I am on trial

"Subject #1797, wake up! Time for your trials." A loud voice reverberated in Jaykeul's ears. The voice successfully woke him up. A bread and wine is at the small table again, as expected he consumed it.

The crystal room who happen to have no door before, suddenly had a passage appear that lead outside. Jaykeul walked out of it to find no one is there. The corridor outside is also made of crystals that light is not a problem. The place is so lit that you can't see what's ahead because of crystals that almost look like the same. The first thing popped into Jaykeul's mind is to run away and escape. 'I have to escape!'

Jaykeul sprinted to until he runs out of breath. He walk if he's out of breath, he runs of he's not tired. The corridor is not straight ahead, there are curves left or right up ahead. There are even intersections in his way and there are also dead ends. 'This is endless. I think they are playing tricks on me. Is this because of the food I ate? or did they release a gas when I was asleep? Anyways, I should clear my mind before choosing a path.'

While Jaykeul was running, he is suffering from physical and mental exhaustion. Various thoughts ran into his mind, he is dead tired but he is not stopping. He even recalled when his head was bleeding the other day but when he woke up, there was no injury in his head at all. He is very eager to escape from this place. When he is feeling like he want to give up, the image of her appears in his mind. 'I can't give up, not until I confess my feelings to her'.

He run and he run, exhausted until his knees are about to give up. 'How long has I've been running?' Jaykeul began asking in his mind. 'It feels like it's been a day since I've been running' Jaykeul rested for a while before continuing to run.

Jaykeul lost his track of time, but one thing for sure 'this is a goddamn maze'. He is certain that this is a maze and this might be the trial. 'There is no way to leave a carving in this crystal maze. I need to make a mark, to make sure that I didn't came back to where I have been.' Jaykeul ran and ran until he got an idea. He bit his hand and mark the place with his blood. 'Arghh it hurts. But there is no other way. I tried to poo but there is no shit coming out. So I have no other choice but to use blood as markings.'

Jaykeul run and if he came back to the place where he has been, he would try the other way in the intersection. Doing this over and over again, he advance quicker than his previous progress. Jaykeul's hope is high to realize that he is progressing. Until he found another person inside the maze.

"Who..are you?" Jaykeul asked the person he bumbed into. But the other person did not speak, instead it launched a punch to Jaykeul's face. With just a small margin of time, Jaykeul was able to evade the punch but he was not able to evade the kick of that other person which targeted his left ribs.

"Urghh.. Why are you hitting me? Who are you?" Jaykeul steps back from that person. It is wearing a hijab that also covers its face revealing only its eyes. The body shape of this person is neither of the man or a woman, even its posture is not showing a feminine or masculine gesture.

The person in hijab stopped its attacks and spoke a few words. "Bakunawa trial, kill or be killed". After saying those words, it charged again to him with is punch that is about to hit Jaykeul. In response, Jaykeul ran back to where his last mark of blood is.

'Kill or be killed? What the heck is this trial? Is there an exit for this?' Jaykeul ran as he analysed things that he heard. He never tried or did kill before, but its another story if his life is being threatened.

Jaykeul crouched to the left of intersection and as soon as the person in hijab passed he tackle it to disable the person from moving. Jaykeul hold the person's two hands while he is on top. The person did not let Jaykeul to do what he plan, it struggles and kicked him to his balls. Jaykeul has no knowledge in fighting, he lost it. The person broke free from his grip and punched him to the face. Jaykeul lost his cool, he retaliated with a kick. The person did not manage to evade but the kick was not strong enough to knock the person off.

"Stop.. Stop... I surrender!" Jaykeul steps back to the person. He was badly beaten by this person. It is very clear that this person is experienced in killing in this maze. Judging from its looks, the person looks ancient.

"Kill or be killed" the person said before charging to him again. Jaykeul has no choice again but to run again. As expected, this person is faster than him and has higher endurance than him. Jaykeul paused in running when he's already out of breath.

"Wait.. Wait! I'll fight you. That's what you want right? Don't blame me if I hit you. Remember, there's no police here." Jaykeul said.

"Dumb." The person just say one word and charged once again.

Jaykeul first move was kick the person's waist to interrupt its charge. The person was caught off guard and it was swayed to the wall. Jaykeul then threw a punch to its face that directly hit its face. The person did not expect this sudden move of Jaykeul but it threw a low kick to Jaykeul's knee. The low kick was strong enough to out balance him. When the person threw a follow up punch, Jaykeul grabbed the wrist of that person and he managed to avoid the punch. The person was taken down, Jaykeul sat on top of the person as he began throwing punches to the person giving that person no quarter to respond. Jaykeul throw a lot of punches until the person is not moving anymore.

'That was one hell of adrenaline rush. Is this person still alive or I killed it already?' Jaykeul decided to removed its hijab to check if the person is actually dead. To his surprise, he saw a woman's face. The woman is not ugly, but she is not pretty either in Asian perspective.

"Pretty or not, you're already dead. It's your fault. I told you that I surrender. We can talk about this. But its useless now. I need to go. " Jaykeul said to the dead woman.

Jaykeul resumed his running in the maze. Jaykeul may not have realized this but he is already running in this maze for more than a month. Same as what he did before, he left markings of his blood in every intersection. By doing this again and again, he succeeded in reaching the exit of the maze. Jaykeul walked pass the passage out of the crystal maze. The floor is now made of bronze and the surroundings is an endless sight of trees. It is clear to Jaykeul that this is the second stage of the trial. But who knows what surprise this forest has to offer.

Before he dash forward to the forest, he decided to rest for a while. The events that happened before caused a major impact and eye-opener to himself. He did not experienced any of this when he was back in his normal life. The people that brought him here are really mysterious that he began to suspect that they might be alien conducting experiments to people on Earth since the technology possessed by these people are way beyond the technology of what a human can achieve. Their technologies can already be thought as magic. From the moment he woke up in the incubator, he already suspects that he is not in the world that he knows. None of these exist in his previous life, as he believed.

As he kept thinking of various stuffs, his mind slowly drifts away into deep sleep. This is the first time again that he had good sleep, unlike in the maze where the feeling is very heavy.