
Questionable Questing

Gusfes, Dr Squid replied to a thread you are watching at Questionable Questing.

[NSFW] - Along for the Ride [Bleach Fullbringer SI]


I catch the kitty cat flying at my face on a shield of hardened air, disrupting the jump for just long enough to land a haymaker of my own through the now-softening shield.


Razor sharp claws are ducked, dodged, and dipped away from as I backpedal to gain a bit of distance.

I guess I can use this as training, too.

I punch the air ahead of me, still yards away from the Hollow. The air ripples as my energy infuses it, carrying the force of my punch the brief distance.

The Hollow's mask cracks slightly as the makeshift Hadouken connects.

I do my best to duck out of the way of a swipe with extended claws, the nails lengthening to close the distance during the swing. Unfortunately, it catches on my pajama bottoms, tearing deep into my leg.


"Got you!"

Blood spurts from the wound, so I'm pretty sure he nicked my femoral artery.

"Now you're mine!"

"No, not really."

I pull on the soul of the matter making up my body, closing the rent in my flesh and commanding the flesh to be made whole. The matter follows through as the soul complies, healing over without a single blemish as the bleeding stops.

The Hollow stops and stares.

"That's not very fair."

"Use what you got."

The leonine mask splits into a grin, "Fine! Here's what I've got!"

A bright crimson glow lights up at the back of his throat while I start to harden the air around me for defense. A massive Cero comes roaring out of the mouth of the tiger as I do my best to contain the explosive wave of spiritual energy.

I should probably be taking this fight to the sky. Somebody's gonna get hurt if I keep it on the street.

I punch my hands into the tarmac of the road beneath me, softening the road like cloth as I pick it up and throw it back down, sending a wave of rippling concrete at the enemy Hollow.

Kossweize jumps to avoid the car-flattening force, flying into the air above the street as the wave dies off down where the road meets an intersection.

"What the fuck are you!"

Do I troll the Hollow, or not?

I grin, the answer is obvious.

"I am an alien invader sent from Mars to capture Earth's women."

He growls, "Pull the other one."

"Oh, says the ghost shaped like a talking tiger!"

I duck to doge another Bala. It hits a parked car behind me, crushing the door and setting off the car alarm.

Right, taking this to the sky.

Bringer Light upwards, kick the cat as I climb, "Guh!", and keep going up to keep any Ceros directed upwards.

Kossweize dodges another blast of compressed air I send at him, blurring out of sight with Sonido and forcing me on the back foot as I have to dodge a barrage of Bala thrown between hops.

This is beginning to get irritating.


Ichigo sprinted down the street, the tiny form of Rukia carried on his back as she clung to his shihakusho.

"Rukia, that dumb phone of yours had better be right this time!"

They'd already taken three wrong turns due to her misreading the digital map.

"I told you, this is the latest in Hollow-tracking technology that the Research Institute has put out." She harrumphed.

"It's a buggy piece of crap!"

"So you don't want to find the Hollow, then? Because it- turn left here!"

She yanked on his ear like the reins of a horse, getting a bereaved grunt from the strawberry-headed shinigami substitute.

He turned left-

And immediately dove for cover as the street rose up in a massive tidal wave of earth and tarmac.

"What the hell!?"

"Ichigo, look up!"

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