did I time travel?!

~Pricsilla~( January 19 79AD):

I woke up soon after I fainted... So soon that I woke up 2 Millenia before my birth!! Yeah, right ರ_ರ ... About how I knew I time travelled? Thinking back at it, it's a funny story, but it was actually scary, well, IT WAS ME WHO EXPERIENCED IT!!

I woke up in the middle of a deep forest. I looked around. "Ohh!! I came for a trek!!", I mumbled half asleep. Wait no! I never came for a trek!! Did someone kidnap me!! {I am 18, so 'adultnap' should be the word right?! English is a funny language!! <( ̄︶ ̄)↗}

I was not tied, so that was not the possibility.... Did I sleep walk?! Pompeii is a city, no deep forest nearby... My watch read 6:00 but the sky is well lit, so I moved through countries?!

I heard some rustling behind me. "A wild beast?!", I whispered just as a wild hog came. It didn't attack me, but still I screeched outta fear. So loud that it got irritated. I sprinted in the opposite direction and it ran after me.

It was obviously faster than me. So I moved in a zigzag pattern to confuse it. That worked fine for a while, but soon I slowed due to the lack of energy. I started to pant really hard, but still ran, of course because I value my life!!

I heard a SWACK first, then a few OINKS, then silence. I realized that it was not following me and stopped running immediately...

I turned back and found a dead hog. It was shot by an arrow.

"What is a young, beautiful maiden doing this terrorizing forest?", A man with a bow got down from his horse and smiled at me. He had a darker version of blonde hair and also a beard.

He was muscular just like any typical soldier. He wore armor, so old fashioned.

"Where am I? What is the nearest town?", I asked, then gasped as I realized I, not only understood but also spoke a weird language.

He look at me as if I was an idiot. "You got lost? Well the town of Herculaneum would be 15 mille passus.", He said. (1 mille passus is 1000 pace. 1 pace would approximately be 5 feet. Do the calculations yourself 。◕‿◕。)

He stroked my hair, "Shiny copper red hair. You would fetch me quite a sum."


"Nothing let's get going!! This boar is going to be our dinner!!"

He helped me climb on to his brown horse. Aanndd we set off.

We reached a camp inside the forest. All the men there wore the armors... Are they shooting a movie or something?! But in a movie they don't risk shooting live boars...

I didn't think too much into it. He lit a bonfire and roasted the boar. It looked really tasty. My mouth started to water. They had also made other hunts too! Wild deer, a goat, and another boar.

When I started eating, it didn't taste really good. It was burnt a little. But I was really hungry. I had lost almost all my energy. (I should have just kept my damn mouth shut... If only I hadn't screamed, the boar wouldn't have chased after me and that would have saved a lot of energy!!)

Then they took me to a tent where there were other females... They all wore a white gown.

"Why are you wearing such weird clothes?! Is this what people wear in your country?", Many of them asked curiously.

"No, this is just a skirt, almost everyone has it..." Then it struck me. Did I time travel?! How is that even possible?! But here everyone speaks a weird language probably Latin and they are wearing ancient clothes... Am I thinking too much?