The Years of Destruction Part 2: Down the Rabbit Hole

As my grades went from poor to best in the class, I was given an option to skip Kindergarten and go to 1st grade. At the time, I would rather stay in my own class. I was starting to realize that if I got ahead too much, I would be considered a freak as well as an outcast. At the time school began, I was already regularly taking Risperdal and Seroquel for mood disorder according to the foster parents' description, but I soon realized that I couldn't sleep without the Seroquel or wake up without the Risperdal.

I went to school on my first day with one of my brothers entering Pre-K. I began to feel a bit off since that brother was doing fine. He just wasn't at the level he needed to be. That year, I focused on helping him with work.

I made a few friends that year, as well. There were two new kids in my class. (I won't call them by name, but from now on each person will be using their nickname) They also had an older brother who would join us. We gave each other nicknames. They were called Jo, Mikey, and Cross. At the time we weren't good with nicknames, but we became close friends. October of that year, I had decided to invite my class to my birthday party. It was a big moment when I got permission from the foster parents, and everyone got an invitation. There was even 4 extra made so my brother could invite his friends. The day came, and no one in my class showed up. My day went from great to tragic, and it got worse. You may ask, " What's worse than no one showing up? At least your family was there!" Well, no one I invited showed up, but every person my brother invited showed up after 15 minutes. At that moment, I started crying. I knew it was a long shot, but I at least hoped for my three friends to show up. It turns out, they couldn't show up because they joined a sports team and had practice. I found this out two days later.

On Halloween, they gave me my gift. A huge comic book, not just a long read, but also bigger than my head at the time. Cross even told me he was getting me a book from the upcoming book fair as an apology for not letting me know about their plans beforehand. We decided we wouldn't get a book at the level we were expected to read, but the level I read at. That year I got my first treasure, a book named "Loser" by Jerry Spinelli. Cross would make it more unique by making an animated story across the pages for me, and I would read it all over again weekly for over a year.

Two months later, it was my second Christmas with the foster family, and the first to go wrong. When I got there, they already had one foster child. He was fine, until that Christmas. That was when he had a major outburst, to the point of making his gift look worthless to me. The gift was a brand new XBOX, and, at the time, I thought it wasn't worth it. Most kids would fight for it. But I saw he didn't want the XBOX, he wanted a Playstation 2. So, that same day, the foster family decided to keep the XBOX because they passed the return date, and the foster father would be on it a lot more than him. I found out the real reason they got it shortly after, the foster father wanted to play Star Wars Battlefront and Halo, and the Playstation 2 wasn't compatible with either one. This was the first of many times this would happen. I went back to school, and did fine for a few months.

Until Easter, of course. Why that day? Well, I was feeling bad after being reprimanded for not being ready on time. I started crying during the drive to church, and each time a new punishment was thought up by the foster parents I cried worse. By the time we got off the highway, I bith looked and sounded terrible. They left me with the foster father's mother who lived conveniently close to the church. That day went from horrible to fun within thirty minutes after they left. This foster grandmother was kind and willing to help, and I won't forget her. When the foster parents and my brothers returned, my brothers told me the Easter celebration that year wasn't fun, since the prizes weren't that good. Also, the foster father seemed too silent for comfort. And when we got back to the foster home, I was given my firat grounding. I couldn't do anything but read and homework until school was over. That grounding didn't hurt as much since I was pretty much doing it already. Then the foster father pulled his trump card, he bought 9 new games despite his wife's objections and began playing them whenever I was around the XBOX trying to read. He will always be a spiteful person to me, but, at the time, he took it too far.

I made it to the summer without breaking, and was once again number 1 in the class. That's when they signed me up for a recreation camp. Me and the older foster child they had were sent there every week M-F for the summer. And it was torture for me, I couldn't read or play video games, and I was forced to join in basketball, baseball, and football games even though I was always getting hurt during them. The only reprieve I got was 1 week after Cross returned from his trip to Disneyland. Cross showed up every day that week with a GameBoy Advanced and a new game, and we would check who could beat the games faster. 1st grade would be an afterthought, but it came too soon.