Useless 8

A bad foreboding overcame Yano. The grey sky and the screams were the first things that welcomed him as he stepped through the portal. It has been a long while since Yano has returned to the Immortal World. If it weren't for Maria urgently reporting the situation, Yano would've stayed in the Mortal World.

With Yano's power, he could freely traverse between the Immortal and Mortal World. If it wasn't because of his selfish desire, Lia could've returned earlier and all of this could've been prevented.

Yano sighed. The portal closed behind him. Funny enough, every time he used his own portal no matter his desired destination, Yano was teleported to the mortal gate next to the palace.

The moment he appeared, the frightened soldiers stopped Yano, "You can't pass through!"

Yano tilted his head, "Why not?"

"It's not safe!"