Never Listen

"My message from this story is, Mr Zheng, regardless of situation, you have no right to hit Chen Ziyi. Especially when both of you only have same father. I believe that nobody gave you permission to have that authority, right? I have no doubts that Miss Chen never gave you permission to touch Chen Ziyi." The 'Miss Chen' she was saying was implying to Chen Rumin.

Lin Chao-xing used her firmest tone that she had. She used to observe how her aunt talked when her aunt argued facts with her father. She could not help but to copy her aunt's argue style to win this moment.

Looking at Lin Chao-xing nonchalant act 'case presenting', Jiang Jingguo was laughing hard in his heart. He did not expect to get to watch such a show. 'Bai Wenqi, you definitely missed a great show.'

"Chen Ziyi is clearly your sister although you hold different surname. It is a fact and even written on her birth certificate and it is official! But you clearly dislike her, for no reason. Regardless how much you want to vent your anger towards Chen Ziyi, you have no right over her. On what ground you can touch her skin? Who are you, Mr Zheng?"

As Lin Chao-xing continued her talking, she walked closer facing Zheng Haozu. Although she was clearly shorter than Zheng Haozu, she was not afraid of him as she lifted her chin up to look at him, eyes to eyes. She crossed her arms over her chest showed her defiance towards him.

Zheng Haozu realized that the shorter girl who talked like presenting a case now was a child of others and he would be in trouble if he was truly hit her, so he suppressed his urge to hit her.

He would hit any of those who aim to hurt his Shuyu regardless of their genders. So he could only ignore the presence of the overbearing girl in front of him, instead looked at Chen Ziyi who seemed smile after being soothe by her friends, with hostile. To him, Chen Ziyi should not be smiling after she embarrassed him in that way.

"Chen Ziyi, what kind of nonsense you tell to your friends about Shuyu?" Zheng Haozu voiced out his question that he wanted to throw out since the beginning. He noticed that each of Chen Ziyi's friends deliberately ignore Shuyu's presence and did not even mention Shuyu's name.

Then, when the adult man who seemed enjoyed watching their fight also ignored Zheng Shuyu, it made him furious more.

Hearing that, Chen Ziyi released a bitter laugh and crossed her arm over her chest. He looked at her with his raised eyebrow.

"Telling nonsense things about her to my friends? Do you know that, in Chenhe, we have to study very hard that I don't have leisure time to talk about her to my friends. Do you think she worth that much for me to spend my study time just to mention her name to my friends?"

"Chen Ziyi..... You...!... Heh! Who know you might be jealous of her that you just feel you want to spread rumors about her?"

"Use your brain, Zheng Haozu!"

Chen Ziyi was not hesitate to call him by name only. It was like it came from her lips naturally without any sense of sibling bonding between both of them.

"Use you brain, Zheng Haozu. Why would I tell about her to my friends? You are from Blue West, we are local here. We would never meet you in anyway. We have no reason to. Even if I tell them, which I won't, would they know her? Would they know her face? Tell me, for what purpose I tell my friends about her? Jealous? hah~"

"I... I don't understand what is it that you can't understand. Schedules in Chenhe was so tight that I don't think I have time to leisurely talk about random people to my friends. With her status that clearly at the bottom at my priority, do you think I have time to talk about her? And I-I did say I don't like her. I don't even want to mention about her to my friends. You know clearly that I don't want to expose that shameful part to others, then why would I talk about her to my friends?"

"Why would I gleefully talking about someone who shamelessly snatched everything from me?"

"Unworthy.. Random...Bottom priority... Shameful... Shamelessly snatched???"

"What did Shuyu snatched from you again? I still remember, since we were small, you always throw tantrum saying Shuyu snatched things from you and you would making ruckus about it. Later, your mother would along with you making ruckus with grandmother and grandfather." Zheng Haozu's mouth twitched as he recalled the memories.

"Shamelessly snatched? Aren't you the one who shamelessly acting like this world revolve around you? Shamelessly thinking you're the princess and farming Shuyu taking yours, which I think they never belong to you. You are the shameless one trying to use your own friends bullying Shuyu in front of me."

Upon hearing that, Chen Ziyi could only helplessly sighed. She couldn't believe it. No- she was aware hundred percent of how Zheng Shuyu would have domineer position in Zheng Haozu's thoughts, but she did not expected that it could be so worse.

'Oh my! I don't think I can have this conversation with him.' Chen Ziyi thought to herself as she tilted her head a bit, gazing at her unbelievable brother. The interaction between him and her was like no end.

"You didn't listen to me at all, did you?" Chen Ziyi asked Zheng Haozu, with her surrendered tone.

"You never listen to me, right?" Chen Ziyi was clearly disappointed with her brother and even her friends could feel her sadness beyond that surrendered tone.

"I don't need to listen much when all you do was bitching over Shuyu"

"Heh~Bitching? Isn't she-" Chen Ziyi could not finish her sarcastic response when Zheng Haozu had already rushed to her and grabbed her collar more rough than what he did before.

"What are you doing? Are you trying to hit Ziyi again?! Let her go!" Han Meirong immediately pulled Chen Ziyi closer to them.

Both Han Meirong and An Huiyin tried to push the arm away from Chen Ziyi. Frustrated that their effort was not that strong, An Huiyin turned to hit Zheng Haozu's arm with hope that the arm would feel pain and let go of his grasp of Chen Ziyi's collar.

"You!!! keep belittles Shuyu. You and your mother keep looking down on her. Do you think I never notice of how both of you look at Shuyu with disdain like she is so disgusting to enter into your sight. Now your friends are doing the same thing to her, and yet you are saying you're not telling them anything. This is a clear evidence of how wicked and viscous heart you have!" Zheng Haozu said while looking at Chen Ziyi with unbearable anger.

In fact, upon Lin Chao-xing mention about the birth certificate and legal status between him and Chen Ziyi, Zheng Haozu had already boiling. When Lin Chao-xing questioned him his right to touch Chen Ziyi, his ear only caught on the first part of her sentence, which seemed like a hidden mockery to Zheng Shuyu.

He could guess the reason but no one can call Shuyu that! And now Chen Ziyi was trying to mention about that, he couldn't do nothing. He was mad! Shuyu is his little angel.

Gazing at Zheng Haozu who was furiously clenching hard her collar, Chen Ziyi sighed again. She could not count how many times already she felt helpless about this brother of hers in one fight.

Hearing the reason he rushed into her and lookibg at how he was on his verge of hitting her again, her heart felt sad again and it reflected in her eyes. Zheng Haozu could see how sad she felt if he could look into her eyes.

If only his heart was beating for her. Looking into Zheng Haozu's eyes, Chen Ziyi could see there was no her in his eyes. Until forever, her brother's heart would not beat for her.

Chen Ziyi never belittled or looked down at Zheng Shuyu even until they become adult. She was envious at Zheng Shuyu for being able to act docile and look adorable to everyone.

She could be not like that. Chen's blood in her body did not allow her to be like that. She was born to be cold and prideful like her mother.

She was jealous that Zheng Shuyu could get their father and brother attention. She even tried to get along with Zheng Shuyu once when she was child. But it was ruined by Zheng Haozu.

To her surprise, Zheng Shuyu herself never try to get along with her and keep spouting lies about her to their brother.

Chen Ziyi's eyes were moving around Zheng Haozu's face. There was sad and longing expression in her eyes when she looked at the Zheng Haozu's reddened face.

Her hand almost want to touch her brother's face and to stir her finger into her brother's hair to sooth his anger, to cry out why he hate her so much, but Zheng Shuyu's next action ruined that moment.

"Brother! Don't. Just hold your anger. It's okay. I don't mind."