Why Are You Crying

Almost every face had surprised expression hearing that and felt that Zheng Haozu was really insane to be able do such thing to his own sister. Their eyes could not help but to look at Zheng Haozu with disdain.

"He hit you, before, Ziyi? Did your mother know about it?" Han Meirong turned her body facing Chen Ziyi, asked with her worried look.

"He pushed me off the stairs once. He hit me twice. Once, he said it was an accident that he want to save her. Later on, he said I was the one who want to fight with her. The funny part of the story, the reason for hurting me physically, every time, each incident, was all because of that girl. Even my mother could not do anything if everyone in the Zheng chose to believe her, even if it was lies." 'and he will continue to do so in the future' she thought to herself. Chen Ziyi laughed bitterly at her own pathetic life.

Han Meirong could not help but to hug her friend who clearly had that hurtful expression.

"Thats- insane! Even if he favors another much than the other, no brother would hit one. My brother would never do me like that. And I never seen others like that. How could him... to you," sobbed, Han Meirong could not help but feel want to cry.

She had been holding her urge so long since Chen Ziyi's brother slapped her. Her eyes was red and she was holding on her tears in her eyes.

She could not help but to pity her friend for having such absurd brother. Her hand patted Chen Ziyi's back as in to soothe her friend's sadness. However, both of them knew it was not enough. It instead might enough only to soothe her own sadness that she felt on behalf of Chen Ziyi.

When Han Meirong had her own time soothing Chen Ziyi, Zheng Shuyu was not satisfied with the scene happened in front of her. There should be no person who would stand for her sister and even if there was, Chen Ziyi should reject them like usual. Everyone include her, should know that Chen Ziyi dislike the most when her vulnerable state was exposed.

Zheng Shuyu was full aware that her sister did not like other people to know their family story as it was like preaching her most private part of life. Chen Ziyi did not want to be connected to an embarrassing event so she would keep their relationship hidden.

Having divorce parents already wounded Chen Ziyi, Zheng Shuyu was sure Chen Ziyi's pride would not allow her to expose more of her embarrassing state. She was sure that Chen Ziyi would not allow her friend or other people to enter into her life. That was why she would take in charge every time they had fight and everyone would believe her side story and put Chen Ziyi in difficult spot.

However, nothing like that happened today. There were friends that stood up for her sister and they even helped her going against her brother and her.

That man. She intentionally told her side story first at that man to get his attention, but apparently he already familiar with Chen Ziyi first and even sided with her! Even brother Tian could not hold up to her.

She was not happy seeing the warmth scene in front of her and subconsciously stiffened. Her face also frowned and Zheng Haozu who saw that, misunderstood them as her feeling wronged by what Chen Ziyi said, throw a hostile look toward Chen Ziyi.

"What do you mean by lies, Chen Ziyi? What do you mean by I hit you because of her? What? you want to feel another hit that was not because of her?"

"What do you mean by you want to hit Ziyi again?" Another voice that not did not came from Chen Ziyi's group sound.

It was Lin Chao-xing and An Huiyin. Previously, Lu Zixin texted Lin Chao-xing to come help them. They did came in two and did not asked Da Chunhao and Fang Peizhi to come along as too many people would cause commotion and attract attention.

He himself did not expect that Wan Zhen would arrived and even join the mission to save Chen Ziyi. Lu Zixin intentionally asked Lin Chao-xing to come as they need someone like Han Meirong to make up the quantity. In fact, Lin Chao-xing was much braver than any of them and better in using word.

Fang Peizhi was not on his option list because he was afraid that that she would later cause more trouble than they ever need. Holding off Wan Zhen was already difficult thing to do.

"Ziyi, what happened to you? Who.. is so heartless to give you this wound?"

Yes. Although An Huiyin looked like a soft-heart girl, with her soft-spoken talking style, when her caring instinct woke up, nobody could underestimate her choice of words. The reason Lu Zixin asked Lin Chao-xing to tag An Huiyin along with her because he know An Huiyin could make a dramatic show with her extra caring personality.

An Huiyin rushed into Chen Ziyi who was still hugged by Han Meirong. Her hands tried to touch Chen Ziyi's face and Chen Ziyi winced when An Huiyin slightly touched the pain area.

She silently hissed and closed her eyes enduring the pain. As a result, her tears flow down again.

"What are you doing? Don't you see she's hurt?" Han Meirong pulled Chen Ziyi's body away, when she heard her hissed.

"I don't know how pain she is. I'm sorry, Ziyi". Looking at that hurtful expression of her friend, An Huiyin rushed to hug Chen Ziyi.

"It's hot girls," Chen Ziyi pushed both her friend away when she truly started to feel heat. She could not wipe her tears away as any slightly touch on her skin would be unbearable pain. So the left side of her face was messed due to the tears water.

She wore unbearable pitiful look when she could only wipe her right side face. An Huiyin's eyes then looked at Han Meirong who also wore a sad face.

"Why are you crying then?" An Huiyin asked Han Meirong. She could see how red eyes that Han Meirong had on her face.

Han Meirong with her red eyes, stroked away her tears before telling the whole story to An Huiyin and Lin Chao-xing. While she was wiping her tears, her eyes met with Chen Ziyi's and then they suddenly laughed,but the laugh was just a short and a soft one.

When Lin Chao-xing and An Huiyin came just now, Jiang Jingguo was like discontent for the increasing people in his watch.

'Why the numbers keep increasing?' He sighed. He still wanted to eat and now he was trapped in the situation. He would not stand here if not because of that person asked him to find out about what kind of situation Ren Linna was caught.

More people in the hallway would attract more eyes to this area, especially when it involve a group of underage kids. While he's thinking on how to end the fight sooner, he also listened to Han Meirong's side explanation on the whole issue.

When they also laughed while talking on the issue, Jiang Jingguo also looked at them. Looking at the warmth scene in front of him, he could not help but to feel the warmth.

Such scene could only be felt and experienced by friends who were sincere toward each other. Those warmth would make them closer and has good feelings toward each other in the future.

"Hmm. This case is very tricky." After listening to the full situation explained by Han Meirong, Lin Chao-xing spoke.

Jiang Jingguo could not help but want to hold his laugh hearing that. 'What kind of tricky case you talking about, girl' he thought to himself.

Lin Chao-xing's ambition was to become a lawyer. Her mother told her that she has to learn to rely only on facts if she want to be a good lawyer.

Every facts and evidence must be presence on the court to win a case. Although she was still only fifteen years old and there was still three years to go, her mother said it was not a harm to train oneself to have those skills.

By keep practicing, she could form a habit, and it will turn to a skill in the future. Lin Chao-xing acted like she was interrogating her witnesses of a case.

"Hm, that's very inhuman. It is normal to have siblings fight or a case where a sibling favor one over another, but it is very heartless to hit your own sibling for another one. I believe It is every brother's duty to protect his siblings no matter on what reason."

"I had a fight too with my cousin girl. Her brother did not hit me, but instead asked for our parents to solve it. I got punished by both my mother and my grandmother. Because he know it was children fight and it was not his right to hit me even if it was my fault."