Everyone Know

Her one hand hugged her brother from the right side and another hand pulled his arm that still clenched Chen Ziyi's collar. Zheng Shuyu's touch on his skin made him loose his stiffened muscle and Zheng Shuyu gave a reassuring smile to him.

"It's okay, brother." Zheng Shuyu said, while her eyes would darted on Chen Ziyi on a second while she was 'soothing' her brother.

'Like always huh' Chen Ziyi twitched upon she catch the 'beautiful' scene in front of her.

Zheng Shuyu then looked at Jiang Jingguo who she almost forgot the existence.

"This is very.. an embarrassing sight for you, right, big brother? Did you see it? How she deliberately provoke my second brother? " Since Chen Ziyi's friends ignored her and kind of know their story, she could only rely on her effort to make the only adult there to side on her.

They were all children underage and they need an adult to be the storyteller of the situation. To other adults, only words from an adult can be relied better than words from children like them.

Realizing that troubles could come to them if the event went into each parents, Zheng Shuyu was desperate to get Jiang Jingguo on her side.

Chen Ziyi could see through that act and she could not help but to mutter "So stupid."

"What did you say?" Zheng Haozu fury boiled again and his arm stiffened despite of the tiny arm still holding his arm.

Chen Ziyi squinted at Zheng Haozu's unbelievable reaction. If she was giving an explanation, her brother would never wanted to listen to any of it, but when it came to Zheng Shuyu, even one word, even if it miles away, he woud catch it.

If previously, there was still warmth and longing in her eyes, but now there was only coldness left for the man who her heart still called as second brother.

"Say it again. Who is stupid? You already provoke me when you start trash talking about Shuyu, now you want to have it again?!"

Zheng Haozu suddenly had an idea on how to hurt Chen Ziyi, so his right hand which hold Chen Ziyi's collar turned to another place. His right hand cupped Chen Ziyi's face and his fingers deliberately pressed hard at the swollen red mark that was left by his slap. Chen Ziyi was surprised and flinched hard at that pain coming from the pressure.

"Let her go you beast! Heartless! Imbecile brother. stupid like that girl. Go to your so called pure perfect little sweetheart and let my ziyi go!" An Huiyin could not help but to be panicked seeing Chen Ziyi was in pain, harmed by the heartless man in front of her, so she spouted all her honesty from her heart and kept pushing and kicking Zheng Haozu with her tiny hands and legs.

An Huiyin had not learned how to curse yet but everyone who heard her could understand what she was trying to curse. Fury with how the girl kept interfered with with him and her trash-called Zheng Shuyu, he pushed An Huiyin harshly to the floor.

They did not expect that Zheng Haozu would lay his hand on An Huiyin and Lu Zixin was clenching hard his fist before rushed to help An Huiyin.

"Is that how you pushed her too? " An Huiyin was clearly upset when she threw the question to Zheng Haozu.

"For her?" She then sneered at Zheng Shuyu causing both Ren Linna and Han Meirong also threw questioning look at him before giving the same look to Zheng Shuyu.

Hate and furious of how they gave Zheng Shuyu that cold look, Zheng Haozu tightened his grip on Chen Ziyi's chin, making Chen Ziyi gasped and surprised of the more pain she felt. It stung so hard the she could not control her hissed and tears from flowing out.

Looking at Chen Ziyi's pitiful look enduring the pain, An Huiyin rushed again to them and bite Zheng Haozu's arm. Lack of idea and time, she could only think to bit the hand that was in her way.

An Huiyin's strength was not that big so even if she bite it with her utmost angry feeling, Zheng Haozu only felt a small pain for being bite and it will not bleed.

However, Zheng Haozu was still surprised for the unexpected response and he was annoyed with how An Huiyin's nosybody was. Zheng Haozu's hand loosed but because he did not want to let her go so easily, he deliberately pushed Chen Ziyi.

Chen Ziyi fell down pathetically onto the ground. Her hair fall hide half of her face. Her current state was truly the poorest state that she ever showed to them in this life. She herself did not know what to feel. Her cheeks was clearly in pain, but her heart was much more in pain.

Jiang Jingguo could not help but frown as he watched the 'show' in front of him. The worsened situation happened in front of him was too fast.

At first, he wanted to enjoy the 'show' and watched until the fight resolved by their own. He was too confident that the kids' fight would end in any time. He was only there for Ren Linna.

The scene in front of him was totally a thing that he was not sure on how to deal with them. It reminded him to a lot of fight cases between school students that sometimes happen at his school, and in TV series. Fights between girl and girl, boy and boy, a group with another group, be it either physical fights or mouth fight, he watched all that.

However, he was never the one involve in the fight or the one who helped to resolve the fight. Even when someone looking for a fight with him, it was his friends who would help intercede and back up for him.

Furthermore, the fights that he watched? All that happen between high school kids, not middle school ones like the kids that currently standing in front of him. Jiang Jingguo was aware of how kids like them would think and behave differently compared to adult, so he became more alerted on how to handle with them.

'Damn it!'

He immediately knocked the door behind him and asked Bai Wenqi to come out. He then asked Bai Wenqi to hold his phone after he snapped a picture of the scene in front of him.

Bai Wenqi was dumbfounded when Jiang Jingguo suddenly gave him his phone once he opened the door. His IQ level dropped more upon he saw the messy state in front of him. Jiang Jingguo immediately went to slip in between Zheng Haozu and Chen Ziyi.

"You! young man. I believe you have to train your anger more. No man would hit or hurt his own sister. Is she your sister or not?!" Jiang Jingguo said after he made sure the distance between Zheng Haozu and Chen Ziyi is sufficient enough for him to stand between them.

"And you, young girl. You know him better than us. Why you kept provoking him?" Jiang Jingguo then said with a grief tone at Chen Ziyi.

"It doesn't matter whether I said something or keep silent. To him, what all I do is wrong. I bet he never sees me as a sister. He might only treat me as his place to vent anger."

"Yeah. No matter what you said, he would still hit you. It just show how unfit he is as a brother and human".

"An Huiyin, What are you doing? Don't get hurt because of me."

Pouted, An Huiyin who already knelt down beside her, made an upset look when Chen Ziyi still able to reprimand her even under those sorry state.

"But he is so heartless to you. He keep saying you were badmouthing them to us. But, it's not like we never knew your story. Even without you tell us, everyone here know a little bit where does she came from." An Huiyin said.

Although she was only speaking to Chen Ziyi, Zheng Haozu was able to hear that. Hearing that, Zheng Haozu snorted hard.

"So your friends know about us. That is why you are so confident in front of us. Is that why they were looking down at Shuyu?" Smirked, Zheng Haozu asked with enraged.

The way he acted and the way he respond even after what he did to Chen Ziyi and An Huiyin pricked everyone's heart. It was like the scene of him pushing off An Huiyin and Chen Ziyi just now was never existed and he casually forget about it. He even had no any guilty or remorseful expression for acting harsh against the girls.

Zheng Haozu was not actually so fool to miss every disdain look that he got from the people who's on Chen Ziyi's side, but he chose to brush it off. Things related to Zheng Shuyu dominated most of his mind right now.


Zheng Haozu would be very enraged and boiling when it came to Zheng Shuyu, however, although Chen Ziyi was accustomed to it until she became adult, her heart still grow tired of it to face his antics over and over again.

This time, upon hearing Zheng Haozu's enrage remark, other than Chen Ziyi, An Huiyin also frowned, confused, looking at how can Zheng Haozu's unbelievable way of listening and thinking.

He only listen to what he wanted and brushing off other details that he deemed not significant.