As I entered 1st Grade, I was told by the foster parents that they had a lot of foster children before me and my brothers a lot. The older one who was there when we arrived was actually their first. Every time they said this the older foster child looked like he was just punched in the stomach. I never thought twice of it, but his pain would later become my burden. All through 1st grade, the teachers noticed I was extremely bright, but also extremely inept socially. I would try to make friends after knowing how both my brothers were doing thanks to them both being in the same school. I was always looking for more friends, and wasn't able to find anyone who wasn't like me. I was bullied, but learned that if I made them laugh I would be allowed to be with them. I became a bit of a jester while also still looking for people to join. I was known to make claims that both made Cross mad and Jo soon became distant because I pushed him away to try getting into a friend group. Sad to say, nothing I tried worked. By the end of October, I didn't bother with invitations to my birthday party. I saw the last party as a failure, and I didn't need zero people to show up to confirm that I was alone. At that time, I was also told something odd. I had family members that wanted to take me in. An uncle and aunt were willing to take care of me and my brothers for a weekend to see if they wanted us. At this time, I had over 3 years of horrible things told to me by the foster parents about my biological family. I didn't know what to expect, but could at least be scared for myself and my brothers.
When we arrived, I was on guard as much as a child can be. The first day was the day I saw a little boy I used to play with, at least that's what they told me. The second day, I was taken to a restaurant and then an museum with my brothers. Throughout the entire trip, they kept buying us sodas. Always Cokes, never anything else. When we got back to their house we were expected to sleep immediately. Not an easy task, until they gave us Seroquel with the soda. We were out within thirty minutes. After we got back to the foster family, we were told they did not want us after all. And it hit me hard for a few months. That year was the first Christmas event we were invited to for the foster care agency. It was fun until we had to leave. I was told that a friend of the foster parents would be having her daughter take care of us monthly from then on. That same day, I received my first handheld video game, a used Gameboy Advance. The rest of the school year went by quickly, and once again I was 1st in my class. It was beginning to go to my head, until I saw my youngest brother had the worst scores possible. I was there when he was told he was being sent to a special education class in another school that offered it. At that moment, I was broken because I couldn't be there for him. And it only got worse. My other brother was hiding that he had issues with people in his class.
The summer was the same as the previous one. Only this year, Jo, Mikey, and Cross didn't show up at the camp. They had been avoiding me since the previous October.
I was set to start 2nd Grade with zero friends, until I saw that there was another person in my new class that had similar levels of intelligence. Here, he'll be called Smokey.