Who is 'We'?

[176 notification..]

[2 new notification.. 18 seconds ago..]

Scrolling down the notifications displayed on her phone screen, her eyes searched for the sources. Other than telling her there were messages coming from her group chat, it all came from her post last night.

[Han Meirong liked your picture]

[Lin Chao-xing liked your picture]

Apparently Han Meirong was the first person who 'liked' her post first, followed by Lin Chao-xing and Fang Peizhi. Looking at the info showing how many hours ago the notification was, she deemed the three of them had liked the picture last night already. Meanwhile, the others only liked her picture this morning.

[Lu Zixin liked your picture]

[An Huiyin liked your picture]

[Da Chunhao liked your picture]

[Bai Muyin liked your picture]

[Ren Linna liked your picture]

There were likes from other people as well, but her eyes only glimpsed through them. There were also few comments on her picture. It was all from her classmates and few others that she believed were acquaintances from ChenHe.

[So pretttyyy 😍] - Han Meirong . The same comment she got when she texted her personally last night.

[Omomo... Where is this goddess come from?]- Fang Peizhi.

[Can I have your number, beauty?🙊] - Lin Chao-xing.

[Ziyi is soo pwweeetyyyy!!🧡] - An Huiyin.

[That dress is so pretty. Where did you buy it? Where is that place?] - Lin Chao-xing.

[I think I know. I went to that place once before. But I never wear the dress.] - Lu Zixin

[Of course you can't, Zixin. It's for girl.] - Lin Chao-xing.

[They have for men too aiyaa.] - Lu Zixin.

[So where is it?]- Fang Peizhi.

[Let's go there one day! All of us.] - An Huiyin.

[Why must one day? Let's go while we still here. So where is this place?]- Fang Peizhi

[The place looks cool]- xxx

[Pfft Senior upstairs @xxx, what place you can see if the only thing that obviously catch your attention is the beauty..]- yyy

[Aiyaa Senior @xxx is so shy shy..] -zzz

Scrolling the comments section, she found that none of her classmates answered Fang Peizhi's last question. Most of the comments were either praising her, the hanfu dress she wore in the photo, or the place itself.

Suddenly, a new notification pop out.

[Mom liked your picture]

When her eyes saw that, she unconsciously raised her eyebrow before her eyes immediately went looking for the figure who apparently 'caught' on spying her own daughter's social media account.

Her mother was sitting on the dining chair facing her but her phone blocked her face from her sight. Her mother seemingly doing something that she couldn't know of what it was but she could see her mother's lip curled up into a warm smile looking at her phone upon she adjusted her head to sneak looking at what her mother up to.

Looking back at her phone, her eyes fell at the previous pop-up notification.

[Chen Rumin liked your picture]

Is it just her or do every child would feel this kind of weird feeling when their own mother was looking into your social media, liking your picture,--? And doing it in the presence of the child that they were stalking to....

Can't her mother at least do that when there were not in the same room?

'Nonsense. Is there a difference? There's no difference at all.' She could imagine what her mother's response if she was to complain about that.

Getting rid all the unnecessary thoughts from her mind, Chen Ziyi then woke up from her seat and went to her room.

She was going to indulge herself to her bed until she suddenly thought of something that made her straight away went out to her mother who apparently had move to the sofa, with a TV remote control in one hand and a mobile phone on another.

"Mom," Chen Ziyi called her mother.

"What?" Her mother asked, while her eyes was on the TV screen.

"Can I ask for something?"

"And... I need to talk to you about something that I need to do before we moved."

When her daughter headed to her room, Chen Rumin thought that her daughter would probably going to indulge herself in the room for the rest of the day, as usual. Thinking that, while walking to the sofa, she was thinking on what tv show she should watch to fill the free time.

Since they had quite late brunch, they should not feeling hungry for few hours. In fact, she had already planning to either eat outside or probably just order for takeaway food.

'That's weird.' Chen Rumin thought to herself.

It was unusual for her daughter to use that so-nice and pleasant pleading tone, of course with her still keeping the usual cold attitude, but it's not so unusual that she couldn't detect what it meant by when her daughter use that tone.

Her daughter want something from her.

"What is it?" she coldly asked her daughter. Although it was quite nice to listen to the pleading tone, she was not going to show that she was pleased.

Her daughter rarely asked for things from her as she was the one who usually initiated anything, buy anything that she think that a girl her daughter's age should loves to have. Most of the things that were currently owned by her daughter were given by her and her friends which left no chance for her daughter to feel insufficient. For her age of course.

It was a fortunate that her daughter never complain to ask for luxury things all this while.

Feeling blessed just for a moment, she then couldn't help but to snorted. She didn't think her daughter would probably had those luxury desires in her mind when she was too 'blind' to appreciate everything that they bought for her as the only things that on her mind was that man and the rest of the Zhengs' member.

"So, what is it that you want this time?" Chen Rumin asked again when her daughter seems like taking her sweet time to answer her question.

"For the new house,.. can we have... can I have a bath tub for my bathroom? Just standard size is pretty nice. I think the space quite enough for it."

"Just that?" Listening to the request, Chen Rumin asked, not moving her eyes from the TV screen, but her fingers were lowering the volumes. It was obvious that she was confused with the request that made by her daughter from how she furrowed her eyebrow which later made her forehead wrinkle a bit.

After that, it could be seen she took her phone into her hand and seemingly typed a chat reply to someone that Chen Ziyi wouldn't even want to figure out whom.

"Just that," Chen Ziyi shortly replied.

"Why.. you make it sound so difficult to ask?"

"Because it's a bath tub," Chen Ziyi answered after thinking for a moment.

"Yeah it's a bath tub. So?" This time, Chen Rumin turned her head on her daughter for a second before she turned her head to the phone back.

"Because you will use quite hefty amount of money to add on into the renovation cost and it will also make the renovation taking time longer where in fact we're going to move into the house in just two weeks? Actually when you bring me to that house, I was quite surprised and confuse of how can we move if the house kind of empty and there's so much thing for them to do. And yeah by me asking for last minute things would probably disrupt the people's plan?"

"My dear daughter, just how much the cost of the bath tub compared to the house that we bought-"

"'We bought'? Who is 'we'?" Chen Ziyi asked, interrupted her mother.

"Did I say 'we'?" Chen Rumin asked, after stiffened for a second before she shrugged her shoulders and putting a poker face. Putting her phone onto the sofa, she then crossed her arms over her chest as she leaned her body to the sofa.

If her mother did not stiffened right away from the moment she interrupted her mother by asking that question, she would accept the acting her mother tried to give right now. But, unfortunately no. No way she was going to buy it.

Too many movements that her mother made. Her mother obviously was affected by it and couldn't stop from acting suspicious.

Not gaining a verbal response but instead a raised eyebrow from her daughter who also had an interrogative expression on her face, Chen Rumin who refused to yield, waved her hand, hoping it would be enough to make her daughter to let it pass.

"Never mind about that. Of course we can. In fact, I told them already about it. I still remember when you were a kid, you wanted a bath tub. But, because it's kind of impossible with the bathroom size, so we couldn't have one," and because she was worried to have one possible threat to her daughter's safety considering her daughter's previous unstable state, but she was not going to tell that to her daughter.

"Anything you want to add on? Don't worry about whether they could finish the work or not. They are professional, of course they will be able to manage it. Tell me, I will directly text them."