Even Bai Muyin Was Not Her Type

"Mom, are you not going to work today?" Looking at her mother who already wore her work attire but still did not look like she was ready to go for any moment. It was like she was taking her sweet time this time.

"I am giving my students a vacation. They have a deadline to catch on for other subjects so they can use those time for that purposes. But I still have to go for two more class after lunch time. You have a good time with your friends. There's no need to rush home. " Chen Rumin said while putting on the pendant on her daughter's neck. She then adjust so the locket would be kept hidden in the clothes. "Don't lose it". she added.

"Why are you giving me this locket at this time if it was to be hidden? What if I lose it," Chen Ziyi muttered while looking at the necklace.

"Because it was not for a show. And I afraid I will forget to give it to you later." Chen Rumin earnestly explained.

Chen Ziyi raised an eyebrow at that simple answer but she did not pester her mother to explain more.

If in the past, she would missed out any small details of her mother's attempt to avoid her question. But not today. Not after she returned to this life. She promised herself that she would pay extra attention to her mother in this life anyway.

Feeling that her mother did not explain much on the necklace, Chen Ziyi did not pry much on the matter and slipped her sling bag crossed her left body and let the pouch sat on her right hip. She then slipped into her coat before walked to the rack shoes.

Chen Ziyi put on the ankle sneakers to her feet then standing in front of her mother, and smile asking, "so How do I look?" Chen Rumin looked at her daughter imitating the 'How do I Look' show, from head to toes, and a faint smile appeared on her face.

"Pretty good? You look totally chic. Since when you are paying attention to ongoing trend? I am amazed!" Chen Rumin put both her hands on her mouth while looking excitedly to her daughter. She felt like it was unbelievable for her daughter to know that kind of style and even want to try it on.

Chen Ziyi ignored her mother's vivid comment. Both of them later walked together to the lobby area to since Han Meirong would be arrive in any minute.

"It was not a whim." Chen Ziyi faintly said while looking at ahead where there's nothing significant to see. "The decision is final."

It was not long before Han Meirong arrived, but while waiting for the car to arrive in front of the entrance, Chen Ziyi suddenly broke the silence. After few seconds, Chen Rumin then only could grasp that was for what she said to her daughter previously. Her daughter was worried she might doubting her decision to move to Province Y. She was going to reply her daughter in playful manner but she was captivated by her daughter's beautiful side profile.

Although there was hair pin clipped the jet black hair, there still few strands that slipped away. Fair skin, long jet black hair, average height, well, her daughter had not reached her peak of height yet. She then woke up from her daze when she heard her daughter said something.

"Meirong here, mom." Chen Ziyi said while looking at the car heading towards them. Chen Rumin blinked eyes before covered her embarrassing state while her daughter did not notice anything. But it's too late. Chen Ziyi looked at her mother who patted her own face and kind of trying to wake up from dozing off. "Are you okay, mom? You look strange?"

'Who's fault was that?!'

When Han Meirong saw that Chen Rumin was walking towards her as well, both her and her brother went out of the car to greet her. They met her few times on several occasion, and their parents knew her, so they assumed she must had a status in the society despite of looking like usual middle class people.

Be it either due to her own achievement or family background which they did not know much, they felt the need to pay respect to her. Besides, it was a manner to greet elders when they come to you and you already met them for few times.

"Teacher Chen."

"You are not my students. Why would you call me teacher? Just call me Aunt Chen."

Chen Rumin still hold her daughter's shoulder while politely greeted them back.

"I am giving you my daughter. Please take good care of her. This is her first time hanging out". Chen Rumin politely took Han Meirong's hand and looked at her with hopeful expression.

At that time, Han Meirong and her brother had the same thought, 'Are they going to a battle?' But considering how they never saw Chen Ziyi accompany Chen Rumin to any occasion previously, they just somehow can make a guess considering the place they were going to was a place for most upper class would go. Since it was a Friday, it was inevitable for them to meet few of them and considering Chen Ziyi had no experience in facing those people yet, Chen Rumin was simply worried how will Chen Ziyi act around them.

"Don't worry much, Aunt Chen. We will make sure one of us would always be there for her." By reminding how her mother educated her, and herself respecting Chen Rumin as an elder, she also hold Chen Rumin's hand reciprocating the feelings.

Chen Rumin gratefully smiled at the girl who's the desk was just beside her daughter's. For the past three years studying at the school, they never change the classes. ChenHe felt there was no need to do so as the students' arrangement was never made to rely on their entrance exam evaluation or yearly test marks but much rather on which path they were going to for the next three years.

The students who had their own goal either to go to another school or study abroad for both high school and university would be separated from students who had no intention to do so or have no clear goal yet. The students who entered the prep school but had not much potential to go at a level they need to be, also be kept under special care so they would later made an improvement. But they still were kept separated from those hardcore type in order to not interfere in their way to catch up studies.

The students' seat were also never changed much as the students would feel their seat were much more comfortable to have their own pace to study. Chen Ziyi's desk was on the second row from behind and nearest to school window. Han Meirong was her desk-mate on the right side and Bai Muyin's was in front of her while Wan Zhen's was behind her.

Despite of only 15 years old and she only join the social meetings for one year, Chen Rumin was impressed with Han Meirong's thoughtful consideration and appreciated those on behalf of her daughter who might not even know about that.

It was a first time for Chen Ziyi to join their group hang out and Chen Ziyi might feel awkward to go to the place alone. Both Bai Yumin and Wan Zhen were unable to join, so the duty left upon Han Meirong to help Chen Ziyi to be accustomed and not awkward during their gathering together later.

Thinking that, Chen Rumin truly feel grateful for Han Meirong's kindness. She then pushed her daughter to stand side with Han Meirong. Her eyes looked at Han Meirong with full affection like if she had a son, she would take Han Meirong as her daughter-in-law.

"Wait. I want to take a picture of both of you standing together. This will be a first memory of Chen Ziyi. I hope you don't mind, Meirong," Chen Rumin took out her phone from her pocket and turned on the camera application.

"Of course not." Han Meirong already accepted while glanced at the person who already felt embarrassed of her mother's the too friendly attitude. At that time, Chen Ziyi ear turned to red and there was dimple formed on her both cheek resulted from her smile enduring the embarrassment. It was a look that would make any boy or girl felt entice for a moment. Han Meirong glanced at her brother who was a bit affected by it. Then she slowly spoke to him ,"You're not her type. Even Bai Yumin never entered her eyes, why would you."

Ignored her brother's stunned reaction, she later bid goodbye to Chen Rumin and entered the car after they took a picture together. Although the attraction that her brother felt could be just a short time attraction like you suddenly can't be helped to be mesmerized for discovering a pretty girl walking on the streets, Han Meirong would be more than happy to stop her brother from having romantic idea toward Chen Ziyi.