*Chapter 9*

September 1, 2006 (Kings Cross)

Harry was walking with his hands in his pockets through Kings Cross station in search of platform 9 and ¾. This would have been annoying for anyone who could not clearly sense the magic barrier between platform 9 and 10. Once he walked through that he came face to face with a train. He sighed in exasperation

'Those dumb asses really are going to make us stay on a train for 8 hours without any adult supervision. Oh well, can't blame me if it becomes too much and I kill one of these annoying twerps' harry thought as he boarded the train. It looked pretty empty since he got here around an hour early. He found a random empty compartment and plopped himself down. He closed all the shutters at the door so everyone couldn't just look in while he wasn't paying attention.

'Remind we again why we had to come back to this country and you couldn't simply kill the old man instead.' Sammy hissed from under Harry's shirt. Harry sighed.

'It wouldn't have done me any good. The contract is tied with Hogwarts not the old fool.' Harry responded annoyed.

'Hmph. So you are willing to just waste your time at this school. You could be using this time training.' Sammy continued. Harry smirked.

'You just want to laze around the island more.' Harry shot back at her.

'You're damn right I do. It was warm there, and I got all the free prey that I could ask for. What's not to like?' Sammy shot back at him. Harry conceded that point. He would rather be spending his time at Wolfe Cove but sadly for him, life seemed to have other plans for him.

'This think of this as a necessary evil alright. Who knows, there might be a benefit to this.' Harry said doubtfully as he looked out the window and noticed more people starting to arrive.

'Whatever you say. I'm going to nap. Wake me if you need something important.' Sammy said as she dosed off to the land of dreams.

'What a troublesome snake I got' Harry said with a smirk. He glanced at the clock on the platform and saw they would be leaving in 20 minutes. He wanted to hurry up with this already. His time was money after all. As he scanned the station again he noticed a certain family that his lingered on for a second. They seemed vaguely familiar for some reason that he couldn't quite put his finger on. The group was comprised of a bespectacled man who he guessed had a roguish handsomeness to him. Standing next to him was a red headed woman that, like her husband, could be considered attractive. As his eyes turned to the third member of the family, his memory finally clicked into place. A boy brownish red haired boy with eyes seemed to be made of gold stood next to his parents. On his head was a lightning bolt scar.

'Well, well, well. If it isn't the famous Potter family.' Harry thought sarcastically as he stared at the family he once considered his own. He took another second to look at them before he looked down by Lily's leg and was surprised to see another child that looked very similar to her mother.

'Seems they had another kid.' Harry thought frowning slightly at this new piece of information. He turned away from the window and closed the curtains. He didn't want to have to continue staring at their faces. He threw on the hood of his hoodie before leaning against the now covered window. He closed his eyes and rested. He could still hear what was going on around him but chose to ignore it as he continued to rest. He at one point heard his door slide open and someone enter and sit down but he didn't bother to even lift his head to acknowledge their presence. He continued to just go on and pretend he was asleep. He decided to pay attention to how Sammy shifted in her sleep while wrapped around him. Cool feeling over scale actually felt nice. He would have to figure out a way to enhance her somehow. Her venom was already some of the most venomous in the world but it wasn't the most venomous in the world. Harry seeked to change that. Her scales were also a little too weak for Harry's taste. He would have find a way to make them impenetrable against weapons and magic.

Just as he was about to move on to another thought to keep himself occupied, the door to his compartment opened.

"Hey Neville, I've been looking for you since I got on the train. How have you been?" a voice said presumably to the other person that had been sitting quietly in his compartment.

"Hello Arthur. I have been good and yourself." The now identified Neville said shyly back.

Harry froze. Arthur, as in his brother Arthur. What a FREAKING coincidence that his brother would come to the one compartment he was trying to hide out in. Well whatever, not like he had to talk to the brat or anything.

"Who's this?" Arthur asked quietly as he finally noticed the other occupant in the compartment. Harry did not say anything. He just continued to pretend he was asleep.

"Don't know. He's been asleep since I got in here." Neville said back quietly.

"He looks like a muggle-born doesn't he?" Arthur asked Neville.

"Yeah I guess. Haven't ever seen one to compare him too though so I couldn't tell you for sure." Neville said back.

Harry silently gritted his teeth. God these kids were annoying. Why didn't they either shut up or get out.

"Hmm well most of the other compartments are full so do you mind if I join you?" Arthur asked politely.

'God damn it' Harry thought

"Sure no problem. I'm sure he won't mind when he wakes up." Neville said as he presumably was speaking for Harry.

'You presumptuous brat. I will make sure I get you back for this.' Harry thought as he smooshed himself closer to the wall so he wasn't so close the Potter offspring. He decided to go to sleep before he did something he would regret.

He slept silently for a few hours before he was woken up again by the suspicious murmurings coming from the other side of his compartment.

"…think is under his hood." He caught Arthur saying.

"I would assume hair, and a face Arthur." Neville said back as he tried to stop Arthur's thought process before he could even get to it. Sadly, Neville wasn't so lucky.

"Let's pull it down and see what he looks like.' Arthur said. Harry felt the boy edging his way up the seat where he was. This boy seriously thought he could pull a fast one over him? What an idiot.

"Arthur don't he probably won't like that your touching him." Neville said worried.

"Just a quick peek…" Arthur said as he reached out for Harry's hood. Before his fingers could touch even a stitch of cloth. Harry snatched his hand his hand from the air before either of them could even blink.

"Try that again, and you not going to like what I do to you in response." Harry said coldly as he squeezed Arthur's wrist tighter for emphasis.

"OW, ok I give. Won't do it again. Please let go!" Arthur spat out quickly.

Harry let go of his arm and went back to leaning against the window and ignoring their presence.

"Hey I'm sorry about that mate. I was just curious on what you looked like. No hard feelings?" Arthur asked as he smiled at the quiet boy tentatively while rubbing his now sore wrist.

"Very much hard feelings." Harry responded back emotionless.

"Err…I see. Well I'm sorry either way. What's your name?" Arthur asked politely. Harry debated on what he would should do. He could stay silent but he felt that would just encourage the boy to try harder to find out. He could lie but that could backfire if he was ever called by his real name around Arthur. He decided to just tell him the truth. He didn't feel like going through the effort to try and hide who he was.

"Harry." He responded emotionless again. That peeked Arthur's attention as he immediately tried to get a good look at Harry who was sadly looking the other way and wearing a hoodie.

"Harry what?" Arthur asked with slight excitement slipping into his voice.

"Just Harry." Harry responded back as he continued to look out the window bleakly as he resigned himself to this fate.

"Oh. Why don't you have a last name?" Arthur asked with a slightly prodding look in his eyes.

"Because I chose not to have one. We done playing twenty questions? Good." Harry snapped at Arthur. Ok he needed to get out of here and cool off. He stood up and made for the door. As he opened up the door he ran into a bushy haired girl.

"Oh hello. I'm looking for Arthur Potter. He's the Boy Who Lived you know. I read he even once fought a dragon." The girl sped out. Harry simply looked at her like she was mentally retarded.

"…When's the last time you had a single original thought." Harry asked. The girl looked confused.

"Huh?" she responded.

"That's what I thought. Have a nice day." Said Harry as he pushed past her and into the hallway. The girl gained a look that suggested that she wasn't sure she had been insulted or not. Harry walked off towards the other side of the train. He needed a new compartment. He saw a group of 3 young children leave theirs so as soon as they exited he entered. They seemed to take offence to this. The smallest of the three glared at him with his nose in the air as if he was trying to look down on him.

"What do you think you are doing? This is are compartment. I suggest you leave now before you regret it." The blond boy said arrogantly.

"No thanks. I've had a long day and I need to get some R and R before I give into my base desire to kill every living creature I see so I can gain the quiet atmosphere I so desperately need." Harry said back seriously.

"Do you know who I am? I am Draco Malfoy, heir to the Most Ancient and Noble house of the Malfoy you peasant and I demand you leave my compartment before I decide to tell my father about this incident.

"Eh go ahead. Write it down and take pictures for all I care. You should leave brat before I decide you need to have that silver spoon in your mouth, shoved ten inches deep in another hole in your body." Harry said back quietly as he sat down and found the most comfortable position he could and stayed in it. He could practically feel the steam coming from Malfoys face as he stared angrily at Harry.

"Crabbe, Goyle. Show this peasant that he should respect his better." Malfoy half yelled angrily. Harry sighed. Was there something about his face that said he wanted to have a confrontation with everybody…ok maybe there might be. Still, that didn't mean that everyone should do it.

As the two hulks of flesh approached him, Harry pondered how he should deal with this. He couldn't let them touch him because they might damage Sammy. It seemed the quick route would be best. He stood up and waited for dumb and dumber to approach closer to him. As soon as he came in range, Harry performed a lightning fast high kick straight to the boys chin. It was like watching a movie. The boy's whole lifted half a foot off the ground before he fell on the ground, instantly knocked out. The other mass of flesh and Malfoy seemed to be shocked. Their attention soon returned to Harry as they heard crack noise and turned to see him cracking his neck and stretching his arms before he looked at both of them with a friendly smile that didn't match the voice he used next.

"Which one of you little shit for brains am I going to open a can of whoop ass on." Harry asked in a voice as cold as death as he let release some of his magical presence. The remaining henchman and Malfoy took a step backwards before they hit the wall of the corridor.

"Now, now you too. Real men take responsibility for the problems they cause. So choose. Which of you is next" Harry asked as if h was scolding a child. His head was tilted to the side as he still smiled a totally innocent smile that clearly did not belong with the situation.

"I-..I'm S-orry." Malfoy stuttered as death slowly walked closer to him.

"Oh you're sorry. Where did that cocky child who had the balls to call me a peasant go? Jeez all you politician types have in common. Soon as you're confronted with REAL power. You clam up like a shy little school girl. I haven't even used any magic yet. You're pathetic. Next time you get in my face, make sure you have the power to back up your words or I just might end up dealing with you PERMANENTLY." Harry said to the Malfoy who was practically pissing his pant as he shook with fright. He nodded quickly back to Harry to show he understood. Harry smiled and suddenly all the pressure and demonic aura being released from him vanished.

"Excellent. Now scurry away little Malfoy. Will shall play another time." Harry finished as he entered the compartment and left Malfoy to pull himself together. Ahhh...that was satisfying. Okay, maybe this place wouldn't be so bad after all.

A few hours later, (Hogsmeade Station)

"First years over here." A giant of a man yelled with a lantern in his hand. He went over with the other first years towards the man and waited for the all the others still getting off the train to follow suit. Once all of them had gathered, the man led them to a lake. On the lakeshore where many boats were waiting. Harry loaded onto the closest boat too him and waited. A few people got into his boat with him. One of course had to be Arthur Potter.

"Hey Harry, why didn't you come back to the compartment, we were waiting for you." Arthur said when he entered the boat.

"I know, that's why I didn't come back." Harry responded nonchalantly.

"Ahh you're such a cold guy Harry. You should lighten up more." Arthur said chuckling off Harry's comment.

"Hmph." Harry said as he ended the conversation. This kid was annoyingly persistent in trying to get along with him. He might have to kick his ass to get his point across. That might be fun. Kicking ass usually was a fun activity for him. As the boats moved around the final turn, the first years got their first look at Hogwarts. Many of them gasped out loud in surprise. That was a little much in his opinion. He had not heard anyone gasp in surprise his whole life. These kids and their weak bloodlines would not survive the winter. As they finally got to shore, they exited the rowboats and walked up towards the castle. The huge man told them to wait by the big double doors to enter the castle and that a woman would soon be by to let them in. As soon as he left, some of the first years broke into excited chatter talking about what they thought the way to get sorted was. He could honestly careless. He didn't care for any of the houses. He heard some kid mention dragons and groaned silently. Why did all 11 year olds have to be complete idiots? Why could one not have intelligence higher than an infant? An old woman regal finally put a stop to all conversation when she opened the doors. She welcomed them to Hogwarts and briefly explained the house and points system. Harry then immediately tuned her out. It was a just more trivial stuff that he could care less about. She finally finished and looked over the 1st years before finally coming to a stop on Harry and she frowned deeply.

"Mr. Potter where are your robes?" She said in a clearly disgruntled voice. Harry ignored her. He knew of course she was talking to him but he wasn't a Potter so he figured he would nip this problem in the bud. Arthur spoke of course spoke thinking the professor was talking to him.

"What do you mean professor? Is there something wrong with them?" Arthur asked confused as he looked down to look himself over.

"Not you Mr. Potter. Your brother." The woman said as she looked back at Harry. This got everyone whispering. They were quite loud and not the least bit subtle about it either. Many seemed to not know about the lost Potter twin at all. After a few minutes of staring at each other, Harry tilted his head and pointed questioningly towards himself. The professor nodded as he finally seemed to understand the situation.

"I'm sorry professor but you seem to be incorrect. I am not a Potter. Haven't been for a long time. I shall excuse you calling me that name only once but should it happen again I will simply ignore whatever you are saying." Harry said breezily as if casually talking about the weather. The professor looked like she had to swallow a lemon whole. Albus warned her that the boy did not seem to view himself as a Potter any longer and not to push him if he acted in this exact way.

"Fine then, Harry. Why are you not wearing your robes?" the woman asked sternly.

"Ah that. Well robes restrict almost all movement of my body therefore I refused to waste my money on something like that." Harry said back nonchalantly. This caused all first years to again break out in whispers on what would happen to him for already breaking the rules. McGonagall gritted her teeth

"Wearing robes is not a choice Harry. You have to wear them while at Hogwarts." She said angrily.

"Well that sucks because I'm not going to wear them." Harry said as he leaned against the stair railing.

"We will be talking to the headmaster about your refusal to obey Hogwarts rules Harry." She said while her face turned red. Harry shrugged not really caring.

Ms. McGonagall turned and stomped into the Great Hall and led the first years forward. Harry continued forward as well mainly to get away from Arthur before he tried to ask him any questions. As they made their way in, Harry noticed the 4 tables that seemed to represent the 4 houses. They were all staring at the new students. Harry paid them no mind. None looked even mildly interesting. The professor grabbed a stool with a hat on it and put it in the center of the room.

"When I call your name, you will sit on the stool and put on the hat so it can sort you, is this understood?" she asked. All the first years nodded. She then started to call names one by one. It was pretty boring if Harry was honest. They seemed to be going by last name. Arthur was called and seemed happy that he got into Gryffindor and seemed to be looking at Harry expectantly. Harry ignored that look. He knew one house he could cross off the list of going to.

"Harry P-…er…."The woman fumbled as she realized she couldn't call his last name. Harry rolled his eyes.

"If you need to use a last name for me then just use Wolfe." Harry said exasperated. These people were all such idiots. He never had so much trouble with using just his first name first.

"Right…Harry Wolfe." McGonagall yelled. Harry walked up and put the hat on his head. He immediately hear a voice in his head.

'Well, well, well. What do we have here? Quite an interesting mind you have here, Mr. Wolfe was it.' The voice said. Harry did not panic he expected something like this as soon as he saw the hat sorting others.

'I would be careful about any information you find in my head. If I find you compromised me in any way….well I'm sure you can see what I've done to beings who have crossed me.' Harry said with a slightly threatening tone.

'Indeed I can. What a hard life you have lived Mr. Wolfe. I find it a miracle you came out of such circumstances as sane as you are.' The hat responded.

'Yes well, I have a much stronger will then most. Now hurry and finish this. This stool is very uncomfortable.' Harry said back.

'As you wish. Let's see here. Plenty of bravery. You are quite blunt and straight forward as well. You would do well in Gryffindor. Yet I also sense cunning, ambition in you as well. Not very loyal. Extremely smart however. You would do well In Ravenclaw and Slytherin as well. What to choose, what to choose…hmmm what's this? You also own a snake and a very potent snake as well. Well that settles it. It ought to be "SLYTHERIN."