*Chapter 11*

October 31, 2005

So the stone apparently was a worthless piece of junk. Harry had soon found out that what he had was known as the philosopher's stone. It could apparently make an infinite amount of goal and the elixir of life which was cool but Harry didn't want any of those things. He had tried to see what would happen if he tampered with its power and see if he could change it somehow but it was too compressed to change it would seem.

'Well, I guess my little adventure was a waste of time.' Suppose I will keep it for sentimental reasons. Harry thought to himself as he walked off to dinner. Harry had been in this castle for 2 months now and he had been pretty bored. All his classes were extremely boring and he hardly paid attention. Most of the teachers had already deducted points from him and gave him detentions which he never went to. He had hoped that his lack of obedience would get him expelled but it seems holier-than-thou Dumbledore had to step in. He had apparently explained to his teachers that he under no circumstances be expelled unless he endangered the children's lives. After he left spying on that particular spying activity he was left in a little predicament. He didn't hurt innocents. At most he would scare the shit out of them but he left it at that. So unless some students did a major fuck up in his eyes and became a bad person, he was going to have to stay at this annoying place

Harry sighed as he entered the Great Hall and sat in his seat. Immediately, every Slytherin moved away from him. Oh yeah, and apparently he had scared the shit out of every Slytherin. He assumed it had something to do with tying up those three 5th year boys and hanging them from the roof of the common roof naked. Little Draco was especially scared of him. Every time Harry approached him, he would pale and try to walk the other way. Not that Harry had a problem with this. This way they weren't bothering. Sadly, because of this, he was now being called the Prince of Slytherin. He wondered what people would say when they found out he had a black mamba as his familiar. Probably say he was the next dark lord or something.

As Harry chose what food he wanted he did a light scan of the table to see who was there. Most if not all of Slytherin was here, probably because it was a holiday feast. He only saw one pair of eyes looking back. Blue eyes as cold as ice. Harry sighed internally. This girl had been watching him from day one and seemed to spend an unusual amount of time observing. He couldn't remember her name despite having almost identical schedules with her. It was clear she wanted something from him but he wasn't sure what. He doubted it had anything to do with any form of affection since the girl's expression was always cold. He decided to stop thinking about it and eat his food. The food here sucked too. All of it was the same every day. Harry had been thinking about set up his own kitchen in an abandoned classroom and just cooking his own food. While he was thinking about this, he saw a man come screaming into the hall yelling something about a troll and then fainting face first. That was professor Quirell if he remembered correctly. A fool of a man that taught Defense Against the Dark Arts. Needless to say, Harry didn't trust him one bit. He had two magical signatures and one was dark foul magic that Harry had thought might have been some type of demon. Having run into before, he knew how foul those creatures felt. This was slightly different though. Whatever was attached to Quirell was evil yes but not quite to the level of a demon luckily.

The headmaster stood up and told the prefects to escort the younger years back to their common rooms. Harry stood up with the rest of the students and started to walk out of the Great Hall. He sensed the troll down further in the region where the dungeons are. He also sensed a girl in one of the rooms down there. As well as his brother and his friends running straight for the troll. He hoped Sammy was safe. She usually went out to the forest to hunt during the days since she viewed his classes and school life as a waste of time. If that troll had come from the forbidden forest, then it might have run into her. Harry tried not to think of that. He quickly turned a corner and headed down another pair of stairs to where he sensed the troll now entering the room where the girl was. He wasn't sure who the girl was but he knew that the chances of his brother being able to handle a troll were low. He would intervene if need be. He made it to the hallway where the troll was currently at and peeked into the room where he saw his brother and friends trying to grab the girl who turned out to be the book worm girl he met on the train. I couldn't remember her name either. He sighed as he watched his brother dodge the club from the troll

'I really need to start to remember these people and their names. Might bite me in the butt later.' Harry thought as he continued to watch as his brother kept trying to dodge the troll. Harry decided to intervene before the troll killed. Troll skin, he knew, was extremely tough against magic and physical attacks. Their insides, however, weren't so durable. He formed a single lance of magic and took aim. He waited for the troll to line up perfectly but it was still paying too much attention to his brother. Harry got fed up of waiting and finally just whistled loudly.

Every creature's eyes including the trolls. As a son it turned to face him, he shot the spear at the troll. It enters through his nose and exited through the back of his skull. The creature's eyes immediately rolled into the back of the creature's head as it fell down dead. Harry walked up to it and stared down at the creature.

"Sorry bud, but until I leave, I'm the only one who is allowed to cause mass terror to its inhabitants. There was no room for the two of us." Harry said as he looked down at the troll sadly.

"Harry…you killed it," Arthur said as he looked with slight relief at the boy who he still considered as his brother.

"Thank you," Arthur said as he bowed his head slightly in gratitude.

"Whatever," Harry said as he looked at them with an uncaring expression. Just then, the teachers entered the bathroom, wands drawn.

Professors what excellent response time you have. I'm so glad you came just in time to stop the troll before it killed these 4 students." Harry said clapping slowly and with much sarcasm.

"Mr. Wolfe, what happened here?" Dumbledore said as he lowered his wand.

"Troll tried to kill them so I killed troll. Simple as that." Harry said as he tried to walk past the teachers and leave. He was tired. He was going to go to sleep. Before he could continue, Dumbledore reached out and grabbed his shoulder. Harry in response, grabbed his wrist, spun around, and twisted it causing the old man to give out a cry in pain.

"Do not ever presume that you may touch me again. Go that old man?" Harry asked as he continued to hold the twisted wrist

"Understood." Dumbledore gritted through the pain he was feeling through his arm. Harry let go of him and continued on his way back to his room. This time, no teacher got in his way. When he stepped into the common room, all the Slytherin appeared to still be up and waiting for an explanation for what was happening. As soon as he stepped in, all conversation stopped and everyone's eyes turned to him.

"Oi Wolfe. What's happening out there?" One of the older years called out to him. Harry regarded him for a second.

"You can go to sleep. I have dealt with the troll." Harry said finally before continuing on to his room.

"Wait what do you mean you dealt with?" Another older year asked. This time Harry ignored them and kept on going to his room. He was too tired to deal with people right now. He opened the door to his room and closed and locked it. He then laid on his bed and went to sleep.

December 21, 2006

It was the first week of the Christmas holiday at Hogwarts and most people had already left home. The weeks preceding it had been long and annoying in Harry's personal experience. For one he had continued to watch Quirell's pathetic attempts to get past the Cerberus which were all pathetic. He had researched the dog after his own little escapade and found that music could charm it to sleep weirdly. Quirell, however, seemed to either be too stupid to open a book or seemed to think he could just overpower the huge dog with his meager power. The man was clearly not a good person and seemed to know what was at the other end of the traps. Or at least what used to be at the other end of the traps. He would most likely kill him before the year was over. Enough spying on Dumbledore revealed that the man seemed to know what the man was trying to do and clearly didn't trust him. If that was the case, Harry didn't understand why he didn't just kill him or at the least, kick him out of the castle. It seemed Dumbledore was conducting some sort of test but he wasn't sure what kind.

Another perhaps even bigger annoyance was his brother. The boy had been persistently seeking him out every chance he got with his sidekicks Neville, Ron, and Hermione. He seemed to want him to come with the home to Potter Manor for Christmas. This was, of course, was never going to happen and Harry made that clear from the start. Over the past few months, Arthur had been pretty tolerable too. Ever since the troll incident, he had been extremely thankful and would go out of his way to not bother Harry. Seemed that time had ended.

So here Harry was, sitting in the library alone and reading a book on runes. He liked runes. They complimented him very well since he could use them anywhere by simply using his magic to draw on any surface and hopefully in the future, no surface at all. As he continued to read. He noticed one of the few remaining students at this school approach him. He glanced up and saw that it was the blond girl with the cold blue eyes that he always saw staring at him. She stopped walking and stood in front of his chair. He raised an eyebrow at her but didn't say anything. He didn't want to ask what she wanted because he honestly didn't want to know so he just stared at her and hoped she would go away. She didn't and what's worse, she had started to speak to him.

"Wolfe may I speak with you for a moment." She asked. As she said this he felt Sammy wake up under his clothes. She seemed to be paying attention to what this girl wanted in case she needed to kill her for some reason.

"That depends. If I say no, will you continue to speak anyways?" Harry said as he looked down and continued to read his book.

"Yes." The girl said still looking at him. Harry sighed. This better not be some confession bull shit.

"Fine. What do you want?" he asked her, still looking down at his book.

"I will get straight to the point. First, I am not sure if you know or not but my name is Daphne Greengrass. A pleasure to meet you." She said. While the sentence was polite, her tone was still cold so it contradicted what she said.

"Ok," Harry said waiting still for her to get to the point.

"I would like for you to train me in wandless magic." She said as she stared at him while he continued to read his book. Harry stopped his reading and looked at her. He stared into her eyes and saw a familiar spark. A spark he recognized well.

"No, you don't. What you truly want is something else entirely. So tell me, who are you trying to murder and why?" Harry asked as he put down his book and continued to stare at the girl. He watched as her eyes widened before regaining their regular cold and indifferent look.

"What are you talking about? I just want to learn wandless magic." She said persistently.

"Girl I don't have time for you half-assed denials. Some of us have other things to do today besides talking in circles. You obviously want to learn my brand of magic so you can kill someone. You may have been able to hide that fact from others but you can't hide it from me. So spit it out already." Harry said as he crossed one leg over the other and continued to stare at her. Daphne was now biting her lip and looking at him uncomfortably. He simply continued to stare at her.

"My father. I'm trying to kill my father." She finally said quietly. At this admission, Harry stood up and looked at her at eye level.

"Lift up your sleeves," Harry ordered. Daphne looked at him confused.

"Just do it," Harry ordered again. She still looked confused but lifted up her sleeves. Harry hovered his hands over both her arms and did a scan to see if he could find any past injuries. He did. Quite a bit of scar that had been healed and previous breaks on both arms. He squinted his eyes angrily as he discovered on her arms alone. He dropped his hands and gestured to her to put her sleeves back down.

"He's abusive," Harry said quietly while he looked at her. She nodded back meekly which looked strange for a normally strong and upright girl like her. He looked at her before holding out his hand and summoning a piece of paper.

"Pull up a chair and sit down," Harry said as he sat down in his chair. Daphne nodded before she grabbed a chair from a nearby table and sat across from Harry. Harry handed her a piece of paper and a pen. He didn't have any quills o him and he hated them anyway.

"What you have in your hands is an assassination contract. You give the name of the target on the top line and at the bottom, you sign your name. Usually, we would also work out a fee but I'm feeling generous so I will do this one for free." Harry said as he looked across at her seriously. Daphne looked at him and then down at the contract with much scrutiny. When she was finished reading it she looked back at him.

"How are you going to be able to get to him? He spends almost all his time in our manor. It's covered in old, powerful wards. You would need a team of ward breakers to get through it." She asked confused.

"You leave the how-to me," Harry said as he reopened his rune book and continued to read through it.

"If…if I sign this…can you still train me in wandless magic?" She asked as she looked over at him. Harry looked at her and sighed.

"If you truly wish, after this is over, I will train you to protect yourself from threats. I that acceptable for you?" Harry asked as he looked back at her. She nodded and signed the contract before handing it back. Harry folded it in half before tucking it away in his inside jacket pocket. He stood up and she followed.

"Our house is to the northwest of a town called Hereford I believe." It's hidden behind trees on all sides and warded so muggles stay away. My sister and mother will also be there. Please make sure they don't come to any harm while you are there. Harry nodded.

"As you wish. I will be back sometime late tonight. I will see you tomorrow." Harry said.

"Ok, but how will you get of the castle?" Daphne asked. Harry smirked at her before disappearing in a quick flash of white light. Daphne looked surprised at the space where Harry was a second ago. She shook her head and left the library to wait for tomorrow and hopefully for Harry's success.

London, UK

Harry was currently looking for a bus that would take him to Hereford. When he finally found a bus that would, he got in and decided to take a nap. Normally he would be planning how to do this but since it was a wizard, it would most likely be super easy. Especially since he didn't even know there was a hit out on him. As he slept for an unknown amount of time he had a really weird dream that Santa Claus was a creepy old man that was trying to pedo all over him. He had to give Santa an ax to the face…multiple times. When they finally got to the town, it was already late afternoon. He started doing short-range flashing until he got close enough to the manor to be able to sense it. At that point, he just walked through a forest until he ran into the wards. As soon as he hit the wards, they immediately pushed him back. He looked at the wards before flashing onto the other side of the. He loved his super unknown mode of travel that no one knew defenses for. He continued to walk up towards the house and by now, it was already dark. He looked at the house as he saw a few lights on. He looked and saw one of the rooms upstairs were still dark so he climbed up the wall so he could peek in. It seemed to be a spare bedroom so he flashed through into it.

He started to walk around the house. He couldn't seem to find the mother or sister of Daphne but he found the father sitting in the study.

"Evening Mr. Greengrass. The lovely evening isn't it?" Harry asked as he sat down across from the man. The man in question looked up and immediately scrutinized him.

"Who are you? Did my wife let you in?" He asked as he looked down at the boy he found no threat in.

"No to your second question. I haven't seen any of the rest of your family since coming here. I'll get straight to the point. I am here to fulfill a certain contract. Would you mind coming with me to an appropriate setting?" Harry asked politely.

"Listen to brat. I don't know who you are and I don't care. So if you don't get out of my house now, you will not like the consequences." Mr. Greengrass said threateningly. Harry clicked his tongue.

"No can do. Have to complete my contract. Shame that we have to have this get messy now but I suppose it was bound to happen. You should clench your butt cheeks because this ride is going to be a little scary for you." Harry said as he flashed away before. Lord Greengrass could respond. Greengrass looked around surprised before he felt a hand on his shoulder. Before he could turn around in surprise, both he and Harry flashed away.

Unknown location, 8:30 pm

As soon as they appeared in what appeared to be a dark abandoned shack. Lord Greengrass immediately collapsed to the floor from the travel.

"Welcome to my humble abode. About the contract, I was talking about. It's an assassination contract. So I'm going to kill you. Make peace with that…or don't I could care less. Before I kill you though, I'm going to break every bone in your body and tear every muscle in you as well." Harry said as he looked down at the man he planned on torturing. Greengrass reached for his wand but found nothing.

"If you're looking for your wand, I already destroyed it as soon as we landed so don't bother," Harry said at the man. Greengrass looked at this boy who he thought would be no threat when he first saw him in a whole new light. He was scared. This boy planned to kill him very painfully.

Harry smiled as chains slowly came out of the ground around them.

"Don't worry. This will only be the most painful experience you ever experienced your child-abusing piece of shit." Harry said as he smiled at the man.

"Wai-it. This is a misunderstanding. Let's talk this over a little. I can pay you. Name any price and I will pay for it." He said with a scared stutter.

"Hmmm. Tempting but sadly I already made a contract and can't go back on that. If I did my reputation would be ruined. I have not completed a contract I'm in and I can't start now. Prepare yourself, Mr. Greengrass. This is your end." Harry said as he had the chains wrap around and restrain the man. Greengrass screamed.

Hogwarts, 3:00 amHarry just got back to Hogwarts and immediately collapsed on his bed.

What a long day.