first day at city

~Pricsilla~(January 20 79AD)

I took a 'U' turn and rode back a little and stopped and waited silently without making a sound. I just hoped they won't spot me. I saw some fire lamps heading towards the opposite direction to where I was. I took the chance to make my complete escape.

I rode until Dawn and stopped. Only then I realized I had already entered a city. It did not look like what the movies showed. The houses were made of mud, some were made of stones.

The first thing I did was to steal some clothes, which was kept for drying. I wore them, and also stole a cloak to cover my red hair, just so that I won't be seen as a thing to sell, or a prostitute to have s*x with.

I believe prostitutes are Heroes, who sell their bodies to men, because of which many women are not raped by their uncontrolled lust (don't judge me..)!!

I tied my horse to a wooden pole, and went to steal some food, if possible some money too... Just then I saw a noble man beating up someone.

The noble man was pretty good looking. He had brunette hair and blue eyes. I decided to steal money from him, so as to teach him a lesson for beating up the poor man.

I regretted that decision soon enough..

I ran and grabbed the money pouch that was hanging there, and sped across the road.

"HEY!! CATCH HIM!! CATCH THAT THIEF!!", He yelled after me.

HAHA Fools, they never realized, I was a girl!! I smiled happily, it faded as soon as I saw people running after me.

And OH MY GOSH!! So many of them came running for me!! I ran and turned into many other streets, running in circles... I only lost them after I broke into someone's house (I didn't actually break in, the door was wide open and inviting¯\_(ツ)_/¯).

There was no one inside... I took a brass pot, so that I can later sell it to a pawn shop.

The pot didn't profit much... I was only able to sell it for 1 copper coin, even after all that buildups I gave ( I told him that it was a pot favored by the queen, gifted by the king, etc.). But the pouch had enough for me to last a few days... 50 silver coins...

I bought myself some eggs, lentils, some fish and meat. I also rented a small cabin to stay in. But this money wouldn't last long. I don't know how long I will have to stay in this ancient, boring era, where phone is unavailable!!

I took my horse and let it graze in someone's field, until he ran and chased after me and my horse... I took the longest route possible to get rid of him and reach back to my cabin.

I needed to make a wig to cover my hair. Or I should dye it black. I thought first one was a better option (since I loved my hair!!).

But for this I had to take huge risks to cut someone's hair... Instead of cutting it without someone's knowledge, I would cut it with their permission. So I decided to advertise on the streets.

"Cut your hair for free!! Cut your, troubling hair for free!! Cut the hair which gets tangled and wastes your time for free!! Get good hairstyles!!", I shouted..