Ignoring the Zheng's Siblings

Those children who came to accompany their parents would not enter into his eyes. Unless his family introduced him to them, he would not mind them until he need them later. To him, the kids were also forced by their parents to tag along, merely making connection for their future prospect or for their family's image.

In fact, they were all just kids. They still had long way to go and any changes can happen. It was not like the families he met in those gatherings were of powerful or distinguishes families that he should not bear to offend.

However, later, Tian Qisong remembered his father once said that he must be alerted when someone recognized and greeted him. When someone know him, but he didn't know that person, it shows how his ignorance made him different with that person. Someone who could discern people who he met should be wary of. They may know his strength and weakness, but he himself didn't know the other's.

Jin Zedong however was much more arrogant. Although his grandfather had always reminded him to make a good connection with others, he was not that modest to remember anyone who did not meet his 'eyes'. He would not approach those who he think not outstanding to his eyes . He did not even made an effort to remember others' name and only mingle in his own circle. His 'same level' circle. Lu Zixin could see that but he did not mind at all. In fact, he was only introduced by his father to them only for once.

Compared to Tian Qisong and Jin Zedong, despite of his easygoing and carefree image, he was taught by his father to remember every name and every face that he introduced to him. Whenever Lu Zixin went to those social meets with his family, his father or brother would at least bring him along to be introduced once to everyone, one by one. His brother would also often share with him what he know, of those people, even it was little information, so Lu Zixin had a rough knowledge of those attendees' background.

"Have we met before?" Jin Zedong asked, tried to recall Lu Zixin's identity but he failed. Upon she heard Jin Zedong's voice asking Lu Zixin, Chen Ziyi's expression turned stiff and her fingers clenched hard Han Meirong's coat tip. Han Meirong turned her eyes to Chen Ziyi who had dark expression. It dawned on her that Chen Ziyi seems very wary of the man Lu Zixin seems familiar to. Chen Ziyi's body were facing at her and she could see that Chen Ziyi was also avoiding from meeting eyes with someone.

"We met each other once." Hearing that, Jin Zedong felt relief. He was hesitate before, thinking that he should remember anyone who hold higher status than him if they had met before. However, after listen that they only met once, and he could not remember anything about him, the boy might not a significant figure. Thinking that Lu Zixin could recognize him by only met once might only coincidence, he shrugged it off.

"I'm not sure if my two friends here had met you. But, Ziyi, do you know them?"

Chen Ziyi at that time did not know what to response. She should not know Jin Zedong and Zheng Haozu's other friends at this time. She only saw Tian Qisong few times when he came to Zheng's old house to meet Zheng Haozu. Now, the future started to change since she changed her life course. Slowly, meet Lu Zixin's eyes with her asking-for-help eyes while still holding Han Meirong's coat tip, she whispered, "I'm not familiar with him and the others. I only met with the Tian few times and he was friends with him."

Lu Zixin was not that slow to catch up what was going on. He too can see that Chen Ziyi was not very welcoming the group of the men. Observe the situation in front of him, included on how Chen Ziyi silently pleaded him with her eyes, he could finally match the puzzles. In fact, he could already guess what the other reason could be, for Chen Ziyi to agree to follow her mother to transfer to Province Y instead of staying in the same province with these guys.

The silent eyes interaction between him and Chen Ziyi was a short one and it was only between them, unnoticed by the others.

"So you only know Young Master Tian, and him? You never met the others?"

Chen hesitantly nodded. Her response piqued the group's attention.

Chen Ziyi did not bother to introduce her siblings but instead Tian Qisong. Zheng Shuyu, Zheng Haozu and Zheng Ziyan was red-faced for being ignored and felt that Chen Ziyi was deliberately ignoring their presence. Chen Ziyi did not introduced them and only titled Zheng Haozu as 'him', and it was only connected with Tian Qisong. Tian Qisong also felt weird when Chen Ziyi only greeted him as 'the Tian one', not 'Qisong brother' like before.

Previously, whenever they met, Chen Ziyi herself did not how to greet him, so she called him 'Qisong brother' despite of him already showed his refusal to be connected to her. Zheng Haozu did not acknowledge her as his sister, he as Haozu's friend too would not acknowledge her as his friend's sister. With him had no official title yet and being older than her, he just let her go with the awkward calling name. Fortunately, they were not in the same city so they would meet less and less chance for Chen Ziyi to call him like that. It was a different thing when he heard from Zheng Haozu that she was going to study at LanShu as her high school. since she would only need to call him as Senior.

Tian Qisong gazed at Chen Ziyi with his confuse eyes. Meanwhile, the rest of the group looked at her with hostile and unfriendly gaze, and she could sense the hostility from them. To them, it was like Chen Ziyi deliberately ignored them to have their attention and they just sneered at her foolish attempt. With Chen Ziyi silence herself, both Han Meirong and Ren Linna also shook their head, denied that they know them, giving excuses that there was too much people to remember for their 15 year old memory.

"I'm sure I would remember anyone that I was introduced to. But I can't seem to remember any of them. Well,.. although I was invited to almost all of the social meets, but I did not attend every of them. Unlike other people, I am not required much to show my face so I only went to one when I have free time. So.., I think it's because of that, that I never met them. " Ren Linna gave her honest explanation to Lu Zixin, with her acting like a proper young lady from a super noble house, indicating her status in the social standing was very high that she did not need to show her face so frequent and it was inevitable that she never know Tian Qisong and Jin Zedong.

Ren Linna did not forget to tuck her hair behind her ear and gave her sweetest smile to both Tian Qisong and Jin Zedong when she ended her explanation. The hint from Ren Linna was obvious to them, and for the first time, Tian Qisong and Jin Zedong felt suppressed for that. All those while, they were always at the top, looking down on others. Now, for the first time, they met with someone who's status was higher than them and they didn't even know what identity the girl hold.

To both Chen Ziyi and Han Meirong, Ren Linna was a true perfect sample lady from an upper class family. Their classmates all also acknowledged that. By looking at how gracefully she act, speak, manners, they all could apprehend what a background that Ren Linna must had.

Watched how Ren Linna boasted her high social status with grace, yet still silently try to do it in intimidating way, Chen Ziyi's stiffened body loosened.


"Hello. Young master Tian, it seems like Ziyi only know you and him," Han Meirong eyes glanced at Zheng Haozu for a second when she mentioned 'him' before turned her gaze sharply at Tian Qisong. Again, Zheng Haozu was furious for being mentioned as only 'him' with no titles or at least a name. To him, it should be Zheng Haozu and his friend. However, because of Chen Ziyi did not introduce him properly, it became like Tian Qisong and his friend.

Brushing off Zheng Haozu's reddened face, Han Meirong continued her mission. "And apparently she looks like she scared of you and your friends. Is it possible that you are bullying her? Do you... actually aware of what is this place? Let me kindly remind you, this is FuGui. Do you know what kind of people are coming to this place? Who is the owner of this place? This Conquest Plaza? Who owned it? I am sure you must not from our region, right? Looking at your accent and style, you must be from the Blue West city, the west side of our province. Haaa~ you must have lack of info on us right? This area is our turf. How can you so bold to bully Ziyi in our own turf? The owner of FuGui was a good acquaintance of Ziyi's mother and most of Aunt Chen's connection are the people of this province. Your city? The paradise you young master resided at? It was just another city to us and you so daringly want to pick on Ziyi?"