Dream or Reality

3 November 2010.

When she opened her eyes, it was due to a familiar voice was calling her name. A familiar voice that she roughly recognized after ten years parting from junior high school. Han Meirong. She remembered her. She was her desk-mate during junior high school days for three years. She was also one of those who tried to reach out to her even until they met again during a high school competition, but she rejected her genuine intention.

At those time, she felt insecure of how she had no father and such pitiful fact was embarrassing thing for her to expose to anyone. She also was too content with whatever she was trying to do to get her father's attention till she lost sight on things happen around her.

There were three person standing in front of her in the room. Han Meirong, in her white school uniform, was looking at her with worried expression. A delicate-looking boy stood behind her and a man wearing white lab coat were also looking at her but more on stoic expression. The boy was Bai Yumin and he was a classmate of her and Han Meirong.

Bai Yumin and Han Meirong clearly were at ease when Chen Ziyi finally woke up from her faint. It was the last day to send the application form for their high school choice and Han Meirong found Chen Ziyi fainted in the girls' washroom. Bai Yumin was the first person she saw out in the hallway, so she asked for his help to carry Chen Ziyi to the school infirmary.

Looking at how Bai Yumin and Han Meirong's look showed a relief seeing her woke up somehow stirred her heart a bit. It had been long time that people was worried for her. Even if this could be just a dream, it was sure a nice feeling having people concern about you.

Chen Ziyi had a slightly headache as she could not think or recall properly of where was she right at that moment, and on what reason she was there. The last thing that she remembered, she took a short nap after she felt tired out of crying at her mother's tombstone. Chen Ziyi hold her aching temple with her hand while slowly woke up from lying to sitting position.

Her headache felt extremely painful and she could not helped but to frown upon it worsening the moment she sat up. Looking at how Chen Ziyi frowned, Han Meirong cautiously asked, "Are you okay, Ziyi?" Of course she asked without expectation that Chen Ziyi would respond to her as that was how Chen Ziyi dislike to expose her sorry state.

"Just headache. " Chen Ziyi complained while massaging her own temple. Hearing that, Han Meirong was a bit surprised. She was dumbfounded for a minute.

"I got nothing when I did a check up on you. So I can only give you this pills. Get a full rest or go to clinic for a full check up." The man with the white lab coat said while gave her a tab of pills. "It seems I can't get in touch with any of your parents. So how are you going to go your home?" he added again.

Chen Ziyi was not listening properly to what the man asked as her head was starting to ache again. There were flashes of images in her minds but she could not even remember any one of it. Her head felt like throbbing and her mind was chaos. Wit images flashes in her mind and real situation in front of her eyes, she became confused which one was a dream and which one was a reality.

Bai Muyin did not know what was wrong with Chen Ziyi but he could see that Chen Ziyi clearly not her paying attention to them. Sighing, Bai Muyin looked at Han Meirong instead and asked "Do you know which area her house is?"

The man replied before Han Meirong opened her mouth. "Rosehill Residence. Near the street 17."

Listening to that, realized that it was the address of her previous home before she moved into her father's house, she somewhat felt nostalgic. The address of the home that she stayed with her mother. Her home, not the house she currently stay with her Zheng's family.

Chen Ziyi clutched her chest that also was covered with same school uniform like Han Meirong's, and closed both her eyes, feeling sad on the fact that she could only go to the home she missed in her dream. She bowed her head to hide the sadness she felt at that time. She then suddenly asked the man with her interrogative tone "How do you know my home address?".

She never had this scene in her life and she never went to infirmary room when she was in Chenhe. She just felt that since it was a dream, she wanted to do something that out of her memory. Since she felt the dream was quite good, she could not helped but wanted to be greedier to stay in her dream for a longer time.

Chenhe was a junior high school that she attended in the Provincial G before she chose to go to Lanshu in Blue West- the city the Zheng's family live in. Lanshu was not her first choice when she was going to write her high school choice in the application form to enter high school. In fact it was never a choice she had in mind. She only wanted to move into her father's house and Lanshu was the only school that nearest to them and her brothers also attended Lanshu.

She had never been like to have interest to anything other than her father in her whole life, so she at least wanted to have this moment and be freer in her dream.

Not looking at Chen Ziyi, the man instead went to his computer and typed something then turned the screen facing Chen Ziyi. "The school have all your database." Hearing that, she just nodded accepting that answer.

"Then, you know our home address too?" Han Meirong asked, curiously looking at the man.

"I can search them if I type your name. Do you want me to do that now?" the man asked while pointing his both hand to the keyboard.

Hearing that, Han Meirong shook her head declining that. She was at ease that the man did not took advantage of the information access the school gave to him. What surprised her later was how Chen Ziyi being so active in expressing her curiousness.

"I never entered into this room, why would you know mine when you don't even search for it in the system? Are you sure you are not using the system in advance for your convenience?" Chen Ziyi asked while tilting her head a bit to bear the still pain. She then looked at Han Meirong and asked, "Do you see him doing that?" Han Meirong was not prepared to answer as she was still shock upon Chen Ziyi's behaviour.

As she was still contemplating to think and to answer Chen Ziyi's question, Bai Muyin interrupted. "Doctor Chen, her house is just in the same way that I use to go home, I can send her home." Bai Muyin said before looking at Chen Ziyi.