're enjoying this." Darkness nodded. "No, I mean sexually."


"Shh, no. Don't lie to me. You don't have to. I understand. Just be honest and we can work together. Now, you're taking sexual gratification from this. In fact, you're still having an orgasm from where I hit you, aren't you?"


Sighing, I grabbed my practice sword. Taking hold of her ponytail, I pulled her hair back hard, and Darkness let me pull her head up from the dirt. Looking down, I saw her hands were in the way. "Darkness, move your hands away."

Shakily, she did so. I pulled back, angled my strike, and smacked the shit out of her cunt. "UNGH~!!!"

The young woman bucked and would've fallen face first on the ground if I wasn't holding her head up. Another absolute flood of liquid seeped out of her body stocking. Sighing, I set the practice sword down again and rubbed her ass. "Let's try this again. If you're honest, I'll reward you with more of what you want, just like that. Understand?" She tried to nod, but my grip on her hair stopped her. "Okay. Now. You utterly indecent, shameful masochist. You just came, didn't you?"


"See, there, was that so hard?" I asked, then reached down and slapped her pussy. It made a wet smack through the bodysuit and she whimpered, her hips bucking. "You're a masochist. You enjoy being hurt, abused, and degraded. Aren't you?"


"And you're looking for someone who will do that for you, right?" I asked, and she nodded. "But so far, every time people have begun to suspect, they've kicked you out of their party. Does that sound right?"

"Nnf, yes," she admitted. "I don't know why—"

"Because they're disgusted with you."


"And not in the fun way." I rubbed her ass and the girl actually shifted into my touch. "But Darkness, here's the thing. I enjoy it. I think it's fun. I think getting these kinds of reactions out of you is fun and I enjoy doing it. Moreover, for me, it's just play. I don't actually think you're disgusting, or hate you. In fact, I think you're a kind girl who goes out of her way to help people. Sure, you've got your own agenda in doing so, because you want to get hurt and take the risk of worse happening. Right now, this whole situation, it's actually got you more turned on than you've ever been in your life, because you feel there's a possibility that I might just cut your clothes off, push you down where you are, and ravish you. Right?"

"Mmf~… yes~."

"And if I did just… take out my knife, cut a slit in your body stocking right here," I ran my finger between Darkness's absolutely soaked pussy lips pressed tight against the body glove, making sure to firmly stroke her clit on the way.


"Would you fight me?"


"And if I told you to come back tomorrow for more training, after deflowering and ravishing you, if I told you outright that when we were done I was going to push you down and have my wicked way with you again, you would come back eagerly, wouldn't you?"


"I thought so." I smacked her pussy again, earning another moan in response. "So, I'm going to make you an offer. I will take care of your needs. All of them. In return, you aren't to let anyone else touch you. No people, no monsters. Your body will belong to me, for me to use and abuse as I see fit—and only me. If I decide to let someone else degrade and hurt you the way you like, that is the only way it'll happen. If you're fighting in the field, I expect you to do everything you can to keep from being hurt, because your body will belong to me and I don't want filthy monsters touching it. As for what I'm offering… I'll hurt you. Beat you. Abuse you. Humiliate you. Use you, sexually. If I get married, you'll be nothing but a mistress we keep around for fun. That is, when you want. The rest of the time, I'll treat you as a friend. Someone I like and care for."

"I, I shouldn't…"

"Mm. And if I blackmailed you into it. If I forced your hand? Would that make you feel better… when it comes to your family?" She tensed under my rubbing hand and I continued, "It's obvious you're a noble girl who doesn't like where she came from, for whatever reason. Would it ease your conscience if I took away your choice and said that if you didn't agree to this, that I would ruin your reputation?"

"…Would you?"

"If you wanted me to. I'm one of the few people who will actually understand and appreciate you and what you are, who will enjoy the things you enjoy. You aren't going to find someone else like me, Darkness."

She considered for a moment, before nodding once. "Please."

"Alright." Standing up, I took up the practice sword again, then grabbed her ponytail and jerked her hair back roughly. "Listen to me, you shameless, cock-addled, ditz." I reared back and struck her cunt again, making her eyes roll in her head and drawing a yell from her lips. "You belong to me now." I hit her again. "This body is mine." Another smack to her cunt, then I let go of her hair. Planting my foot on her deliciously wide hip, I kicked Darkness over onto her side.

Spoiler: Darkness

Bringing my boot down, I stepped on her beautiful face, before bringing my practice sword down across both of her titties. "AH!"

"You will treat it with respect and guard it with your life." Another smack to the titties, followed by another to the crotch. "Clean your act up! Stop acting like a shameless whore in public!"


"Act like the lady you are! Your actions reflect on me from now on. In private, I'll treat you like the disgusting pig you are, but you are to be a lady in public. Do you understand?"


I stepped on her harder, before starting to wail on her—beating her tits, pussy, stomach, and back until her hips jerked and thrashed and she came again. Finally, I lifted my foot from her face. Reaching down, I grabbed her by the hand and hefted her to her feet. I took a minute to clean off her face and hair, and swipe the grass off of her body stocking. Darkness swayed on her feet, panting and drooling as her eyes rolled in her sockets. Pulling her into my side and throwing her arm over my shoulder, I helped her towards the door. As I did, I directed my cube to store her armor.

"How do you feel?"

"G-good~," she managed to get out.

"Alright. You hungry?" When she nodded, I turned us towards the kitchen. When we got there, we found Yunyun humming happily as she cooked, while Megumin watched from the table, and Wiz sipped at a cup of tea, the three of them talking quietly.

"Eh? Michael?" Megumin asked as we walked in.

Wiz looked up at that. "Darkness? Are you okay?"

"She's fine," I said as I sat her down at the table. She squished as her bodysuit touched the chair. "Just a little over-stimulated. She's had a bit too much excitement for one day and needs a bit of a rest."

Yunyun turned and surveyed Darkness's state, taking in her flushed and sweaty appearance, the way her body suit stuck to her, her blonde hair clinging to her face. Biting her lip, Yunyun sent me an unsure look, before her eyes darted to the door of the kitchen. Instead, I moved up behind her and turned her around to face the stove, then reached over her to start helping. Leaning my head down a bit, I kissed her neck.

"What's wrong?"

"I… N-nothing."

"It's not nothing. This looks like it can sit for a few minutes." Reaching out, I turned the heat down a bit, before wrapping my arms around her in a hug. Yunyun's hands settled on my arms and she leaned back into me. I held her for a moment, before letting go. Putting one arm around her, I guided her out of the room. "We'll be back in a few minutes."

With that, I led Yunyun out of the kitchen, into the nearby dining room. Closing the door behind us, I turned around and pressed her up against the door, invading her personal space and resting my arms to either side of her head—a kabedon without the slamming. Reaching down, I tilted her chin up and forced her to meet my eyes. "It hasn't been said, and that's my fault for not coming out and saying it. Yunyun, I like you and I want to be with you. As friends, partners, lovers, and more." I leaned down and kissed her.

"Mmf~" Yunyun's mouth opened and her tongue darted out, slipping into my mouth as her lips pulled into a happy smile. Her hands came up and wrapped around my neck as she pulled herself to me. I pressed her firmly against the door and grabbed her by the waist, picking her up so I wouldn't have to stoop—and because I liked manhandling her. Her legs came up, wrapping around my waist as she clung onto me. Breaking the kiss, she panted softly against my face. "Michael, I, I like you too… I really, really want that!"

Reaching down, I cupped her ass, squeezing her firm cheeks and drawing a quiet moan from her lips. "I'm glad. Now, there are a few things I need to ask you, because I don't know. You know I'm a reincarnation. I'm not from this world." She nodded at that. "Where I'm from, relationships were generally between two people—a man and a woman—and that's it. Anything other than that, be it men with other men, women with women, or groups of more than two was not the norm—frowned upon, sometimes illegal, and considered amoral in some places. So, I need to know, are relationships between a man and two or more women legal and normal here?"

Yunyun bit her lip and looked away. "Legal? Yes. Normal? Sometimes. It depends on where you are. But it does happen."

"Okay. Now, most important question: would you be okay with that? I ask because it's stupidly obvious that Wiz is interested in being more than just friends and I've seen her eyes wandering over you as much as me. I don't want to hurt your feelings or make you feel unappreciated, angry, or jealous."

She swallowed, before licking her lips. I couldn't resist and took a moment to kiss those sexy little pink lips. She mewled and squirmed against me as I squeezed her ass and ground my crotch into her, feeling the wet heat of her lips against my hard cock through our clothes. "I, I wanted you to myself," she admitted, before quickly adding, "But I wouldn't mind if it was Wiz… She's kind, and a friend. The only one I have in Axel, outside of you and Megumin. I think… I think I would like that. If we were all," she hesitated, before smiling and finishing the thought, "more than friends together."

I felt kind of bad about what I was about to do, but it didn't stop me from doing it. I knew Yunyun now—knew her as more than just a character on a screen. The girl in my arms had a fragile heart and was very lonely, but she didn't have the bravery needed to make friends. She was desperate for more, and with her agreeing to Wiz as a potential addition later on, then there was no reason not to satisfy both her need for friends and my own desire to surround myself with sexy women and fuck them silly.

Leaning in, I nibbled at her neck, just below her ear, before biting the earlobe itself. She whimpered, her nails digging at my bare back as she panted quietly. "Michael, don't tease me~! I'm, I need you…"

"Tonight," I agreed. "So let me ask you this. You know Megumin. She's your best friend." Yunyun nodded, her own lips seeking out my neck and her tongue darting out to lick at my salty skin. "But she's a brat. You annoy each other. You want to be friends, but she doesn't know how to deal with it, so she pushes you away at times, and clings tightly at others. Right?" Another nod. "How would you feel about seducing her? Pushing her down onto a bed, stripping her naked, and seeing what noises we could draw out of her? Get a little payback. Punish her for being a brat towards you. Show her how much you love her…?"

"Ahn~," she shivered against me, her nails digging in a bit harder. "Yes! That! I, I want to do that! Please!"

Fucking called it, I chuckled, kissing her ear again. "Alright. We'll try to do that at some point. Until then, however… Darkness. I'll introduce you later."

"I've seen her around," Yunyun confirmed, before latching onto my neck and sucking. I groaned quietly, my cock throbbing with need in my pants. Darkness had gotten me worked up, but now that I had Yunyun in my arms, I wanted nothing more than to fuck her right here against the door. The only thing holding me back was that I didn't want that for her first time.

Taking a steadying breath, I continued, "She's a good girl, but she's got her own problems. She's a masochist. She likes being abused, hurt, and degraded. Kind of like Megumin, she can't keep a party because when people find out, they're genuinely disgusted and leave her—no matter that she's an amazing Crusader. She's getting desperate and actually considering letting some monster defeat her because she thinks she's going to get raped, as opposed to eaten. I'd rather she not die, so… I can give her what she wants, safely. She's interested in the idea. We can use her as our muscle—a human wall we can put between monsters and you and Megumin if necessary. And all we have to do is take care of her needs. I figured this out after she had an orgasm from getting beaten on in our training and managed to drag the rest out of her. I wouldn't feel good letting her go, knowing what I know now. I kind of feel a bit responsible, now that I know. But I wanted to ask you, because I didn't want there to be any confusion between us."

"So… she'll work with us," I nodded, "and you'll… be mean to her? Bully her? Because she enjoys it?"

"Basically. For me, it's just a game. Some fun play. I've known a few women like her, but none who could actually take the sort of punishment she wants. She's a ridiculously strong Crusader, so she can take the physical hits just fine, and getting into her mind and getting her all worked up is fun. Her problem is that she's, well, an idiot. I'm pretty sure she wants someone who will abuse her, but doesn't realize that play is one thing but actual abuse is another. She needs someone who actually likes her, who can give her what she wants by being rough with her, then turn around and show her affection. A real abuser like she thinks she wants is just going to get bored when nothing they do works and neglect her, since that's about the only thing that would work."

Biting her lip, Yunyun looked away for a moment. "But you," she paused, looking like she wasn't going to finish what she was saying. Then, taking a breath, she turned a determined look on me. "I want to hear you say it."

"Say what? Just so we're on the same page."

"Tell me how you feel about me," she insisted.

I smiled, proud that she'd been able to bring herself to make the demand. And like that, I realized I knew exactly how I felt.

Yunyun being happy made me happy. I cared enough to make sure her feelings weren't hurt. I felt angry on her behalf that her friend treated her like crap and made a point of stepping in and forcing said friend to treat her with more respect. I felt proud of her when she stood up for herself, confronted me, and demanded the truth.

It was pretty obvious what I felt when I put it like that.

"I love you."

"Michael," she whispered, before her lips found mine. "I love you too."

There was a knock at the door and Yunyun growled. "We're getting hungry!"


Laughing quietly, I set my frustrated girlfriend down and we went back into the kitchen to finish dinner. "So, Darkness."

"Yes, Michael? Also, do you have my armor?"

"I have it, yes. You look like you're feeling better. Do you remember what we talked about?"

Darkness blushed and her nipples immediately hardened under her body stocking. "Y-yes, I do."

"Good. We talked and the deal still stands, if you're interested." When she nodded, I continued. "We'll take you, then. Our party is myself, Yunyun, Megumin, and now you. One Spell Blade, two Arch Wizards, and a Crusader. Wiz sometimes tags along when she wants to stretch her legs and go for a walk, but not often enough to count. We're not concerned with taking a bunch of quests or leveling up quickly. I make magic items, accessories, and I'll probably start making armor and weapons soon. Yunyun and Megumin test them. Wiz sells them. We could use a strong Crusader to protect our casters from being hurt while they're testing new toys—"

"I accept!"

"—and we'll pay you out of whatever mission pay we get and from sales. I'll also equip you with new gear as I develop it, and probably have you test some things for me when it comes time to make weapons and armor."

"Yes! I accept!"

"We like to keep things in house here. I don't want it getting out that I'm making this stuff, because someone might decide they like the idea of chaining me to a desk somewhere and forcing me to turn out magic items for them—"

"I won't allow that to happen! I will protect you with my body and life if I must! I accept this duty!"

"She's nuts," Megumin murmured to Wiz, who giggled quietly and nodded.

"But the fun kind!" the Lich whispered back.

"So, because of that, and because it's just plain more convenient for a party to share accommodations, why don't you stay with us, here?"


"We've got plenty of rooms. Yunyun, would you mind picking her one close to ours later?"

Yunyun shut off the stove and at a look from me, Megumin got up and began putting plates on the table. "I can do that, Michael."

"Great. I'll get her a cube and set it to make her some upgraded gear if you'll show her how to use that, too." When she nodded, I turned back to Darkness. "As for fulfilling our agreement… I get up at first light to train. You'll train with me and we'll scratch your itch then."

"Yes!" She nodded eagerly.

"Then breakfast. After which, Wiz goes in to work while Yunyun and Megumin go get a job from the guild hall. Then we go out into the field to test new equipment. You'll be coming with us and making sure nothing gets to them."

She was practically salivating now. "Of course! No harm will come to you!"

Yunyun and Megumin sat down as they finished setting out the meal and we began fixing our plates. I worked absently as I spoke. "We come back for lunch, then go back out for more development and testing. I like to practice again just before dark, so you'll be coming with me then as well. Then, if you still need care, let me know and we'll work something out after supper. Is that all to your liking?"

"Yes! I happily accept, Michael!" she beamed a wide smile, blushing a deep red as she panted softly.

"If only someone would give me some 'care,'" Wiz muttered under her breath.

I reached out and laid a hand on hers, before giving her a smile. The lich squeaked quietly at the sudden attention. "Good. Do you have your things with you, or…?"

"They are in a hotel. I will need to collect them, after the meal."

"Alright. I'll take you by teleport. Then you girls can go have a bath and we can call it a night." It hadn't been long at all, once they discovered the extra large communal bath, before Yunyun, Wiz, and Megumin had all begun sharing their baths. I had a feeling that Darkness would soon join them anyway, so I might as well just go ahead and let her know it was a thing. I usually took a shower in my attached bathroom, but I used the big bath when I felt like soaking.

"I have several questions," Darkness began, and I chuckled.

"Ask away."View This ThreadUnread Watched Threads

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Gusfes, Azazyel0714 replied to a thread you are watching at Questionable Questing.

[NSFW] - Terrarian in the Dungeon


"Seshat you there!" I yelled out as I hefted Bell into my arms in a better position now that I wasn't holding my magic mirror before laying Bell onto one of beds so I wasn't moving them anymore and so they could finally get some rest.

I faintly heard something in the distances, so I quickly made my way through the building and found Seshat working under some dungeon crystal lights to create some decorations for the interior of the large empty tower I had created.

"What's up Jake, you look like the world is about to collapse or something?" She asked with her head cocking to the side in confusion.

For a moment I considered if that was really the case but then remembered even in the Danmemo game and other stuff Bell never really 'saved' the world or anything he just got pulled into a bunch of shenanigans that had little to no real consequences to the greater world outside of Orario. Nor were there real threats to the world outside of Orario other than the One-Eyed Black Dragon but that monster would only burn down some villages every once in a while, before flying back to the uninhabitable Dragon Mountains in the far north of the continent.

"Soooo... I saved Hestia's newest Familia member and had to bring them to rest here as Allen and Ottar of the Freya Familia were fighting one another on the upper floors and could very well call a Juggernaut on us with the damage they were causing." I started off and Seshat's face twisted at the knowledge that Allen and Ottar were going hard on one another in the dungeon as should they kill one another that will severely weaken the Freya Familia either way if any of them dies.

Seshat threw down her carving tool and covered her face as she dragged her fingers down her face as she gave me a side eye. "There's something you aren't telling me. What happened Jake?" Seshat asked dryly and I wryly scratched my head.

"Uh yeah. Well, you remember that super expensive gender bending potion I made to threaten Ishtar with forcing her to drink if she became a problem. Well Bell had lost an entire lung on an aberrant Minotaur's landform weapon and was currently drowning on their blood and none of my potions could save their life, so I used the Genderbender potion to basically reset their body into a perfect condition... Just you know with tits." I said as Seshat looked at me like I was a dead man walking.

"Hestia is either going to love you for saving her beloved Familia member or she is going to hate you for ruining her crush on that pure soul." Seshat spoke as she shook her head, and I shrugged my shoulders.

"I literally had no other choice. Either Bell died there, or they got tits. There was literally no other ending to the scenario as it would take me too long to teleport back here and run to Miach or Dian Chet's store for them try to heal him." I responded wryly and Seshat nodded in understanding after a moment before she got a weird look on her face.

"Wait is that why I could see a ribbon of fate from Bell trying to connect to you back at the Hostess?" She asked herself and when I asked what the hell she meant, she waved me off. "Put the thought out of your mind Jake. Karma and Fate are so far beyond your mortal worries at the moment it's not even funny. Now let me get Bell's clothes fixed a bit before we try to escort them home as Hestia is going to throw a fit..."

I had already explained to Seshat how Bell's upper clothes got shredded from being torn apart during their fighting with the minotaur to say nothing of the soccer ball sized hole in the middle of her chest area of the shirt and jacket that left her chest wide open to see.

I sat outside the room while Seshat tried to get Bell's clothes into some kind of order, and I heard Bell mumbling in her unconscious state as my goddess shifted around her form to make sure her pants weren't going fall off or whatever with how their body had changed greatly.

"Alright Jake come in." Seshat called out to me. "I sowed a couple seams into her shirt so her new breasts have some room while closing up the shirt, so she doesn't flash everyone in Orario as we take her to Hestia's place."

"You know where Hestia lives?" I asked as I carefully hefted Bell into my arms again, and I noticed Bell had cutely leaned into my chest and grabbed onto the hoodie I was wearing after taking off my armor.

"Aww... The threads of fate are tightening around one another Eeek!" Seshat cried out looking at me and Bell with literally glowing eyes and my hands tightened around Bell as I reflexively stopped the thought of dropping the form within my arms.

"Seshat wake up! Where are we going." I said exasperatedly as I wanted to just go to bed and sleep after this debacle.

When I get super stressed or depressed, I don't get violent or just sulk. I just go take a nap and, in this situation, I was rather stressed as I had no idea of the ramifications will come of what has happened today.

Seshat pouted but she still led me who had to carry Bell's still unconscious form across Orario and thankfully with Seshat obviously leading me, I didn't have to deal with any white knights who wanted to jump in seeing some dude carrying a woman into the ghetto decrepit section of Orario that had never gotten fixed after Evilus went crazy, after the Zues and Hera Familia got booted out of the city.

"Well, this is the church Hestia mentioned she lived at. Hopefully she is home." Seshat muttered and I could only nod as I took in the familiar heavily decrepit Hestia Familia church. God I was glad I didn't live here. I bet it had bugs everywhere with all the broken windows and such.

I then shifted Bell in my arms as I followed Seshat past the little gated fence that surrounded the church and then Seshat took one look at the rotting wooden door of the church and then instead knocking on the door she began kicking a less rotten side of the door creating a large racket with the impacts.

"Hestia! You there!" Seshat called out as she kicked the door and finally, I heard another door slam open or closed from within the church but as all the racket was going on I felt Bell shifting in my arms and for a moment I wanted to hush Seshat so Bell could sleep but then I felt the bit of soreness in my arms that were the result of carrying Bell for like half an hour. So, I mentally encouraged Seshat to kick the door louder...

Finally, however the church's door swung open swiftly and there was the panting form of Hestia who had obviously run from the church's less decrepit basement to greet us. "Whew... Seshat you came to visit! Helloooo..." Hestia spoke excitedly as she greeted Seshat before her words drew off as she took in the long white-haired beauty resting in my arms.

"Bell!!!" Hestia's scream instinctively made Bell jerk and thrash awake in my arms and with a loud ripping noise as the Bell almost fell out of my arms she had shrugged her shoulders too far and the stiches Seshat put into her shirt to keep it together gave up the ghost...

Seshat, Hestia and I all froze in dumbfounded silence as Bell's new breasts jumped out of her ruined shirt clearly showing Bell's new changes and then Hestia tilted back and forth in place.

"Don't die Hestia!" Seshat cried out lunging forward to catch Hestia who collapsed into a dead faint as I coudnt remove my eyes from the sight of Bell awakening and as she laid within my arms Bell looked up to me with her large innocent red eyes and then they looked down.

Saw their large milky smooth breasts. Looked back up to me. Back down again. Back to me. "I am a girl!" Bell screamed and I mentally said fuck it as she began struggling again and this time I just 'let go' and with a loud thump Bell just fell into the floorboards of the church.

"Why is my Bell a girl!" Hestia screamed as she pointed at me and Seshat as she had somehow come back to reality hearing Bell's very feminine new voice.

"Bell maybe you should start off on how an aberrant Minotaur of all things got down to merely the seventh floor and I will explain how you got turned into a girl." I said and Hestia's eyes' lasered onto Bell who cringed at the sight of Hestia's angry eyes.

"Bell! You promised you weren't even passed the fifth floor yet!" Hestia scolded Bell who shrunk in on herself.

"I was doing fine with the Killer Ants and War Shadows so I didn't see a problem in going to the floors before the next big monster changes with the fog filled floors of the tenth floors and what not." Bell said as an excuse but Hestia wasn't having it.

"I don't give a damn Bell Cranel! You went too deep without preparations nor a party, and what happened? Another damn minotaur jumped you!" Hestia yelled stabbing her fingernails between Bell's new boobs before Hestia realized what she just did and jumped backwards blushing and then she whirled on me.

"And you! How did my precious Bell get so cute and have boobs that match mine!" Hestia cried and my mind short circuited a bit on that last bit making me cough and give her a look making her lightly dusted with pink darken as she realized I caught her on that slip of the tongue.

I took a deep breath and let the joking atmosphere dissipate and Hestia's blush died as she realized I was being serious. I looked to Bell and said clear as day so both Goddesses could confirm my words as the absolute truth. "Bell Cranel you were dying. You had no other option other than me pouring a gender bending potion into your mouth because your entire chest cavity was ruined as the Minotaur had pulped one of your lungs. You were drowning in your blood in the other lung, you had plenty of ruptured organs from the Minotaur beating you to death. And with Freya's Ottar and Allen fighting just outside the corridor I was in for whatever reason." I could only shrug as I looked Bell in her red eyes.

"You were dying as I pushed the drink into your mouth... No ifs ands or buts. There was no scenario in which you survived if I didn't use the potion." I spoke and Hestia's face fell as I fully explained how I had no way of saving Bell without taking the steps I did.

"And the Minotaur? How did you even kill that?" Hestia asked me pointedly and I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Magic... I am an accomplished magic user and it's not like I beat it unscathed, I got a couple bruises and may have torn some muscles, but I never noticed it as I was busy saving your Familia member and then fled as two of the arguably strongest adventures were fighting for whatever reason." I responded reminding Hestia that I went out of my way to save Bell.

"I see..." Hestia drew off looking between me and Bell before she sighed. "Look I am deeply and utterly grateful to you for saving Bell for me as I have no idea what I would do if I felt their Falna disappear from my senses but do you... You know?" She said leadingly.

"Can I get another gender bending potion." Bell asked blushing as she covered her bare chest with her hands, and it was obvious that she didn't know how to properly do it as she used her hands to cup her chest to cover it rather than using an arm.

"No... The primary ingredient used in it is the Deathroot Flower that comes from the Desert that the Behemoth was slain. And that flower is well known for magically cursing whoever picks it with an instant death so no one will pick it anymore as just finding it in the toxic desert is nightmare to begin with." I explained softly and Bell slumped downwards a bit.

"How can I be a great adventurer if I lost all my muscles and became a girly girl." Bell almost complained/whined but I got how she was focusing on how things had changed rather than well the things she lost.

"Well, plenty of ladies especially Amazons do perfectly fine in melee as the Falna will make you stronger. Or you can get into magic I guess." I spoke and I saw Bell relax a bit at my reminder and then with a moment of thought I took out a Wand of Sparking which literally cost me damn near nothing to make.

It was only a stick with a couple magical runes cut into it, but it could shoot out burning magnesium hot like sparks from it.

"Here this can burn out the eyes of monsters and deal with weaker things. Plus, it can help you drain mind and train your mind stat before you get your own spell." I said shooting a couple small sparks of painfully bright light that scored the stones outside the church.

"Isn't a staff that can cast magic without the caster having a spell like one of a kind or super expensive?' Bell asked pensively as she took the staff and I saw it shoot the same bolts of magic.

"Yes, Bell such a staff would be an heirloom! But this one is a bit weak?" Hestia said excitedly but looked a bit pensive at Bell's giddy expression at shooting the magical bolts.

I wrapped an arm around Seshat as I smugly spoke. "Yeah, well I made that staff, and I made much better ones!" I said smugly as I took out my Aquamarine staff and with a shriek a curtain of blue magical bolts shot out and tore a trench through the around dry dirt in front of Hestia's church.

"Anyway, I wanted to bring Bell back home to you Hestia so they wouldn't wake up at my place changed and with their last memory being hunted down by the Minotaur." I said as Bell and Hestia mutely nodded still shocked by the sight of my chant less magical use which went against all of Danmachi's magical conventions.

"Seshat its already dark and although I wouldn't mind inviting you guys to come spend the night at our place, but we cannot stay here." I spoke and as though in mockery of my words a pew within the church shattered and fell apart making Hestia and Bell's face twitch.

"Actually! Thats a perfect idea Jake. Me and Hestia need to talk plus we got to teach Bell stuff on how to be a woman too. As I am sure Hestia doesn't have any mortal feminine items, do you?" Seshat asked pointedly and Hestia choked as she pointed weakly at my goddess before she slumped.

"No, I don't... I thought it was going to be just me and Bell." She whimpered before she looked at Bell and spun around. "Fine give me and Bell a few minutes to pack up for a couple of days and update Bell's Falna!" Hestia yelled as she pulled Bell towards the basement.

Next ten chapters on supporting sites.

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Gusfes, Azazyel0714 replied to a thread you are watching at Questionable Questing.

[NSFW] - Terrarian in the Dungeon


The moment the church door and Hestia had dragged Bell downstairs into the basement Hestia threw herself face first into the bed and screamed into the pillows loud enough to make the goddess's ears pop.

"Goddess.... I am sorry for bringing you trouble." Bell whispered after Hestia's scream of frustration ended and she merely slammed her feet repeatedly on the bed as she had to live with all the change that was coming.

'I need to focus on Bell... They just went through almost dying and to say nothing of their new status.' Hestia thought as she weakly rolled over and off the bed before lunging at Bell and the goddess of the Hearth's face scrunched up as instead of her face hitting the wiry physique Bell once had and she was well familiar with as she was a very touchy-feely woman...

Nope she ended face planted into soft boobs that only highlighted how Bell had changed and Bell instead of just chuckling when Hestia would lunge into a hug back when he was male actually whimpered as they cupped the boob Hestia smashed into.

"Hestia that hurt... Are they always so sensitive?" Bell asked as she held Hestia against her in a hug despite the flash of pain.

"Yes, they are rather sensitive... Gods it's so ughhhh!" Hestia cried out as she threw her hands up as she pulled back from Bell and began quickly throwing her extra outfits and even her couple nice dresses that Hephaestus helped her get for when there was a divine get-together like a Denatus into a travel bag.

"So, I guess I am stuck like this Hestia." Bell said sighing as she brushed her hands over her face and took out a newer shirt, she could throw on so she wouldn't be flashing her chest all the time. "Honestly... I was always called girly back in my village., I was always invited by the younger girls to learn how to sow, cook and other stuff... I mean that's how I keep these clothes in decent shape after fighting in the dungeon all day ha-ha." Bell chuckled softly as she stared at the roof of the basement.

"I mean my grandfather always told me to come to Orario and save a girl in the dungeon that way I could become a hero and get the girl you know... But what if Jake is the hero and I am the girl now?" Bell said wetly as she wiped a tear away as she couldn't help but feel like her dreams of catching up to Ais slipping away as she couldn't help but face the reality that every single time she had gotten in over her head and tried to go on and 'adventure' to become stronger... She always was slapped down by reality and only escaped by the skin of her teeth.

But this time she didn't escape... Bell realized. She literally was a dead man walking as Jake was the only one who could have saved her other than maybe Orario's two best magical healers but the odds of running into them was nil.

Hestia sighed with her twin tails going as limp as they could as the goddess walked over to Bell and cupped Bell's chin so she could make contact with her only Familia member. "Bell I will go to the ends of the earth and even use my Arcanum to change you back, if you want...

What do you want to happen now?" Hestia asked as her eyes flickered with pink light as she truly loved Bell to the ends of the earth and was fully willing to wait the couple centuries it would take Bell to die and meet her back in Tenkai if she were booted back to Heaven for using her Arcanum.

"No Goddess don't use your Arcanum!" Bell all but screamed as she knew all too well that he would never see Hestia again if she tried to fix him if she could even before she got sent back to Tenkai. "Just let me figure it out... I can learn and use magic with Jake as he is obviously wanting to party with me. But he was right about girls though." Bell said scratching her head wryly.

At Hestia's deadpanning raised eyebrow at Bell's somewhat iffy statement the innocent looking rabbit of a girl with her long white hair and red eyes could only awkwardly chuckle. "Sorry Hestia I kind of forgot you were a girl too and not just my amazing goddess Hehe..." Bell said awkwardly and Hestia's eyebrows twitched with barely concealed fury as Bell continued. "I actually tried lifting our bed and I still seem to be just as strong with my Falna enhanced strength so I can still fight in melee if need be. But I really want to use magic!" Bell said excitedly and Hestia just clamped her hands on Bell's cheeks making the girl go silent.

"Alright Bell let's get your Falna updated as who knows how long it will be for when we have some privacy to update it again if we are staying over at Seshat's place.

Hestia then helped Bell take off her shirt and then she froze and coudnt help but take a second as she noticed how smooth and soft Bell's feminine skin was. "Goddess is something wrong with my Falna?!" Bell asked almost hysterically as Hestia had never paused when she sat on Bell's lower back for more than a couple of seconds before she got to work on her Falna before.

"No! Not at all Bell I was just noticing you uhhhh have nice skin Hehe." Hestia awkwardly laughed before she quickly took a drop of her blood with a needle, that she kept handy for updating Bell's status.

But as Hestia activated Bell's status her entire face scrunched up and she gave the back of Bell's head and evil look as she mentally cursed Bell to a thousand deaths. 'Oh, that's how it is... My Bell is just a slut! She just latches onto anyone who shows her some attention and saves her in the dungeon Mhoooo I am so mad!' Hestia mentally screamed and literally began almost convulsing as she kept herself from smashing the vase that was on the bedside table onto the back of Bell's head for being such a traitor.

Bella Cranel

Level 1

Strength 345 G

Endurance 499 F

Dexterity 420 F

Agility 432 F

Magic 2 I

Skills- Liaris Freese - Increases the speed of User's growth as long as she is in love. The strength of the effects is related to the strength of User's feelings. As a side effect, it makes her immune to charms. It also allows her to exceed the limit of her abilities.

Socius Fati - In the act of supporting designated partner temporarily raises stats. Raises stat gains with designated partner. Enhances partners growth.

"Why can't you get a skill from caring about me Bell!" Hestia screamed slapping down the Falna to inscribe her Falna onto the paper and then she just hopped off Bell's back as she couldn't help but focus on the fact that even on Bell's Falna, that Bell's name had changed to reflect that literally down to her very damned soul that she had accepted her change into woman.

"Hestia I am sorry!?" Bell cried out reflexively conditioned to cry for mercy when Hestia would freak out but feeling Hestia move off of her body, she grabbed the Falna and gapped as her eyes widened at seeing not only her magic stat growing only from using Jake's magic staff a bit, but she had two skills!

"Hestia, I have two skills! This is sooo awesome! Wait.... I love..." Bell's face turned pink as she choked, and Hestia could barely hear Bell's whispers about how she had no idea if the first skill meant she loved Jake or even Ais Wallenstein.

"Come on Bella! Its time to go meet our new besties and who you are going to be bunking with Hahah!" Hestia said loudly with spiteful laughter ringing from her as she dragged Bell who quickly grabbed her bag of spare clothes that could possibly fit her new feminine form as she asked what in the world was wrong with Hestia and why she seemed too so mad.

'Bell is stupid!' Hestia mentally screamed as she threw open the doors to the church and with not even a blink she spoke to Jake. "Hey, Jake, how about you and Bell bunk together tonight so me and Seshat can catch up on old times. Plus, it will allow you two to get used to being close to one another in the dungeon." Hestia said shamelessly and she took great joy in how Bell choked on her air and turned bright red as her soft red eyes took in Jake's form.

Jake gave Seshat his goddess and indescribable look before he shook his head and focused on Hestia and Bella. Hestia couldn't help but notice how Jake's eyes had an almost unreal nonmortal depth to them and was curious to know how his soul looked under Seshat's and other gods with soul sight. But Hestia's ruminating thoughts were brought back to reality as Jake nodded speaking.

"Thats fine. We can go over strategies as my dungeon hunting practices... Are original to say the least." He said with a wry smile that made him look so much more approachable and even Hestia had to wonder how 'original' his dungeon hunting strategies were as the dungeon had been plumbed for literally millennia after Ouranos threw the cap on it from Tenkai and the mortals and spirits of the world fought to seal the dungeon and prevent and monsters from overflowing from it.

Then Jake leaned forward and took Bell's heavy bag from her with nary a thought as he slung it over his shoulder and then he turned around and spoke as he walked down the church path. "Well let's get going. This place is right next to the Daedalus District, and I don't want to get caught walking around it at night." Hearing Jake's reminder all the girls quickly followed him with Seshat taking his arm and throwing Bell a look of thought before the cat goddess began talking about how Jake was so great and could summon boss monsters and had the whole of Orario practically wrapped around his fingers. Well, the Familia's that wanted to easily rank up anyway.


Across the city Freya was sitting in her penthouse suite near the upper floors of the Tower of Babel's living quarters and she was livid.

"Allen..." Freya's voice of velvet and seduction carried over to the male cat beastkin. But the voice may have velvet in it, but the voice's tone only had pure wrath dripping from each syllable. "I am going to give you a chance... Why did you disobey my orders and instead had an aberrant minotaur attack my Bell instead of the simple enhanced one that Ottar had tested to be the right fit for Bell's strength."

Allen normally wearing a body clinging armor that allowed him to take advantage of his status as the fastest fighter in all of Orario was in tatters and had none of the honed edge such an adventurer should have. Ottar had thoroughly broken his fangs in the dungeon in rage at how his second in the Familia had so flagrantly shattered their beloved goddess's plans.

"You have changed Lady Freya." Allen spoke gutturally as he had more than a couple broken ribs. "Before Bell came into the picture the only time you would mess around was when you would switch places with Horn and become Syr and wander the mortal world... We were all fine with that, no we even respected you as our beloved goddess that worked a menial job to connect with the mortal world."

Allen then shook his head as his yellow slit eyes locked onto the form of Freya who was sitting in her lounge chair in the shadows not even looking at his broken form and only staring out towards Orario.

"But you obsess over that brat despite how each and every single one of us, here in your very Familia bleeds and dies for your attention in the pits." Allen spat some blood from his mouth onto the ground and Ottar who was behind Allen growled at the perceived offense, but Freya held up a perfectly manicured hand to stop Ottar from snapping the Cat beast kin's neck from behind.

"So, you set up Bell to die out of jealousy?" Freya finally asked and the room went dead silent as even the wind above Orario seemingly didn't dare to enter the tension filled room.

"Yes, Lady Freya I wanted Bell to die by that Minotaur and I would do it again if only to return you the edge you had before Bell came into Orario." Allen said straightforwardly without shame or trying to weasel out of any form of punishment. Because Allen had his own pride.

Freya went silent as she digested Allen's heartfelt words and for a split moment she wondered if her desire to polish Bell into her Odry or husband was for naught especially with how Bell had literally been turned into a woman... A fetching woman to be fair especially with her pure soul. But a woman none the less.

But whether it was Bell with her pure soul that Freya wanted to hold within her bosom or even Jake's kaleidoscope of a soul and the infinite potential growth he would bring to Orario. Freya realized something. Allen's jealously would very well bring such plans to death as he just said he would do the same thing all over again.

So, Freya sighed and her eyes glowed purple with a mind shattering Charm as she paralyzed Allen's mind before she looked to Ottar behind Allen. "Ottar my dear... Do it." A loud wet cracking noise rang out as the strongest man in Orario simply took a step forward and with both hands he grabbed Allen's chin and with a sharp twist and jerk, Allen Frommel's neck and spinal cord snapped ending the level six's life as his head got twisted around.

Freya with her glowing purple eyes stared silently at Allen's form as it slumped when Ottar gently laid it down on the thick carpeted floor and finally Freya spoke as her eyes stopped glowing with her Charm. "Ottar my dear. Take Allen and bury him in the Familia grave and..." Freya paused before she shook her head. "Remind the others that shattering my dreams will not be tolerated despite my care for them."

Ottar knew all too well that the warning was for the likes of the Gulliver brothers and the elf duo Hedin and Hegin who were all very attached to Freya and that they must not do the same actions that Allen took to 'return' Freya Familia to what it was before.

Ottar ever Freya's most devoted tool and supporter merely nodded while mentally categorizing who may become an issue as he had long accepted Freya's love was a freely flowing wind and that obsessing over it was like lamenting that sun went down at night. He would do everything and anything for Freya, but he wouldn't limit or even dream of chaining her desires as Freya was everything to him.

"Yes, my Lady it will be done... Goodnight my Lady and as you requested Heith Velvet will be guarding your suite for the night." Ottar said as he picked up Allen's form and began carrying him out.

Next ten chapters on supporting sites.

Hey if you like this and want daily uploads and to read early chapters please drop a tip in my Ko-Fi https://ko-fi.com/azazyel22926 or https://www.patreon.com/Azazyel and your precious energy stones, it keeps me working on it.

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Gusfes, Azazyel0714 replied to a thread you are watching at Questionable Questing.

[NSFW] - Terrarian in the Dungeon


The moment the church door and Hestia had dragged Bell downstairs into the basement Hestia threw herself face first into the bed and screamed into the pillows loud enough to make the goddess's ears pop.

"Goddess.... I am sorry for bringing you trouble." Bell whispered after Hestia's scream of frustration ended and she merely slammed her feet repeatedly on the bed as she had to live with all the change that was coming.

'I need to focus on Bell... They just went through almost dying and to say nothing of their new status.' Hestia thought as she weakly rolled over and off the bed before lunging at Bell and the goddess of the Hearth's face scrunched up as instead of her face hitting the wiry physique Bell once had and she was well familiar with as she was a very touchy-feely woman...

Nope she ended face planted into soft boobs that only highlighted how Bell had changed and Bell instead of just chuckling when Hestia would lunge into a hug back when he was male actually whimpered as they cupped the boob Hestia smashed into.

"Hestia that hurt... Are they always so sensitive?" Bell asked as she held Hestia against her in a hug despite the flash of pain.

"Yes, they are rather sensitive... Gods it's so ughhhh!" Hestia cried out as she threw her hands up as she pulled back from Bell and began quickly throwing her extra outfits and even her couple nice dresses that Hephaestus helped her get for when there was a divine get-together like a Denatus into a travel bag.

"So, I guess I am stuck like this Hestia." Bell said sighing as she brushed her hands over her face and took out a newer shirt, she could throw on so she wouldn't be flashing her chest all the time. "Honestly... I was always called girly back in my village., I was always invited by the younger girls to learn how to sow, cook and other stuff... I mean that's how I keep these clothes in decent shape after fighting in the dungeon all day ha-ha." Bell chuckled softly as she stared at the roof of the basement.

"I mean my grandfather always told me to come to Orario and save a girl in the dungeon that way I could become a hero and get the girl you know... But what if Jake is the hero and I am the girl now?" Bell said wetly as she wiped a tear away as she couldn't help but feel like her dreams of catching up to Ais slipping away as she couldn't help but face the reality that every single time she had gotten in over her head and tried to go on and 'adventure' to become stronger... She always was slapped down by reality and only escaped by the skin of her teeth.

But this time she didn't escape... Bell realized. She literally was a dead man walking as Jake was the only one who could have saved her other than maybe Orario's two best magical healers but the odds of running into them was nil.

Hestia sighed with her twin tails going as limp as they could as the goddess walked over to Bell and cupped Bell's chin so she could make contact with her only Familia member. "Bell I will go to the ends of the earth and even use my Arcanum to change you back, if you want...

What do you want to happen now?" Hestia asked as her eyes flickered with pink light as she truly loved Bell to the ends of the earth and was fully willing to wait the couple centuries it would take Bell to die and meet her back in Tenkai if she were booted back to Heaven for using her Arcanum.

"No Goddess don't use your Arcanum!" Bell all but screamed as she knew all too well that he would never see Hestia again if she tried to fix him if she could even before she got sent back to Tenkai. "Just let me figure it out... I can learn and use magic with Jake as he is obviously wanting to party with me. But he was right about girls though." Bell said scratching her head wryly.

At Hestia's deadpanning raised eyebrow at Bell's somewhat iffy statement the innocent looking rabbit of a girl with her long white hair and red eyes could only awkwardly chuckle. "Sorry Hestia I kind of forgot you were a girl too and not just my amazing goddess Hehe..." Bell said awkwardly and Hestia's eyebrows twitched with barely concealed fury as Bell continued. "I actually tried lifting our bed and I still seem to be just as strong with my Falna enhanced strength so I can still fight in melee if need be. But I really want to use magic!" Bell said excitedly and Hestia just clamped her hands on Bell's cheeks making the girl go silent.

"Alright Bell let's get your Falna updated as who knows how long it will be for when we have some privacy to update it again if we are staying over at Seshat's place.

Hestia then helped Bell take off her shirt and then she froze and coudnt help but take a second as she noticed how smooth and soft Bell's feminine skin was. "Goddess is something wrong with my Falna?!" Bell asked almost hysterically as Hestia had never paused when she sat on Bell's lower back for more than a couple of seconds before she got to work on her Falna before.

"No! Not at all Bell I was just noticing you uhhhh have nice skin Hehe." Hestia awkwardly laughed before she quickly took a drop of her blood with a needle, that she kept handy for updating Bell's status.

But as Hestia activated Bell's status her entire face scrunched up and she gave the back of Bell's head and evil look as she mentally cursed Bell to a thousand deaths. 'Oh, that's how it is... My Bell is just a slut! She just latches onto anyone who shows her some attention and saves her in the dungeon Mhoooo I am so mad!' Hestia mentally screamed and literally began almost convulsing as she kept herself from smashing the vase that was on the bedside table onto the back of Bell's head for being such a traitor.

Bella Cranel

Level 1

Strength 345 G

Endurance 499 F

Dexterity 420 F

Agility 432 F

Magic 2 I

Skills- Liaris Freese - Increases the speed of User's growth as long as she is in love. The strength of the effects is related to the strength of User's feelings. As a side effect, it makes her immune to charms. It also allows her to exceed the limit of her abilities.

Socius Fati - In the act of supporting designated partner temporarily raises stats. Raises stat gains with designated partner. Enhances partners growth.

"Why can't you get a skill from caring about me Bell!" Hestia screamed slapping down the Falna to inscribe her Falna onto the paper and then she just hopped off Bell's back as she couldn't help but focus on the fact that even on Bell's Falna, that Bell's name had changed to reflect that literally down to her very damned soul that she had accepted her change into woman.

"Hestia I am sorry!?" Bell cried out reflexively conditioned to cry for mercy when Hestia would freak out but feeling Hestia move off of her body, she grabbed the Falna and gapped as her eyes widened at seeing not only her magic stat growing only from using Jake's magic staff a bit, but she had two skills!

"Hestia, I have two skills! This is sooo awesome! Wait.... I love..." Bell's face turned pink as she choked, and Hestia could barely hear Bell's whispers about how she had no idea if the first skill meant she loved Jake or even Ais Wallenstein.

"Come on Bella! Its time to go meet our new besties and who you are going to be bunking with Hahah!" Hestia said loudly with spiteful laughter ringing from her as she dragged Bell who quickly grabbed her bag of spare clothes that could possibly fit her new feminine form as she asked what in the world was wrong with Hestia and why she seemed too so mad.

'Bell is stupid!' Hestia mentally screamed as she threw open the doors to the church and with not even a blink she spoke to Jake. "Hey, Jake, how about you and Bell bunk together tonight so me and Seshat can catch up on old times. Plus, it will allow you two to get used to being close to one another in the dungeon." Hestia said shamelessly and she took great joy in how Bell choked on her air and turned bright red as her soft red eyes took in Jake's form.

Jake gave Seshat his goddess and indescribable look before he shook his head and focused on Hestia and Bella. Hestia couldn't help but notice how Jake's eyes had an almost unreal nonmortal depth to them and was curious to know how his soul looked under Seshat's and other gods with soul sight. But Hestia's ruminating thoughts were brought back to reality as Jake nodded speaking.

"Thats fine. We can go over strategies as my dungeon hunting practices... Are original to say the least." He said with a wry smile that made him look so much more approachable and even Hestia had to wonder how 'original' his dungeon hunting strategies were as the dungeon had been plumbed for literally millennia after Ouranos threw the cap on it from Tenkai and the mortals and spirits of the world fought to seal the dungeon and prevent and monsters from overflowing from it.

Then Jake leaned forward and took Bell's heavy bag from her with nary a thought as he slung it over his shoulder and then he turned around and spoke as he walked down the church path. "Well let's get going. This place is right next to the Daedalus District, and I don't want to get caught walking around it at night." Hearing Jake's reminder all the girls quickly followed him with Seshat taking his arm and throwing Bell a look of thought before the cat goddess began talking about how Jake was so great and could summon boss monsters and had the whole of Orario practically wrapped around his fingers. Well, the Familia's that wanted to easily rank up anyway.


Across the city Freya was sitting in her penthouse suite near the upper floors of the Tower of Babel's living quarters and she was livid.

"Allen..." Freya's voice of velvet and seduction carried over to the male cat beastkin. But the voice may have velvet in it, but the voice's tone only had pure wrath dripping from each syllable. "I am going to give you a chance... Why did you disobey my orders and instead had an aberrant minotaur attack my Bell instead of the simple enhanced one that Ottar had tested to be the right fit for Bell's strength."

Allen normally wearing a body clinging armor that allowed him to take advantage of his status as the fastest fighter in all of Orario was in tatters and had none of the honed edge such an adventurer should have. Ottar had thoroughly broken his fangs in the dungeon in rage at how his second in the Familia had so flagrantly shattered their beloved goddess's plans.

"You have changed Lady Freya." Allen spoke gutturally as he had more than a couple broken ribs. "Before Bell came into the picture the only time you would mess around was when you would switch places with Horn and become Syr and wander the mortal world... We were all fine with that, no we even respected you as our beloved goddess that worked a menial job to connect with the mortal world."

Allen then shook his head as his yellow slit eyes locked onto the form of Freya who was sitting in her lounge chair in the shadows not even looking at his broken form and only staring out towards Orario.

"But you obsess over that brat despite how each and every single one of us, here in your very Familia bleeds and dies for your attention in the pits." Allen spat some blood from his mouth onto the ground and Ottar who was behind Allen growled at the perceived offense, but Freya held up a perfectly manicured hand to stop Ottar from snapping the Cat beast kin's neck from behind.

"So, you set up Bell to die out of jealousy?" Freya finally asked and the room went dead silent as even the wind above Orario seemingly didn't dare to enter the tension filled room.

"Yes, Lady Freya I wanted Bell to die by that Minotaur and I would do it again if only to return you the edge you had before Bell came into Orario." Allen said straightforwardly without shame or trying to weasel out of any form of punishment. Because Allen had his own pride.

Freya went silent as she digested Allen's heartfelt words and for a split moment she wondered if her desire to polish Bell into her Odry or husband was for naught especially with how Bell had literally been turned into a woman... A fetching woman to be fair especially with her pure soul. But a woman none the less.

But whether it was Bell with her pure soul that Freya wanted to hold within her bosom or even Jake's kaleidoscope of a soul and the infinite potential growth he would bring to Orario. Freya realized something. Allen's jealously would very well bring such plans to death as he just said he would do the same thing all over again.

So, Freya sighed and her eyes glowed purple with a mind shattering Charm as she paralyzed Allen's mind before she looked to Ottar behind Allen. "Ottar my dear... Do it." A loud wet cracking noise rang out as the strongest man in Orario simply took a step forward and with both hands he grabbed Allen's chin and with a sharp twist and jerk, Allen Frommel's neck and spinal cord snapped ending the level six's life as his head got twisted around.

Freya with her glowing purple eyes stared silently at Allen's form as it slumped when Ottar gently laid it down on the thick carpeted floor and finally Freya spoke as her eyes stopped glowing with her Charm. "Ottar my dear. Take Allen and bury him in the Familia grave and..." Freya paused before she shook her head. "Remind the others that shattering my dreams will not be tolerated despite my care for them."

Ottar knew all too well that the warning was for the likes of the Gulliver brothers and the elf duo Hedin and Hegin who were all very attached to Freya and that they must not do the same actions that Allen took to 'return' Freya Familia to what it was before.

Ottar ever Freya's most devoted tool and supporter merely nodded while mentally categorizing who may become an issue as he had long accepted Freya's love was a freely flowing wind and that obsessing over it was like lamenting that sun went down at night. He would do everything and anything for Freya, but he wouldn't limit or even dream of chaining her desires as Freya was everything to him.

"Yes, my Lady it will be done... Goodnight my Lady and as you requested Heith Velvet will be guarding your suite for the night." Ottar said as he picked up Allen's form and began carrying him out.

Next ten chapters on supporting sites.

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