Break Her Ice

Although she was not in close-friendship term much with with Chen Ziyi yet, but she had been on her side for three years. While Chen Ziyi seemed a bit different this time, and brighter, she had her own tacit understanding on few things about Chen Ziyi.

Although ChenHe was a prep school and the students had a lively schedule where they could barely find time to be in puppy love relationship, that did not stopped them from having attracted towards each other when they find the other one was attractive enough to make their heart fluttered.

Of course, ChenHe did not encourage for having early romantic interest as it may interfere with their studies, but they also did not stop them. The students' academic achievement was their number one priority and the students were aware of the bad consequences if such thing became a hindrance to their studies was to be discovered by the school.

During the three years, Han Meirong had never seen Chen Ziyi being attracted to any boy or even having crush towards any senior. Even Bai Muyin and an obvious outstanding senior did not enter Chen Ziyi' eyes as an interest, what more to have a romantic interest. Chen Ziyi would mostly spend her time in her private studio room to practice violin or piano if she was not studying in the class.

Considering how Chen Ziyi spend her time, Han Meirong can accept it when that desk-mate of hers did not even know that there was a senior that always looking fondly at her. No, how can she actually was not aware of that senior's obvious peeking and different treatment to her? The whole classmates of theirs and the senior's were aware of it. Who won't? If every time he had chance, he would peeked at Chen Ziyi and bashfully smiled. Unfortunately, the top one favorite student could not enter into Chen Ziyi eyes even until he left to study abroad.

Back to the point. Just assume Chen Ziyi might really not aware of that senior because they had no intersection that should allow them to have a moment together. But Bai Muyin? He was the second favourite and he sat in front of her. They spend time together in a group discussion. But?? So the top two favourite could not melt Chen Ziyi's ice. Then who else can? Her brother?? She can just laugh!

If Han Meirong was to draw what people would imagined Chen Ziyi was like in their mind, she would draw a woman with a soft smile but there were frozen ice and tangled yellow leaf behind the woman as a background. Yet, there were still people who would feel attracted to her image despite of her cold demeanor. Sigh!

However, in fact, Chen Ziyi was not that arrogant to ignore those who kindly approached her. She would have soft expression yet still aloof when they were talking to each other in class. She would look the most calm and sometimes expressive than usual when she was playing a piano or violin. It was until Han Meirong at a few times, unexpectedly saw Chen Ziyi in hurtful and broken state.

When she saw that, she couldn't helped herself but want to pull her into her embrace and patted her back like her brother would do to her to make her at ease. But every time, she was unable to do so as she was reluctant to barge in Chen Ziyi's personal space. Later, when she finally want to approach her, Chen Ziyi already back to her usual state and build another wall.

After few times encountering those, at every end of those moment, Han Meirong had her own judgement. It would be no easy for a man to enter into Chen Ziyi's eyes and get through the walls that had been built layer by layer.

Chen Ziyi also used to have this some sort of air and temperament which stay in the mid between approachable where you do not need to guard much against her yet they would feel that it was not easy to pry much on her life. But today, she looked like she had the kind of softer air around her making her easier to approach and friendlier than before.

Along the while, they had little chat about the restaurant and even reminded Chen Ziyi that she can talk to her if she wanted to walk around later. Chen Ziyi appreciated the thoughtful help thanked her. Han Meirong also formally introduce her brother to Chen Ziyi giving a glance towards her brother who became their driver for today. Chen Ziyi thanked Han Mujing for driving them and Han Mujing just nodded. Looking at her brother who seems already move on from the enticing, Han Meirong felt at ease.

When they arrived at the entrance lobby of the Conquest Plaza, there were other cars that also dropping off their passenger. Han Muzhe left the scene after he dropped them off. At that time, Han Meirong suddenly took a look towards Chen Ziyi's attire from head to toes.

Feeling already ease with Chen Ziyi, Han Meirong daringly took out her phone from her sling bag and took a selfie of both of them and later send the picture to the group message. She wrote a caption 'we are already at the plaza'.

Putting back the phone into her bag, she took a look again at Chen Ziyi. Feeling embarrassed, Chen Ziyi annoyingly asked her, " Can't you not look at me like that? We are both wearing nice dress," and the later just raised her left eyebrow and teased her again by keep looking at her.

Among others, Han Meirong was the one who always by her side even if it was just in a class setting, so she did not feel that difficult to suddenly had a change of attitude. When Chen Ziyi felt that they were walking very slowly due to Han Meirong deliberate stealing glances few times, she felt the need to stop Han Meirong's teasing act.

So she bravely took her own initiative by squishing herself towards Han Meirong's right side, locked Han Meirong's arm and walked faster. Han Meirong who was squished and pulled to walk faster just snickered at unexpected cute side of Chen Ziyi.

When they arrived at FuGui, they met with others who were also coincidentally arrived just a few minutes earlier than them. Looking how close Han Meirong and Chen Ziyi, and how they just looked like had a good time, laugh and smile, with Chen Ziyi's unusually change of act, they just looked at each other before greeting them.

Almost all of them were already there leaving Lu Zixin and Ren Linna. Lu Zixin said he was going to be a bit late and they should start without him. Ren Linna later arrived sometime after Han Meirong went to talk to the receptionist to check in their reservation.

The temperature in FuGui was not cold as outside. So they already put off their coat as they start to feel the heat and just hold them by one hand before walking into the corridor to go the eating area. From the entrance, they could only see a receptionist and a corridor path. They have to walk through the corridor to go to their room. When they were walking along the path, they really look like a bunch of school kids going for an excursion. But the difference was that they know how to act in a proper manner and not making noise while walking along the pathway.

While walking, Chen Ziyi did not forget to enjoy the the settings and the mood along the corridor while being accompanied by Ren Linna on her right side. Han Meirong was already at the front of the group lead by one the waiter as the reservation was put under her name. Ren Linna did not forget to ask Chen Ziyi's well-being. She was still at school when Chen Ziyi was brought to the infirmary. She heard the situation from Han Meirong when she bumped into her on one of her outings.

The rooms were divided and sorted according to size of the guests. There were room for two, six, ten, sixteen, and twenty. Since there was only eight of them, Han Meirong took the room for ten and their room was the first room for ten opposite of the room for six.

When they entered the room, they took their seat respectively after put their coat at the the back of their chair. The table was a big round table fit for ten seats and Chen Ziyi took the seat in the middle between Han Meirong and Ren Linna.

"It seems Lu Zixin will be really late". Lin Chao-xing said while looking towards her phone's screen, reading a text sent by Lu Zixin in the group.

"Let's make him treat us an ice cream later" Fang Peizhi, the girl with a shoulder- length ponytail black hair, said raising her eyebrow and smile widely inviting others to make a mischief with her. Fang PeiZhi always the mischievous and bright one among the girls despite of her gentle appearance. With Wan Zhen as her fellow, they would often initiated to have basketball game and would persuade others to have girl vs. boy in any competition. Compared to Da Chunhao, despite of her rough look, she would show her gentle and elegance side when she played instrument musical.