I am defective and blasphemous

"A defect! We should report this to the council! Project Bakunawa is a failure. " One of the guards said.

The streets and alleys are being patrolled by the guards. These guards are with the same look with the Praetorian guards of Roman empire but their armors and gears here are shining, while the civilians fashion is a mixture of a Earth cultures which made their aesthetics otherworldly.

Below the ground, Jaykeul was still shocked of what is happening. Even though he remembered something of his past self, it is still incomplete and fuzzy. Besides, 'who is this person who dragged him here? How did he know that I am being pursued.'

"Looks like the serum did work. But I did not expect you to conquer the overwritten identity that was planted to you."

"What are you talking about?" Jaykeul is still somewhat clueless of what just happened.

"I see. You may not have yet fully integrated it, but soon you will. But what's important is you escape from here." This person is actually that odd-looking doctor who directly supervise Agent #1797 in the laboratory.

"Wait wait. What is happening? Who are you?" Jaykeul is full of questions now that this person has appeared of which is somewhat familiar to him.

"I am Siencio, the best scientist in the known universe. You are in the mega planet of the High Humans, Heavenell, we are the higher beings of Humans of which we call them mortals. There are thousands of planets of mortals in the known universe which are under the sphere of influence of Heavenell, the high humans need their faith to generate powers to maintain supremacy in the known world." The odd-looking scientist explained.

"I don't understand, what does it have to with me?? Can you explain it in simpler way?" Jaykeul's mind is still in shambles because of what he learned.

"This can be called the world of the Gods that you mortals worshipped. The question of creation you have been trying hard to look for answers, is very simple yet unacceptable to mortals. Everything is created by the Universe itself, it created itself, the universe gave birth to stars, planets, creatures, and many more. We can all conclude that the Universe is the creature, God. But this Universe has no consciousness that is why we, the humans of Heavenell who first discovered the truth, became the higher humans ourselves." Siencio said to him.

Jaykeul was left stunned of what he just learned. This is blasphemy. This contradicts to what he was thought in Earth. 'Slam, Srisnity, Budysm, and the others, what is the real truth??? '

" I'll tell you more while we head to Heymdall. He will send you back to Earth." Siencio said as he grabbed Jaykeul to run.

"Your planet, Earth, has lesser and lesser faith generation as time passed by. The high council decided to abduct you, a blank slate mortal, to be groomed. You became an agent, that will send reminders to the mortals of Earth to keep praying to all the Gods." Siencio said.

"The high council fully understands that the less faith a mortal planet has, the higher technological advanced they will be. But faith is the energy of Heavenell that made this planet supreme in the known universe. And if a mortal planet technological advancement, they will be a rival for supremacy by Heavenell which the high humans doesn't want to happen." Siencio paused for a while.

"You are a high human, why are you saying that to me?" Jaykeul asked.

"I am helping you." Siencio said.

"Why would you help me?" Jaykeul asked.

"I don't agree with what the high council is doing. Eggdrassil, which absorbs faith, is not the only way to maintain supremacy in the known universe. I don't even believe that we are not superior than the mortals since we share the same roots. We are just technologically advanced that is way beyond Earth's knowledge." Siencio said to Jaykeul.

"Your fate depends on whatever you do. We all have the freedom to choose." Siencio said.

"Okay, we're here. Wait. I need to something to you." Siencio took out a pair of gloves and wore it.

"I will remove the Gods orb in your body. After that, rush to Heymdall." Siencio said to Jaykeul.


Siencio slowly put his hands into Jaykeul's chest. "Aarghh.." because he was just using the nether gloves to remove the orb, it burned the hands of Siencio even though he is wearing the nether gloves. Siencio did not tell Jaykeul of what he will do and what will happen to him. As soon as he pulled out the Orb from Jaykeul's body, he put it right away to his chest. Because if the orb is left out without a host for a minute, it will cause a big explosion.

After putting it inside Siencio's body, he became tired. A few guards appeared to be rushing to their direction, Siencio blocked the entrance and kept the Guards at bay.

"... thank you." Jaykeul silently said to Siencio before he rush to Heymdall.

"Agent #1797. Please send me to Earth." Jaykeul said to Heymdall in rush.

"...As you wish." Heimdall said.

Jaykeul stood at the teleportation circle, then Heymdall inserted his sword like a key.

"Waaahhh!" Jaykeul's physical body disintegrated into a flash of lights as his essence was sucked by a rainbow lights that transported him into Earth.

"Imbeciles! You should've never left him!" The council members scolded the two guards who escorted Agent #1797 earlier.

"Umm, apologies Lords, we did not know that he was a defective agent." one of the guards said.

"Enough with the excuses! Question Heymdall and bring Siencio here!"

The guards rushed out to brought up Heimdall and Siencio.

"What are we going to do now Zious?"

"You know what should be done Odeim, detonate the Orb."

"Budd, please do it."

Budd paused for a while before crushing the bead that is linked to the orb.

"No--!" Y'sus objected the detonation of the orb, but it was too late. The orb exploded.

*Bbooom.. Bwoooshh.. * the explosion was heard to be coming from the direction of the Bifrost Bridge.

Countless bystanders flocked to the Bifrost direction. The people around the area started started to speculate. Not long until other influential personalities and authorities noticed the explosion in the Bifrost bridge. The high council members immediately rushed to the location.

"Clean up the area. And close it to the public." A member of the High council said.

"As you command." the guard responded.

Fifty high council guards was immediately dispatched to the explosion site. They closed the area and covered it with an invisible fence. There are forty guards outside the fence while the other ten guards are inside the explosion site to assist with the investigation. Inside the explosion site are the high council members that are examining the area.

"The explosion of the orb was too strong that even the Bifrost bridge was destroyed."

"Heymdall is dead, but we will try our best to make another Heymdall using his remains. Although it will be a weaker Heymdall."

"Are you sure that it's the defective agent #1797 who died in the explosion?"

"We can't say for sure. There are no remains from the center of orb's explosion."

"Where is Siencio? Get him here guards!"

"Lord, we cannot find him anywhere. However, we still keep searching for his whereabouts." The guard responded.

"With the Bifrost Bridge destroyed, we cannot visit nor send agents to the other mortal worlds."

"There is still a way, the classic, transport ship! Although that will take us a long time to travel. "

"How about Earth? Its at the very edge of the known world, it will take us a long time to go there. "

"Leave it be, for now. With Siencio cannot be found anywhere, we do not know who will repair the Bifrost bridge if it is still repairable."

"What can we do? He's the best scientist we have."

"Let his apprentices and other scientists to work together and make this Bifrost Bridge functional again. Meanwhile, keep searching for Siencio. Dismissed."

The conversation in explosion site among the high council lasted for a long time. They know how big this problem will be for the high council, this might even cost them their positions in the high council. The destruction of the Bifrost bridge will cause a slow down of faith generation for a short time because they will not be able to extend their miracles to the mortal planets. This incident might even question their supreme position in the known universe.

Unbeknownst to the high council, their political enemies within Heavenell are now planning on making their moves against the high council members. Tensions within Heavenell is bound to be turbulent for the coming times.