Useless 9

Lia's hands grabbed the wall of a house as she glided to the ground. She couldn't move. She overexerted herself and her body was at its limit. Her consciousness started to blur and it was hard for Lia to see her surroundings.

The cold wall against her back brought her a bit of comfort. But Lia was still in the first layer of the capital. In the far, the plaza could be seen. She didn't make it far and soon she heard the loud noises of footsteps and voices.

The soldiers and captains were after her. Min was safe while Timo was with him. At least two strong forces were distracted. However, Lia's current state couldn't even help her fight against normal exorcists. The soldiers could easily subdue her. Lia slowly grabbed the wall. Her fingers felt the rough surface. The wounds on Lia's body slowly healed.