Endless Darkness

Eluraa felt faint after casting the spell. Even with her eyes half-closed, for some reason, she could feel that the spell was successful.

Maybe she can overcome this turmoil after all!

She hoped and prayed that it at least froze the two sturdy men blocking her path of escape.

But when she regained some strength and forced herself to open her eyes, she saw that all she had done was freeze an arm of one of the guys.

Despair and dread filled her.

She knew that a dark fate was awaiting her.

Tears seeped out of her tired and drained eyes.

She broke down completely, with her limp and lifeless body shaking and shivering.

Unfortunately for her, the reality was going to be much more gruesome and cruel than she could ever imagine.

Because at that instant, apart from Eluraa, someone else was also shaking and shivering.

Fatty who watched the whole thing go down completely froze in fear.

Tales and fame of cultivators were far spread and exaggerated.

Cultivators were powerful humans, who had received the blessings of the five elementals.

They were not meant to be trifled with or played with by ordinary hoodlums.

Fatty felt that he had underestimated her and panicked immediately.

He felt cornered and extremely afraid for his life.

None of the women he had previously pursued, even put up a fight.

But, thanks to his damn shitty luck, he was now in conflict with an actual cultivator.

If he had known this before, he would have never messed with her in the first place.

Fatty became extremely anxious and desperate.

He needed to act fast to save his life. This was his precious life!

Nothing else was more important. He can play with some other women later. After all, they were just dime a dozen.

At that critical and life-threatening moment, thanks to his lucky stars, fatty suddenly remembered the golden amulet, his family's heirloom.

His great grandfather had recently blessed him with it and explained to him its defensive nature.

Next week, he was also supposed to embark on a life-altering exploration hunt of magical creatures to hone his prowess.

In that perilous journey, this amulet was supposed to be his life-saving hidden trump card.

But fatty, being the spoilt brat he was, simply wore it around his neck every day like a fine piece of rare jewelry.

His father had always scolded him for it.

But at this moment, he praised his foresight and immediately activated the amulet without a second thought or consideration.

Whoosh ...

Suddenly, everything fell silent. It was as if time itself had stopped completely.

Crackling sounds could be heard, which were followed by a bright blinding light. It was as if the whole world had collapsed at that one point.

A black aura appeared where Eluraa had fallen down and slowly started growing, completely enveloping her within seconds.

Fatty broke out in cold sweat. Why the hell is this protective amulet more dangerous than the cultivator ?!!! Nobody understood what was happening.

Soon, there was a complete and utter pitch-black darkness.

Seconds trickled by and finally, the black aura cleared, leaving behind an empty charred space.

Frightened to his very core and scared shitless, fatty saw that Eluraa had completely disappeared.

He had no idea what just happened and he started crazily freaking out.

He dismissed his men at once and ran back to his home as fast as he could.

Nobody knew what had happened. He forbade his men to speak of this ever again and just wanted to completely forget this hellish incident.

Everybody else may forget, but what about her parents?

Eluraa's parents were miserable. They searched day and night for her. Years went by and the couple slowly died from sadness.

On the other hand, fatty forgot the whole incident and went back to his old ways.

Nowadays, he simply arranged for women to meet him when his father was outside the village. No more risk-taking!

Absolutely nothing had changed.

As days rolled by, Eluraa and her parents were slowly and completely forgotten. After all, time waits for no one.


Meanwhile, somewhere in a dark and bleak place, Eluraa slowly regained her consciousness. She had a blinding headache.

For a second, she let herself be delusional and believed that this was all a bad dream.

Just a very bad dream, which will disappear, as soon as she opens her eyes. Her loving parents and her cute panther will all be waiting for her.

She desperately wanted to wake up and go mess around with them. But tears started flowing in her eyes. She knew deep down that it was not the case.

Irreversible things had happened. They had happened too fast and she couldn't make any sense of them. Where was she?

She slowly struggled to pry open her eyes. However, she soon realised, she didn't feel anything.

She had a conscious but she couldn't feel her body at all.

It was as if she was completely paralysed from head to toe.

She was miserable and completely shattered. All she felt was nothingness. Someone had sealed her and shut her off in endless darkness.

Who can withstand a torture of this level?

All she wanted was a small and ordinary life. Why did she have to end up like this? She kept sobbing and sobbing, with no end in sight.