the fight

~Dusan~(January 22 79AD):

I hoped him to choose me. I didn't want to lose any of the friends I made at the quarters!

But my begging was not heeded. Kwame was chosen. Well yeah, Kwame was all muscular and really strong, but still...

He was taken into the arena, and the fight began... The muscular man was the one to make the first move... He had no patience!! He had a huge hammer for a weapon, while Kwame was just given a shield, which BROKE just after the first blow.

Kwame backed from the bad guy. He suddenly tripped and fell!! The muscular guy, laughed and charged at Kwame.

That was it for Kwame, or so I thought...

The bad guy flung the hammer and tried to hit Kwame, but Kwame managed to dodge. He had hit so hard on the ground that I could feel the vibrations right here, standing in the corner of the arena.

Suddenly the bad guy (he was the hero according to the people, but to me he's not.) staggered backwards and fell, clutching his nose. Kwame took the chance, and lifted that heavy hammer and hit that bad guy on the head. Multiple times, actually, until he fell dead.

The crowd was quiet for sometime, confused, but then roared and cheered for Kwame's victory.

Master Guilford, came and gave us lectures on how to win, and to take Kwame as role model, etc. He even congratulated Kwame in his victory.

Later that day, I asked him how he actually won.

"Didn't you see? I saw a piece of stick on the ground. I pretended to trip and fall near it and waited for him to attack. I knew he would aim for my head so I dodged it by moving a little to my right, where the stick was reachable. I stuck that stick into his nostrils. He dropped his hammer as predicted. I took it and smashed his head. That's all!!", He told me.

He was smart to come up with wired ideas like these!! No really!!! I would have never thought of such ideas!! If I found a stick, I would just kick it out of my way!!

I need to learn stuff from him...

"Oh, and actually I got a reward from the capital, for my victory... It's a scythe. You can take it. That sword of yours isn't any good.", He said.

"But it's your reward!!", I protested.

"I have a pretty good sword. Oh, and if you don't know how to use it, I can teach you!!

He got me. I didn't know how to use it.

So everyday, after that day I practiced using that scythe he gave me. It was made of iron, really heavy, but quite useful. I learnt how to swing it, move with it, even small tricks like how to spin it!! It was so cool!!

But those days came to an end soon. When it was time for the next game. We were all taken to the arena. and again, we were the bad guys... But we had a little of the public's support, since Kwame's victory.

This time the rules were a little different. We could use our own weapons, and the participant (from our side) was chosen by Guildford. The opponent was not a slave from the capital, but rather a slave from another entertainer. So it was like one entertainer vs another. So obviously he would choose his side member.

Guilford approached Kwame and asked, "will you be able to do it?".

"Yes master", He replied.

I don't know what came over me, but I shouted, "NO!! I'll do it!! I WANT to do it!!".