*Chapter 24*

January 1st, 2010 (New York)

Harry was just outside Manhattan where he had established his first company headquarters. It was nice in his opinion. He had to move his team from Japan to here which they seemed to be fine with. He needs to talk with Ren about how the company was going. As he made his way through the company building, he saw many new faces. Somewhere middle age and others looked like they just finished school. He was just about to make his way to the backroom when he heard a call from behind him.

"Excuse me, young man. You aren't allowed to go back there. That is for employees only." Said what appeared to be a receptionist. She looked to be in her mid-20's with blonde hair and a curvaceous body. Very pretty. As far as receptionists go. Though she would do well to know her boss, even if he only came around once every blue moon.

"Ma'am, do you know the name of this company?" Harry asked politely. The woman nodded like it was obvious.

"Of course I do. It's Wolfe Enterprises." She said with confidence.

"Good. Now, do you know my name?" Harry continued politely. The woman looked at him more closely before shaking her head.

"It's Harry Wolfe, otherwise known as the CEO and president of the company. I own this entire building." Harry said. The woman looked at him with a surprise for a second before it smoothed over into a polite smile.

"I'm sorry young man, but I am going to have to ask you to leave." She said, clearly not believing him. Harry sighed and was about to give this woman a hard time when Ren opened the door to the back and saw Harry.

"Ah, there you are Harry. We were expecting you 10 minutes ago." Ren said with a polite smile.

"I was running a little late and got further hung up by the receptionist who seems to not know who her company president was. Honestly, we should put a picture up somewhere so people know." Harry said frustrated. The receptionist looked at the whole scene with shock and felt a grave feeling in the pit of her stomach.

"If that is your wish, we shall have it done by the end of the day. Now come along, I have much to discuss with you." Ren said with a hint of excitement. Harry nodded before preparing to head after him when he heard the woman call out to him.

"Excuse me, sir. I'm so sorry about not letting you through earlier. I'll make sure it never happens again." The woman said with a bowed head. Harry just waved her off.

"No need to be so serious about a mistake. Just make sure it doesn't happen again and everything is fine." Harry said nonchalantly to the frightened woman who apparently thought she was going to get fired. The woman looked at him with gratefulness in her eyes before nodding her head appreciatively. Harry then turned and went to follow Ren into a conference room. Ren sat on one side with some papers and gestured for Harry to sit across from him. Harry did and Ren started to speak.

"I have great news. Our company is making quite the profits. We decided to sell the phones at 6 galleons per each one and that isn't including the cellular plan. The plan is just 5 sickles per month which have added up to quite a lot. Needless to say that our phones are our most popular product. We have reverse engineered them, so we could make many more of them. Now we make them ourselves. Provided we have the tools and resources which should not be hard to get." Ren said. Harry nodded and looked at the graphs in front of him.

"So how much in profit have we made so far?" Harry asked.

"Close to 1.5 million galleons with all our products combined as well as the cell plans," Ren said. Harry nodded. That was insanely good for a company that only started several months ago.

"Good. Now we need to keep this wave going. We need to make sure that we are constantly releasing new products every few months. I have looked into companies in the muggle world. They tend to put out a new product every year to keep money coming in." Harry said. Ren nodded.

"You're right. But first. We need to talk to suppliers. Do you have any that you know of that can help supply us with raw materials?" Ren asked. Harry thought about it for a second.

"There are a few people in China I know that can help us. It should be easy enough since they have so many sweatshops over there. A place that doesn't treat their workers like garbage would be well received." Harry said.

"Good. Then you can leave a note with the information and will have someone go over and try to make a deal." Ren said. Harry nodded then continued.

"That's fine but only for now. I want to not have to rely on any outside companies for what I want. We will need to find a way to create our own resources." Harry said. Ren looked at him.

"What do you propose?" Ren asked. Harry thought for a moment and then looked at him.

"What do you know of the philosopher's stone?" Harry asked. Ren's eyes widened.

"I know what it's capable of just as much as any man. Why?" Ren asked.

"I think I can recreate it, or at least, recreate something similar," Harry said. Ren looked truly surprised now.

"How? No one besides the Flamels has any idea how to create it." Ren said.

"3 years ago, I got the chance to study it intensely. Should I start to dabble in alchemy? I'm sure I can replicate something close to it. Only ours will not produce gold since that would most likely crash the economy. We will instead produce the raw metals that we need." Harry said, revealing his plan.

"If you truly are able to create such a thing, it would be a great boom to the company. But how will you find a way to do it. There are very few who know about alchemy, and even less who have mastered it like the Flamels. Ren said.

"I will barter with the Flamels apprentice. The old man will give me what I want. I am sure of it." Harry said with confidence. Ren nodded.

"Well in the meantime, we will find the supplier in China. Is there anything else you would like to discuss?" Ren asked. Harry nodded.

"We need to start expanding the company. You are obviously head of the technology department and have done a great job running this since I've been busy... but it shouldn't be a responsibility you have. Soon we will have more departments that will each be in charge of different things. We should also think of ways to expand into the muggle world" Harry said.

"Ambitious. What do you propose to open next?" Ren asked.

"First another technology store in South America. Rio to be specific. Next, I am going to start research in the clothing industry." Harry said.

"Clothing? Why?" Ren asked.

"Because I hate wizarding robes and their uselessness. I will make the top of the line attire too. Tell me, what is the most durable threading material that we could make normal clothes out of?" Harry asked.

"That would be the Acromantula Web. Very hard to get. Those spiders don't just let people take their webs. That is why clothes are rarely made from it." Ren said.

"Then we shall acquire some Acromantulas," Harry stated.

"How will we safely get their silk?" Ren asked.

"Mental manipulation," Harry said

"Mental manipulation?" Ren repeated.

"Indubiously. I will enter their minds and rip away certain parts and instincts. It will effectively make an entirely new animal if not be a little tiring and painful." Harry said.

"For who?" Ren asked.

"Me. The spiders should be fine. They will just no longer have a will to attack humans." Harry said.

"And you're sure you can do this?" Ren asked.

"Pretty sure. It will be one of the more difficult things I have done with mind magic but it should be doable." Harry said. Ren nodded.

"Alright. Should I look into a facility to hold the creatures and where we can farm their silk?" Ren asked.

"No, I will. You just worry about your department. I will handle the higher-level items from now on." Harry said. Ren nodded and smiled.

"So is that all?" He asked. Harry now shifted uncomfortably.

"Um…can you make my Xbox work around magic?" Harry asked. Ren threw his head back and laughed.

February 24th, 2010

Harry was not happy. Not happy at all. He had just been informed by the judges that someone dear to him had been taken and hidden in the lake and that he had an hour to find them. He had not seen Daphne all morning. As soon as it became clear what they had done, Harry had made an ultimatum. The teachers and judges had one hour to return Daphne to him. For every 5 minutes after that hour that she was not returned, he was going to hurt someone. Badly. The tournament was put on hold as Dumbledore had to go retrieve Daphne from the lake. It seemed that the headmaster was the only one who knew that Harry was not in fact bluffing. Harry was forfeited from the event though, not that he cared. Either way, he had only participated in the last one because he wanted to drop a train on top of a dragon. Apparently that was a bigger deal than he thought.

Since he had killed the dragon, many had been trying to get interviews with him. Guess being the first person to kill a dragon by himself in the last 600 years was a big deal. Even more so in how he did it and the age he did it at. Sadly for them, Harry did not take interviews. Rita Skeeter apparently wasn't happy with him based on what Daphne said. The woman was apparently writing lie after lie about him in the Daily Prophet. Harry couldn't care less. None of his friends seemed to believe it anyways.

Arthur was another matter. He seemed to think that Harry had entered the tournament himself and that he was lying to everyone. The boy had seemed to be angry at Harry for some reason. Not his business on the why though. He wasn't fond of Arthur much, to begin with.

Harry walked down a corridor when he saw Dumbledore walking towards him. He debated on walking the other way but saw that he had an old-looking book with him. He suspected that the book was for him so he continued forward.

"Dumbledore. How did the tournament go?" Harry asked politely.

"It went we-"

"Stop! I don't actually care. I was just being polite. What do you have for me?" Harry asked, cutting him off. Dumbledore sighed.

"I have managed to acquire the book I promised you," Dumbledore said.

"It only took you two months. Is your private library that large that it took you two months to find one book?" Harry criticized.

"Not usually, but I have to help with the tournament as well which seems to be taking up quite a lot of my times these days."

"Serves you right for agreeing to such an idiotic task," Harry commented. Dumbledore said nothing in return. Harry looked through the book.

"This is sufficient. Now, I need something else from you. I need books on alchemy and how to perform it." Harry said. Dumbledore looked startled by this request.

"May I ask why?" Dumbledore asked.

"For a private matter. You can feel safe in knowing that it isn't to hurt anyone if that is what you are concerned with." Harry said.

"Hm. What do I get out of it?" Dumbledore asked.

"What do you want?" Harry asked.

"I would still like it if you trained Arthur," Dumbledore said.

"I'm sure you would. Sadly I won't do that." Harry said.

"There is much you could teach the boy Harry. You are, without a doubt, one of the most powerful wizards currently alive as well as the youngest. With your tutelage, Arthur could easily beat Voldemort and save lives." Dumbledore said.

"You are quite obsessed with the fact that Arthur needs to kill the Dark Lord," Harry commented.

"That is because he does."

"Then why don't you train him if you are so concerned?"

"What good would that do? I have faced Voldemort before and never managed to fully overcome him. Sending Arthur down my path would make him powerful but not enough. It would also take too much time which is something I suspect we are running out of." Dumbledore said.

"Alright fine. How about this. I will tell you how to permanently kill Voldemort if you give me the books I require." Harry said trying to bargain.

"You know how to kill him?" Dumbledore asked incredulously.

"Yes, now do we have a deal?" Harry asked.

"I would like a contract stating that what you say is truthful," Dumbledore said. Harry nodded before summoning and making a contract which they both looked over and signed.

"Good, now bring me what I want and I will tell you how to kill him," Harry said. Dumbledore nodded with a smile. It was clear that he thought he was getting a great deal. Harry rolled his eyes.

'Idiot.' He thought to himself. Sometimes, he truly believed Dumbledore was as senile as he originally thought.

They went their separate ways and for some reason, Harry had a feeling that it would not take 2 months for Dumbledore to get him his books.

March 1st, 2010


"Hey, it's not my fault that you're not as quick as I am," Tony said cockily over the mic.

"Funny. Is that why you can't get girls to stay with you?"

"Hey! I'll have you know that I am amazing in the sack!"

"When's the last time you got a girl to sleep with you more than once?" Harry asked.

"That is my choice, not theirs! I could sleep with any girl I wanted again." Tony proclaimed. Harry finally turned the corner in the game and got the last kill before setting the controller down.

"Annnnnnndddddddd…..I won." Harry said with a smirk clear in the way he spoke.

"I got more kills than you." Tony pointed out.

"I got more overall points though," Harry argued back.

"What does that matter?" Tony scoffed.

"Tony, I don't think we need to have an argument on which of us is the better killer," Harry said.

"I'm a better killer in video games!" Tony said back.

"Maybe not something a 40-year-old man should be bragging about to a 14-year-old." Harry pointed out.

"It's weird that you are 14 still. I feel like you're an adult." Tony said.

"What the hell do you think puberty is Tony? I honestly want you to answer me because it sounds like you think that someday I am just going to magically grow 5 inches taller and grow hair out of my face and chest." Harry said.

"Well…. You know."

"You're an idiot," Harry said.

"Whatever. So, you coming to my celebration party." Tony asked.

"Nope. Kind of in a death tournament at the moment." Harry said.

"I thought you weren't participating after the first round?" Tony said.

"I need to participate in the last round sadly. Something I need to do." Harry said.

"Sounds suspect."

"Because it is," Harry responded.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't," Tony said

"I honestly doubt that even you would do something as bad as what I am going to do," Harry said.

"I don't want to know. I trust you have a good reason so I'm not going to ask." Tony said.

"That makes it easier on me then. I got to go. You should polish your skills so I don't keep kicking your ass in this game." Harry said.

"Yeah. Whatever. You won't be talking smack next time we meet on the battlefield." Tony exclaimed. Harry rolled his eyes before shutting down his Xbox and leaving his little home away from home. It was time to go see if Dumbledore had what he wanted. He walked to the old man's office and entered. He saw the man doing, what appeared to be, stacks of paperwork.

"Evening Dumbledore," Harry said. Dumbledore looked at him and immediately seemed to become quite eager.

"Ah. Evening Harry. I assume you are here for the books?"

"Correct. Do you have them?"

"I do indeed. Shall we start then?" Dumbledore asked as he opened a drawer in his desk and pulled out three very big and old books.

"These books are the perfect tool for any alchemist to start from. From these books, you could theoretically branch off into any field of alchemy that you wanted." Dumbledore explained. Harry nodded and inspected each book for a few minutes. It was hard to tell if Dumbledore was being honest but he decided to believe the old man. He nodded an affirmative that the books were what he wanted.

"Now for your end of the deal." Dumbledore pressed. Harry smirked. The first time he had seen Dumbledore so impatient.

"You have been looking at it the wrong way all along with old man. Killing Voldemort is actually quite easy. He has split his soul in the hopes that when he dies, he will be able to come back. He is partially correct. A normal death simply kicks the soul out of the body and forces it to either wander or to ascend to a different plane. His little soul fragments anchor him to here. Sadly for him, an anchor is no use without a ship." Harry said. Dumbledore looked at him confused.

"I am afraid I don't understand," Dumbledore said.

"There are ways to completely obliterate someone in both body and soul. For example. If you can detonate an explosion with enough power, that is condensed enough, it could affect, not only the living plane but the plane that the soul resides on as well. This will destroy the soul to completely destroy the person. There will be nothing for them anymore. No afterlife no nothing. Just the endless void. His little anchors are useless to attacks on his soul. They only keep him here. Once he is fully gone. His anchors will decapitate eventually as well." Harry said. Dumbledore put major thought into.

"How would you generate that much power in the first place and would that be safe," Dumbledore asked. Harry shrugged.

"Depends on how close you are to it. I suppose. You can create it with enough magic. Just generate pure magic and condense it as much as possible. Should collapse in on itself and blow up. Harry said.

"How much magic would be required?" Dumbledore asked next.

"Hm. Don't know exactly how much. Magic is pretty hard to measure. I could probably do it with…3/4 of my total magical reserves." Harry said as he tried to make some mental calculations.

"How much do you have?" Dumbledore asked. Harry looked at him.

"Let's put it this way, you only have around 30 percent of my magical reserves," Harry said. Dumbledore just looked at him but did not question what he was told. Harry didn't really lie when he could avoid it. At most, he told half-truths.

"So it's impossible," Dumbledore said.

"I suppose you could also try and drink the blood of a demon and hope it doesn't kill you. If it doesn't then you should get the ability to wield cursed flames summoned from the Hell dimension." Harry said with thought.

"That doesn't sound possible either," Dumbledore said.

"Oh, it's possible. That I know for a fact." Harry said. Dumbledore looked at him confused before going back to his thoughts.

"I don't suppose you would be interested in donating yourself to help with this task?" Dumbledore asked. Harry smiled.

"Nope. Though maybe for a fee. A HIGH fee." Harry said with a smile.

"Well, I suppose you did your end of the bargain. Even if I am sure that you knew I could use none of the methods that you would mention." Dumbledore said.

"That I did," Harry said as he stood up and picked up his books and started walking to the door.

"Good luck with your little dark lord problem. I hope you can solve it soon." Harry said as he stepped out and went on his way. The last thing he heard was a tired sigh behind him.

June 24th, 2010

Over the past few months. Harry found himself hating the tournament more and more. They had extended the year to include the final task. Harry had not been happy about that but he had to play it cool. His plan was finally going to be executed.

He stood outside the maze with his usual black hoodie and cargo pants. Complete with black military boots. He liked black. He saw the other champions looking at the maze they were about to enter with some fright as well as awe. He shook his head. They better all hope he made it to the cup first, otherwise, they were going to be killed by a fetus. That would be sad. The judges came over and announced the start of the task and gave them the order that they would be entering the maze. Apparently Sparkles was going first and then the big Bulgarian dude. Finally, it would be the French bird (HA pun) and then him. The whistle blew and he watched Sparkles runoff. One by one, the champions took off into the maze until it was just his left. Finally, the final whistle blew and he took off into the maze.

He immediately got lost. Every direction looked like the exact same way. He decided that he should just look for the nearest monster or trap. If video games taught him anything, it was that monsters and traps usually pointed in the right direction. The first creature he came across was some shape shifting…thing. It kept flickering into a dead Nick and him with red eyes and looking like the incarnation of Satan. Both brought up feelings that he suppressed. When it shifted to a red-eye version of him, he quickly stepped up, and grabbed…himself by the neck and snapped it violently. Whatever the creature was, it fell to the ground dead before dissolving into a cloud of black smoke and disappearing. Harry wasn't sure if he killed it, and decided to just keep walking forward. The next creature he met with was a Minotaur. Honestly, he wasn't sure if he could take a Minotaur with an ax without using magic but he was down to give it a try.

He sprinted at the hulking creature. The Minotaur put both his hands up before swinging them in a horizontal arc right in front of him, trying to decapitate Harry. Harry fell to his knees and slid right under the ax blade. As he jumped back to his feet, he immediately started punching what were supposed to be weak points and pressure points on the torso. Sadly, this seemed to only anger the creature. It brought its ax down vertically trying to cut Harry straight down the middle. Harry sidestepped and slid just in time to miss the ax blade, then immediately started to move backward so he could think of a plan.

'Okay, so pressure points don't work. It seems pretty fast for such a huge body. Wonder what I can do to take this beast down.' Harry thought as he looked at the hulking mass that kept charging him and forcing him to sidestep and retreat. Finally, his eyes caught something new.

'That thing has a man's body, for the most part, so….does it has a penis? I bet that would be a major weakness. I also bet I would be the only person alive to say I kicked a living Minotaur in the balls that lived to tell the tale.' Harry thought seriously.

Without thinking any further on the matter. Harry once more sidestepped the charging bull-man hybrid. As soon it turned around, Harry was already right in front of it with his foot cocked back. The Minotaur didn't even have time to show his surprise before the foot shot forward and smashed his very real sexual organ.

The Minotaur immediately fell to its knees and roared in pain as it dropped its ax and gripped its groin. It no longer concentrated on anything, except the deep pain the testicles were sending to the rest of its body. Harry stopped for a second and winced with the whimpering Minotaur.

'Maybe, that was a little too far…' Harry thought as the Minotaur laid down, no longer even able to stay on its knees.

"Yeah…soo…I'm just going to go then…bye," Harry said as he walked off towards the way the Minotaur was originally blocking. He got sad whimpers of pain in response. As he walked away, Harry hoped that there were enough Minotaurs in the world to compensate for the fact that that one would never have children. Ever.

After a few more anti-climactic battles, Harry finally made it to the end of the maze. He saw the blue glow surrounding the tournament cup. None of the other champions seemed to be around yet. He approached the cup and took a deep breath.

'Alright. Let's do this.' Harry thought before grabbing the cup and disappearing as the portkey activated.

Graveyard, Little Hangleton

Harry landed, luckily, on his feet and saw himself in a graveyard. He looked around for a second and watched as a man scurried out of the nearby hut and appeared to have a bundle in one hand and a wand in the other. The man pointed his wand at him.

"Stupefy." He yelled. Harry just turned sideways as the spell flew right past him. Before the man could another word, Harry summoned an astral spear into existence and shot it straight at the man. The spear flew at the man and right through his leg taking the leg with him and causing the man to fall back, screaming in pain. Harry put a hand in his pocket and walked up to the man who was screaming as well as the bundle that was hissing obscenities. He looked down at the man.

"Uncle Wormy. It has been so long. You look… well, it's nice to see you all the same." Harry said. The man was crying as he looked up at Harry.

"Harry please! I meant nothing by it. He was going to kill me, Harry. You have to believe me! Lily and James wouldn't want me dead. They would want me to face justice." Wormtail blubbered on and on. Harry just rolled his eyes as he looked down at the man before his eyes shifted to the bundle that was now silent and looking at him. Harry smiled at it too.

"Hello, Tom. It's been years. You look…younger than the last time we met. " Harry said. The baby Voldemort said nothing and just looked at him.

"Not going to say anything?" Harry said. He knew what the dark lord was doing. He had noticed the snake slowly slithering up behind him. It made him chuckle. He would leave the snake alone. She wasn't his kill after all.

"You are ofly quiet. I hope you are not expecting your snake to actually be able to kill me are you?" Harry said. This caused a reaction from the fetus as it glared at him.

"Insolent boy. Do you know what you have done? Don't think you have actually stopped me from rising. I will always rise. No matter how many times you strike me down." Voldemort said. Harry chuckled.

"Why? Because of those little soul anchors you have?" Harry said. This apparently shocked the Dark Lord.

"How did you-"

"Find out? Easy. Anyone who is as aware of magic as I am would notice the darkness emitting from them." Harry said amused. The fetus dark lord hissed at him.

At this point, Voldemort's snake had crept close enough to strike. It was about to bite at his ankle. As soon as it lunged forward it immediately collided with the body of another snake that had been lying in wait in Harry's clothes. Sammy hissed at the other snake daring it to strike again. Even Harry wasn't dumb enough to challenge Sammy to an actual fight. As the person who gave her all the upgrades she had, he knew well enough that it would not be an easy fight. Especially since she could now change her size at will, and her scales were impenetrable.

Sadly, Voldemort's snake seemed to be as stupid as the Dark Lord was. It lunged at Sammy and tried to bite, and finish her off in one go. Sammy just moved her head to the left and struck the snake from the side. Nagini didn't even have a chance. As soon as Sammy wrapped her jaws around her neck it was over. Sammy bit down so hard that Nagini's head was barely connected with the rest of her body. Sammy spat the now dead snake out of her mouth.

"Tsh. Was that all that trash had to bring to the table? Not even worth my time." Sammy said as she slithered back into Harry's robes. Harry chuckled and Voldemort looked on with anger as the closest thing he had to a friend was murdered brutally.

"I told you it wouldn't be but no. You needed to prove who the top snake was. If it wasn't obvious already." Harry said.

"What can I say? I wanted to stretch my scales. Been cooped on that island for months." Sammy said. Harry just shook his head in amusement. He looked down at the groaning Wormtail and seething Voldemort.

"Well, I suppose we should finish up here," Harry said as he smiled down at the two. He crouched down and came face to face with the still crying Wormtail.

"You betrayed me once Wormtail. I don't care about your reasons. All that matters is that I, at one point, trusted you and you betrayed that trust. It's the principle of the matter you see. I can't allow people to think that is okay. You understand that right?" Harry asked as he pulled out a knife and looked at the man. The man in question burst into fresh tears and started to beg once more.

"Harry-"Before he could continue Harry jabbed his knife forward and cut his tongue in half while his mouth was open. No longer talking, Wormtail screamed in pain. Harry just looked at him with cold eyes.

"You know…I have never done this to a human before. It's an ability that I created…I call it an Infection. Would you be so kind as to be my first human test subject?" Harry asked sarcastically. He touched the screaming man's forehead and watched as a black dot appeared where he touched and slowly started to spread all over his body. Wormtail's scream grew even louder as his body literally withered away from the inside. He eventually stopped screaming and went totally silent with the disease clearly still eating him.

Harry then looked at Voldemort who was watching the scene with silent horror.

"Don't worry. I don't plan to do that with you. Oh no. You…are coming with me." Harry said as he grabbed fetus Voldemort and disappeared in a flash leaving only the sound of insane laughter in his wake.