Different than usual

"Are you feeling better now? Can you walk? Or do you need my help" Chen Ziyi raised an brow when she heard that.

Bai Muyin asked her with his mild tone but Chen Ziyi could detect that half genuine half unwilling tone. Her eyes then narrowed, staring at the lanky and good-looking Bai Muyin.

His refusal made her pout. Not that she wanted him to carry her in a bridal style, or eagerly rely on his support to walk, but he did not need to ask that. If he wanted to sincerely help her, he should done without asking her that. 'Are you okay? Here, let me help you.'

Moreover, with how he acted and his tone, does he think he can deceive me? She had been used to such deceiving disguise although she was only in working society for three years.

In truth, Bai Muyin was not a boy like wolf in sheep's clothing. He instead was a really smart and good-hearted guy. However, he as a person, he personally preferred that people to not rely on him or attached to him although his face would often show how a great guy he was.

Bai Muyin was the top student in his class, possess good physical and temperament, and always well-behaved around others which made others wanted to approach him. However, there were things that he dislike most and it was troubles and girls' unnecessary attachment to him. Simply said, he did not like unnecessary attention on him. That was why he too rarely left his desk to avoid from unnecessary crowding and only mingle with his study group members.

From his tone, Chen Ziyi could sensed that Bai Muyin did not mind to help her walk, but he would be more at ease if she could walk on her own. Feeling upset over Bai Muyin, sighing, Chen Ziyi politely rejected the help.

When they were preparing to step out of the infirmary, Chen Ziyi turned her head to look at the doctor. She never get acquainted with the doctor in the previous time, so she just asked out of curiosity and friendliness.

"Your surname is Chen? I don't know that".

"Of course you don't. You never been here." The man said giving back what she claimed just now. Upon she heard the man humorless sarcastic remark, she also gave a dry laugh, not minding the man's unrestrained act against her.

"We come from the same clan then." Chen Ziyi left after she dropped a short bright smile saying that.

Later, it was not only Han Meirong, but Bai Muyin and Doctor Chen also surprised at Chen Ziyi's behaviour. Although she was still like cold as usual and it was a bit friendlier, but who did not know about Chen Ziyi?

Even though Chen Ziyi's presence in the school was almost similar like a supporting cast in a school drama, which her character only appeared for once or twice but almost of the students and the teachers were aware of her cold and quiet image. On top of that, Bai Muyin and Han Meirong as the ones who had been Chen Ziyi's classmates for three years clearly know Chen Ziyi's character better than others, so they were more surprised for the unexpected change of behaviour.

Of course, Chen Ziyi herself did not notice anything.

It had been ten years Chen Ziyi last met her friends in previous life, she could not remember much how exactly she acted around them -the way she talked, the way she treated them while she was too content on how to groom herself, just in order to get onto her father's good side.

Meanwhile, during the five years after her mother's death, growing up, although there was barely friends that she can call as close friend, she gradually learned bit by bit to open her heart to accept any friendship or acquaintanceship. In addition, she was needed to do so if she wanted to enter into the society and survive. No man can survive alone.

No one know that the present Chen Ziyi was the future Chen Ziyi.

So, when she replied and said more than usual, and in fact have a conversation with them, it became a weird experience to them. Looking at the disappearing figure of both Chen Ziyi and Bai Yumin, Han Meirong excused herself after recollect herself back. Meanwhile Doctor Chen went back to his desk to do his work.

Rosehill Residence.

After Bai Yumin dropped her off, Chen Ziyi went to her unit and walked to her bedroom. At that time, her body memorized the way to go to her home. The building block, the sixth floor, the house unit's number, the password and the bedroom that she stayed for eleven years in her past life. Her headache came back while she was walking so when she entered her house, she paid no attention to anything else as she only wanted to lay down her head on her pillow.

That night, Chen Rumin came home from city B for an event where she was invited to become one of the university's guest in leading an academic session. She was supposed to return to Province G the next day, but after she received a text informing her that Chen Ziyi had fainted at school and for behaving different from usual, she was worried. Later, she declined the dinner invitation from her friends who recommended her to the university and promised that she would paid them later, as she need to return to her home as soon as possible.

Chen Rumin had a small fight with her daughter three days before she went to City B for the teaching invitation. She heard that her daughter fainted out of no reason and behaved weirdly from someone that she knew from the school.

She even made a call to both Bai Muyin and Han Meirong through their parents to inquire about the incident. She at first thought that it was possible that Chen Ziyi was reacting such way to attract her attention and to retaliate against her to force her to agree with her wishes. But, she heard from Han Meirong later that Chen Ziyi seemed had a severe headache.

Chen Rumin refused to concede to her daughter's wishes so she wanted to overlook the 'slightly weird' or 'change attitude' that she heard from what her friend texted her. But then, from what Han Meirong said, she deemed her daughter might really fell sick.

'Do I need to concede? But I don't want to concede. I just want her to be happy!'

Puzzled with her daughter's recent development, she sighed and walked to her daughter's bedroom. The door was slightly left opened. She saw her daughter who was still in her school uniform was sleeping soundly on her bed.

She was wearing indoor footwear which the bottom of it was covered with fur so her walking step did not make sound thus not waking up Chen Ziyi.

Chen Rumin took a seat on the bed beside Chen Ziyi's body. Her hand reached over to her daughter hair, gently stroking Chen Ziyi's hair and did a check up on her daughter's body, scrutinizing like if there was a scar or wound on the fair skin. When she had enough time looking at her daughter, she was trying to stand up to step out from the bedroom. However, Chen Ziyi woke up from her lying position and hugged her.

At that moment, it was Chen Rumin's turn to be stiffened for being hugged by her daughter. Her daughter was never the one to be coquettish type to her and she rarely act like a child wanted a candy. Her daughter was a cold type of girl, like her own-self, like any of Chen's should be. Chen Ziyi would only act kinder or different than usual when she wanted something that she was clearly unable to do by her own.

Chen Rumin currently thought that her daughter might be putting on act to make her loose guard against her. She felt upset and wanted to break from her daughter's hold, but Chen Ziyi's grumble made her stopped and looked back at her daughter's sleeping face that was frowned upon that movement. It deemed to her that her daughter just sleep-talking.

Chen Ziyi's eyebrow furrowed and Chen Rumin could not helped but to put her index finger at Chen Ziyi's furrowed eyebrow as like she was to ease the furrowed eyebrow by gently rubbing her fingers to her daughter's eyebrow.

Her eyes looked at the defenseless daughter in front of her. She suddenly felt that the daughter that used to look cold and try to act out of her way was just a little girl. Her little girl that was apparently more cute when she sleep compared to when she woke up and rebel against her. Frowned at the comparison, Chen Rumin put a little pressure when her fingers reached Chen Ziyi's forehead. Chen Ziyi's later frowned more to resist the pressure and Chen Rumin chuckled softly looking at her daughter's funny reaction.