fight to live... but I wanna die

~Dusan~(February 10 79AD):

Guilford came to me personally.

"You and that black guy will fight this game."

"Yesss... Master..."

"And don't try to escape. If you want freedom, you have to get it by fighting. When you get really famous, and have the public's support, you will be freed from your slavery. So don't pick locks from now on."

He knew!! He had known it all along!

Thankfully he was really a kind man! Mistakes like these are punishable by death.

We went to the arena. The crowd cheered and roared with excitement.

We got ready as the enemy arrived. It was just 2 of them. Not 15 or 20 like others exaggerated (especially Kwame).

We could do this! We can take them!

One them we well built, and one was a little lean. Both wore masks and covered their faces. We were all given a sword.

"Take the lean guy down.", Kwame said.

I nodded.

The horn blew and the fight began. Kwame charged at the well build man.

Seeing him, I cahrged at the lean fellow.

He was quite fast, strong and a good swords man. He was the best opponent I've had until now!

He dodged and shielded from all my attacks. I had to use some petty tricks to win him. He somehow knew all of my moves.

We had many clash and clangs, and the sound of the cheering crowd. I didn't know why, but something was stopping me from making a major move and take him down once and for all. Something asked me to stop fighting and... And... And hug him?? I don't know...

I always trusted my gut feeling. It was always correct. But if I trust this feeling here right now, I might end up dying!!

Suddenly the crowd roared and applauded. I turned to check on Kwame. He had taken the other guy down. I had to take mine down too! I didn't want to lose to Kwame!! So I attacked faster with more strength.

I pointed my sword aimed his heart and attacked. He shielded himself with his sword as I predicted. I, with all my weight stamped on his right foot. He was shocked and confused for a moment.

That time was enough for me to knock the sword of his hand and make him unharmed.

I pierced the sword into his chest.

"Why didn't you dodge it? You could have dodged it! You saw it coming! You could have dodged it and revived your sword!", I said to him.

"It's a 'you vs me' game where we fight to death. With my death, you can live! I just fought you to see your strength. You are pretty strong, and can win freedom pretty easily. Now I can rest happy...", Said and fell down.

At first I was confused by his words. Wait.... I recognized his voice...

"CICERO!! Cicero!!", I screamed and shook his body, which was lying dead.

Kwame came up to me and pulled me up. "I remember this lad. We met him in that slave market. Poor lad, bought by some other entertainer. But if he hadn't died, you wouldn't have lived."

"Noooooo!!! But it's my friend!! He was with me for as long as I can remember! He can't die!! He can't die, not so easily!! If he did, he would make me a killer!! A murderer!", I wailed.

Until now I fought to string on to life... But now I just wanted to curl up and die. My mother, my sister, now him!! I had no one to live for.

The crowd was silent. And watched all this drama. No one said a word.

Kwame had to drag me back to the cell..