Hey you! Stop right there!

Eluraa was actually not that surprised.

This was perfectly in line with the expert's previous behavior. "Would it kill him to give me some sort of an overview?!", she grumbled.

Sighing, she slowly looked around.

She saw some building structures in the eastern direction and started walking towards that area lugging her cloth bundle along.

As she neared the huge tall buildings, she could now see more and more students walking about here and there.

Some were intently discussing, some seemed to have floating orbs of elements around them and some even seemed to be so engrossed in parchment papers?

They all seemed to be exuding an elegant aura, commanding a sense of respect from the onlookers.

They were pristinely dressed in a white shirt and purple pants, an academy uniform of some sort maybe.

Eluraa gulped, slightly intimidated by her surroundings. All her clothes were almost torn and extremely shabby compared to these kids.

She suddenly felt very out of place.

"You escaped from that hell prison damn it! This is just a children's academy. You can do this." Eluraa mumbled to herself and reined in her anxiety.

After walking a bit more, she finally reached one of the buildings and entered silently to enquire about further directions.

But as soon as she took a step inside, there was a huge commotion, accompanied by loud roars, hisses, and all sorts of beast noises.

Eluraa trembled slightly and looked around, only to find herself surrounded by numerous magical beasts.

There were all sorts of magical creatures, ranging from snarling wolves to venomous snakes. And they all seemed extremely wild and riled up.

The building she had entered was apparently the academy stables, the residence of some of the untamed beasts, meant for the academy students training.

Noticing the commotion, all students near the area were surprised and the building manager panicked and rushed towards the entrance.

He had been busy at the back feeding some of the creatures.

Without wasting any time, he swiftly blew a whistle, calming down all the creatures and returned outside with a guilty-looking Eluraa.

Slowly students started gathering around and she was extremely embarrassed.

She composed herself and slowly apologized to the building manager, "Ahhh! Thank you so much, my lord. I am very sorry for my actions. I should not have rashly entered the building".

Immediately everyone burst out laughing.

Someone loudly replied back "Hey ugly! That's not how you address someone. Use the term teacher or master! Are you a bumpkin?"

"Tsk. Tsk. They are just letting anyone in here these days".

Again there was a huge wave of laughter.

Eluraa was deeply embarrassed with her cheeks flushed red. She hurriedly bowed and asked the building manager for directions.

Even though he was annoyed, he silently pointed the way for her to the main administrative office area and returned to his posting.

Eluraa tried her best to calm herself and walked towards the administrative offices.

In her effort to avoid this toxic and bullying atmosphere, she rushed a bit and accidentally tripped over, triggering another wave of laughter.

Before long, there were some students blocking her path and ridiculing her.

She was almost at her limits.

Muttering to herself, "This is your first day, calm down, calm down," she took a deep breath.

Her frazzled expression was immediately replaced with her cold and indifferent demeanor.

In her previous life, Eluraa was a very kind and loving person by nature. She hardly lost her temper at anything.

But this girl right here... was the polar opposite to her in nature.

Even so, she managed to bit her lips and control her rising anger. She walked fast, but still clearly made a mental note of the ridiculing faces.

After all, they were all going to be in the same academy from now on. Won't she get another chance to settle this minor matter? Hmph.

Right when she was going to enter the office, she bumped into something hard.

Eluraa looked up and was stunned to see a fat boy blocking her path. He even had some food crumbs on his face.

The fatty burped loudly and pointed at Eluraa, while blurting out, "Hey you! Stop right there!".

Chutput Yan was looking for a scapegoat for his latest fiasco.

He failed to take care of his belongings and had lost his Basics of Alchemy book somewhere.

Every student received a basic set of books to aid them in their education.

Fatty Han was a middle school kid, who was now loitering around wondering how to replace his lost book.

He then saw Eluraa. Transfer student?

Fatty's brain wheels immediately turned, since she seemed to be about the same age as him.

And moreover, this person looked like a bumpkin, who just now arrived at the academy.

Surely, she must have received a brand new set of different necessities.

This must be his lucky day! Just how difficult will it be to bully this bumpkin?! His problem was finally going to be solved!

But unfortunately for him…

Eluraa's eyes suddenly became bloodshot.

As soon as she saw the fatty, memories came flooding back to her.

She lost all her reason and completely lost control.

Dark orbs filled with raw icy water elemental energy swirled around her.

Her eyes went dark and her face was ashen.

She was emanating a wild killing aura, that uniquely belonged to high-level experts and she looked like she was going to kill him.

The pressure she exuded was constantly increasing.

Even the fatso realized that something was wrong and started shaking and shivering.

He was just going to perform some low-grade bullying.

Wasnt this reaction a bit too much?

And he hasn't even started the bullying for heaven's sake!!

Fatty wanted to run away. But he couldn't move an inch.

Eluraa had complete control of the air around them. Fatty couldn't even breathe. He just stood there whimpering.