I managed with a scythe

~Dusan~(January 28 79Ad)

"But Kwame is really skilled.... I don't know about you..."

"I won't let you down master"

Then it was settled. It was me who would fight him.

The opponent wass most likely to choose the best one, so that the victory was theirs. That's my assumption. I have to be ready for the worst. I had no one to live for anyway. So it wouldn't matter if I died. I decided to fight using my scythe, since it was a gift given by my only friend.

The horns blew. The gates opened, and I was pushed into the arena. The opponent was not so big. That means he was skilled at something else. He held a sword, so I guess he was pretty fast.

"GOOD LUCK LUCY!! Just don't die!!", Maximus cried out.

Just then I felt a boost of energy inside me. There was someone who wanted me to live, who valued my life!! I had to live. For that I had to make that kill ( I know, that kind of motivation is really lame...).

I took a deep breath, and waited for him to charge. He didn't. He was a patient guy. Smart! I charged. I swung my scythe over his head. He dodged of course. But my stupid move gave him an opening. He moved his sword swiftly and tried to pierce my heart. I lost my balance due to the tangential force exerted by my scythe and fell down on my left arm. But thanks to that I was able to dodge that attack with just a scratch on my chest. it didn't pierce through completely.

I heard him snicker. Ahhh!! MY ARM!! And my chest! They hurt!! He waited for me to get up, surely just to insult me for my weakness. He was actually weaker than me. But I didn't get the hang of my scythe yet.. I got up with the help of my right arm and picked up my scythe. I just waited, waited until he lost patience. It took him a while to make his move.

He charged with his sword pointed towards me. I blocked it with my scythe. We had some clash and clangs. When he attacked me again, I pushed him back hard, with all my force using my scythe. That was tough considering my sprained arm.

He staggered backwards, and paused for a second to regain his balance. I didn't waste this opportunity. I attacked with all my might. He was really fast, he was able to dodge all my attacks... But this one caught him off guard.

He did block it with his sword, but he lost his complete balance and fell. With the back of my scythe I hit him hard on the chest crushing some of his ribs.

" OHH THANK GOD YOU ARE ALIVE!!", Maximus started to sob.

"Good job there, my dear friend!", Supported Kwame.

"Even though he was really fast, he was a little weak. Didn't you notice, he looked lean compared to any average fighter. For a swordsman, one needs to be really fast, and strong. His strength wasn't enough. He only relaid on his speed. Well if I had my sword, I would have finished him with my first move.", I said.

Guilford gave me some money. "You earned it. And now I can trust you with other fighters. But you need to get a hang of that scythe. Use a sword next time.", He said and left.

That night I slept peacefully.