*Chapter 26*

August 3, 2010, Disney World, Florida

Harry was currently walking hand in hand with his little 8-year-old sister as they walked around the famous Disney World. It was normally a place that Harry would actively avoid but Rose had said that she wanted to visit an amusement park and "convinced" Harry to take her to one. From Harry's perspective, it was straight-up mind control but he honestly didn't mind too much. He enjoyed getting to spend time with his little sister. She was currently pulling him to some teacup ride that spun around a lot. Harry let her pull him into the line so they could get on.

"So how many more rides do you want to go on?" Harry asked.

"All of them," Rose said with a smile.

"Well some of them have height restrictions kiddo," Harry responded looking down at her in amusement.

"I'm tall!" she exclaimed while pouting. Harry leaned down and ruffled her hair.

"Sure you are. Just not tall enough to get on some of the rides. Why don't we just go on all the rides we are allowed to until we get bored?" Harry suggested hopefully. He really did not want to have Rose make a big fuss in the middle of the line.

"Fine. But only if we get ice cream after." She said. Harry immediately thought back in horror on the last time they had gone to get ice cream.

"Umm….Are there no other deserts you like besides ice cream?" Harry questioned.

"Yeah! I like pie, and cake, and chocolate cake, and ice cream, and cookies!" Rose said excitedly.

"Well, then why don't we get one of those other things?" Harry suggested.

"Okay. Cake!" Rose said with a big smile.

"Alright, we can get a cake then," Harry said with a smile and wiped the sweat from his brow.

'Dodged a bullet there.' He thought with relief.

They finally got on the teacups ride which Rose proclaimed was her favorite so Harry of course agreed with her as well. He at some point in the trip noticed that they were being watched by multiple sets of eyes. Tensing his muscles he prepared to deal with any enemies that would get in the way of his and Rose's time together. As soon as the tensing came, it went back to calmness as he saw who exactly where staring at him. It seemed that he, walking his little sister around Disney World, had gained the attention of several mothers who thought the sight was adorable. Harry scoffed internally. He was NOT adorable. He was a cold-blooded killer! The most feared assassin in the world! The h-

"Harry, I wanna go on that one next!"

"Ah of course. Anything you want Rosie." Harry said.

'Okay so maybe my little sister has me wrapped around her thumb….still! Doesn't mean I'm not a badass or anything.' Harry said, no longer sure about who he was trying to convince.

An hour or so later, they had finally gotten tired of walking around and decided to go get cake before dropping Rose off. They found a local cake shop nearby and Rose picked a big chocolate cake. Harry decided that she could get it and whatever she didn't eat, he could just go give to Tony who had a huge sweet tooth. They went to go sit down at a small table and start partaking of their treat.

"Harry. How come you don't live with us?" Rose asked as she looked up at Harry while eating cake. When Harry looked up, he only saw general curiosity in her eyes so he doubted that Lily and James had put her up to this.

"Why do you ask?" Harry asked back.

"Well, you're my older brother like Arthur and you came from mommy and daddy but you don't stay with us," Rose said. Harry remembered giving and explanation to her around 2 years ago to her about this very thing. She must have not remembered or wanted a better response since she was older.

"Well…Let's just say that I don't get along with James, Lily, and Arthur as you do. It's just better to not remain in close proximity to each other." Harry said.

"How come you don't get along? Did they do something?" Rose asked. Harry thought about it.

"It is more of what they didn't do. Though that's only why I left. I chose not to come back simply because there was and is no reason for me too." Harry responded.

"What about me?" Rose questioned. Harry smiled.

"Well, I don't need to live with you to see you now do I. I can just come to grab you whenever," Harry said.

"Yeah. Mommy doesn't like it when I go with you without her permission." Rose said with a smile. Harry smiled back.

"She also thinks that you need to eat broccoli to grow up big and strong so what does she know?" Harry said. Rose's chocolate-covered face immediately brightened.

"Yeah! I knew I didn't need to eat the little trees. They taste bad." Rose said while sticking out her tongue in disgust.

"Well just remember that when you hang out with me, you get cake and ice cream," Harry said smiling.



45 minutes later, Potter Manor

Harry rang the doorbell with a giggling Rose by his side. It took a few seconds before Lily answered the door. She once again looked mad before taking a look at the new chocolate cake covered Harry. While she didn't burst into laughter like last time, she did start giggling at the image of chocolate-covered Harry trying to be intimidating.

"Well, it seems you two had fun," Lily said.

"Yeah! We went to Disney World and rode rides and got a cake but then the cake exploded!" Rose said excitedly. Lily just smiled at her daughter.

"That sounds like fun. Why don't you go up to the bathroom and run a bath? I'll be up in a second." Lily said.

"Okay." She said. She then grabbed Harry's sleeve to gesture him to lean down. When he did, she kissed him on the cheek which caught him off guard.

"Bye Harry." She said before skipping inside. With her gone. Harry immediately put on his face of the stone.

"I assume you want to say something," Harry said.

"First. Do you ever think this keeps happening as karma for stealing my daughter in the middle of the night? Do I need to bolt her window?" Lily asked sarcastically. Harry shook his head.

"No to your first question and to your second, go ahead. It won't help keep me out." Harry said. Lily just rolled her eyes.

"Fine. I assume you have seen the prophet lately?" Lily questioned. Harry just raised his eyebrow.

"The what?" he responded. Lil just looked at him to see if he was being serious.

"You know. The British magical paper." She said trying t6o see if he would catch on.

"Oh, no. I don't read that." Harry said.

"So you don't know what has been happening in our world at all since summer started?" Lily questioned.

"Look just get to the point. I don't have all day." Harry said trying to hurry her up.

"Fine. The government is trying to launch a smear campaign against you and Dumbledore. Saying that the whole Voldemort returning to life thing is totally a lie. They also are calling for Dumbledore to step down as headmaster. They already took his seat in the Wizengamot." Lily said. Harry just processed that for a minute.

"Okay cool, I guess," Harry said with a shrug. Lily looked baffled.

"You aren't concerned?" she asked.

"Concerned about what?'

"What the government is saying about you!" she exclaimed.

"Nah. They're just a bunch of coward politicians. None would actually say any of those insults to my face. They know I would slice them to pieces either verbally or physically or maybe even mind if I'm feeling up to it." Harry said lazily.

"They could cause problems for you." She warned.

"Trust me when I say that they really can't. Even if they could, I would just deal with them." Harry said.

"What does that mean?" Lily asked. Harry looked at her for a second.

"It means I would DEAL with them…you catch my drift?" Harry asked. Lily's eyes widened.

"You can't do that!" she said.

"Oh? Why not?" Harry said.

"It's wrong." She said in a harsh whisper

"Killing the corrupt is hardly a disservice Lily. Grow up already. People die and are killed all the time. It's how the world works. Just let it go." Harry said while rolling his eyes.

"So that's it? That's just how you solve your problems then?" Lily asked incredulously.

"Well, not all of them. Just the ones that require it." Harry said with a shrug.

"I can't believe you," Lily said with a glare.

"Grow up. The world isn't just a black and white where there is good and bad Lily. There is a lot of grey in it and sometimes you have to make a call if the world would be a better place without someone. I just happen to make that call more than most. It isn't a happy thing to do but someone has to do it. It's what keeps the selfish people who only want power from ruling over your damn sheep." Harry said.

"It still doesn't make it right," Lily argued.

"Whatever. I'm not going to argue this with you. Tell Rose I will see her soon" Harry said before walking away and leaving Lily standing outside her house. As soon as he turned a corner and made sure no one was watching, he flashed away.

August 31, 2010

Harry was at Hogsmeade with a huge grin on his face while Daphne and Tracey were glaring at him. Why was he in such a good mood you may be asking? That was because he didn't have to take a stupid 8-hour train ride to get here. Hogwarts didn't have a new train for the upcoming school year so everyone was just flooing straight to the station. Daphne and Tracey were not happy about it. They said that it wasn't nice to destroy a tradition just because you did not like it. Harry just shrugged and continued to smile.

There were some other people looking at him too. My younger years were looking at him with appeared to be awe while the older years looked at him questioningly. Harry figured it had to do with the paper and what it had been printing about him. He figured he would just ignore the stares. Not like they bothered him too much. All though it did mess up his senses a little to have so many people watching him. He wouldn't be able to tell if someone was watching him with nefarious reason unless they released killer intent. Even then, if they were far enough away, he might not notice. He decided to put up a thin shield of magic unnoticeably around his body just in case to ease his worries. While doing this he saw Arthur walking over to him with a serious look to his face.

"Can I talk to you real quick, privately?" He asked. Harry looked at him. Hr hadn't talked to Arthur's face to face in awhile. It must be important to the kid.

"Fine. Follow me." Harry said as he started walking away from the gathered students waiting for the rides to Hogwarts to arrive. They continued to walk until they were in a quiet alley within town away from all the people. Then Harry put up some privacy wards to keep unwanted visitors from coming before looking at Arthur and gesturing for him to continue.

"I want to know the truth, Harry. Is Voldemort really back from the dead?" Arthur asked with a totally serious face.

"Why would I lie about that?" Harry questioned.

"To benefit yourself in some way only you understand." Arthur shot back. Harry had to give it to the boy. That was exactly what he was doing. It just so happened that his plan involved him telling the truth this time.

"Well, you ARE right about that. Definitely something I would do. Unfortunately, I must admit to having told the truth when I spoke of his return though." Harry said.

"I find that hard to believe. There have been no attacks, no mysterious deaths and disappearances, and no recruitment drives since his supposed return. How do you explain that Harry." Arthur questioned. Harry shrugged.

"I would be surprised if he would be able to do any of those things, to be honest," Harry said.

"Why is that?" Arthur pressed.

"Let's just say that he did not look well the last time we saw each other shall we," Harry said with a smile as he thought back to his little vegetable hidden in the basement of his house. Had to put the flesh bag in magical stasis so he wouldn't have to keep forcing him to eat and drink and continue to be a nuisance. Now he just slept all day…sort of.

"Can you elaborate?" Arthur asked sarcastically. Harry looked at Arthur. The boy had been acting very hostile. Not much like the happy Arthur he first met. He briefly thought it might be an effect of something but he realized that he probably didn't care enough to look into it.

"You didn't think I let him get away with just a slap on the wrist did you? C'mon Arthur. You know who I am. I doubt he has the physical strength to do anything right now. Might be a change in a month or two I suppose. Will just have to see." Harry said as he started to head back to the group now that he saw carriages arriving.

"We're not done talking Harry," Arthur called after him.

"I am. If you would like to try and stop me, be my guess. I've been itching to break somebody's body recently." Harry said with a friendly smile back at the angry boy. Arthur did not try to stop him but he did not look happy about the lack of information that Harry provided. Harry just continued to walk back towards his friends though.

Two hours later, Great Hall

Harry watched as some horrible genetic offspring of a toad and a human that decided to wear pink tried to clearly shove propaganda down the student masses throats. It was such a pathetic attempt that Harry was sure that only magical would be stupid enough to believe it. The woman also sounded horribly fake and like a total bitch. She also seemed to have a thing for staring at Harry during certain parts of her speech. Harry would just look right back at her. This bitch was clearly not trying to hide who her target was. Harry just sighed internally.

'She can say whatever she wants about me as long as she stays out of my way.' Harry thought to himself as he rested his head on the table and zoned out the rest of what she was saying. She went on for another 5 minutes until she finally stopped and sat down to the most monotone clapping Harry had ever heard.

"What did you think of all that?" Daphne asked from next to him. Tracey leaned in, trying to hear what he said.

"I think that I am glad this is my last year here as well as that I want Dumbledore to be a hobo," Harry said.

"What does the last part have to do with the conversation?" Daphne asked

"Nothing. I just like the idea I suppose." Harry said back.

"Well, it is clear what's happening. The ministry is trying to take over Hogwarts." Tracey chimed in. Harry nodded. Harry nodded.

"Yep, good thing too. I thought we would have to wait forever for a good ole magical revolution in Britain." Harry said as he bit into a piece of steak. Both girls just looked at him confused.

"What do you mean? Tracey asked. Harry swallowed before responding.

"Well, historically speaking, this is how revolutions usually start. The government starts to seize full control. At first, people don't mind but then the government starts thinking they can do whatever they want to the country and its people. Then the people eventually catch on to what the government is doing and rebel. Then the rebellion and the government clash and however wins get to run the country how they want. The losers are usually sentenced to death." Harry explained. Both girls just stared at him. Harry raised an eyebrow.


"I think you're thinking about this too much Harry," Daphne responded. Harry shook his head.

"Mark my words, in three to five years, there will be at the very least a start of revolution," Harry said. Both girls just shrugged and dismissed what he said. Despite this, Harry knew what he was talking about. He had seen revolutions before, hell, he had even helped with some of them. It was only a matter of time that the commoners of magical Britain realized they no longer wanted to be treated like trash and rise against the 15% that controlled all power in their world. Purebloods. When that happened, Harry would just sit back and watch the chaos.

September 29th, 2010

Harry was currently on his phone with James. Now that he was all moved in and working, he had already started to work on new ways to help improve the company. His first invention seemed to involve a supercomputer that would allow all parts of their company to be connected to one giant, super protected mainframe. James said they were still running tests on it to make it as protected as possible. Harry had also talked to Ren about maybe being able to add runes to even better protect their systems. Ren said it was possible and that he would look into it.

"So if the test goes well, how soon do you think that we could implement this system?" Harry asked.

"Hard to say. We could probably have it up and running in a couple of weeks. If we really work at it." James said back.

"Well make it happen. In the meantime, how is weapons development going?" Harry asked.

"Well, it will take a while to procure all the material we need that's what's really slowing us down. We just got a factory in Argentina I hear so we can start manufacturing but as I said, they need to get their hands on materials." James said.

"Leave that to me. I recently finished a little project of mine so we should have almost an unlimited supply soon." Harry said back. James did an impressed whistle.

"Must have been some project."

"It was. Took longer than I had hoped but it got finished and that's all that matters now. I'm having Ren work out all kinks and we should be able to start production within the month.' Harry said.

"Great. I told Ren to call me whenever he was ready to send my designs over to be produced. He seemed pretty excited about the whole thing." James said.

"He wasn't at first, especially because I don't think he likes the idea of me having a private army. I just need to show him that I'm not trying to build one but employ and help people."

"Seems honorable enough," James commented.

"It is. That is what I want my company to be about. Not for the money it makes but for the way it has helped people." Harry said passionately. He was being truthful. When he originally started the company. He had planned for it to be about profit but he did want to help people. Innocent people anyways. He had seen some of the worse sides of the world and wanted that to change and now he had that chance to do it. He figured that Nick would like the path he was taking. No longer just killing and destroying but also creating too…..and maybe keep some of the destroying and killing.

"As long as you keep that in mind, I am sure you will be successful." James.

"Thanks, James. Now I have to go. There is some things I have to discuss with some of my other employees.

"Alright boss. I'll keep you updated on the happenings around the department."

"Appreciate it. I'll talk to you later James." Harry said as he hung up. He took a deep breath and breathed out as he looked around. He was currently on the roof of the Great Hall so no one would see or disturb him. He had thought about just leaving but decided against it. He would be tempted to stay away and Daphne would be mad again. The things he did for his friends.

November 1st, 2010

Things were going extremely well so far in the year. At least for Harry. He had added two more Acromantulas to his habitat and had just started to make some of their silk into a cloth. His hospitals where technically a great success in his eyes. They weren't making a profit but they could cover most expenses with what people paid and covered the difference from other departments' earnings. Both the New York and La Times had written articles about their respective hospitals and how amazing it was. People seemed very happy to have them as well. They provided cheap medical care and charged no extra fees for trivial things. On another note, they had just released a new phone in America that was a slide phone and had most phone users upgrading and causing a tremendous rise in profit.

Despite all these great things happening, Harry was not happy. Apparently, no one informed the new toad lady that he didn't attend classes. She was apparently having none of that and continually pestered both Tracey and Daphne to get him to have a meeting with her about his attendance. Not only that but he was hearing things about her around the school. Apparently she tortured students with a blood quill in her detentions. That was low, even in Harry's mind. The woman was just a horrible human being which was why he was no standing outside her office. He knocked firmly twice and waited. He heard an overly sweet voice tell him to come inside. He entered and saw the toad waiting behind her desk.

"Ah, Mr. Wolfe. How nice of you to finally meet with me. I was beginning to think you would never step in my class." She said to him as if he were five.

"That was the plan but I hear you're bugging my friends and that's a big no-no in my book so I'm here to stop that," Harry said as he pulled up a chair and sat in front of her with his legs crossed.

"Well, I had no other way to reach you since it seems that you like to disappear and do only Merlin knows what." She said with her fake smile.

"That's because I didn't want to reach you or have any relationship with you at all," Harry said as he took a cup of tea from her desk that she clearly had for herself. His fake smile dropped into a snarl for a millisecond before returning to her face.

"Yes well, I'm afraid skipping class is automatic detention, Mr. Wolfe." She said as if she were regretting the words coming out of her mouth, which she would be soon enough.

"That's a shame. I don't really do detentions." Harry responded as he sipped the stolen tea.

"Well, I'm afraid you have no choice if you want to remain a student at this school." She said.

"Good thing I don't then. But let's put this conversation behind us. I wanted to talk to you about something else." Harry said as he started to smile his on a sweet smile at her. He could tell immediately that it unnerved her.

"And what is it you would like to discuss?" she asked. Harry was really starting to hate her voice. So high and squeaky. He wondered if it would sound better as a scream. He leaned in slightly and spoke a little quieter.

"Is it true that you have been torturing students with a blood quill?" Harry asked. He immediately saw some sick satisfaction appear in her eyes.

"Well, I am afraid that the ministry wants a more stern approach to those who break the rules at this school in order to make sure they don't do the same when they go out into society. You understand of course. We have to make sure that everyone turns out to be normal adults." She said as if she was totally justified. Harry sighed with his smile still on his face. He took one last sip of the tea before setting it down.

"I thought you would say something like that. Tell me something then. Would it be okay to apply the same logic to adults that aren't 'normal'?" Harry asked.

"Well of course. It's all for society's sake after all. And no one person is above all of society." She said in her sickly voice.

"That's what I figured as well," Harry said and took a step back. He snapped his fingers and immediately, the toad women were being encompassed in black chains that were glowing red from the heat. Harry just threw up a privacy ward in time to cover her screams of pain. He was right. Her voice did sound better when screaming in pain. He lowered the temperature of the chains but kept her firmly wrapped.

"What do you think you're doing Wolfe? The ministry will have your head for this!" she screamed at him. Harry just went to her desk and started opening drawers.

"Doubt it. They would need some kind of proof to know it was me, you know like a witness or a body." He said with the last part sounding demonic. The woman was struggling even more at this but was clearly not making any progress. Harry looked down at her for a second.

"What's your name again? I fell asleep when you announced it the first time." Harry said. She just glared at him. He shrugged and started raising the temperature of the chains again.

"IT'S DELORES. DELORES UMBRIDGE!" she screamed from the pain.

"Was that so hard.

"Go to the dementors." She spat. Harry finally found what he was looking for in the drawers. He pulled out a quill as red as blood.

"Ahh, here we are," Harry said as he examined the quill. He had the chains raise Umbridge to eye level.

"So this is your favorite method of torture, is it? Bit crude and old fashioned if you ask me but to each their own." Harry commented as he twirled the quill in his hands. She continued to glare at him.

"Don't want to speak huh. Don't worry, I can fix that." Harry said with a smile. With that, he stabbed the quill straight through the woman's right cheek. Her screams were actually starting to get on his nerves.

"Like torturing children huh. That's fine. Why don't I introduce you to a friend of mine who had similar habits…at least till he met me." Harry said.

Once again he flashed away with his victim leaving nothing behind but the slightly cold tea.