*Chapter 27*

o chapter 27. Last chapter of Hogwarts arc. I hope everyone enjoys it's. Thanks to everyone who follows favorites or reviews. Remember that you can get in contact with me Flameraiser on Twitter. Now on to the story.

December 1, 2010 (Hogwarts)

Harry looked around the great hall with a hint of boredom in his gaze. There were now Aurors stationed by any fireplaces or other entries into the hall. He knew there were also some currently patrolling the rest of the halls of Hogwarts. With Umbridge going MIA, the citizens of magical Britain were in a slight panic. Umbridge was a big supporter that Voldemort was dead, and that Dumbledore and Harry were liars. She had gone missing without a single clue as too where she had gone. Similar to what happened quite often at the beginning of the last war. Fudge had stationed close to a quarter of the Auror force at Hogwarts. He wanted to make sure that no one was worried about something happening to their children attending the school. Another consequence of Aurors being here was the discovery of Umbridge's little blood quill. A quick investigation was conducted and found several students who had scars or cuts on their hands from using them, clearly as some sick form of punishment based on what was written. A statement was released to the press before Fudge could even see the report; and many people were outraged on what a high-level ministry employee had been doing to their children. Causing Fudge's backing to take a major hit. Many jumped back on Dumbledore's train, or simply just stopped standing with the ministry.

Harry was quite surprised by the after-effects of the horrid woman's disappearance. It benefitted him in the end because it was probably going to speed up the process of any revolution which he did want to happen soon. Daphne seemed pleased with the woman's disappearance, probably because the woman had bothered her constantly. He knew the whole situation had made her want to stay at this school less and was slowly pushing her to the idea of just taking Harry's job offer. If Daphne left then Tracey would follow. The only friend who would probably be staying at Hogwarts was Luna. He hadn't talked to Luna much, especially since she seemed to rekindle her friendship with Ginny Weasley. That technically put her in Potter's camp now. He was happy that the girl had found more friends besides his posse. Luna, while a delightful person, scared Harry quite a bit She knew quite a bit about him. Things that he would probably kill people for knowing. He was pretty sure that she was some sort of seer, though that didn't really help his comfort level much.

"Harry!" he head from beside him. He looked over at Daphne and raised an eyebrow.

"Yes?" he said.

"I've been calling your name for the past five minutes. I was about to break your wrist to get you to respond." Daphne said. Harry chuckled nervously at that. He had no doubt that Daphne could break his wrist. It would heal almost immediately but it definitely wouldn't feel good.

"Sorry. What do you need?" he asked. She looked at him.

"My mother wants to know if you are coming over for dinner on Christmas."

"If your mother is there, then yes. I will be going." Harry said with a smirk. Daphne glared.

"Stop hitting on mother!" Daphne gritting.

"I have no idea what you are talking about," Harry said. He decided to change the topic.

"How is Astoria doing? I haven't seen her in a while." Harry asked. Daphne looked at him before answering.

"She is fine. I hear that she is excelling in her grades." Daphne said. Harry nodded and looked around the whole hall before frowning.

"Where is she by the way?" Harry asked. Daphne just looked at him like he was the biggest idiot in the world.

"She goes to Beauxbatons, you idiot," Daphne said.


"Is this the first time you noticed that my sister does not go to this school?" Daphne asked.

"I don't wanna talk about it," Harry said evasively. Daphne rolled her eyes.

"So what plans do you have for your little company now?" Daphne asked.

"I'm about to make a military contract," Harry stated. Daphne's eyes widened a bit at this.

"What does this contract entail?" she asked.

"I make their uniforms and they pay me a lot of money," Harry said.

"Why would they want you to make their uniforms for them?" Daphne asked.

"Wolfe enterprises currently have a huge sock of Acromantula silk that is bulletproof to an extent and can be made into regular clothing, unlike Kevlar which is not as flexible and can currently only be made into a vest," Harry said. Daphne nodded at this.

"Do I want to know where you got such large quantities of this silk?" Daphne asked.

"I just kidnapped a few spiders and put them in a habitat where their only goal is to continuously make silk," Harry said.

"That doesn't sound easy," Daphne commented. Harry shrugged.

"The kidnapping was but getting them to do what I wanted to be was not," Harry said.

"I see. So besides that, what else?"

"Well, I was thinking of maybe making vehicles as well. We would probably make civilian and military. Not sure if I would sell the military ones though. I am currently building a private army and I already have quite the amount of soldiers." Harry said.

"Why do YOU of all people need a private army?" Daphne asked. Harry shrugged.

"First for security, and secondly in case other countries ever need some more power," Harry said. Daphne squinted at the last part.

"Don't worry about the second part. We will do background checks on anyone requesting our services to make sure there cause is just before agreeing to aid them." Harry said.

"I guess that's better," Daphne said.

"Why all the questions? You get more interested in my offer?" Harry slightly teased but was actually curious to know.

"A little I guess. I don't know. Every time I look around at my environment, I only see a lot of bad stuff. It doesn't seem like our country is going down anything but a dark road. Not sure I want to stay and be in the middle of it when tensions finally break." Daphne said with seriousness.

"Well, then this is the perfect opportunity for you!" Harry said.

"I don't know. I don't want to just leave Tracey behind." Daphne said.

"You know that Tracey is going to follow you anywhere you go. She doesn't care as long as she is with her friends." Harry said. Daphne nodded in recognition of the truth behind Harry's words. She thought about it.

"I'll tell you what, I will give you an official answer on Christmas. Is that fine?" she questioned. Harry nodded. He didn't want to force her into a rash decision.

"Of course that's fine. I can wait till Christmas."

December 15th, 2010

Harry was looking on at the factory, in Brazil, which now produced the raw materials they used for all their projects. Ren had finally had implemented the system to use the stones he had given him. They produced more material faster than mining ever could in a day. Harry had to put up some powerful wards to contain the energy that they were producing though. He had made sure they had docks so they could ship all materials to wherever they needed to go.

"This is great Ren. I'm glad you could get this up so fast." Harry said.

"It wasn't too difficult. Just a few rune placements. What about our other business? Did we get the military contract?" Ren asked.

"That we did. 50 million USD contract had been signed by one of our representatives." We need to send over the uniforms in 3 months' time." Harry said. Ren nodded.

"We can make that. Have you talked to James recently? He said he had the concept idea for some cars as you requested.

"Guess I'll have to go talk to him soon then. In the meantime, good job on this Ren, Maybe you should get a pay raise? Yeah, I think that would work well."

"Can we afford that?" Ren asked

"Yep. We are making quite the profit my friend." Harry responded.

"Well, then I thank you for the raise," Ren said while bowing slightly. Harry nodded in return. "Well, I suppose I should head out. I have to go by some gifts and stuff." Harry said.

"Oooh. That's going to be hard so close to Christmas." Ren commented. Harry shrugged

"What I can't find, I'll make. I'm resourceful." Harry said. Ren smiled at this.

"No arguing that I suppose. I shall see you soon then." Ren said. Harry nodded and waved before flashing away.

December 25, 2010 (Greengrass Manor)

Harry was sitting at the dinner table and eating with Ms. Greengrass as well as Daphne and Astoria. He had made sure to ask Astoria lots of questions about her school earlier that day to cover the fact that he had totally forgotten about her. Astoria had just flushed and stammered out as many responses as she could. Harry, Daphne, and Angelica had found the situation amusing.

Now sitting around the table and eating, they were keeping up a pleasant conversation.

"So Harry, what little adventures have you been up too lately?" Ms. Greengrass asked. Harry smiled at her question.

"Nothing much surprisingly. I've been so busy with my company that I haven't been able to keep up with my more fun habits. I might go out and schedule a fun outing for myself soon though. I'm actually currently deciding what country I want to have this little outing in. I was thinking about South America but haven't really decided on anything yet." Harry said.

"What's South America like?" she asked.

"Well depends where you go. Lots of forests. It is very beautiful there. Of course, like any place, it has its downsides. There are quite a few corrupt individuals there who like to take advantage of the masses." Harry said while sipping on a glass of water.

"I see. Well, I suppose wherever you go in this world, there will always be problems. You just have to decide on which problems you are willing to deal with." Ms. Greengrass responded. She took her last bite of ham and finished her plate.

"Well, I think I will retire for the night. Thank you for coming over Harry. Feel free to stay as long as you would like." Ms. Greengrass said with a smile. Harry gave her an appreciative nod.

"Thank you milady. Sadly I will need to depart soon as I have another engagement to attend soon.

"On Christmas?" she asked with concern. Harry just waved off her concern.

"It's fine. I'm the one who scheduled the meeting so I have to deal with it." Harry said.

"Ah, I see. Well with that I shall see you all save for Harry in the morning. Astoria, Daphne don't stay up too late now." She said with a slight motherly stern tone. Both daughters nodded or grunted in agreement. Astoria retired soon after saying that she was going to a friend's house in the morning so needed to get some sleep, leaving Daphne and Harry alone.

Harry looked at her and smirked.

"Well, I kept my promise and came to dinner did I not?" Harry said.

"Technically you were 10 minutes late and we had already started eating." Daphne pointed out dryly.

"That was your fault. You purposely started without waiting for me to put me in an awkward situation." Harry argued.

"To show you what happens when you are late," Daphne responded.

"No matter how you say it, you purposely put me in a bad situation knowing that I would not be able to make it on time," Harry said with a glare. Daphne just shrugged.

"Learn how to be on time," Daphne said taking a sip of her glass of cider.

"I couldn't help it. Rose was physically attached to my leg for like 10 minutes." Harry whined.

"You couldn't get an 8-year-old girl off you. Isn't she getting too old to act like that around you?"

"You just shut your heathen mouth. She can act that way as long as she wants." Harry bristled. Daphne raised her hands in surrender after that.

"So I suppose you want me to answer your question."

"I do indeed."

"…fine. I will join your company." Daphne relented. Harry did a silent fist pump at this.

"Perfect! You can start as soon as possible!" Harry said excitedly.

"I'm not officially starting till after this year ends. However, you can still start sending me papers on any information I will need to know before starting." Daphne said trying to calm Harry down.

"Cool. I'll get that all to you in a week." Harry said as he stood up.

"You leaving already?"

"Like I told your mom, I have to go to a meeting," Harry said with a smile.

"Oh, I thought you were lying."

"I would never lie to your goddess of a mother."

"Get the hell out of my house Wolfe."

"Right, best be leaving then. Enjoy your little vacation. Make sure you tell Tracey so she comes with you to the company."

"Yeah, yeah. Now go!"

"Bye," Harry said with a grin before flashing away. Daphne just shook her head from side to side.

"The hell did I just get myself into," Daphne said to herself chugging the rest of her cider, really wishing it was an alcoholic beverage.

February 12, 2011

Harry was in a small gift shop somewhere in New Mexico. He had recently felt a big energy signal touch down here. Once touching down on the planet. The signal seemed to split into two with one not moving, and the other in the town somewhere. With the signals spread apart, he could tell that one was a living organism while the other was not. The non-living one was just sitting somewhere in the desert. Harry's first objective was to find the living signature. After searching around town for a little, he found the person he was looking for. It was a large man who had shoulder-length blonde hair and seemed to be acting like he was some sort of Viking warlord. Harry wasn't sure what he was but knew that the 'man' wasn't human. He didn't seem to be trying to harm anyone though. He honestly seemed more confused by his surroundings than anything else. Probably an alien of some sort that could change its physical appearance to match natives…or just happened to look exactly like a human. That was less likely but, still possible. After secretly following the man for the day and cloaking himself to not be found, he decided that the man meant no harm and went to go find the other signal. This didn't take long, but he was surprised by what he saw.

It seemed that SHIELD had already arrived. There were agents and security swarming the place. Still, a highly hostile environment never got in the way of his interest before so why would it now? He walked right up to the base but immediately cloaked himself so as to not be seen. After that, it was pretty easy.. as long as it didn't touch anyone. He walked into the main tent and saw what he was looking for. He also felt a familiar signature currently somewhere else in the tent. He de-cloaked himself and stared at his target.

It seemed to be some type of war hammer but much smaller than any he had ever seen. Judging from the strong smell of ozone surrounding it led him to believe that its energy had something to do with lightning. By now he felt two presences approaching the room but he wasn't worried. He was technically cool with SHIELD now. If they wanted to start something then he would gladly finish it. He observed the hammer and wrapped his hand around it. He could immediately tell the hammer did not like him. It was as if the weapon was giving off an emotion. He let go of the hammer and spread his magical sense at the hammer. There seemed to be some sort of magical array on it. They seemed Celtic but not quite…something else he could not quite put his finger on.

"Mr. Wolfe, please step away from the hammer." Said a voice behind him. He looked over his shoulder to see the wannabe Green Arrow and another agent that was a Caucasian man with a serious look on his face. Arrow boy already had his bow at the ready in case things got ugly. Harry scoffed at both of them.

"Chill your boners. Wasn't trying to steal it. Just testing some of my theories is all." Harry said before he looked back at the hammer.

"How did you get all the way in here with not a single team spotting you?" Robin Hood asked.

"I walked. Any other questions?" Harry asked as he started to look at the hammer from different angles. Robin Hood looked like he wanted to say more but the agent raised his hand to stop him. He then looked back at Harry.

"is there anything you can tell us about the hammer that we may not already know?" The man asked. Harry nodded.

"Yes, I'm sure I could tell you quite a few things about it Mr….?"


"Yes well, Coulson, as I was saying. I'm sure I could, sadly I only talk to one of your agents when it comes to any type of information and neither of you is her." Harry said.

"I see. Could we perhaps get Agent Romanoff on a line so you can tell her?" Coulson asked. Harry sighed.

"I suppose." He agreed begrudgingly. Coulson nodded before telling the Boy Wonder he now knew was named 'Hawkeye' to watch him. Harry looked at the man before going back to the hammer. He briefly wondered what the metal was made out of. Before he could start hypothesizing, Coulson came back with a black cell phone and handed it to him. Harry took it and put it to his ear.

"Harry speaking, to him am I talking too?" he asked politely.

"Why do you have to be so difficult?" His secret favorite redhead asked. Harry smirked.

"Now, now. I can't have just any old SHIELD agent talk to me. I know it wasn't convenient but it was necessary to prove a point." Harry said as if he was hiding a small child.

"Fine. What can you tell me about the hammer?" Natasha asked.

"Ask nicely," Harry said as he went back to circling and observing the hammer.

"Fine. Please." Natasha said with fake sincerity which made Harry smile.

"Alright, no one is going to be able to pick it up or move it. It can only be picked up by one person most likely." Harry said.

"How do you know?" she asked.

"Not telling." Harry teased.

"What if I say please?" she asked pleasantly.

"If I hadn't said it yet, you are really good at your job. Sadly none of your tricks will work on me." Harry said.

"We'll see. If you can't tell me how you know then at least tell me why it won't move except for one person." She said.

"Too hard to explain. To simplify things, it's keyed in on someone…most likely. The point is that no one but its owner will be able to lift it." Harry said.

"I guess that works." She said.

"Oh, one last thing. This thing fell from space. Okay, good talk. Bye." Harry said before hanging up and cutting off any line of questioning that she would have after what he said. He saw Hawkeye and Coulson waiting by the entrance for him. He approached them. As he did, the alarms sounded. Harry put his hand to his earpiece to see what's going on. He then looked back at harry.

"We just got a perimeter breach. I think whoever's toy that is, wants it back." He said.

"Okay. Well good luck with him. I'm going to go ahead and leave now." Harry said as he started walking in the opposite direction.

"We could use your help," Hawkeye called after him.

"I'm sure you could. Good luck with your perimeter breach. Think I'm going to go take a bubble bath now." Harry said as he turned a corner and cloaked himself from view. Now hidden, he went outside and watched as the blonde man that he had been watching earlier stormed in and ran for the hammer. Harry just let him do his thing. His intentions did not seem to be hostile. Probably just wanted his toy back. After staying a while longer, he watched the agents finally take him down and force him to submit. After that, he finally decided to take his leave from New Mexico and leave the problem to SHIELD.

Time for that bubble bath.

May 20, 2011

Harry was sitting at the dining table, watching the other students. In a few weeks, he would no longer see these peasants save for Daphne and Tracey. The rest of them would probably be forgotten as soon as he left. He looked and saw the faces and really the only one besides his friends that he recognized was Malfoy. The little twat had stopped bragging and throwing his name around after the third year. He was more quiet and calculative, but still a bigger idiot than most people Harry had met, as well as too arrogant to talk to most people. He still had his two hulking fat masses as body guards. To be fair, they had gained some actual muscle over the year but they were still pretty fat.

"Why do you keep looking around?" Daphne asked. Harry just shook his head.

"It's nothing. I was just reminiscing. I'm really not going to miss this place." Harry said as he went back to his food.

"Thanks for sharing that important insight. Glad you got that off your chest." Daphne said.

"Why so hostile." Harry pouted.

"I'm pretty sure that's the only way you learn," Daphne said.

"No true," Harry complained.

"Really? Okay, tell me one time when you learned something that didn't include physical or mental violence." Daphne challenged.

"Okay, easy," Harry said as he racked his brain for an instance where he didn't need some kind of violence to learn something. Then he came to a realization.

"Wait. My whole life is based around violence. This isn't a fair question!" Harry exclaimed.

"I can't believe it took you that long to figure it out," Daphne said as Tracey laughed from next to her. Harry pouted.

"You guys suck." He whined.

"Not yet." Tracey deadpanned. As soon as the words left her mouth, she realized what she said and covered her mouth as her face went red. Daphne looked directly at her in shock while Harry laughed his ass off. The moment was sadly interrupted by a pestering old man.

"I'm glad to see young people looking so happy these days. Harry, may I speak to you privately?" Dumbledore asked. Harry almost immediately stopped laughing.

"My god, you can kill a mood fast than Sarah Jessica Parker can kill a boner, can't you," Harry said incredulously.

"My apologies, though I do need to talk to you about something quite important," Dumbledore said.

"Ugh. Fine. I'll see you, two ladies, later. Lead on to your pedo cave Dumbledore." Harry said as he stood up and followed the old man to his office. When they finally made it, they both sat down in their respective chairs.

"Been a while since you stepped foot in here," Dumbledore commented.

"Not like I ever come here for my pleasure," Harry said

"I suppose that is true. Yet you will be leaving soon. Having you as a student was a very….interesting experience." Dumbledore said with some awkwardness.

"Well, I'm a pretty interesting guy. So cut the small chat. What do you want?" Harry finally asked

"Well, we are having some problems in our government as you may know."

"I do."

"Yes well, the situation is getting worse. It has become clear that some of the prominent dark houses have already started to prepare for their master's return. Sides are already starting to be drawn. If this continues on, there might be a war without Voldemort even needing to interfere." Dumbledore said.

"I know. Sounds great." Harry said.

"War sounds great to you?"

"It won't be a war Dumbledore. It will be a revolution. And it's about time too." Harry said.

"A revolution? What do you mean?" Dumbledore asked befuddled.

"You're paying attention to only political parties old man. You forgot that theirs an even more powerful force out there." Harry said.

"What force?" Dumbledore pressed.

"Why, the citizens of course," Harry said with a smile.

"The citizens, what do you mean?" Dumbledore asked.

"You forget that most of Britain's regular citizens are not purebloods or have any political power. Over the past few decades especially, they have grown more and more unhappy with their lot in life. They can't get good jobs or decent wages. Many or below the poverty line. They are sick of the higher political powers controlling everything. This no longer about the struggle between the light and the dark. This is a struggle between the commons and the nobles." Harry said. Dumbledore looked astonished.

"I have heard nothing of the sort! Are you sure of this?" he asked.

"Quite sure. There is even a new little revolutionist group I believe called the Republic of Magical Britain." Harry said.

"I don't understand. Why do this, why now?" Dumbledore said as he slumped in his seat.

"It's obvious. Despite what you think, the people hurt in the last war the most were the regular citizens. They were just trying to make it through to the next day. They remember better than most what happened in the last war. They remember being targeted despite doing nothing to offend either party. They came to the realization that the government is formed of both parties that made up the sides for the war they got caught in the middle of. If that wasn't enough, their sounds like there are going to be another war real soon. Who do you think is going to lose the most there?" Harry said.

"How do we stop this from happening," Dumbledore said. Harry shrugged.

"I doubt you can. You might be able to slow it down at most. Before you worry about stopping them, you need to stop the dark houses and the lighthouses from fighting. That way you don't have to fight on to fronts." Harry explained. Dumbledore looked at him.

"How do you propose to do that?" He asked.

"Simple. Give the Voldemort's dead body as proof that not only is he dead but that he is also never coming back." Harry said.

"How do we get his dead body?"

"By killing him obviously."

"Yes, but how are we going to do that?"

"….How bad do you want to stop your little Voldemort war Dumbledore," Harry asked. Dumbledore looked at him with caution.

"Extremely." He said. There was no way magical Britain would survive two wars at the same time.

"Then you need to be prepared to take extreme measures," Harry said silkily.

"What do you mean?" Dumbledore said confused. Harry smiled a truly wicked smile. A smile he had not given in a long time. He held out his hand and a contract appeared from a ball of black flames in his palm. His eyes turned red and every shadow lengthened until the room was covered in darkness. Harry handed the contract to Dumbledore.

"Give me everything Dumbledore. For such an important request, I want a very sizable reward. A price that fits the action, if you get me. You want me to destroy a soul. A supposedly unkillable soul at that. It's only fair that I get a soul in return, don't you think. To be clear. I want you to sign over your soul to me." Harry said.

"Absolutely not. The very idea is Ludacris. How could you possibly ask that of someone? You have gone too far this time Harry!" Dumbledore said as he jumped from his chair. Harry just continued to sit calmly.

"I can hand you the man within the hour. All you have to do is sign the contract. If you think, I'm going to make you into my slave then you are wrong. I don't need someone to do my dirty work because, frankly, I enjoy doing it myself. I will only ever force you to do me favors that require more subtlety. I will also promise to never make you kill anyone if that eases your mind." Harry said.

"That is something that I will not give." Dumbledore spat. Harry nodded.

"That's fine. Then, as you said, the wizarding world will spiral in to complete chaos in these coming months and thousands will be killed as the greatest magical war in Britain takes place and all because you didn't have the guts to make the sacrifice to stop it." Harry said as he got up and was getting ready to leave.

"Wait…" Dumbledore said sounding calmer. Harry looked back and raised a questioning eyebrow.

"…You swear that you can do what you have said." Dumbledore said.

"On my life," Harry said as flash appeared sealing his word. Dumbledore looked on as he thought about his options. After a few minutes, his head finally sunk in defeat.

"Fine. I will sign your contract." Dumbledore said. Harry looked on and said nothing. He simply waited for Dumbledore to do what he said. Dumbledore looked at the contract with a solemn look in his eyes. With an unsteady hand, he signed the contract giving away his soul. Harry looked on for a second at the defeated old man. He then started laughing. He laughed hard and long and then finally looked at Dumbledore who still looked defeated. He then went right up to the man's desk.

"You are such a fool. You dreamed so big and thought you were so powerful but in the end, you couldn't stand up to a teenager. You fell for yet another one of my little traps just like the predictable mouse you are. Now I can finally say what I have wanted to say for the past five years. How does it feel? How does it feel to have someone now been in complete control over life because of a fucking contract!? Not so good from the other side. Do you want to know a little secret Dumbledore? I've had Voldemort this whole time!" Harry said with a huge grin plastered on his face as horror slowly overtook Dumbledore.

"Oh, that's right. He never made it to freedom. At the cemetery. I took him. I held him captive and tortured him for days. He was so weak. I've had him in stasis in my basement, collecting dust for over a year now just waiting. Waiting for the moment where you would be at your most desperate. I must applaud you. You fell for my plan perfectly. You were just too much of a fool to understand that this whole game between me and you, you were never the master. I was. I always have been." Harry said. He liked this whole Bond villain rant he had going. Sounded badass.

"You did this all because I made you come to Hogwarts," Dumbledore said with sudden clarity.

"Bingo. Since the first year, I have been subtlety making you rely more and more on me to solve your problems until this one came around. Granted I first wanted to put you in the poor house but I think I like this ending a little better. Let this be a lesson to you Dumbledore. Never fuck with a Wolfe. You'll get the fuckin teeth" Harry finished before walking out of the office to get the frozen cocksucker in his basement leaving behind a destroyed old man.

'God it's good to the best thing since sliced bread and porn.'

And there's the chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed it's. Be back with the next one soon.