In the Dragon's Maw

Treasca woke with a start bolting to her feet. She wasn't sure how long she had slept. He leaned against the tree dizzy from standing to quickly. The sun was nearing midday if she pushed it she way make it to Alonian by nightfall. The mare had stayed near her tree as if guarding her while she slept. Treasca patted the horse and began to saddle the mare. She pushed the horse a bit more than she had the night before. With any luck she would be able to contact someone from her clan without reentering the city. Treasca didn't know how many people where in on her capture, but it was better to not risk it.

Just as the sun began to dip below the horizon Treasca made it to the north gate of Alonian. She would have to circle around to the west gate where her clan had entered. She knew her father would send a group back to look for her there. She was so engrossed with not being spotted and being as silent possible that she missed the storm blowing up behind her unnaturally.

Brenton flew amongst the lightning and clouds with more enjoyment than he had in a long time. The prospect of whatever her name was, he really should get that soon, had made him feel alive again. The enigma of what she could be, and what she could do really had his attention. It was more than just the puzzle he supposed. He hadn't had anyone to converse with other than Delyn in centuries. Brenton had thought he hadn't needed anyone else, but now faced with the prospect he was rather pleased with the idea. He had thought to let his spirited new bride to run off her leash a bit longer, but Delyn the spoil sport had pointed out if she left with those Traveler's he may have to kill a few of them to get her back. Delyn then pointed out when that did not in the least bit bother the dragon that Brenton's new bride may hate him forever for killing her family. He had to agree it was probably best to just go fetch her before she made it that far. The storm he often used to cover himself while in flight, though he had not been much of anywhere for the last fifty years or more. The locals had named the storms the Dragon's Maw for they often brought a lot of destruction. He honestly did not mean for the devastation nor did he try to prevent it either. He could see Alonian in the distance. Swooping just a bit lower he searched for the strange ball of energy which emanated from his bride to be. She was galloping fast trying to out pace the Maw. He lowered further changing shape mid flight, and landing gracefully, but loudly to the forest floor. The storm he left, and he put enough power into it that she would have no choice. but to stop somewhere near by.

Brenton knew of several potential possibilities, this land so familiar he had practically memorized every stone in the last five hundred long years. He closed his eyes and became shadow moving fast, but nearly undetectable along the ground. He hated this shape more than even human, because it felt beneath him. Like a rat he scurried from tree to tree until he saw her ahead.