Unbreakable resolve

Eluraa was slowly losing herself to the endless nothingness. Her thoughts and conscience were filled with nothing but sorrow and misery.

She couldn't recall how much time had passed since she had been imprisoned.

Yes, imprisoned.

She was sure of it. Maybe more like her soul had been shackled.

According to her theory, the weird contraption, which fatty had thrown at her, basically sucked her soul out and shackled it in a prison-like compartment.

Time simply stopped for her and everything was at a permanent standstill state.

She was not sure if seconds trickled by or minutes trickled by or even days trickled by.

There was just endless agony and nothingness.

All her precious childhood memories slowly faded away and soon she wasn't even able to remember the last time she felt any joy.

Every part of her soul started slowly dissipating and she was feeling even emptier than before.

Every memory crossed her mind one last time and evaporated into nothingness.

This was it. She could feel it.

When this last bit of consciousness fades away, she will be completely gone. Completely disappear.

At last, she will have a true death and be at peace.

This is good news, right?

No more of this agonizing, soul-wrenching loneliness.

No more of this numbness and darkness.

So why was she feeling so angry right now? Why is there this overwhelming sadness?

Too much has happened. This was her life.

How could have all this happened? She couldn't accept her fate just yet.

When she was at the brink of true mental collapse, she recalled a particular feeling, that slight feeling of euphoria she had felt recently. What was it?

In her completely ordinary and normal life, this was the single exceptional moment she had experienced.

She tried desperately to hold on to it. She didn't want to let this memory slip away too. She had already lost too much.

This was her last hope. She needed to grab on to this last bit of memory to save herself.

But all she could remember was that small feeling of immense success and happiness. When did she feel that?

Months passed by...

She held onto that small hope like a drowning ant.

And then she remembered.

This was at her last moments before she was vortexed into this black hole.

She had successfully connected with her water elemental and managed to bring out the freezing spell.

But, now what? She had identified that memory, so what?

This was nothing and it changed nothing.

Her fate was still sealed and trapped, but this minuscule success reminded her of the joy she felt when she had spiritually reached out to her elemental.

She then again remembered her dad and mom.

She had been so happy that she wanted to yell out to her dad and mom and share with them this marvelous feeling.

But she never got a chance to do that.

She never even got a chance to bid farewell to her beloved parents.

All she wanted to be was ordinary, but she was forcefully pushed into this merciless prison.

She had lost everything and it was all over.

She would soon disappear, even from this nothingness. Her conscience would cease to exist forever.

Why did this all happen?

She felt such helplessness and loss. Was she going to let it end just like that?

Was she going to lose that last piece of memory as well? Was she not even going to put up a fight?

What was the point of it all?

She had already lost everything.

But then she remembered, maybe she hadn't lost everything. She had a consciousness left after all.

Can she still meditate and reach out to her elemental?

Can she still feel that connection?

She was so agitated and hadn't thought of this before, but now she was on the brink of true death and all her thoughts had disappeared.

This helped her feel that last bit of calm before completely disappearing and at this moment, she tried one last time to feel the slightest connection to her elemental.

There it was.

All hope was not lost. She could feel it.

It was very faint and almost didn't exist but she could feel it.

She could almost feel the warmth and embrace of her elemental. She could almost feel that energy they shared.

It was just outside of her reach. If she could just extend a bit, try a bit more, she would be able to get there.

She was not gone yet. She may be in a bottomless pit but she was not dead yet.

All she wanted to be was ordinary but because of a disgusting excuse of a human being, she was imprisoned.

No, she was not going to let it end like this.

She still had her elemental connection. She still had her saving grace. She was going to fight and she was going to survive.

She decided to never again let another scum decide her fate.

She was not going to let anyone decide her path. She will survive this and take back everything which was to be hers.

All she wanted to be was ordinary but now that she was forced down this path, damn it all, she silently resolved to conquer the heavens, no longer weak and vulnerable.

She wanted the strength and power to change her fate and she wanted vengeance.

Someone had to pay the price for her endless misery.

At that moment, if someone could see that huge gigantic black box from outside, they could see many tiny dots, but one of them shone a million times brighter than the rest.

It was almost too difficult to confine this particular soul within this black prison anymore.