*Chapter 10*

September 2, 2006 (Hogwarts)

It was official. Everyone at this school was retarded. Harry had this thought while walking to his first class of the day. Being a Potter previously didn't seem to sit right with many of the upper-year Slytherin. They seemed to think he wasn't meant to be here. A few of them tried to sneak into his room at night and do something to him. He didn't find out since as soon as they came in he knocked them out and…punished them. The next morning the rest of Slytherin found them chained to the roof of the dungeons naked. No one had bothered him since then. Mainly because he had apparently traumatized those 5th years and they now seemed way too scared to even be in the same hall as him. Harry mentally scoffed. His motto was "Do onto others only what you are willing to have done onto thyself." Which he took to mean that if you killed someone, you yourself should be prepared to get killed. Of course, he doubted any students in this school could even land a scratch on him but still, he wasn't going to underestimate them just because he was almost positive he was stronger.

First-class of the day was transfiguration with the Gryffindor's. As he arrived at the class, he saw that most of the class was already there. They must have been excited for their first day because they were all chatting quietly in excited tones. He saw a cat on the table and after extending his senses, found that it had the same magical signature as Professor McGonagall. He looked the tabby dead in the eye and it looked right back. He smirked at it and sat down. The tabby looked back surprised which was an unusual expression for a cat to have. He sat down next to a girl with hair that appeared to have golden blonde hair and blue eyes that were as cold as ice. She seemed to be regarding him but he stopped paying attention to what she was doing. He laid his head on the desk and closed his eyes as he waited for the class to start. The class starting time had already passed so he assumed they were just waiting for people that were late on their first day. Soon as that thought crossed his mind, Arthur, Neville, and a red-headed boy rushed in.

"Good, she isn't here yet." The red-headed boy said in relief. As soon as he said that the tabby on the table jumped and halfway to the floor, morphed into the tall regal professor that she truly was. Every student besides Harry gasped in surprise. Seriously, with the gasping again. God, how cliché could these kids get.

"I think not Mr. Weasley. See that you. Mr. Potter and Mr. Longbottom arrive at my class on time. Should this happen again there will be a deduction of points and should the problem persist you will be issued detentions? Is that clear." She asked

"Yes professor." all three of them chorused. They sat down on the other side of the room but not before Arthur looked right at him with an expression that clearly said he wanted to say something. Harry ignored his gaze and waited for the lesson to start. McGonagall explained her class and how it was to transfigure things. She demonstrated by turning her desk into a pig which seemed to excite the first years. Harry didn't care for it. He himself was already proficient at conjuration which is turning nothing into something. Turning one thing into another was as easy as breathing to him. She explained the first lesson and how they needed to turn a matchstick into a pin. She passed around the matchstick and let them get started. Harry didn't even pick up the matchstick. He simply stares at it and watched it change from a matchstick to an extremely sharp pin. He decided that he had completed the lesson and turned it back into a matchstick. He laid his head on the desk and went to sleep. He wasn't asleep for long before he felt a slight shocking pain. He didn't jolt as most students would. He simply opened his eyes and calmly looked up at the woman

"What can I help you with the professor?" Harry asked calmly. She looked at him sternly.

"Do you find my class boring Mr. Wolfe?" She asked looking down at him sharply.

"Well since you're asking then yeah, I do," Harry said as he pretended to look pleased that she asked him such a question.

"Oh? Then you should have no problem turning the matchstick into a pin." She stated angrily.

"That is correct. Thanks for understanding professor." Harry said with perfect sounding sincerity as he laid his head back on the desk.

"Then could you perhaps show it to the rest of the class?" she asked louder. By now, the entire class had stopped practicing and looked at Harry to see what he would do. Harry sighed.

"Fine." He said. He looked at the matchstick and used his magic to turn it into a perfect pin and then turned it back. The rest of the class looked shocked as well as the professor.

"Mr. Wolfe….you can do wandless magic?" Professor McGonagall asked, stunned by what she just saw.

"Of course. I've never used a wand in my life and I never plan too." Harry said to her.

"You don't even have a wand?" She asked even more stunned.

"I just said that," Harry said in a bored tone.

"I see. Mr. Wolfe, I think you should go see the headmaster since you are apparently done with the exercise. He should be expecting you to come to his office sometime today. Harry sighed again

"Whatever. Guess I'll see the old goat then." Harry said before he stood up and walked to the door.

"Mr. Wolfe! You will show the headmaster proper respect." Professor McGonagall yelled after him. Harry waved his hand behind him dismissively. As he continued to walk up to the office. It was pretty annoying to get to as well because of all the twists and turns along the way. Plus, he was pretty sure he that the stairs were trying to purposefully piss him off. When he finally got to a giant gargoyle he looked up at it and it moved and stared back down at him.

"Headmaster is expecting me," Harry said bored.

"Do you have the password?" The creature asked back as it smiled condescendingly down at him. As soon as he said that, Harry smiled back. He formed a lance of condensed magic and pierced it right through the creature's right arm calling it to yell out in pain as its arm fell off.

"Yeah, it's 'Get the fuck out of the way before I tear you to pieces.'" Harry said as he continued to smile at the statue who was looking back at him in fear.

"Alright, alright. Go right ahead." The creature grunted out in pain. Its pedestal turned and moved out of the way as stairs appeared to form the wall, leading up to the headmaster's office.

"Much obliged," Harry said as he pretended to tip an imaginary hat at the statue and passed him to go up the stairs. As he finally made it to the top, he walked right into the room, not even bothering to knock. He saw the headmaster sitting there waiting for him with a cup of tea.

'Why are we here?' Sammy hissed slightly. Harry turned so that Dumbledore couldn't see him.

'Well look who finally decided to wake up. Stay quiet, will you? I need to talk to the headmaster and don't want him to know of your existence." Harry whispered in parseltongue. Sammy hissed in irritation but stayed quiet. Harry turned back around and walked up to the headmaster's desk and sitting down across from Dumbledore.

"How are you doing old man?" Harry asked as he slouched in his chair.

"I'm fine my dear boy. How are you? Enjoying Hogwarts I hope?" Dumbledore asked.

"Truth be told, not really. I'm far past most school curriculum to enjoy the experience and plus there is the fact that I was forced to come here. Still, I guess it could be worse….Not for me of course. Had it been any worse for me, I would have simply gone with plan B and thrown everything I had at this castle until it either turned to ashes or I passed out from exhaustion." Harry said as he reached over and grabbed a lemon drop and proceeded to suck on it.

"Ah, I see. Well, I'm sorry to hear that.' Dumbledore said.

"I'm sure you're just torn up inside about it," Harry said nonchalantly. Dumbledore cleared his throat awkwardly.

"Anyways, the reason you're here is a few things. The first is that professor McGonagall has informed me that you chose to not buy any robes. Why is that?" Dumbledore questioned in his grandfatherly tone.

"Robes are currently the worse clothing for combat I have ever seen. They restrict all movement and they are dreadfully uncomfortable. I refuse to buy something that under no circumstances, I would ever wear." Harry said as he looked Dumbledore in the eye. Dumbledore was tempted to try and use Legimency on the boy but remembered that he had at least some experience in mind arts based on how he took over all those people in the café with just his magic.

"Regardless of your personal feelings Harry, robes are the mandatory uniform at this school. If you refuse to get them yourself, I will get them for you." Dumbledore said seriously.

"Get what you want. It won't change the fact that I'm not wearing them. That's the end of the discussion." Harry said as he sucked the lemon drop unconcerned with the tense atmosphere around him. Dumbledore sighed deeply. Why did this boy have to be so stubborn? He always seemed to do the opposite of what he, Dumbledore, wanted. If only he was more moldable. No matter. Dumbledore was patient. Even if it took a few years he could get this boy back firmly on the light side. The power he displayed would make him perfect for counter-attacking Voldemort while his brother finished him off. Dumbledore sighed out loud. He would have to allow this boy this concession. He needed to appear lenient.

"Very well. You may continue to go without robes for now. Now is there anything else that you wish to discuss with me" Dumbledore asked kindly.

"Why yes there actually is. Do you mind telling me what that item your hiding on the 3rd corridor is? Harry asked with a wide smile. Dumbledore frowned as soon as he said it. How did he know there was something is hidden there?

"I'm afraid, I'm not sure what you are talking about," Dumbledore said smoothly back. Harry smiled even wider.

"So you have no knowledge of it then. Excellent. Thank you, Headmaster. That will be all." Harry said as he got up and left the office without looking back. Dumbledore looked at him suspiciously. It was obvious the boy was up to something. Hmm. Hopefully, he wouldn't cause trouble. Or at least not more than he had.

Harry smiled as he walked away from the headmaster's tower. It was now lunchtime since he was sure transfiguration had already ended. He headed straight to the third corridor.

'What are you so happy about?' Sammy asked as she was now free to speak.

'Dumbledore the foolish man that he is, just basically told me that whatever is hidden under the third corridor is anyone's as long as they get it.' Harry said as he sped up a little.

'Oh? And what is there that has you so excited.' Sammy asked.

No idea. But it is radiating quite a bit of power. Not only that, but it is extremely condensed. Whatever it is, I'm sure I can put it to use.' Harry said as he entered the third corridor which was totally empty since everyone was either at their common rooms or at the great hall eating lunch. He opened the locked door. No magic seemed to be placed on it so he just broke the lock on it and opened it. He wasn't quite prepared for coming face to face with a giant three-headed dog but he would manage it. As soon as the dog saw him it started growling. Harry wasted no time and summoned close to 100 chains from every surface to restrain the dog. By the time he was done, the dog was tied up on the opposite side of the room struggling to break free. He smirked and moved to the next room. He immediately fell into some kind of plant material that seemed to want to suck him into the ground. He decided to just burn the plant away but as soon as he summoned some black flames, the plant seemed to retreat from him immediately. Hmm, that was a pretty weak ass plant. The next room seemed to have many keys that it looked like he was supposed to fly up and chase. Harry decided that instead of doing something stupid like that. He was going to simply light the room ablaze. The room was soon consumed in black flames with Harry being the epicenter. He recalled his flames with much effort.

'Damn. Still don't have enough control over that technique yet.' He sighed as he looked around for the proper key now that all the wings had been burned off. He looked for any key that looked different than the rest and found an old looking rusty key. He sweatdropped at the obviousness of the keys. Whoever made these traps/riddles were horrible. The next room was a giant chessboard. Did it deduce that he probably had to win a chess match to continue on….or did he? Did it work by having to win a game of chess match or by taking a king? He looked at the black king and decided to test his theory. He again summoned his hell chains and had them wrap around the king piece before having them constrict like a snake, crushing the statue to thousands of pieces. A hidden door opened at the other end of the room. Harry sighed. They were so boring. He would need to find himself a true challenge soon before he went insane. In this room, he found potions and a flaming doorway.

'I'm guessing one of these potions lets me pass through'. Harry didn't have time to figure out which one it was. He chugged down every potion on the table before hopping through the fire. As soon as he did, he felt pain course through his body and he fell to the ground and started to thrash in pain.

'Harry! What's happening?' Sammy asked as she slithered out of Harry's clothes so she wouldn't be crushed.

'Don't….Worry…Just the potions…I'll flush them….out of my system.' Harry said as he gritted his teeth in pain. Sammy continued to slither around him nervously. After a few minutes, Harry had finally managed to flush the potion's harmful effects out of his system. He shakily got up and reached his hand down so that Sammy could slither back into his clothes.

'You idiot! Don't do something that you know will cause you extreme pain.' Sammy scolded him. Harry smirked.

'I knew you cared about me, Sammy.' Harry said jokingly back walking slowly to the center of the room.

'Shut up and grab whatever you're looking for so we can get out of here.' Sammy hissed out angrily.

Harry sighed. Who knew he had picked up such a bossy snake. He began to wonder if he was really the one wearing the pants in their relationship was really him. He looked at the mirror and was truly shocked by what he saw staring back at him. It was him and Nick. Nick was smiling down at him as he ruffled Harry's hair while Harry looked at him annoyed. Harry couldn't breathe. He hesitantly reached out as if to touch the mirror. He stopped right before he touched it. A single tear fell from his eye as he continued to look at the picture. The Harry in the mirror turned to look at him before smiling and raising his palm to show a red stone in it. After he showed it to Harry, he put it in his pocket. At the same time, Harry felt something materialize in his pocket.

'Harry, what's wrong? Are you in pain again?' Sammy said concerned when she felt tears fall down onto her scales.

'It's…it's nothing. I got what we needed. We're leaving.' Harry said as he turned towards the exit. He began his trek back up to the main corridor.

Third-floor corridor 30 minutes later

Harry exited into the corridor as soon as he had the chains fall away from the Cerberus, who immediately tried to chase him down and kill him. He shut the door before it got even close. Now that he was safely out of there he finally pulled out the stone and took a good look at it. It was a fiery red and unimaginably round. He could practically feel the power wafting off of it. He had never seen such an item before nor did he even know such a thing existed. Harry smiled happily. Alright, maybe this wasn't so bad. The second day here and he had already gotten a sweet gift for himself and right under the headmaster's nose. He would have to do intensive research to see what it did but still.

Overall he would say this was a pretty successful trip.