Cunning cousin

To Han Meirong, when it comes to spending time with family, diner time specifically, the scene should be lively, or quiet but still harmonious. There will be two way conversation between one to another one. Compliments or comments about the dishes on the table, about their day. Not cold or strange situation she was currently having right now.

She really want to ask, what was the point of this so-called luncheon together now if whatever the people doing here was just eat their food with no intention to communicate properly at all. Not that she care. It was just strange. Especially when a guest which was herself was there. Don't they feel embarrassed at all?

"Grandma, can I have more?"

"Of course, you can. You became skinner now that I see you. How hard it has been for you? Just how much the school teacher gave work to you. Eat more meat. You too, Xiao Ming. Don't just eat vegetables. Quit that diet plan. You still growing."

"Meng Jie has been working hard more these days. I heard from Aunt that she always came home late."

Although they were sitting at the same table, it was like they were divided into two group with no relations at all. Chen Ziyi's grandmother would talked to the two girls, Chen Ziyi's one same age cousin and an older one, she believed. They were indeed having the 'normal' situation as what Han Meirong meant as.

But what turned her off was how Chen Ziyi was not included in that conversation. Even the grandfather who's face even though show stern look, but she know he was listening to the conversation.

But what can she do. She was just a friend of the girl who was ignored by her family. It was not her position to suddenly invite herself and Chen Ziyi in the zone. She was just a guest.

No, she doubt she was a guest to this house. She even doubt her presence to the people in the house. Well, whatever it is, she was nobody to this house.

And Chen Ziyi herself clearly has no intention to involve herself in the 'harmonious family diner talk'. When she peered her eyes to look at her friend's face, it was the same expression she always see at school. The ice-cold look.

So while there were lively conversation between one old lady with her two grandchildren, which obviously excluded Chen Ziyi, Han Meirong just continued ate her food silently just like her friend here.

Well, that what was she intended to do until the same age cousin turned her body towards this side and throw a question to Chen Ziyi.

"So, is it true you are moving away, cousin?" She remembered her as the one who rushed to the room when both her and Chen Ziyi in the middle taking picture previously.

At that time, that girl suddenly appeared at the door with the older one behind her. Although the moment was just short as time fleeting as later they were called to eat lunch , she could sense there were strange tension between Chen Ziyi and the older sister. That older sister did not try to hide her contempt as well as her eyes just lingered towards the piles of boxes that Chen Ziyi had finished arranged to bring back home.

"Yeah" Chen Ziyi replied.

"That's quite far."

"Its just another province," her grandmother snorted, to which cause her getting glare from her husband. Of course, she ignored that.

"Those boxes, make sure there is no my stuff inside them." The older cousin suddenly said. She did not even looked at Chen Ziyi while she said that.

When there is no reply from Chen Ziyi, only then she turned her head facing her.

"Where is your reply, little cousin?" It was obvious that Zheng Xiaomeng was annoyed with Chen Ziyi's silence response.

"Are you talking to me, Meng Jie?"

"Who else among here that suddenly came bringing boxes, taking so much things into boxes and planning to move away from here which I strongly believe that person has no intention at all to come back at any time? Who else other than you?"

"Why would there be your stuff in the boxes?" Chen Ziyi know that Zheng Xiaomeng was talking about her now, but she could not apprehend what was that older cousin of hers was implying to.

"Who knows? Just checking. Since you had that history taking other people things and treat them like they were yours."

Hearing that, Chen Ziyi was speechless. "Meng Jie. What are you implying right now?"

"I doubt you don't understand what I am saying here. Do you need me to re-mentioned every time you steal or tried to take things that belong to other people? I don't care. After this, open that box of yours and repacked in front of me."

Unbelievable. That was what Han Meirong literally felt right now. Her fingers could not help but to curl up enduring her irk feelings towards that older cousin of her friend. And she was confident that Chen Ziyi was probably feeling the same.

"What if I don't want to?"


"What would I wasting my time to open them and repack again just for you?"


"Why you don't want to open that boxes if you not guilty?"

"Since when I am guilty now? Do you have the proof that there your things in the boxes?"

"Open the box then."

"No. I don't want to."

"Open it!"

"Enough!" Her grandmother interrupted, stopped the back-to-back arguments.

"Didn't I tell you to not touch your cousin's stuff again? Do what your older cousin said. Open the box and repack again. If you really didn't take anything belong to your older cousin, why would you so agitated? What are you scared of?"

"This is so infuriating. We should have a proper lunch at this table. Not fighting like this. Why you are always like this, Chen Ziyi? Why were you so rude to your older cousin? The only thing she asked just to open the boxes and repack in front of us. You were asking for proof of her suspicion towards you, that is the reason she asked to open the box and show to us. Is that so difficult thing to do? Apologize and open the box later."

No response from Chen Ziyi. She know her grandmother must be obviously was glaring at her while saying all those unfair words to her.

"Just what I am expecting from this child? I don't even know whether than woman ever taught her how to behave appropriately towards her elder-"

"I am done. Meirong, Let's go. We are not welcomed here." After a few minutes silence, Chen Ziyi spoke.

"Where are you going? Sit!" When she was about to pulled Han Meirong to leave the seat, Zheng Qiulong's stern voice stopped her.

"What are you all doing right now? Fighting when its eating time. With me here. Before your eyes. Where do you put me before you have the urge starting this fight? Meng Er, you are the older one. -"

"What are you doing? It's obviously not Meng Er's fault-"


"There is even Yi'er friend here. Don't you feel a bit shameful?"

"I am sorry, grandfather." Zheng Xiaomeng apologized which was replied by his approval nod.

"Later, you check first if you lost any of your stuff, then only we can decide what to do after that."

Zheng Xiaomeng could only nodded to his words.


After few minutes checking her room, Zheng Xiaomeng had to inform her grandfather that it seemed no missing things. But it might be due to her not wanting to lose to Chen Ziyi, she instead complained, " How should I remember all the things I owned? and what if it's not just my stuff, but other cousins things? "

'That Chen Ziyi's older cousin indeed was a cunning one.' Han Meirong mumbled in her thoughts. It was as if she was saying that Chen Ziyi could take things belong to other people rather than hers only. So she wouldn't know either. She definitely want Chen Ziyi to lose the battle and open the boxes just like how she wanted no matter what in the end.

And it really happened as how she intended. using the excuses to avoid 'unfairness', Chen Ziyi's grandfather at the end of the day forced Chen Ziyi to do as what Zheng Xiaomeng said.

Chen Ziyi had to opened all the boxes that she already tapped with cohesive tape, and repacked everything with pair of eyes eyeing whatever she put into the boxes.

When she though it was the end of the checking session, Zheng Xiaomeng next sentence made the situation worse.

"How about that handbag?"

"I think you are crossing the line here, 'Meng Jie'," Chen Ziyi truly did not want to call her in such respected familiar calling name. But she was 'used to' it and its really hard to change the habit. Otherwise, her relatives would called her being rude to her elders.

"What will you asked me to do later on? open my purse and see how many card and money I have? to see if I stole your money? then what? to check on my body as well?"

"Enough! I think this is sufficient, right?" Zheng Xiaomeng could only agree now that their grandfather made his final words.

"Cousin, now I am looking at your wardrobe here, there still clothes hanging," Zheng Xiaoqi, the same-aged cousin said, while her hand took out one of the clothes.

"I was the one who told her to leave some so Yi Er can have them later when she come visit in the future," Zheng Qiulong replied, to which causes his wife displeased look.

Han Meirong could only shook her head at that. Her eyes then caught Zheng Xiaoqi was looking at Chen Ziyi with unreadable expression.

Not liking whatever that girl hold in her thoughts, she dialed her brother's phone number to inform him they are ready to get out from the hellish situation.