I am missing

"A young man was reportedly missing for three months now. It was said that his family noticed his disappearance the night when he did not go home from work without notifying them. The authorities are investigating the disappearance of the young man. This is Melia, AMG News."

The sudden disappearance of the young man stirred conspiracy theory to the general public for a while. It was said that this young man has no known enemies that might have caused his disappearance. However, it was speculated that the young man might have possibly been abducted to be a testing subject for the development of a vaccine for whatever virus it may be.

"Do you think that the government started to abduct people for vaccine testing?"

"No, that can't be. It's against the human rights!"

"Who knows? Maybe he volunteered himself for some quick bucks."

"Then why didn't he notified his family or friends?"

"Hmm, maybe he chose not to notify them so they won't worry."

Nowadays, the public has been very sensitive to the issues that are happening. A simple government policy might even caused people to panic and riot. Now, because of the sudden disappearance of the young man and the public's conspiracy theories, several human rights group assembled outside the government's executive palace.

"Release him now!"

"People are not guinea pigs!"

"We are not lab rats!"

Various human rights activist groups stormed different government agencies. It may not be wrong to say that these activist groups are just looking for a way to topple down the current administration for their own selfish motives. The government tried to ignore them until they couldn't just cover their ears from this accusations.

"It is true that after the coronavirus outbreak, we took a serious approach to public health. We even established our very own CDC like in the US, and encourage our medical professionals to develop various drugs to further enhance public health. However, we prioritise human rights above all else. We do not conduct human testing for any drug that is developed without consent from the subject. The young man that has been missing for months are not in the government's custody nor do we know his whereabouts. But we assure his families and friends that we will do everything we can to search for him." The department of health addressed the public concerns.

The public slowly quiet down as the government denied the accusations, but a few human rights group insisted the govenrments' involvement until the issue quiet down. Among the TV news anchors, they conducted a background review of this young man's life as to why he became a sensation for being missing. There are a lot of missing individuals in the country but not everyone became as sensation as this.

"The young man's name is Jaykeul Tupas, he is a young adult and a job-hopper. He came from a middle class family with no politicians or prominent businessmen in his relatives. He is not even an academic achiever. In other words, he's nothing special. So why is this becoming a sensation? " An analyst said in a blog.

A lot of people inquired about this young man's biography, but nothing special of sort. After knowing his background, the issue died down and they just feel pity for the young man's fate. The issue of Jaykul's disappearance became nothing sensation.

"Maybe he just took a vacation without notifying anyone? You know people can be so stressed in life without sharing it."

"I agree, I also had a time when I was so depressed that I wanted to be in seclusion. He might've gone to an island without a cell reception."

"Or maybe in a mountain! You know, he's maybe living the life now. A simple and carefree life indeed."

People nowadays are inherently speculative. There are just people who expressed their speculation that became a gossip, and there are others who are silent but thinking of the same sort. If no one knows, some will find a way to explain things. No matter how busy they are in their life, some people will always have time to speculate and gossip.


"HELP! Somebody help me!!!"

"Mercy please! I won't do bad things anymore!"

"No... No..Nooo! Aaahh!"

'Ugh.. What is this place?' Jaykeul woke up with a slight headache. The first thing he saw was a line up of big incubators with people inside that are crying for help or groaning from pain. Some incubators are filled with water or liquid chemical. All of them have cables and tubes attached to their bodies.

'Arghh, what is this?' Jaykeul noticed that he couldn't move and that he is also inside of incubator with cables and tubes attached to his body. He regained a little of his senses, he felt that he's drowned in a liquid chemical too. He struggled for a while trying to break free, but to no avail. Until he finally gave up and tried to figure out the situation instead.

"Hmm, so that's subject #1797. He is awake but we see little struggle from him. Looks like he's calm and a bit intelligent."

"Yes, I think he is capable and ready for project 'bakunawa'."

"Good. We will not put him directly to the process right away. Instead he should be put into practice and trial to ensure his capability to survive the project 'bakunawa'."

Jaykeul saw two person talking while looking at him. It looks like they are talking about him. They don't look like scientists since they don't wear lab gown. The two person wore golden robes. After a few moments of chatting, they left. From the looks of it, they are planning on what to do with him. Jaykeul want to scream and force his way out. But he knows that it is impossible for him to break out in his current situation. Unlike the others who are struggling and shouting non stop, he tried his best to be calm and conserve his little energy until he passed out again.

After a few days, Jaykeul opened his eyes and noticed that he's lying in a bed. He is inside a room with no windows or door. The wall, floor and the ceiling are made of crystals. Jaykeul gets up and found a small table with a bread and wine in it. Without thinking too much, he filled himself. The bread and the wine is topnotch that no matter how hungry he is, he is already full and completely satisfied.

"Congratulations, mortal. You are one of the chosen to be the subject for project 'bakunawa'."

"Who.. Who are you?!" Jaykeul who was sitting was shocked to see a person appeared before him. It was too sudden to see a person who just flashed. "Where am I ?!"

"You are in heavenell. The center of all the worlds." The person did not tell his name, but from the clothes he's wearing says that he has authority here.

"Even though you are chosen, you still have trials to pass. Prepare yourself." The person continued and disappeared after talking.

Jaykeul was stunned of what little he heard. 'It doesn't makes sense. This must be a dream!' He tried hitting himself trying to wake him up. He run to the wall to walk pass this illusion that he's in. As a result, his head started to bleed from running against the crystal wall.

After a few more tries, he started feeling dizzy. Jaykeul cried out loud. This is something that he didn't realize to happen to him.

'I might be really dead and this is the after life... *sob* I should've confessed my feelings to her! *sob* I didn't even gave a proper good bye to my parents and siblings. My mother might be very sad to know that I died right away. *sob* I should've lived my life to the fullest not the foolest! *sob* I wasn't even able to punch those guys! *sob* my life is a failure... a defective life. '

The pain in his head started to feel numb, instead the pain of regrets swelled in his thoughts and feelings. What a regretful life that he lived. Now that he is in after life that he didn't know if its heaven or hell. On top of that, he is imprisoned and from the situation he was in before, looks like he will be an experimental subject. But, 'is there a need to experiment in the after life?' thoughts flooded Jaykeul's mind until he fell asleep.