The elephant in the room

The new academy instructor, who had escorted Eluraa, was silently watching the whole thing from a distance.

"Hmm. the standards here are lowering every year..."

"Not one of them realized it.."

"It is very impressive to make that many untamed magical creatures acknowledge and react to you."

"It is almost impossible."

"Well, in the end, it is all up to her, how far she can go from here onwards".

He moved closer to the window and used an amplifying spell before shouting, "That is enough."

The loud bellowing voice brought Eluraa back to reality.

She saw the shivering fatty in front of her and realized what had happened.

But her coldness didn't soften at all. She just harrumphed and crossed the frightened fatty, this time completely ignoring him.

By now, she had already gotten accustomed to her feelings being in constant turmoil.

Sometimes she even felt suffocated by them.

But, what was she supposed to do?

Endless rage and resentment filled her heart, with no one to direct it towards.

There had been countless days she had wished that she would have been able to go back to her original timeline.

Maybe for the sake of vengeance, but also for the sake of her loved ones.

And now, it was already spilled milk and there was no use crying over it.

Maybe slowly with time all this anger and bloodthirst would disappear from her heart.

Gathering her emotions, Eluraa silently entered the administrative office without looking back.

A short and stout middle-aged man helped her finish the registration process. He threw her a couple of awkward looks because clearly this was not normal.

Students usually joined the academy when they were 5 years old. That was the ripe age of building a solid foundation.

This young lady standing in front of him was already 15 years old, and technically should be in high school at this age.

"Tsk Tsk. Poor child. Though her affinity is not half as bad, because of fate, her development and growth would be stunted compared to the other children."

The officer felt bad for Eluraa and mumbled under his breath.

"That too this child is a commoner..." He shook his head looking pitifully at Eluraa.

Eluraa on the other hand, was busy looking here and there, trying to take the new atmosphere in.

Soon the registration process was completed and Eluraa had received her training schedule.

She still had one week of free time left before the academy officially began.

After settling in the empty dormitory, she busied herself and used the academy library to get herself up to date.

Even though their language was deceptively similar, it was still only a dialect and the main language had to be learned again.

Eluraa buried herself in various books ranging from the history of the world, current affairs, the different lands in her current world, the war between the races, and so on.

The more she read the more her heart raced.

Compared to some of the monsters which roamed this world, she was merely a puny ant.

Soon, the one week passed by in a jiffy, and more students started showing up in the dormitories.

The academy officially opened as well, and the first day began with a formal address by the academy head.

"Students, Welcome to the Blood academy"

"All of you are presumably very excited right now because you are either embarking or continuing your journey on the honorable and glorious path to becoming a combatant!"

"I will make this brief."

"Combatants exist to explore and protect, allowing humanity to grow. They are the main backbone and defenders of the human race!"

"You should constantly bear in mind that there are countless magical beasts and other monstrous creatures glaring at you, eyeing you as their food, as their cultivation resource, and waiting for a chance to completely devour you!"

"The safety you feel in this city is only a temporary mirage. It can be ripped apart and torn to shred at any moment."

"Always keep that in mind and work hard, and strive to be stronger to protect yourself and your loved ones."

"I hope each and every one of you will become an excellent combatant, whose glorious deeds would be recorded forever in the history of mankind."

After the inspiring speech, the students quickly dispersed, each briskly walking towards their allotted classroom brimming with excitement.

But, unfortunately for Eluraa, her excitement crumbled as soon as she reached her allotted classroom.

After the inauguration, she looked at her training schedule and there were only two classes listed - physical training and basic cultivation, and her first class was the basic cultivation class, so she walked towards the specified location.

When she first neared her classroom, she could faintly hear some sniffling and wailing noises.

Confused, Eluraa decided to ignore the random noises and confidently stepped inside, wearing her cold exterior like an armor.

But just as entered, Eluraa's cold exterior shattered and her flushed pink face struggled awkwardly.

She was now standing in a classroom full of toddlers!

Apparently, in the current academies, age did not determine the class you would join.

Every newbie had to first focus on two things, the basic cultivation, and physical fitness.

They had to first undergo rigorous physical training to condition the body for the first few years.

After clearing the exam for that level, they were then allowed to take the next level classes, combat style classes.

The second aspect these newbies had to focus on is the basic cultivation.

They have to reach a single mana core stage in cultivation, to take the next class, advanced cultivation.

Because of this, all age group students were mixed and jumbled in different classes based on their individual progress.

Though, most students pass the basic cultivation class, which is the easiest of the classes. So there weren't even any stragglers left!

The only students of the class were freshly admitted newbies, 5-year-old kids!

And thus, Eluraa ended up being the odd one out in a classroom full of toddlers.

"Teacher. Good morning" A snot-nosed kid immediately approached her, with his eyes shining in admiration.

All the teachers in the academy were powerful combatants.

And then immediately one by one all the kiddos started getting up and greeting her respectfully.

Eluraa didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She silently nodded and awkwardly walked to the back of the classroom, taking an empty seat.

"Teacher, what are we studying today?"

"Teacher, you are sitting with us?"

"Teacher, can I show you my dance moves?"

Snot nosed kids came at her from every which direction and completely surrounded her, bombarding with questions.


Looking at all their expectant faces, and puppy dog eyes, Eluraa was completely flustered.

"I need to get the hell out of here." She screamed inside.

Fortunately for her, a loud bang disrupted the ruckus and brought everyone's attention back to the front of the classroom.

Looking at that familiar figure, Eluraa gasped in surprise!

Turns out, the person she had thought to be an academy representative was actually an instructor in this esteemed academy.

"Good morning kiddos. Come back to your bench." The new home teacher for the class, Max Edward bellowed, instantly calming down the chaotic bunch.