I am ME

In a few moments, a machine-like sound started. The blindfold of Jaykeul was removed. A helmet-shape thing was then placed into Jaykeul's head. An orb was then placed at the machine-like thing that was in front of Jaykeul. A goggle-like cable from the machine-like thing was put on Jaykeul's eyes which stick to his eyes like a magnet thru the helmet. Deep inside, he cannot close his eyes.

"Turn it on" someone said from the far away.

"waaahhh!" Jaykeul shouted because of an unexplainable pain he is experiencing.

His pain lasted for three hours until he was made to rest for an hour. Another round of three hours in the machine then rest again. The process continued for seven days.

"This is unbelievable. No mortal completed the process for a long time ago. Splendid."

"Remarkable mortal. He should be able to make Earth an interesting show again."

"Yes. That planet has been very boring lately."

"Even the ones that we sent there early on was no fun."

"Europa was quite a show though."

"China was interesting too!"

"You only said that because you reigns supreme there Budd!"

"Hoho that was before. As we all notice, religious people in that planet are getting fewer. We need to send them a reminder!"

"My friends, I believe these people deserves a chance. Besides, this mortal that we have here is not yet ready is he? Give them time."

"That is so like you, Ysus."

"That's enough.. Start his cleansing and the installation of his program. Project Bakunawa, commence."

Jaykeul still unconscious when he was then placed into a machine that looks like an MRI-scanner.

"Choose the best scenario for him. Heymdall will take care of his transport."

"Uarrghh.." Jaykeul groaned as the sophisticated machine started to dismantle his memories and overwrite a new one. The process took three days to complete. Jaykeul was left to rest again into an Incubator for recovery of his brain.

"I noticed that his stature is not that good, even his internal organs are no good. If we send him like this, I doubt if he can live sixty years."

"You have a point, Yrmes. What can he do with this limp body."

An odd-looking doctor injected something in his incubator. In a few moments, Jaykeul was struggling.

"With this, his body is cleansed. No illness will come upon him."

"Good. By the way, is he not too short for an average male? He is just about five foot five inch. We should do something about it."

The odd-looking doctor again injected another serum in Jaykeul's incubator. Through the cables attached to Jaykeul's body, the serum made its way to his internal.

"It will take a while for the full effect to show" the odd-looking doctor said.

The people watching left since they are also busy themselves.

In each passing hour, Jaykeul's bone grows. He is gaining one inch of height each hour. However, because of the sudden bone growth, the skin and flesh of Jaykeul could not keep up. Some of his body parts became somehow deformed. The odd-looking doctor did not left him like this. The doctor injected another serum and one more serum at the other port to Jaykeul's incubator.

The first serum effect that was later placed by the doctor made his muscles tightened and then converted most of his fats into muscles that made him look thinner but leaner. His skin also adjusted to the changes happening to his body. The last serum has unknown effects.

"How is he?"

"He is ready. But he needs a few tweaks before I can present him to the council." The odd-looking doctor said.

"Earth cannot wait, the other planets can. Prioritise him before anyone else." The person said before leaving.

After that, the doctor removed Jaykeul from the incubator. He grew three inches making him five foot eight in height. He also has leaner body and fiercer facial features. Jaykeul was then placed in a ward while still unconscious.

As soon as he woke up, the odd-looking doctor is the first person he saw. Jaykeul's facial expression is very different now because of the process that he had been through. His face is blank, without emotion. The doctor injected a small dosage of plasma-like liquid through syringe to Jaykeul and observed him for a while.

"Good. You are ready."

Jaykeul was then brought to the high council, where beings that are known to be Gods in Earth, resides.

"Welcome. Agent #1797, you have successfully finished the project Bakunawa."

"The honor is mine." Jaykeul without any hint of his previous self knelt on all fours.

"He seem to be ready" (whispers)

"Yes, yes. Let us not waste time" (whispers)

The high council are talking amongst themselves about him. But the Jaykeul right now is not the old him since his past identity was overwritten by an artificial identity including behaviour and attitude. This new identity of his is someone who will only listen to the high council.

"You will be sent to the mortal world. Earth."

"Remind them that Gods exists. Show them the Gods fury if necessary."

"By your will, I follow." Jaykeul said while still kneeling.

"We await your reports through the beacon, Gods' orb."

An orb was then pushed into his chest, where it went in as a translucent object. This orb is beyond the knowledge of mankind as it is used to track him like a GPS and can also be used for communication if used. Through this orb, the council will know his location but they cannot hear nor see whats on the other side unless Jaykeul himself activated it. However, this orb is also a weapon where it can detonate if the council willed it. The orb's explosion can even be customized on how big the explosion will be, but it is enough to destroy Earth if willed by the council.

"You may leave."

Jaykeul left the high council hall. The council guards escorted him to the bridge where Heymdall will send him to his destination. But while Jaykeul was in high council hall, the odd-looking doctor went to Heymdall secretly. He knows that Heymdall is a neutral person and thus, he can be trusted for a favor. He asked Heimdall to send Jaykeul back to the place where his heart is. Fortunately, the mission of the High council to Jaykeul does not mention a specific place to begin.

"Please. Heymdall. Agent #1797 is special. He is unlike any other agents that I have made." the odd-looking doctor said.

Heymdall did not answer.

Back in the hall, while Jaykeul or rather Agent #1797 is being escorted by the guards on the way to Heymdall, Agent #1797 felt a sudden pain in his forehead. He remembers a bit of his past identity who was Jaykeul. 'Where am I?' he thought. Agent #1797 stopped for a moment to further analyse of what is happening, but everything is fuzzy in his memory.

"Agent #1797, why did you stop? You are directed to go to Earth immediately." One of the guard said to Jaykeul.

"We can just point him the way to Heymdall. Remember that he's an agent?" the other guard said. Both of them knew that these agents very loyal to the council because of whatever hellish experience they had go through.

"You're right. Sir Agent #1797, you see that corridor? First left and then to right to Heymdall. Tell him you're Agent #1797." these guards are obviously lax because there was no need to be cautious or alert. No incident happened for a long time that made them relax on their duty.

As soon as the two guards left, Jaykeul went to the direction where the two guards pointed. However when he was at the first left, he chose to go right. The right turn that he went through leads to the outside of the council building. As an ignorant person here, he was amazed of what he saw.

'Wow... where am I?' Jaykeul wanders the streets, the architectural design of the buildings are are of the combination of Roman, Greek and Oriental. This place has are humans of different colors, but you can tell from the first glance that they are not Humans from Earth because their skins are somehow shining and shimmering. The things that he saw here are otherworldly and something that cannot be Earth. There are humans able to fly without wings, floating islands, elemental manipulators, machines that doesn't look like a machine from Earth, in other words this place has a very advanced technology.

"Hey! Over there! Agent #1797 where are you going?!" Several guards came looking for him, so he ran through the alleys.

The guards are quick runners, in a short time, they have shortened the distance. When Jaykeul has nowhere to run anymore, someone dragged him down which led him to below ground.