What They Missed

There were loopholes in her stories explanation but they were all quiet listening to her. Although Chen Ziyi was smiling and looked calm, they could see how hurtful expression that she subconsciously had when she was telling her story. Chen Ziyi was unable to forget all those previous memories while she was telling every each detail. She could not helped but to remember of what her brothers did to her in her past life. A life that she claimed as 'normal life'.

Although Lin Chao-xing and the others were just teenagers, which kids their age would not be able to emphatic much on this kind of thing unless they themselves went through all those unfortunate events, they could see that it must be painful for her to go through all that. They suddenly felt grateful for their family although it was not forever harmonious. At least they still got their love share from their parents and their siblings, but Chen Ziyi? She was clearly abandoned by her own father and brother. Fathers made to spoil their daughter and siblings made to care each other. They have either one of those thing. Chen Ziyi only has her mom.

Few of them were aware of Chen Rumin was a single mother living with Chen Ziyi. They rarely saw Chen Ziyi's father attend to any of their school event and sometimes heard talks from their parents. Their talks includes how Chen Rumin tried every way and connections to make Zheng's family to not enter into the city as it was like her turf and no opportunity for them to meet with Chen Ziyi.

Chen Rumin on the other side, never concealed that fact and never hide her status of a divorcee. Her status as a single mother for 10 years, living as a proud lecturer at University M in the city and maintain her dignity made others even impressed. Although Chen Rumin had her own cold temperament and proud of herself, but to them, it was not overbearing. It was a result of her own achievement that people naturally understand, and instead respect her. The Zhengs efforts to make others looked at Chen Rumin as an unreasonable woman, by playing victim of Chen Rumin's cold wrath was only fruitful among their circles in Blue West city.

Although they heard the stories, they still unable to hold their sympathy and sad when Chen Ziyi told them about her growing up without a father. They often listened how their mother admire and impressed with Chen Rumin for able to manage live with Chen Ziyi as a single mother, but alas they missed about Chen Ziyi who had to live without a father figure in the house. The girls felt like a sharp blade stabbed into their heart and there was more than usual coldness air circling their body causing tingling eerie.

It was quiet.

Chen Ziyi felt a hand softly embraced her left hand. It was Ren Linna. Han Meirong on her right also hold her right hand and gave her an encouraging smile. Suddenly, Lin Chao-xing being the most expressive girl she always had, get up from her seat and walked around the table, step by step towards her and hugged Chen Ziyi from behind. She was later followed by Fang Peizhi, An Huiyin and Da Chunhao. They took turn giving her hug hoping it would at least soothe her grief.

Chen Ziyi's heart was moved with their kind gesture. She could only say thank you to reciprocate them. She then saw Lu Zixin was staring at her while giving a thumb. "Do you need my hug too?" Lu Zixin jokingly teased. Chen Ziyi just laugh softly and rejected him.

"No thanks. Your thoughts are already enough," Soon Chen Ziyi said that, they all just laughed. An Huiyin stroked her tears that had been burn her eyes while listening to Chen Ziyi's story.

"Look. She literally cried for you," Lu Zixin said while chuckle pointing his right index finger at An Huiyin who seat on his left.

"Shut up!" An Huiyin cried out with her small voice to Lu Zixin and hit his shoulder with a little strength from her small fist. The little strength did not even budge Lu Zixin. Before An Huiyin want to hit him for the second time, Lu Zixin already caught her fist bump and made a hurtful expression. "Don't hit me anymore. It hurts". An Huiyin then made a worried look.

Looking at them, Fang Peizhi was the first one call out. "Liar. You didn't even budge. You just want to tease her!"

"Yeah. Don't make such scene in front of us." Lin Chao-xing then hurriedly to her seat and hit Lu Zixin's back continuously. Fang Peizhi then joined her but their punch was like massaging him. They just laughed at the scene. The scene replaced the sad atmosphere that was created just now and they were thankful to Lu Zixin for that.

They later continued their chat on their progress on high school preparation and what they will do while waiting for their school start.

"So which school you are going at Provincial Y?" Lu Zixin asked Chen Ziyi. Again, they let Lu Zixin be the questioner.

"I am not sure yet. If it was according to my mother's initial arrangement, it should be ZunYin."

"Most of us are actually transferring to cities near each other. Only Huiyin, Linna and Bai Muyin would study abroad. We can actually can find time to meet later if we have time. However, I am actually far to the north." Lu Zixin said.

"Say, Ziyi. What will you do for the rest of vacation other than packing your things? When will you set off to Province Y?" Lin Chao-xing asked.

"Should be on 20th December. I might be celebrating the new year in Province Y with my mother and her friends. Other than packing, nothing much to do. My mother also said we would just purchase anything that we need when we arrive at the new place." Chen Ziyi replied.

"Then, join us. We are going to send Bai Muyin, Linna and Huiyin at the airport. Bai Muyin and Huiyin will depart on the same day, while Linna a day before you set off. Their flights would be morning flight, so we can have little sightseeing around the place after that."

"We can go together. Like today, I will text you before I pick you up." Han Meirong said to Chen Ziyi.

"How can I make you drive me again. I mean not you literally, but still."

"It's my brother who would be the driver. Don't worry about that. He will be more than happy to have you in his car," Han Meirong jokingly teased her even though she knew that Chen Ziyi would be oblivious to that.

"I can't make your mom drive us right. My mother would punish us to do that. It is one of my brother's duty to drive me around as he doted on me. His beloved younger sister." Han Meirong added to convince Chen Ziyi to agree with her arrangement.

Hearing that, Chen Ziyi squinted her eyes at the offer. She was actually felt envious when Han Meirong proudly show off her brother's love. But she later agreed before saying she wanted to go to the washroom. Ren Linna and Han Meirong also went with her. Han Meirong returned first to their room as there was still Ren Linna that could accompany Chen Ziyi.

When Chen Ziyi walked out from the washroom, she could feel the temperature in the corridor quite lower than their private room. When she was turning her body to face the washroom while waiting for Ren Linna, a man walked out of the men's washroom and suddenly his left hand unintentionally crash with Chen Ziyi right hand. Both their wrist were locked to each other.