my past

~Dusan~( January 18 79Ad)

"I'll take all the ones you've shown. And also that one, I need a servant too.", I freaked out as he pointed at Maximus.

"Very well!! 2000 each!! And 1000 for that little fellow.", The fat man gleamed.

"1000? That's too much for a little brat!"

"He looks a little older than 17."

There was a long pause.

"Fine. A total of 13,000 then."

The payment was done and I was boarded into another cage.

The fat man said something to that noble man and they both left the place.

I could spot Cicero from here.

"Cicero! CICERO!! Hope you get a very good, kind and compassionate master. Hope you get freed from slavery soon.", I shouted.

He looked at me and smiled, his eyes were blank. He looked listless. The fat man arrived back quickly.

The carriage started to move. Maximus patted my back. He must have seen my emptiness.

I thought about the past. How Cicero, me and my little sister used to play together.

But that dream was crushed when I recalled a painful memory... My mother being burnt alive... Right in front of me... Me and my little sister watching and crying helplessly.

It was a normal day, and I went out to play as usual just like any other 14 year old would. My sister was barely 5, and mom was too busy to look after her. And dad? He was at the capital serving the king.

I called out for Cicero and he joined. We started to play the hide and seek. Hours passed. I soon felt tired and thirsty so I went to the nearby river to drink some water. From the river I could see my house quite clearly. And I noticed some people, probably soldiers, going inside.

I thought dad was back home, and happily fetched my sister and ran back home to see him. Oh how naive was I back then! When has dad ever visited with so many soldiers!!

When I reached, my instincts asked me to run somewhere and hide... I felt something was off.. Just when I was about to knock, Cicero's mother grabbed me and my sister and pulled us away.

"Listen to me!! There are 2 pots over there... Go and hide in them... Don't come out no matter what you hear it see!! Is that clear?!", She said and shoved us.

I was a little confused. Still I listened to her...

I waited inside the pot, until I heard a scream. It was my mother! I peeked out from the pot to understand the situation. That was the end of my peaceful life. I could see my mother burning in a stake!! I wanted to scream but no voice came out. I could hear my sister sob.

"I heard that this wh*re had 2 children!", One soldier asked.

"No! She had no children. It was just a rumor.", Cicero's mother replied calmly.

With that they left and Cicero's mother came to us. "She, and your father had an unfair death! You must avenge them! I know a retired soldier who lives in this village, and you must get some training from him!"

And this soldier trained me to use different weapons. I learnt how to fight using a sword. I also learned archery. I was not too good at using a spear. I could move faster than an average person, which was an advantage for me while using a sword.

In the end I did have my revenge. But this revenge cost my sister. I now don't even know if she is alive or dead. But I hold a tiny 'piece' of hope.

Even until now I don't know the real reason for my parents death... But I will find out soon.