*Chapter 22*

September 1st, 2009

Harry was once again sitting in on an 8-hour train ride. Why? Because he was forced to by his so-called "friends". He decided that once he was done with going to this infernal school, he was getting rid of this train permanently. He couldn't decide on what would be better: a random explosion or perhaps the train simply mysteriously disappearing one day. Luna, Tracey, and Daphne were chatting about they planned for the school year, as well as some rumored tournament that was supposedly happening. Harry just sat and watched them with uninterested eyes. He never enjoyed gossip. It was just so annoying to have to pick out the bits of truths covered in all the lies and exaggerations.

"Please do not tell me that I am going to have to hear this the entire year," Harry moaned.

"Not like you're here for most of the year anyway," Daphne shot back.

"I told you I was just busy with the company last year. I will be around more this year, I promise," Harry said with rolled eyes.

"I'll believe it when I see it," Daphne said back.

"Ugh, Luna, you, believe me, don't you?" Harry said as he shot Luna his best impression of puppy dog eyes. Luna just looked at him confused.

"You look constipated. Are you feeling alright Harry?" Luna asked with genuine concern. Tracy and Daphne burst into loud laughter. Harry just grumbled as he leaned back into his seat and crossed his arms. Luna just looked around even more confused about why the other girls were laughing but decided that she should just let it go.

Just then, Harry's phone started buzzing in his pocket. He pulled it out and looked at it for a second. He didn't recognize the number, which probably meant it was someone trying to establish a contract.

"Hey, stay quiet for a second, I need to answer this," Harry said at the giggling girls. He then flipped open the phone and started talking

"Hello?" he said.

"Hey Harry, so did you know that there is super-government agency tracking you down?" said a voice from the other end. A voice that he clearly recognized.

"Tony? How did you get my number?" Harry asked incredulously.

"Oh, come on. You, yourself, are hard to track, but I can- at the very least- find your phone, especially since you're now using one of my phones. Don't worry, though, I won't give it away or anything," Tony said back at him. Harry just sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose to control his annoyance at the man.

"Fine, so what do you need?" Harry asked.

"Already said it. Did you know there is a super-government agency trying to track you down?" Tony asked. Harry thought back to his fight with Widow and Archer boy.

"Yeah, I knew that. And that agency is called S.H.I.E.L.D.," Harry said.

"Yeah, well, they came to my house a few hours ago and asked me what my connection was to you. They apparently know you came over and have been in contact. I imagine they have been spying on me," Tony said. Harry thought about that for a second.

"So what did you tell them?" Harry asked.

"What do you think? Told them if they didn't get off my property I would repulsor blast them off myself," Tony said back. Harry chuckled at that.

"They didn't take offense to that?" Harry asked

"They did until I brought out my armor and told them to go away or I would make good on my threat," Tony said.


"Their director called me up after that; I kind of have this thing going with them right now or at least we're on speaking terms. So they cut me some slack but they warned me to stay away from you and report if you ever came back, yatta yatta," Tony said back.

"Looks like you got into quite the trouble because of me. I thank you for not trying to sell me out," Harry said.

"No problem. Probably best we don't meet for a while, though. I am sure they are watching in case you come back."

"Will do. Thanks again, Tony. I'll pay you back one day, I promise,"

"I told you it was no problem. Anyways, keep in touch, man. Later," Tony finished before hanging up. Harry stored the number in his phone before closing it and putting it away. He looked back at the girls to see them looking at him.

"You can go back to talking I you want. I am done," Harry said.

"What was that about?" Tracy asked.

"Just a friend telling me some info about a government agency that is trying too persistently to track me down," Harry said with a shrug of his shoulder.

"How were you talking to him?" Daphne asked. Harry sighed. He forgot that he had not actually shown them an example of what a phone was yet.

"It's the product I told you about that my company makes. It lets you communicate with people anywhere in the world as long as they, too, have a cell phone. Plus, you can carry it around in your pocket. It can also be charged by your magic, which is a newer development. We just started selling them in America," Harry explained.

"Oh. How's that going?" Daphne asked. Harry shrugged.

"Starting pretty slow, but we actually just hired a marketing team so it should speed up soon," Harry said.

"Were you serious when you offered us jobs?" Tracy asked. Harry nodded.

"Yep, you want a job just let me know and I will make it happen," Harry said.

"That's generous," Daphne commented.

"What can I say? I am a generous guy. You can always have a job if you need one, too, Luna. I'm sure we can find a position worthy of your talents," Harry said as he looked at the girl with a smile. Luna smiled back.

"Thank you, Harry, but I am still just going into my third year. I don't think I am ready to think about what boring thing I am going to do after school," She said.

"If you say so," Harry said with a shrug. After that, they just chatted and napped until they reached the station. As they exited the train, Harry suddenly remembered something.

"Oh, Daphne, this year I will be teaching you wandless magic, so you should prepare yourself for exerting yourself mentally quite a lot this year," Harry said. Daphne just looked at him with surprise and happiness.

"Finally!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah, I was going to do it last year, but I got super busy," Harry said. Now Daphne was glaring at him.

"What?" Harry said with an arched eyebrow.

"…Nothing, let's just go," Daphne said. She was clearly not going to let Harry ruin her good mood.

They rode up to the castle and went to the Great Hall. They sat down and waited for the first years to come in and be sorted. It was a process that Harry had stopped paying attention to immediately. After eating, he saw Dumbledore stand up and give an announcement about some super dangerous tournament that Hogwarts and two other magic schools were going to be participating in.

'Well, what do you know, Daph was right after all,' Harry thought. After that announcement, they went back to their respective common rooms. Well, except for Harry. Harry went to his killer home-away-from-home pad that he had built in an empty classroom. He was about to turn in for the night when he heard a knock on the door. He did a quick check on who it was and wasn't surprised to see the old fossil waiting patiently outside.

"What do you want old man?" Harry called at the door. Dumbledore took this as permission to enter his room.

"Good Evening Harry. How have you been for the past year? We have not spoken for quite a while," Dumbledore asked.

"I have been just wonderful. I killed so many people last year. Actually, I recently found out that my kill count is now in the thousands. How have you been headmaster? Still old as the dirt I walk on, I see," Harry said cheerily. He could see that Dumbledore was trying to restrain his horror at his kill count and he was actually doing a pretty good job.

"How do you feel nothing at knowing you have ended so many lives?" Dumbledore asked not with condemnation but with simple curiosity.

"Simple, I kill only those who deserve a fate much worse than death. Do not be a fool Dumbledore. You may have seen lots of it in your lifetime, but that is no excuse to no longer issue death as a punishment. Death is a strong force and that will never change. Your avoidance of it in the last war will be your downfall in the upcoming one," Harry said. Dumbledore just looked at him for a second.

"Everyone deserves a chance to change, Harry," Dumbledore said. Harry nodded.

"And they will get one. Just not in this lifetime. I can guarantee you that once you hit death, there are chances for you to pay for your sins and redeem yourself. Now, tell me why you came to my room already so I can sleep," Harry said. Dumbledore thought for a few more seconds on what Harry said before continuing.

"I want to acquire your services once more," Dumbledore stated.

"Oh? How curious. What would you like me to do, then?" Harry asked with a smile.

"I want you to train Arthur," Dumbledore said simply. Immediately, Harry's smile vanished.

"Impossible. Your request has been denied," Harry said back with a frown.

"Harry, I understand that you are mad about what happened so many years ago between you and the Potters but-"

"Stop. You think that is what this about? I hold no true hate for the Potters, Dumbledore. It was, after all, my decision to leave them, and I am glad I made that choice. It came with huge benefits which you can never possibly imagine. That being said, I still view the Potters as annoyances. Their constant attempts to try and find ways to get close to me are annoying and even more so since they try to use Rose. Plus, I honestly just don't like anyone of them enough to give them any sorts of training. They would most likely die, anyway," Harry said. That last part was especially true since he would not heal any Potter like he would Daphne.

"I see. Then how about another request?" Dumbledore asked.

"I will hear you out, but I make no promise to carry out your request," Harry said.

"The tournament. I suspect that Lord Voldemort is going to use it to his advantage somehow," Dumbledore stated.

"What's this have to do with my contract?" Harry asked, trying to get to the point of this.

"I would like to have you watch the tournament and look for anything suspicious and report it to me," Dumbledore said.

"So you want me to spy," Harry deadpanned

"Essentially," Dumbledore said. Harry sighed.

"Unfortunately, I am going to have to decline. You see, I only take high paying contracts these days and a spying mission like you want would be too low of a price to have me interested," Harry said.

"What if it's not money I give you in return?" Dumbledore asked.

"…Go on."

"I happen to have a book that teaches one how to become an animagus. A book I would be willing to part with if you would do my request," Dumbledore said. Harry just sat silently. On one hand, this was much lower than he normally worked for nowadays, but on the other hand, he did want to learn the process and it might be a little too dangerous to experiment with it until he found the proper way of doing it.

"Alright, here is the deal. I am not required to act on any knowledge I find and only have to report it to you. Is that fine with you?" Harry asked. Dumbledore nodded happily. Harry immediately conjured a contract and started to fill it out before handing it to Dumbledore to sign. Reading it over, Dumbledore then signed it. Harry then took the contract back.

"Looks like we have come to an accord. You will be required to give me the book by Christmas. If that will be all, please leave. As you can imagine, I am quite tired," Harry said.

"Yes, of course. Goodnight, Mr. Wolfe," Dumbledore said as he left. Harry just watched him leave silently. When Dumbledore closed the door. Harry stripped himself of his clothes and laid down.

'Man, that old fool annoys me.'

October 30th, 2009

Harry sat back as each of the new schools had their star pupils do some basic magic that was, frankly, unimpressive. Harry could conjure a 30-foot tall ice dragon and make it start slaughtering all of the children in the room. Now that would be impressive. The blonde just fricking conjured birds. God, wizards were pathetic.

Harry just sat and watched for anything suspicious. All the children looked clean. The Bulgarian school Headmaster looked suspicious, but that was probably because he looked like a bad guy from old spy films. The headmistress from the other school just looked snooty and tall. He doubted she would be a true cause for concern. He stopped watching them and started eating and chatting with Daphne. She was making slow progress with wandless magic, which was expected since she had been using a wand for four years now.

"Excuse me?" a heavily accented voice said from near him. Harry looked at the girl- it was the blonde that had done the unimpressive bird display. As soon as he looked back at her, all conversation in the hall stopped as everyone looked toward the girl and him. Harry couldn't understand what was so interesting about her coming up to him. He looked up at her and arched an eyebrow, waiting for her to explain why she had come over here.

"May I have your bouillabaisse?" The girl asked politely as she looked at him curiously for some reason. Harry just pushed the pointed out dish in her direction, gesturing for her to take it.

"Take it," Harry said before turning away and back to Daphne. The girl picked up the dish and left, but was still looking at him with confusion.

"You know she was a Veela, right?" Daphne said.

"A what?"

"A Veela. They're a subspecies of humans that are all female and have an allure like sirens that make all men drooling wrecks when they are around," Daphne explained. Harry just shrugged.

"Well, whatever. As long as she doesn't try that allure stuff on me, we won't have any problems and I won't be forced to mount her head on a wall."

"It already seems like it has no effect on you since they release their allure subconsciously," Daphne said.

"All the better. Now let's get back to your sucky magical control," Harry said, trying to change the subject. Daphne scowled at him but let him continue.

October 31st, 2009

Harry was currently on his way back to his room for the night after eating dinner. He did not care enough about the tournament to find out who would be the champions. He could just learn tomorrow. As soon as he got into his room, he stripped to his boxers and hopped on the bed and drifted to sleep. As soon as his eyes closed, they seem to jolt open from a loud and rapid knocking on his door. Harry slowly got up and went over to it without even putting on pants. He swung the door open and looked out groggily to see Dumbledore standing outside.

"What in the hell do you want, you old fuck? I was trying to sleep," Harry snapped

"I am afraid you will need to put on some clothes and follow me, Mr. Wolfe," Dumbledore said gravely.

"Why?" Harry demanded.

"All will be explained once we reach our destination," Dumbledore said.

"Ugh, fine," Harry said, too tired to even argue. He threw back on his clothes before heading out after Dumbledore. Dumbledore led him back through the now-empty Great Hall and toward the side room adjoining it. Once entering, Harry saw the tournament judges along with three older students who he assumed were the champions.

"Ahh and here is our fourth champion, now," A fat man said as he gestured at Harry. Harry just looked at him confused.

"What?" Harry said.

"Do not try to play innocent, boy. We know you entered the tournament and violated the rules!" The evil-looking Durmstrang headmaster shouted at him from his dark corner. Harry just looked at him.

"I am just going to go ahead and repeat myself, here. What?" Harry said again.

"It would seem that your name came out of the Goblet of Fire, naming you as the fourth champion of this tournament, Mr. Wolfe," Dumbledore said. Now Harry was awake.

"Yeah, no, I'm not going to compete in your stupid-ass tournament," Harry said.

"You have no choice. The goblet is bound by old magic and you either compete or you lose your magic," The skinnier, older looking judge said.

Harry looked at him for a second and then realized why Dumbledore brought him here before telling him all this. He wanted witnesses so Harry wouldn't do anything. Harry looked down and started chuckling. The other people in the room just looked at him strangely. He then stopped and, as fast lightning spun around and threw his fist directly at Dumbledore's nose. With contact, you could hear the loud crack as the fist clearly broke something and Dumbledore crumpled to the floor in pain.

"Mr. Wolfe, please-"

"That's the second time I am being told that I am locked in a contract that will otherwise take my magic if I do not complete it. What do both of the situations have in common? Oh, that's right, you!" Harry said as he conjured a shield to block the oncoming spells from behind him. He then grabbed Dumbledore by the robes and slammed him against the wall while spells were still being thrown at him.

"So, let's get a few things out of the way, shall we headmaster? One- if I am ever placed in this type of situation again, I will kill you. There will no be arguing nor negotiating. You will simply be killed. Two- you will do your best to find a way out of this contract for me. Three- you will also find how I was entered into this contract. If you cannot do two or three, there will be consequences. Is that clear?" Harry asked. Dumbledore didn't respond for a second. Harry pulled him off the wall and slammed him back against it even harder than the first time.

"IS THAT CLEAR?" Harry yelled. Dumbledore nodded.

"Yes. It is clear," He said with clear pain in his voice. Harry dropped him and Dumbledore fell to the floor with a thud.

Harry turned and looked at the other people in the room, who were still pointing wands at him. "I would suggest you point those wands elsewhere before I start taking offense," Harry said coldly. Something about manhandling one of the most powerful wizards in the world must have stuck in their minds because they all slowly lowered their wands.

"You won't get away with this, Wolfe," The older judge said.

"Oh? Going to call the Aurors on me? Go ahead. I will gladly show you how little they can do against me," Harry said as he walked out of the room and left them all to their thoughts.

November 13th, 2009

It was the wand weighing ceremony and Harry had to go, even though he didn't even use a wand. Dumbledore hadn't been able to give him any information on how to get out of the tournament or who entered him, but he said that he suspected it was Voldemort. That wasn't good enough, in his opinion, so while he did not injure Dumbledore, he broke every toy in his office. He was not happy about that. He watched all the champions get their wands weighed while some hideous looking female watched with a cameraman next to her. When it came to be his turn for the wand weighing he just stood there awkwardly.

"Yeah…so…I don't use a wand," Harry said while looking at the old man.

"How do you use magic, then, Mr. Potter?" The old man asked. Harry squinted at him in anger.

"First, it's Wolfe, not Potter. Second, I just do it without. It's not hard," Harry said. The old man and everyone else in the room just looked at him in surprise.

"You can use wandless magic?" The man asked.

"It's all I use," Harry stated. In the corner of his eye, he saw the ugly woman's quill scribbling away into a notebook of some kind. He ignored it as the wandmaker continued.

"May I see your hands?" The wandmaker asked.


"I can get a feel of your magic even without your wand if you allow me to."

"Oh, then no, you can't see my hands."

"May, I ask why?"

"You may. But I will not answer, you see."

"I see," The old man said. He just looked at Harry for a few seconds in silence before concluding the ceremony. It was then that the ugly woman sprang up asking for interviews.

"Why don't we start with young Harry?" She asked as she tried to grab Harry's wrist and drag him to a closet.

"Yeah, no, I don't do interviews," Harry said as he snatched his hand back and stepped away from the woman.

"My dear, you have to," The woman said with a fake smile on her face.

"No, I really don't. Nowhere in the contract did it say I have to, therefore I don't," Harry said.

"But the judges said-"

"I don't actually give a flying fuck what the judges said. They have no control over me. Why don't you see if one of the other 'champions' will give you one instead of chasing after me like some kind of pedophile, you sick cradle robbing freak," Harry said as he left the room. He could hear the laughter of the other champions behind him as he left.

'Shows that disgusting woman right, she's lucky I didn't stick Sammy on her.'

Harry walked down the corridors before deciding that he needed to do something fun. He pulled out his phone and decided to call Tony. He waited while the phone rang before Tony picked up.

"Hello," Tony said groggily.

"Tony, I need to do something fun and stress relieving. Help me out?" Harry asked.

"Harry? It's the middle of the night. Why are you calling me now?"

"It should be about 8 in Malibu right now," Harry stated.

"Yeah, the middle of the night," Tony said back. Harry chuckled.

"So what? You going to help me out or not?" Harry asked.

"Ugh, fine. I guess I need to get up soon, anyway. You ever drove on a race track before?" Tony asked.

"Tony, I am fourteen. I have never even driven before," Harry deadpanned.

"Well, no time like the present to learn, then. Meet at my house in 30 minutes," Tony said.

"And how do you expect me to get there that fast?" Harry asked.

"Harry, I am not an idiot. I know you can somehow travel at insane speeds. I am not going to ask how, but I trust you will tell me someday," Tony said. Harry stayed silent from the surprise he felt. He knew Tony was observant, but he couldn't remember a time he had slipped up around him.

"Okay….I guess I can trust you with knowledge. Just give me some time to prepare," Harry said. He didn't actually know how to explain magic to Tony.

"That's fine. Also, try and get in my house unseen if you can. Don't want S.H.I.E.L.D. to come bothering us," Tony said.

"Will do. Be there in half an hour, then," Harry said hesitantly.

"Alright. See you when you get here," Tony said before hanging up. Harry slowly put his phone away.

'How the hell did he find out? I was so careful,' Harry thought. It's not like he didn't trust Tony- because he did- but he wasn't sure if he wanted Tony to know that much about him.

'Whatever. What happens, happens. Now, let's get back to what's important. How am I going to defeat Rose's puppy dog eyes when I see her in a month?'