
There was no other choice. Lia blindly trusted her instincts and jumped. The wind brushed against her back as she felt herself falling. She closed her eyes. Mabye jumping towards death like this wasn't too bad. Only bad thing was that she couldn't die so easily.

Lia ripped her eyes open only to stare into gentle ones. Strong arms embraced her and warmth seeped into her cold and fragile body.

"Yano…" Lia's surprised whisper made him smile.

"It's ok, I'm here," Yano whispered back and only held her tighter as if she was a precious jade treasure that could break any second.

"I'm sorry, I'm late."

Lia couldn't say anything. There was no reason for Yano to apologise. He didn't promise her anything. Apart from the Mortal World, they had nothing to do with each other. None of this was his fault. Even though they had the same goals, they both took care of a different world. Yet Lia failed while Yano seemed to have been successful.