*Chapter 23*

November 13th, 2009

"I have to say, this sounded like a better idea on the phone!" Harry yelled from the driver's seat of Tony's Audi R8 as they sped down the race track. Tony had rented a race track for the day and had been coaching Harry as much as he could on driving. Harry got the hang of it with in the first 45 minutes or so. Then Tony decided that Harry should learn how to push a car to its limits. Which was why he just hit 130 miles per hour in the car.

"Don't tell me you're not having fun?" Tony yelled over the roar of the engine.

"Hell no. This is the greatest feeling ever!" Harry yelled back with a smile.

"Glad to hear it," Tony said as they made a sharp turn at the last bend. At this point, they were both hanging on for dear life. While Harry had gotten the hang of driving, it was clear that he did not have the experience to be trying to drive cars at this speed safely. Soon as he crossed the finish line, he immediately hopped out of the car with a new spring in his step.

"Woo! That was awesome. Is that what driving is like? I need to start driving more. What a rush!" Harry exclaimed as he bounced on his feet from all the adrenaline coursing through his veins. Tony was on the other side of the car trying not to throw up.

"C'mon old man. It wasn't that bad." Harry said smiling at the heaving Tony.

"Easy for you to say," Tony said as he finally stood up and looked at Harry.

"That enough of stress relief for you?" Tony asked.

"Oh yeah. More than enough." Harry said as his adrenaline high started to go down and he started to return to normal.

"Good. So how's your little business going?" Tony asked.

"No idea. I haven't checked up on it for like two months. It probably means it's going well since one of my main guys is probably too busy to contact me. Only ever happens when he is swamped with work." Harry said.

"And here you are just driving around a race track," Tony said mockingly.

"Hey. I worked hard to get the company off the ground. I deserve some R and R." Harry said.

"Uh-huh. What hard work exactly?" Tony said sarcastically."

"Killing someone isn't exactly a walk in the park you know. You have to go through a whole annoying process before and after the execution." Harry said back.

"That's how you're founding you're a company? You kill enough people to fund a company. Especially a tech company?" Tony asked incredulously.

"Tony, you do know that I am one of, if not the most skilled assassin in the world, right?" Harry asked him.

"Oh. Huh. That why Shield, wants you so bad?" Tony asked. Harry shrugged as he leaned against the car.

"Could be. I honestly have not stopped and asked why exactly they want me to come with them. Could be to put me down or for…other reasons." Harry said.

"What other reasons?" Tony asked.

"Could be trying to recruit me. I wouldn't be the first professional assassin they recruited to their cause in exchange for a clean slate." Harry said.

"Sounds like a not so good idea," Tony remarked.

"That's because it isn't, but, who are we to judge others?" Harry asked rhetorically.

"Well, I am a billion-"

"Don't start with that again," Harry said cutting Tony off. Tony pouted which looked really weird on a grown man.

"You're mean."

"Never claimed to be nice."

"You could have at least humored me."

"You're right, I could have."

After that, they drove back to Tony's house in relative silence. Once arriving, they made their way to Tony's garage and cracked a few drinks. Tony had a beer while Harry had soda.

"So go ahead and ask the question you've been wanting to ask all afternoon," Tony said. Harry looked at him for a second before nodding.

"Alright. How did you know about my preferred mode of travel?" Harry asked bluntly.

"You really need to be more careful. Especially when around people like me. I run, one of the biggest security and tech companies in the world. You really didn't think I noticed that little light show in front of my house when you left?' Tony said. Harry's face just scrunched up in confusion.

"But how did you see me? I checked for cameras." Harry said.

"You were almost successful too. But I have hidden cameras all over my property. Along with that I also have sensors that went a little crazy when a human being seemed to disappear into thin air. By the way. How the hell do you even do that? I did some scans on the spot that you left at. All I could figure out was that it has to do with the condensation of energy that I have never encountered before." Tony said as he looked at Harry to validate his discoveries. Harry nodded.

"You are correct in your findings. I essentially use the energy I have and condense it at an extreme level. When I release it, it causes a temporary rip in time and space and allows me to travel to any place I have been before. It uses my memories as its GPS." Harry explained. Tony nodded slowly as he processed the information.

"What happens if you don't correctly visualize the place?" Tony asked.

'"I will just end up in a general area near it. I have to be careful though. If I don't put enough energy in. I could get stuck in what I like to call the Void. There I will be lost for all eternity." Harry said the last part cheerfully. Tony just looked at him.

"That sounds awesome." Tony said with a smile," I wonder if I could somehow replicate that with a specialized high-intensity generator?" Tony spoke his thoughts out loud. Harry shrugged.

"Probably not. I don't think there is anything on earth that can condense energy to the point I am talking about." Harry said. Harry shrunk a little sadness.

"Aww. That sucks." He said.

"For you maybe," Harry said back teasingly. Tony looked at him curiously again.

"So are you like a mutant then?" He asked. Harry just looked at him in confusion.

"What?" He asked eloquently.

"You know. A mutant. Subspecies of humans that are gifted with a certain power. Ringing any bells?" Tony asked sarcastically. Harry just stared at him blankly.

"You're an idiot," Harry said finally.

"That doesn't answer my question." Tony pressed.

"No, I am not a mutant. My people are called wizards. We can manipulate energy in a way we call magic. Don't let the name fool you. I'm sure if you looked for it hard enough, you could find how we scientifically work." Harry said before Tony could rant about how magic didn't exist. Tony just pursed his lips.

"So you have other abilities then?" Tony asked.

"Yep. All kinds actually. I can do pretty much anything with magic given enough time." Harry said.

"That sounds useful," Tony commented.

"It is, though also annoying since most wizards are a few centuries behind on the times and are idiots. I mean that in a literal fashion." Harry said with a frown.

"Why?" Tony asked curiously.

"No idea. Haven't cared enough to find out…anyway. I should probably head out before Shield arrives. No doubt they are already on their way." Harry said.

"Oh yeah. Forgot about them." Tony said with disappointment.

"Don't get into too much trouble without me Tony," Harry said as he prepared to flash away. Tony just smirked at him.

"Ditto." He said. Harry grinned and flashed away.

November 20th, 2009

Harry and Daphne were in the library. Daphne was doing some boring homework from one of her boring classes. Harry was studying runes and thinking about the tournament. He already knew what he was going to do for the first task and what he was facing, he just needed to figure out how to do it. He needed to make a runic sequence that would summon something to him through a badass looking portal. No one apparently had already made a badass portal runic sequence before so now he was stuck with having to make it himself. Just as he turned to the next page, he heard some third years talking that were close by.

"Did you hear? They say the Hogwarts Express has gone missing!" One of the third years said. He didn't even need to look up since he could feel Daphne's burning gaze pierce his forehead. He continued to try and read and ignore her gaze but he could already feel a nervous bead of sweat trickling down his head from his hairline.

"What do you mean disappeared? How does a train just disappear?"

"No one knows. Aurors are currently looking into it from what I hear."

Immediately the glare from Daphne intensified and another bead of sweat trickled down Harry's head as he continued to do his best to not meet her gaze.

"Harry….what do you know about the disappearance of the Hogwarts train?" Daphne asked in a voice so cold that it felt completely opposite of her flaming gaze. The third bead of sweat trickled down his head as he gulped and looked at her.

"What do you mean Daphne?" He said trying his best to act confused.

"Do not try to play dumb Harry, it does not suit you. Now, tell me what happened to the train." She snarled at him.

"I have no idea what happened with that. I have been so busy lately with the tournament you know." Harry said while averting his gaze from hers.

"Are you sure."



She averted her gaze but from her previous tone, he was guessing she did not believe him. Which was fine. He just had to make sure that she had no evidence he was lying. Daphne had gotten very scary recently. She was at first very slow to get the concept of wandless magic. Took a while to find out that for some reason, Daphne could only perform wandless magic when she felt strong emotion. Harry suspected it had something to do with repressed stuff from her youth but he wasn't going to pry. Most people viewed him as a sociopath so he definitely wasn't the person to talk to about repressed stuff.

A few more hours of working and Harry finally decided to call it quits for the night. He was close anyways so he figured he could probably complete it by tomorrow. Time to do some investigating. His top suspect? Moody.

Moody was apparently some battle-hardened ex Auror who was supposedly one of the best in his field. Despite that, he caught the man looking at him many times. It was clear the man was interested in him judging by the gleam in his eyes. A gleam that told Harry that the man had plans for him. Harry did not like it when other people had plans for him. In fact, he made it his business to disrupt those plans. So time for a little stakeout. He crept into Moody's classroom and started to look around. Lots of bull crap that did not really interest Harry. Moody was apparently away though. He looked around and even searched for the man's desk. Nothing was out of the ordinary. Just lots of boring teacher stuff. He took one more look around the classroom before sitting down in the teacher's chair. If he could not find what he wanted by snooping then he would find it directly from the source. He waited for Moody to enter the room. It did not take long. The man hobbled in only 5 minutes later. He also did not look surprised that Harry was there.

"Potter." He barked at Harry. Harry just ignored the man. He would not answer to that name.

"What in merlin's name do you think you're doing in here boy?" He said threateningly.

"Just here to find somethings out is all." Harry said nonchalantly." You have a very interesting office. A lot of teaching staff."

"So? I am a teacher." The man barked back

"Yes, you are aren't you? Still, something isn't right about this picture." Harry said as he calmly looked at the man. Moody's eyes flickered to fear for a second before they turned to their rough nature.

"No idea what you are talking about Potter." He said. He reached and took a swig of something in a flask by his side.

"What you drinking. I can smell it from here. It does not smell so good." Harry said. He wasn't really familiar with potions or whatever wizards drank. He attended one class in the first year and that was all. Occasionally he would go drop off the girls there but that was the limit.

"None of your business Potter." Moody snarled.

"I really don't like it when you call me that," Harry commented. He watched the man with his trained eyes. While on the surface he looked normal, Harry could see signs of nervousness as well as his body preparing to go into fight or flight mode.

"You seem jittery. Why is that professor? Something to hide perhaps? Something to do with me?" Harry said.

"Get out of here with your ridiculous accusations Potter!" Moody demanded. As soon as he finished the sentence, black chains sprang from the ground and wrapped him around tightly. Soon the man was just trying to wiggle out of it unsuccessfully.

"What is this Potter?' He spat. The chains instantly heated up causing him to cry out in pain.

"I believe I told you that I do not like to be called that already," Harry said calmly still sitting in the chair and looking down at the tied up man.

"Release me at once!" Moody said as the heat on the chains went down.

"That will depend on what I find," Harry said. Moody looked at him with caution.

"What you find where?" He asked. Harry just looked at him.

"In your head," Harry said before launching an all-out mental assault on the man. Moody did not even stand a chance. While his defenses were impressive for a wizard, he was nowhere near the level to be able to try and fight off someone of Harry's caliber in the mental arts.

"Let's see what we have here," Harry said as he browsed through the man's mind. After a few moments of looking through the man's mind, he found exactly what he was looking for.

"My oh my. Someone has been a very naughty boy, isn't that right BARTY." Harry said with a smile.

"So you know who I am, do you. Won't matter the worse they can do is send me to Azkaban again. I will be out soon enough when my lord rises!'" Barty exclaimed.

"I'm sure that would happen were you to go to Azkaban," Harry said as he walked circles around the still tied up man. Barty looked at him with suspicion.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"I'm not going to beat around the bush. I'm going to kill you. Here in this room. And no one is going to know. Well except Dumbledore I suppose, always good to show him a reminder of how I am not going soft." Harry speculated as to if he were picking between two grocery products.

"You wouldn't kill me. You don't even know the meaning of the word boy." Barty spat. Harry looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

"Oh how miss informed you are. I am pretty sure it is higher than even your Dark Lord's. If it isn't, then it is at least close." Harry mused.

"You're bluffing," Barty said. Harry looked at him and smiled.

"I'm going to make you choke on those words," Harry said as he walked over to the man and put his foot down on his throat and watched as he started to struggle to breathe.

"Get it? Choke on those words? Ha, I made a pun." Harry said as he watched the man struggle violently as the life started to fade and he looked up at Harry in horror. Harry just looked at him

"I like that look in your eyes, Barty. I wonder how many would kill to be in my position now." Harry said as he watched the man struggle and look up at him in terror.

"Shhhhhhh….go to sleep," Harry said as the light finally faded from the man's eyes. Harry finally removed his foot.

"Looking back on what I just did, that was very creepy. Not going to do that again. I found my line. No creepy talking when killing people." Harry said out loud. He looked over at the chest that he knew the real Moody was in and shrugged.

"Dumbledore can handle him," Harry said as he looked back at Barty and finally shot black flames at him. He waited for the man to completely incinerate before leaving.

November 24th, 2009

Harry was sitting in a chair while taking a power nap while the judges were explaining what the task was. He eventually woke up and saw the other champions pacing or standing around.

"So what's going on? All you guys ready for this?" Harry asked with an unconcerned yawn. The other tallboy from Hogwarts looked at him with annoyance.

"Are you not concerned with what's about to happen Wolfe? You could die you know." The boy said at him. Harry raised his hands in defense.

"Woah. Chill out Sparkles. No need to get hostile." Harry said with humor. The boy looked confused.


"Nothing…just different dimension stuff…" Harry said dismissively.

"…okay then…" The boy said confusedly.

The girl from the other country was looking at him confused and so was the other boy. He honestly could not be bothered to be more specific about them even in his thoughts. Eventually, they called them into the arena one by one. The different country boy went first. Apparently his name was Victor. He got a lot of 'oohs' and 'ahhs'. Next, they called in the hot blonde who was announced as Fleur. She didn't get as many 'oohs' and 'ahhs' as Victor but it sounded like she survived. The last before him was Sparkles.

"Good luck Sparkles." Harry called after the boy who was announced as Cedric." Cedric just looked back at him with confusion but kept moving to the exit to face his dragon. When he went, Harry heard more cheers than anything else. Apparently Hogwarts was showing their love for their champion. It was actually annoying because he couldn't tell if Sparkles was doing well or not. Eventually, the cheers died down and he guessed the match was over. He waited and then heard the fat, baby faced judge call his name. He entered the arena at a leisurely pace with his hands in his pockets. He saw the dragon already pacing on the other side of the arena. He noticed that it was quiet and there was nobody cheering for him.

"Jeez don't cheer all at once." He mumbled to himself. The fat man called that the clock was starting. He walked up to the Dragon in a way that appeared almost lazy.

"Right, let's get this out of the way. I am a businessman and you're a…dragon I guess. I'm sure we can come to an arrangement. I'm not actually sure what I am supposed to do besides face you. I kind of fell asleep when the judge was explaining." Harry said as he first tried to reason with the beast. The dragon roared at him. It was close enough to him that spit from it flew at him and hit him in the chest. He wiped away the spit and looked back at the dragon.

"So that's a no then?" Harry asked. The dragon snarled at him. Harry gave it a confused look.

"Well, which is it? A roar or a snarl? Those are two very different answers. Don't do the woman thing where you start sending me mixed signals. I got too much other shit to do, to have the time to decode your true feelings." Harry said as he deadpanned at the dragon. The dragon looked very angry and opened its mouth and spat fire at him causing the whole crowd to yell in excitement. Harry just conjured a shield in front of him. It was interesting to watch flames totally surround him as it tried to penetrate his shield. It felt almost peaceful in his little fire cocoon. Eventually, the dragon stopped breathing fire and looked quite startled that Harry was not a crispy piece of meat on the ground. Harry took a few steps away until he was close to twenty meters from the dragon. He sighed before he spoke.

"I tried to reason with you and instead of taking advantage of my kindness, you tried to kill me so no we do this the super fun way that I wanted to do the whole time," Harry said as a smile adjourned his face. He couldn't wait. This is what he had been working on all week. He raised his hand into the sky and watched as a purple mass of energy materialized 20 meters over the dragons head. The opening was huge. Could easily fit a truck or a small plane throughout. It actually was hard to keep open since it consumed so much energy, even for him.

"I guess this is it for your dragon," Harry yelled at the dragon with a smile. With that, a loud whistle pierced the air coming from the portal and something came barreling out at close to 50 miles an hour directly at the dragon. An object that everyone from Hogwarts recognized. It was the missing Hogwarts express. The train smashed directly on top of the dragon and immediately caused it to collapse under the train's weight as the rest of the carts effectively buried the dragon under tons of metal.

The whole crowd was silent in shock. Harry was silent in surprise.

'Didn't I put explosives in th-'


The train and all its carts exploded in a huge ball of fire. The force lifted Harry off his feet with so much power that he flew backward until he smashed against the arena walls. He dizzily got to his feet and looked up and saw the huge fire of the train burning on top of the carcass of the mother dragon.

"Boom bitch. Don't fuck with a Wolfe." Harry said at the flames. He shook his head and went and exited the arena.

'Ugh. Killer headache. Can't wait to take a nap.' Harry thought as he watched people finally get over the shock and start cheering like crazy for the massive amounts of destruction he just caused. The mediwitch was currently fussing over him at the same time as telling him how much of an idiot he was. When Harry decided he had enough of her fussing, he got up and left, despite her yells of protest. As soon as he was out of sight, he flashed away to his room where he immediately collapsed

December 25th, 2009

So apparently destroying the Hogwarts express was not okay with the government. It cost Harry four thousand galleons. He paid it only because he knew for a fact that a muggle train would have cost way more. Wizards really just rubbed him the wrong way. He was actually about to head to Tony's house for a little get together. He had just visited Rose and got his ass kicked by her puppy dog eyes once more. He just didn't understand how. He just killed a dragon for god's sake. No one has killed an actual dragon without a team of at least 20 dragon handlers. Yet a little girl could make him do whatever she wanted just by looking at him. What if she grew up to be evil and made Harry her personal hitman. Harry would be defenseless to her orders. Maybe the eyes would go away with age. He hadn't seen any women use it before.

Harry cleared his thoughts as he flashed his way into Tony's living room. He saw Tony lounging on the couch in PJ's.

"Harry! Glad you could make it. Got quite the day ahead of us." Tony said. Harry sighed.

"Where's Pepper?" Harry asked.

"It's Christmas, I gave her the day off of course," Tony said.

"Right. So what are we doing?" Harry asked.

"First, presents as is customary," Tony said excitedly. Harry looked a little taken back.

"You should have told me earlier. I didn't bring any gifts." Harry said

"Don't worry about it. Get me one next year." Tony said waving off Harry's concern. Harry hesitantly nodded.

"Alright, so what did you get me?" Harry asked. Tony gestured him over to the tree and handed him a medium-size box that was quite heavy. He opened it and saw a box inside it that had an image and wording on the side.

"The hell is an Xbox 360?" Harry asked. Tony just looked at him like he was mentally ill.

"It is a video game console. Don't worry, it comes with all the basic games. GTA IV, Assassins Creed, Call of Duty, etc. I figured you need to learn how to lighten up and this would help. I even got one so we can play together!" Tony said. Harry just looked at him.

"You? Play video games?" Harry asked incredulously. Tony looked offended.

"I can play video games. I am not that old." Tony defended himself.

"Pepper is right. You are a child in a man's body." Harry said. Tony pouted.

"That hurts. I even got you a present and everything." Tony said, faking some tears. Harry rolled his eyes.

"Alright. Alright. Thank you for the wonderful gift, Tony. I shall treasure it always." Harry said. Tony smiled.

"You better. Alright, on to the next thing. Star Wars movie marathon!"


6 hours later

Harry just finished watching Return of the Jedi. The trilogy was awesome in his opinion. Not that he had seen many movies to compare it too. They had just eaten popcorn and drank soda as Tony explained what was happening. It was pretty fun. Although, the whole time, Harry got the feeling of hanging out with just another 14-year old which was weird since Tony did NOT look 14.

"Alright, so that was awesome. It's getting kind of late though. I should probably head out soon." Harry said as he got up. Ton jumped to his feet.

"What? But we haven't even hit the strip clubs yet." Tony whined. Harry just deadpanned at him.

"Tony I'm 14."


"So I can't go to a strip club," Harry said as if he was talking to a whiny 8-year-old.

"What don't you like girls?" Tony asked rhetorically.

"I do. Doesn't mean I should let my hormones run wild though." Harry said. He knew deep down that wasn't the reason he was pressing not going. Girls meant attachment, especially to someone like Harry. He currently did not have the time to manage another attachment to someone. Especially a romantic attachment.

"You telling me that you never had even a crush on somebody?" Tony asked pressingly. Harry thought for a moment. For some reason, when Tony asked that, a pretty redhead randomly popped up in his mind. He shook his head to clear his thoughts.

"Look. I got to go Tony. I have to check in on my company tomorrow." Harry said as he picked up his gift and prepared to leave. Tony looked down that his buddy was leaving but he perked back up soon enough.

"Alright fine. But when I get a lap dance, you are going to wish you were there." Tony said as he wagged a finger at Harry. Harry just rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. Later old man and thanks again for the gift." Harry said. Tony just did a single wave goodbye. With that, Harry flashed home.