What am I to You (I)

"What a long babbling you gave to him, Meirong?" A familiar hoarse man's voice suddenly came to them. It was obvious from his tone, that he was annoyed. The sound was like when a student snapped when his good nap was disturbed by other student's noise.

"Wan Zhen! I thought you couldn't come?! We already finished our meal," Han Meirong, Ren Linna and Chen Ziyi were surprised of Wan Zhen's sudden appearance. Wan Zhen, the baddest boy among their classmates, came to them with a full black and white suit on his tall body.

"Chao-xing and Peizi forced me to come. I just came from a ceremony and did not had time to change my clothes at all." Wan Zhen gave them a brief explanation for his sudden appearance. He then gave his big smile, showing his white teeth towards his friends.

"What are you guys doing out here? I thought you guys would be in the room." Wan Zhen stroked his hair that was neatly combed while speaking to them. He did not even bother to cast his eyes on the group of people that he think he was not so familiar to.

With another sudden appearance, everyone mood became awkward. Han Meirong whispered to Wan Zhen about the whole event and Wan Zhen's brow furrowed as he listened to the story. Then he looked at Chen Ziyi and the group of strangers back and forth.

Wan Zhen released a hard chuckle while his right index finger rubbing his eye brow . He turned his body, facing Tian Qisong and the others, with both his hand were in his pocket and a looking-for-a-fight expression. He did not need to lift his chin up to meet their eyes as there was not much difference with their height, but he still lifted his chin up and smugly squinted his eyes to them.

"Heh~I also don't know you. But I really want to share with you. Grandfather Tian and Grandfather Jin do recognize us. So, later, if curiosity hit you hard, you can just ask Grandfather Tian about us. My family might not that high status like my friends and not like yours, but even Grandfather Tian was not that bold to look down on us."

Although Wan Zhen was much clearly younger than them, but he did not even regard them as his senior. More than that, again, he also ignore Zheng Haozu's presence. It was like five of them deliberately ignored both Zheng Haozu and Zheng Shuyu.

It was not until Zheng Haozu could not hold his anger towards Chen Ziyi.

"Chen Ziyi. What am I in your eyes that you did not even greet me? Too ashamed to introduce me to your friends? Who do you think you are?" Zheng Haozu walked closer, towering Chen Ziyi. He was boiling hard when Chen Ziyi brushing off him and intentionally not introducing him properly, making her friends also ignored his presence. His sister's, Zheng Shuyu's presence was also ignored by them and it was all because of Chen Ziyi.

Chen Ziyi became alerted upon she heard him. That voice. It was Zheng Haozu's voice when he was snapped and when his anger almost reach the peak. The second brother myths truly fits Zheng Haozu's nature when he clearly more hot-tempered compared to their eldest brother.

Zheng Rong and Zheng Haoze would never laid their hands on her or hurt her physically, but Zheng Haozu would. He had hit her few times in her past life. He slapped her, kicked her, and pushed her off. Her second brother would turned to the worst human being when it involved Zheng Shuyu.

Shuddered, Chen Ziyi gasped for an air, thinking back how furious and cruel her brother could be. She subconsciously stepped back. Her mind was suddenly in chaos. The memories of her tortured days flashed in her mind. Sorting her thoughts, her eyes finally landed on the pair of shoes facing her. There was another pair of shoes behind that shoes, but with smaller sizes. Later, her eyes could see the small hand clasped the tip edge of the shirt her brother wore.

The memory of the fierce nights then came to her. The moans, groans, grunts, gasp and rhythmic obscene sounds in that room- all of that- she still can remember them. The rough imagination of those do lewd things to each other made her sicken more. She was not prepare yet to look at them. She was unwilling to look at her two step-siblings standing side by side in front of her. She couldn't look at their face, who to others, the picture be so harmony side by side, - but not her, without a nauseate feeling in her heart.

"Ziyi. Are you alright? You're shivering!" Han Meirong with her big eyes, worriedly grabbed Chen Ziyi's arm, woke her up from the nightmare. She could see- everyone could see actually, her suddenly pale face- how Chen Ziyi quite terrified of the man who walked over to her. Han Meirong and Chen Ziyi looked into each other, eye meets eye, exchanged their silent interaction.

For the first time, she felt closer with Chen Ziyi. One layer down. She didn't mind if she could only tear down one layer,- at least she had one.

She bit her lower lip and tightened her hold. To give her friend a strength.

"I'm not sure I am ready for this, Meirong." Feeling the warm kindness from Han Meirong, Chen Ziyi muttered.

"Yes?" Unfortunately, Han Meirong clearly did not understand what was that for.

"Do you think I can do this?" Han Meirong tilted her head a bit, confused.

"Are you acting some role-play right now? Acting like you so scared of me, like I am so hellish. Chen Ziyi, are you listening to me or not? Ignoring me again?" Zheng Haozu hissed.

Frowned, Han Meirong wanted to speak for Chen Ziyi, but was stopped by Zheng Haozu

"Don't try to butt in between me and her!"

Sigh! That brother of hers!

He really won't let me get my way!

'Nah~ Not that easy. I don't want to speak to you. I don't even want to see your face,' she thought to herself.

Chen Ziyi managed to calm herself before turned to Tian Qisong. "You don't need to act out of your way against me, Senior Tian. I am the one who asked my mother to cancel the transfer procedure. I know my mother better than you. Rather than you keep on badmouthing other people and back stabbed others, you should just take care of your own matter. I doubt you even qualified to be the heir. Your elder cousin are clearly much better than you. I believe your grandfather shared the same belief with mine."

It was true that Tian Qisong defeated his cousins in competing for the general manager position in the future, but it was not the top important position in the company. Why must they compete for the second important position? It was because their grandfather had his own hidden agenda and had his own candidate to be trained as the next leader of the company. The position of the CEO never was advertised as the position to compete for. Later, it turned out an elder cousin that they never met came back from abroad to take the CEO position.

Tian Qisong did not expected that Chen Ziyi would response to him in such way. Meanwhile, he felt weird for her to call him by 'Senior Tian' as they were not in the same school and she even spoke like she knew the situation of his family.

"Anyway. I am not going to Lanshu. Do you want to know why?"

"Because your school sucks." When Chen Ziyi suddenly cursed but in an effortlessly calm manner, her friends had their questioning look at her. Although they too had badmouthed the school just now in the room, saying Chen Ziyi was worth more than studying at Lanshu, they would not be so frank and straightforward in front of the students who attend the school. Now, Chen Ziyi the one who had a look like she was trying pick a fight with them by downgrading their school.

'So what? What do I care about them? You're the one who start this.' Feeling a little satisfied with her remark, she crossed her arm over her chest and lifted her chin up, smirk and meet Tian Qisong eyes.

"That was just one of the reasons. I don't want to explain everything to you since there's no need for me to do, right? But, now I really want to tell you. I can't bear to study under the same roof with you and your friends. And transferring there would mean I have to move in to my father's house and imagining that, I am not willing. I can't bear to live in the same place with people I am terrified with. With him and her. It will be really unbelievable and disgusting. I feel like I want to throw up every time I imagine that my feet will step into that house." To her friends, Chen Ziyi looked like she had been wanting to do things like that. Provoking others than had a satisfied look. That too-prideful-look.