*Chapter 25*

June 29th, 2010

Harry walked into the Great Hall after a few very crazy days. A lot of stuff had happened after kidnapping baby Voldemort. Ever tried to torture a fetus? Not easy. The body was so small and scrunched up that it screwed with all his torture techniques. He had to get the asshole a new body just to torture him.

That was a terrible idea in retrospect. He had just picked up some terrorists and shoved Voldemort's mind and soul inside, not the easiest thing to do by the way. Point was, Voldemort immediately tried to escape and steal a weapon to kill him with. That didn't end well for Voldemort. Harry felt that he needed to make it clear that running away was a no-no. A 12 gauge to both his kneecaps seemed to fix that problem.

After that, keeping him was synch. He screamed a lot but Harry was a little disappointed that he didn't last longer than others. Even Daphne's dad lasted longer than Voldemort did. Granted, he did do a longer method with Daphne's dad to keep him alive longer but still! Voldemort was supposed to be a big bad dark lord for crying out loud! It didn't matter honestly anymore. Voldemort likes to spew insults at Harry during the whole process. Harry had given him multiple warnings to stop but he didn't so he also had to be punished for that. Blowtorching out his right eye was a good way to stop him from spewing anything but screams from then on or at least, for a little while. Apparently breaking every bone on the bottom half of a person's body one by one can cause them to permanently retreat into their minds. Voldemort was just a husk of his former self. Harry was pretty sure that the Neville boy's parents were like that. Anyways, he sat down at the Slytherin table and grabbed some food since he hadn't eaten anything in 16 hours. As he started to bite into his food he looked up and saw everyone in the Great Hall looking at him with wide eyes, including the teachers.

"What? Why are you all looking at me?" Harry asked confused.

"They are confused about how you just showed up when you were supposed to have been kidnapped which is why you apparently couldn't contact your friends for 3 days." A voice as cold as ice said from behind him causing him to stiffen up.

"Oh. Well, I'm okay. Kidnappers decided to let me go and disappear forever so that no one would ever be able to find a trace of their bod-…I mean them." Harry said as Daphne and Tracey sat opposite him and glared. Harry chuckled nervously.

"Hey, guys… So how you been?" Harry asked trying to not have one of them explode on him.

"I'm afraid explanations will have to come later. Mr. Wolfe, can you come with me. We need to discuss where you have been and also contact Aurors about your safe appearance." Dumbledore said standing next to him. Harry stood up a little too fast.

"Well, you heard the man. I have to go do a lot of important stuff. Doesn't sound like I have a choice. I guess I'll see you guys soon. byeeee." Harry said as he jumped away from the scary women and walked with the headmaster up to his office. The whole way, even when out of their sight, he could feel a burning sensation on him that felt very scary.

"Well, you have had quite the adventure I imagine," Dumbledore said. Harry shrugged.

"Not really. More of a fun weekend to be honest." Harry said as he thought back on Voldemort's screams.

"Is that so? May I ask why you haven't returned to the castle? You must have known that we thought you were kidnapped." Dumbledore asked. Harry shrugged.

"I had something to take care of," Harry said as they finally made it to the office.

"Don't call the Aurors yet. We need to talk privately." Harry said causing Dumbledore to look at him confused but eventually appeased to what he said. He sat down on his throne and looked at Harry.

"So, what do you have to tell me?" Dumbledore asked.

"Voldemort has risen from the dead and got himself a body," Harry said, getting straight to the point. Dumbledore immediately stood up.

"Are you certain?" he questioned.

"Yes. I watched it happen actually. I was in a bit of a bind so I couldn't actually stop it but that's that I suppose." Harry said as he looked at the now pacing old man. He was smiling on the inside though. While Dumbledore could probably no longer offer him enough money for the death of such a high-value target, Harry was positive that Dumbledore had possession to quite a few rare books and artifacts that would cover his expenses.

"We need to prepare immediately," Dumbledore said as he thought about where to go from there.

"Oh, and I killed his snake and also Wormtail," Harry said. Dumbledore looked at him.

"Could you not have captured Wormtail? I'm sure he would have been a good source of information."Dumbledore asked. Harry nodded.

"I could have but I made the executive decision not too and decided that he needed to die," Harry said. Dumbledore sighed.

"Fine. I will contact the Aurors and we will get the word out immediately." Dumbledore said.

June 30th, 2010

Harry was currently watching over Tony as he had smashed up his Malibu house and was now working on creating a new element. Oh and was dying apparently.

"So shield gave you all these files?" Harry asked as he skimmed over the classified documents.

"Yes. I think they want me to continue where my old man left off and help them fight the evils of the world or something." Tony said as he hefted a giant pipe into place. Harry nodded.

"What can I help you out with?" Harry asked.

"Just putting all this into place for now," Tony said. Harry nodded and got to work. They worked in silence for about 10 minutes just continuing to move everything to where it needed to go.

"So you going to tell me why you never mentioned that you were dying or had some Russian terrorist after you?" Harry finally asked. Tony sighed.

"Were friends Harry but it just wasn't your fight or problem," Tony said.

"The hell it wasn't. Tony, we are friends and I know that if I needed help, you would be there in a heartbeat to help me. That can't just work one way. I could continuously heal you indefinitely until we found a cure. What's the worst part though is that you have denied me the opportunity of curb-stomping a terrorist. Unforgivable." Harry said. Tony laughed at the last part.

"Alright alright. I get it. Next time I need help, I will go to you. Does that make you feel better?" Tony teased.

"Damn straight," Harry said as they continued to work but no longer with the awkward tension.

"So how's school been?" Tony asked

"Pretty good. One of our most dangerous terrorist in history just resurrected Himself from the dead. I had to show him why that was a horrible idea. He is now a vegetable." Harry said. Tony looked at him.

"In what way? Mentally or physically?" Tony asked.

"Both of course," Harry said. Tony just shook his head.

"You need a hobby kid. What about your work? How's that going?" Tony asked.

"It is booming. We have decided to now expand into health. We have currently two hospitals we have acquired. One in L.A and one in New York." Harry said.

"You know medicine?" Tony asked.

"Me? Nope. I am a healer though and one of the best on the planet if I do say so myself." Harry said.

"I see. So what kind of hospitals are you trying to run." Tony asked.

"The kind that will put others out of business. I'm not going to use random fees to up hospital bills nor am I going to make it cost money to ride in an ambulance which is total bullshit. We only make the customers pay the bare minimum for our services.

"You're not going to make much money that way," Tony commented.

"Doesn't matter. Money isn't the goal. Helping as many people as we can is." Harry said.

"Surprisingly noble coming from an assassin," Tony said. Harry nodded.

"I only kill the wicked, my friend. I, for the most part, like the innocent. Almost jealous of them to be honest. They live such sweet lives not knowing the true horrors on this planet. Ignorance is bliss I suppose." Harry said. Tony nodded in agreement.

"So many other projects?"

"Well, I have to go kidnap some giant spiders and also figure out how to make a magic stone produce large quantities or raw metals. Oh, and I also have to go talk with a mad scientist later." Harry said. Tony smiled.

"Sounds like you have a full plate." Harry nodded.

"Yeah. Been swamped in paperwork to. Never knew running a company would be this annoying. Can't wait for Daphne to graduate so she can be my PA." Harry said.

"Oh yeah, your kiddie friend. So she agreed to that?"

"Kinda. She expressed interest in it. Especially since the pay is pretty good for a first job out of school." Harry said.

"Hmm. That's good I guess. Oh, and shield would like to have a sit down with you." Tony said. Harry looked over at him.

"What for this time?" Harry asked.

"No idea. They just told me to pass the message along." Tony said. Harry sighed.

"Man. Those guys never give up do they?"

"Nah. They're a super-spy agency. It's what they do….So are you going to do it?"

"I don't know. It is getting pretty annoying having them chase me around everywhere. What would you do?" Harry asked.

"I would go just to see what they wanted at the least," Tony said. Harry thought about that. He was pretty sure they either wanted him neutralized or joining up with them.

"Fine. I'll think about it. In the meantime, let's finish this up already so I go to sleep already." Harry said. He heard Tony chuckling behind him somewhere.

July 2nd, 2010

Subduing a 900-pound spider was an easier task than Harry had anticipated. They had very one tract minds especially when they saw, what they deemed food. The spider had immediately rushed him to go straight for the kill. With just a few chains, Harry had restrained it without doing any real damage. They had already bought a place in Canada to store them. It hadn't taken much work to set up really since they just kept buying already made buildings that suited their needs. After bringing the spider back to the facility, Harry worked on reconfiguring its mind.

Changing instincts was extremely hard. In fact, it was one of the hardest things that he had ever had to do with mind magic. The mind held onto its instincts tightly, probably because it would believe it would die without them, Harry had to manually insert a different method of what the spider was to do with its life. Making silk and creating offspring to make its silk where now its primary objectives. It would eat only what the hairless apes gave it no matter how hungry it got. After that. He released it into its new home and had it start to build its nest. He pulled out his cellphone and called Ren.

"Ren, the spider cage is all set up. How is the mad scientist guy going?"

"We have set up a meeting with him later today as you asked. You will meet at the bar that you specified in New York." Ren responded."

"Excellent. Thank you for that Ren. Now how are our sales going within the wizard community?" Harry asked.

"They are increasing every day, especially whenever we release a new product. The steady profit we get from all the cell plans, as well as cable plans for the TV, is really making us money. Our store in Rio that just opened is all starting to show a sizable profit as well. Our total profit is close to 125 million USD and growing."

"Great. How soon until we can get those hospitals open?" Harry asked.

"They are moving in all of the equipment as we speak. There is a boom of doctors and nurses right now so we have not had much of a hiring problem. Should be able to open both in a month or two. Assuming we continue to rush its progress." Ren said.

"Good. Make sure we continue to do so. With that, we have two new departments as well as expanding into the muggle world." Harry said.

"Correct. Congratulations Mr. Wolfe."

"The real congratulations should go to you. You have done a hell of a job with helping on bringing this off its feet Ren. I appreciate it. Now, I hear that there is quite a few homeless veterans in the world right now. We are going to capitalize on that." Harry said.

"How so?"

"We are going to create a private military!" Harry said.

"Sir?" Ren said trying to get Harry to elaborate.

"We are going to give homeless vets a job by putting them back into what they are good at. They will have health benefits and good pay as well as not having to go to an actual war. We will use them as a security force."

"I see…The idea certainly does have merit. I'm sure it would help quite a few people as well. You do know that government's higher private contractors to fight their wars correct?"

"I do. We will only accept the contracts for places we want to fight. It will work out trust me. I have done the math."

"If you say so."

"Excellent. Now I do believe that I need to go talk to a mad scientist." Harry said while hanging up and flashing away.

The same day, Craig's Bar, New York

Harry was sitting across from a 26-year-old man who looked like he couldn't stop fidgeting and had a smile that practically spelled mischief. This man was James Hardy, otherwise known as the 'Mad Scientist'. James was a prodigy when it came to inventing and liked to invent things that most people didn't really think about nor need. He was still a genius but to free-spirited to be of any use to real companies, especially those that valued order and organization.

"Hello, Mr. Hardy. I am Mr. Wolfe, CEO of Wolfe Enterprises. A pleasure to meet you." Harry said.

"Likewise. You now, you are a lot younger than I thought you would be. No offense of course." James said. Harry waved it off.

"It is fine. I get that a lot. So, you ready to talk business?" Harry said. James nodded.

"I just want you to know that I don't work too well in places that have a lot of rules and regulations on my creations. If you run a place like that then we should just stop now." James said.

"I understand. We are ready to accommodate you fully. I assure you. My company is looking for ahead of our Research and Development section. Now my company started recently so we aren't exactly rolling in billions yet. We are making a huge amount of profit though. So here is what I will offer. Your first year, you will get 100k in salary over the year. You will be provided a company car if you need one and will also be given a budget for any of your little side projects you want to do just for fun. We will of course require you to design things for us when requested and would also like to have you work on things that will help further our company but you will also be given time for yourself. The years after the first, your salary will increase as long as we continue to profit." Harry said. James just looked at him.

"Wow. That is a lot better than I thought you could possibly give." James said. Harry smiled.

"Well, we aim to please. So what do you think? Does that sound agreeable to you?"

"Yes of course it does. When would I start?" He asked

"A week from now. We have our facilities HQ just outside the city. Here is the address. Harry said as he gave the man a slip of paper and stood up.

"It was a pleasure, Mr. Hardy. We hope you have an enjoyable time working for us." Harry said and extended a hand to the man.

"And you Mr. Wolfe. I greatly look forward to working with you." The man said with a smile. After that, Harry went into the backroom and departed.

July 4th, 2010

Harry was currently watching Tony and a friend apparently named Rhodey mowing down drones that were currently wreaking havoc. It looked like they were going to finish with that terrorist guy soon and Harry had already run damage control as well as getting Pepper to a safe place. Now that all that was left was for Tony to finish up here.

As he thought this. He felt a presence coming from behind. Clearly not even trying to disguise their approach. They continued until they stood right next to him.

"So you came here after all," Natasha said. Harry didn't even look at her.

"Well if it isn't the super spy. Did you bring along green arrow as well?" Harry asked

"No, he is assigned somewhere else at the moment." She responded.

"You going to try and attack me again? I won't go easy like I did last time." Harry warned.

"I just want to talk." She assured.

"Then talk," Harry said back.

"My boss wants to meet with you." She said getting straight to the point.

"I heard. Look, if you guys really want to talk, we can have a sit down some time but I'm telling you right now that I don't work for anyone to the point that he is going to want." Harry said.

"When are you free?"

"You set up the time and date I will be there," Harry said.

"Tomorrow at 12. At the bar, we first met at." She said. Harry looked at her before nodding.

"That's fine. I guess I'll be there." Harry said as he turned and walked away but not before taking one last look at the redhead. Her hair seemed longer to Harry.

"Will you be there as well?" Harry asked. She raised an eyebrow.

"Do you want me to be?" she asked. Harry nodded.

"I do," Harry said.

"Why. I somehow doubt it is because of my good looks and feminine charm." She said. Harry smirked.

"Don't worry about it. I shall see you tomorrow. Goodbye Natasha." Harry said as he entered back into the building and flashed away as soon as he was out of her sight. He flashed onto a nearby roof that he spotted Tony flying too. He arrived to see Tony and Pepper kissing and Rhodey off to the side and watching with amusement. Harry walked over to him silently and gave him a nod which he returned with a smile before gesturing to the scene in front of him. Harry smiled in response. He cleared his throat getting the new couple's attention.

"Finally. No longer will you have to deal with all your awkward sexual tension." Harry said. Tony laughed while Pepper just blushed and looked like she wanted to shrink into herself.

"Seriously you guys were at it for like 3 minutes straight," Rhodey said offering his own 2 cents.

"Thanks for running damage control, you guys. I'm sure you guys saved a lot of lives." Tony said.

"It's fine. Whatever happened to that Vanko guy?" Harry said.

"Dead," Tony said solemnly. Harry nodded.

"Probably for the best. Well, I have to go prepare for a meeting. I'll see you all soon." Harry said.

He then went back to the building and flashed away home.

Wolfe Cove

As soon as he landed, Harry got a call on his phone. He checked who it was and immediately thought if he should just let it ring. Nah, he would be in even more trouble. He flipped open his phone.

"Heeyyyy Daphne. What's happening with you?" Harry said with fake happiness.

"Shut the hell up with that fake stuff Wolfe. You know you are in trouble." She said. Harry sighed. Harry sighed

"What did I do?"

"Well let's see, shall we. You beat up two Aurors and resisted arrested as well as trying to shove a phoenix up are ministers ass. Shall I go on?" Daphne said. Harry thought back to the last time he was at Hogwarts. The minister had not liked the news about Voldemort's resurrection. He had straight-up called Harry delusional. Harry was not having that shit so he grabbed Fawkes and forced the minister to bend over and 'take it like the Lil' bitch he was.' It had just spiraled out of control from there as the Aurors jumped in and resulted in them both being attacked. Daphne had to be called to pull Harry off the three grown men he was assaulting and only because Harry had trained her enough to at least take him on.

"I don't think any of that can be considered my fault though," Harry said.


"That sounds like an overreaction."


"Look let's just take a deep breath and calm down," Harry said.

"Oh, I will calm down. As soon as you apologize to the Minister.

"So you're never going to calm down," Harry said sadly.

"Were you at least telling the truth about Voldemort?" she asked.

"Yes but don't worry about that. He is now harmless." Harry assured.

"How can you be so sure?" she asked.

"Well, he is currently a vegetable locked in my basement," Harry said.


"Yeah, so he is under control."

"you have a dark lord….locked in your basement?"

"That is correct."

"…..you; 're an idiot," Daphne stated.

"I don't understand how that is relevant to our current conversation," Harry said back.

"That's because you're an idiot."

"Jeez. You're hurtful today." Harry said.

"So are you hiding at your little island then?"

"Daphne. I don't hide from anything ever." Harry said

'except Rosie's puppy eyes.' He thought to himself.

"Except Rose's puppy eyes."

"God damn it you remembered. Fine. Besides those." Harry said.

"Whatever. Just make sure you keep me updated on what's going on with you."

"Sure. Now have you thought about the job offer?"

"I don't know Harry. That's a big step. I'm still just trying to get through school."

"Daphne we both know that you would be fine not going to school after this year. I hear you are already at a 6th-year level."

"How do you hear that when you don't even go to the classes?" she asked rhetorically.

"I have my-"

"You have your ways, yes I know. You have said that before."

"Well, then there you go. Keep thinking about it, Daphne. I could really use you and Tracey's help."

"Yes, you have said."

"And I promise that it pays well."

"Yes, Harry you said that too. Look, I'll think about it alright."

"Okay, okay."

"I expect that I will not be the one to have to call for our next conversation," Daphne said.

"I'll call in a few days."

"Good. Then I will talk to you then."

"Alright later."


Next Day, Craig's Bar,

Harry was sitting down and sipping on a Sprite as he waited for his guest to arrive. He made sure that he had an escape route ready to go. He felt them arrive before he saw them. Seemed they brought back up. 20 agents in all he counted. He couldn't feel Green Arrow around but he would be on guard for him just in case. He continued to sip his drink and decided to read the paper until they decided to come in. There seemed to be a little segment about his hospital opening soon. That made him smile a little. Some celebrities apparently died of a drug overdose.

At this point, he heard someone clearing their throat at him.

"Sit down so we can get this over with," Harry said not even looking up from his newspaper.

"You are Harry Wolfe correct?" he heard a deep voice say.

"Good job Sherlock," Harry said as he continued to read the newspaper.

"My name is Nick Fury. I am the director of Shield." The man said. At this, Harry looked up. He saw a tall black man in a trench coat wearing an eye patch. He also noticed Natasha standing a foot behind him.

"I don't like your name. Brings up bad memories." Harry said straight out.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Now I won't beat around the bush. I am sure that you have already guessed that we have been trying to recruit you for quite a while." Fury said.

"I had. I'm sure you also know my answer after all this time." Harry said.

"We would like you to reconsider. We of course know what you do for a living."

"Trust me, you don't. I'm not really in the mercenary business anymore." Harry said.

"You expect us to believe that?" Fury asked. Harry shrugged.

"It matters little what you believe. That's the truth. Too busy nowadays." Harry said.

"Oh? Busy with what?"

"None of your business," Harry said.

"Then we can't trust that you have actually stopped."

"And? I am not here to get you to trust me or appease you in any way. I'm here because you were going to try and convince me to join despite what I have already said." Harry said.

"I don't think you understand the position you're in." Fury said.

"Really? And what position would that be? The position where you surrounded the bar with your little agents hoping they would be able to stop me. Or the part where you have aircraft on standby waiting if I try to escape." Harry said.

"Or is it something different. Perhaps some of your higher-ups want me dead but you see me as a potentially useful asset and think it would be an extreme waste to kill me and hope to manipulate in just the right way that puts me under your thumb." Harry said not glaring at the black man and preparing to start strangling him.

"Harry, we aren't your enemies. We just want to help." Natasha said from next Fury. Harry diverted his attention to her and stopped glaring.

"Help me how. The only way you can help me is if you stop stalking me." Harry said.

"We can help you wipe your slate clean. You said you are no longer in the mercenary business right? Well, we can help you with a fresh start."

"I don't need a fresh start thanks," Harry said.

"Then what do you want. We can't just leave you alone. With your skillset, you affect not only national security but global security. There is no known place on Earth that can stop you from reaching your target. A lot of higher-ups want you gone or under control." Natasha said back. Harry looked at her.

"Well I'm not going to go anywhere and I despise being controlled. I guess this means we have a problem." Harry said tensing and preparing for a fight.

"Wait! There is another option." Natasha tried one more time. Fury looked ready to spring into action as much as Harry did.

"Which would be?" Harry asked.

"What if you just became a consultant for us? It's what Stark does. You don't technically work for us but we put you down in our roster as an ally which would get the higher-ups to lay off." Natasha said. Harry looked at her and gestured for her to continue.

"Basically, we would come to you if we ever needed help that required your expertise," Natasha said.

"And why would I want to do that?"

"Shield pays well for any services given to us." Fury said rejoining the conversation.

"Hmmm." Harry thought. He could actually make that work. Plus it would probably be fun to get a job now and then for old times' sake.

"I have some conditions that must be met," Harry said. Natasha let out a breath seeing that he was now open to negotiations.

"Alright let's hear them." She said.

"One, you don't call me for just anything. You only call me for jobs that cannot be done by anybody else. If you present me a job that I think can be done by others you have employed then I won't do it." Harry said. Fury nodded.

"That seems acceptable. There are more I assume?" he asked. Harry nodded.

"Last is that you only contact me through her." Harry said as he pointed to Natasha. They both looked suspicious at this.

"Why is that?" Fury asked. Harry shrugged.

"I know her. Plus I don't like you much. Your name is really getting to me." Harry said. Fury frowned at this.

"Fine. Is that all?" He asked. Harry nodded. He got a napkin before pulling out a pen and writing on it and sliding it across the table.

"That's my private number. Don't bother trying to trace it." Harry said as he got up and they both followed suit.

"Alright so you will need to be brought in for analysis and-. Where are you going?" Fury questioned.

"Home. We're done here. Not going to let you guys do experiments on me. Call me when you need me." Harry said as he left and walked out the backdoor before flashing away so no one would see him.

Both Fury and Natasha opened the door to follow but found no one. Natasha sighed.

"That's the second time that he has done that to me."