*Chapter 28*: Chapter 28

June 17th, 2011

Harry was walking around with Daphne in his New York headquarters.

"And this is where Ren works when he is here doing new things with technology. You will probably talk with him a lot from now on." Harry said as he walked past the double doors that led to what was the technology testing room.

"What's made in there?" Daphne asked.

"Psh, I don't know. They make products and when it's finished, they clear it through me to put out into the world. I don't really ask what they are working on anymore since it's quite a big department." Harry said

"That seems not smart," Daphne commented drily. Harry shrugged.

"Well, I never really have the time. Since you're my PA now, you can look into all that stuff." Harry said with some excitement.

"Yay me. So how much power do I have exactly?" Daphne asked. Harry chuckled.

"Why straight to the 'how much power' questions? Would it stop you from working here?" Harry asked.

"Maybe. It depends on how much of a grunt you are making me." Daphne said.

"Well, if you must know, you will be directly under only me. Some of your power is second only to mine. If I ever am put out of commission for some reason, unless I made prior arrangements for someone else to take charge." Harry said. Daphne looked at him.

"Why are you setting me up to kill you?" Daphne asked with a slight glare.

"Well….you know….reasons," Harry said

"No, I actually want to know." Daphne pressed.

"Well…I trust you I guess." Harry murmured. He did trust Daphne more than anyone currently alive. He had basically been training her for years now. She wasn't as good as he was, but it would take a highly trained person to be able to take her down.

"Trust me with the entire fate of a company that you built from scratch?" she asked.

"….I suppose I do," Harry said.

"You're an emotional sap." She commented. Harry snapped his head at her.

"Me and emotional sap? I'm one of the best-trained assassins in the world. I was just saying I trust you. I fail to see how that makes me an emotional sap."

"And that's another thing, don't you do things besides kill people?" Daphne asked as they started walking through the building.

"Well, yeah. I mean I did start this company." Harry said, waiting to see where this was going.

"No, I mean before. When you were an assassin. Didn't you also do, protection as well as retrieval missions?" Daphne asked.

"Well, I guess I did occasionally. Where is this going?" Harry asked.

"If you did that stuff that would make you a mercenary, not an assassin," Daphne said.

"What? No, it wouldn't. I am very clearly an assassin." Harry said.

"Assassins only kill people. Mercenary does other jobs including but not limited to, killing people. That would make you a mercenary." Daphne pressed. Harry stopped in his tracks. He was an assassin and not just any assassin, he was one of the world's top assassins….Wasn't he?

"You have a look on your face of your whole world being turned upside down," Daphne commented smugly. Harry shook his head and looked at her.

"Shut up. Let's just continue the tour before I have a mental breakdown.

"You know it's not that big of a deal. I'm sure you were quite the impressive mercenary." Daphne said sarcastically.

"I said shut up!" Harry said as they reached his medical department.

"Anyways. This is the medical department. Here we work on medicines as well as other medical advancements. Trying to cure the incurable is a major deal and here is where we do it." Harry said.

"Interesting. Do you do it for magical diseases as well?" Daphne asked.

"Not yet but we have been talking about opening another headquarters in Europe that focused on magical while we turn this straight into a non-magical headquarters," Harry said. Daphne nodded.

"Last up that I'm showing you is the Research and Development department. This is where we come up with basically all the new things that we make. Weapons, vehicles, software, you name it. Have a guy named James who is in charge of it. He's a genius." Harry said. Daphne nodded.

"Well, that's the company for you. I already showed you your office so you should be good to go." Harry said.

"Great, so how do I get home?" Daphne asked. Harry reached into his pocket and pulled out a necklace.

"Put this on. Loads of runes on it so don't try and mess with it. It won't come off unless you take it off. Just touch it and say 'Go Home' and you flash home." Harry said. Daphne nodded.

"I suppose I will have to buy a house somewhere soon." She speculated. Harry shrugged.

"Probably. Probably weird to be doing that at such a young age. If you need help with settling down, you can always call me for help." Harry said.

"Nah. I'll call you if I need some mercenary work done or something," Daphne said. Harry looked at her and took a deep breath.

"I'm going to pretend you didn't say that and I will see you later," Harry said.

"Whatever merc boy. I'll see you in a week. I'll also message you to see if Tracey is on board yet." Daphne said.

"Ugh. Okay. Now go." Harry ordered and watched as she grabbed her necklace and disappeared.

"Good riddance," Harry said under his breath.

"Was that your new PA?" a voice said behind him. He recognized it as James.

"Yep, that would be her," Harry responded.

"She seems kind of young," James commented.

"So do I," Harry said without missing a beat.

"True. Anyways, about that car project you wanted me to start on. Do you mean modifications for a car or to actually build a car from scratch?" James asked.

"From scratch," Harry said as he turned around and faced the man. James scratched his head in thought.

"That may take a while." He said.

"I know. I want commercial vehicles as well as military vehicles. You just design the blueprints and will have some engineers build it. They will tell you what works and what doesn't. Remember, it doesn't cost anything now that we have an almost unlimited supply of raw material." Harry said.

"When did we get an unlimited supply?" James asked.

"A while ago. Now, will that be all?" Harry asked as he prepared to leave.

"Yeah, that's all. I guess I'll inform your PA on any progress we make." James said. Harry nodded.

"That sounds great. Now if you will excuse me, I have to go talk with some potential customers." Harry said as he walked away to go talk with a delegate from the UK on his new cloth, leaving James to go back to his workshop.

June 29th, 2011

Harry was in downtown New York with Tony as he showed him around his half-constructed tower.

"…and here is where the pool table is going to go. I figure if we put it here, then we can have a big fish tank over on that wall. What do you think?" Tony asked.

"I think that none of these plans where cleared by Pepper," Harry said with an amused smirk on his face as he saw his friend pout.

"I don't need her permission to make plans for MY tower," Tony said.

"Sure you don't Tony. Keep telling yourself that and it might be true one day." Harry mocked. Tony scowled at that

"I don't!" Tony said. Harry raised his hands in surrender.

"Okay, buddy. Whatever you say." Harry said.

"Suddenly I don't want to show you around my tower anymore," Tony said with some annoyance. Harry just laughed at the man. He felt his phone vibrating in his pocket as they went to the balcony. He opened his phone and saw that it was an unknown caller. He shrugged and answered anyways.


"Mr. Wolfe." Said a feminine voice.

"Natasha, is that you?" Harry asked as he immediately identified the voice.

"Yes. Do you have a moment?" she asked politely. Harry pondered the question before looking at Tony who was looking at him waiting for him to finish his call so he could go back to talking about foosball tables and indoor bowling alleys.

"Not this second. But, I'll tell you what, why don't you meet me down at the usual bar in around an hour since my phones going to die." Harry said

"I happen to be on a plane to New York and will be there in two hours. So how does two and a half hours sound?" she asked.

"Perfect, I'll make sure I stick around till then. See you then." Harry said as he hung up before she could respond. He turned back to Tony.

"My my my. Is my little Harry going on a date?" Tony asked teasingly. Harry rolled his eyes.

"Hardly. It's just my "handler" from Shield." Harry.

"I assume it's my previous secretary turned assassin?" Tony asked.

"More like assassin turned your secretary and then back to assassin, but yes. It was indeed her." Harry retorted.

"I didn't know you were into older girls Harry," Tony commented with a smirk. Harry scowled.

"I'm not." He protested.

"Oh, so you like girls more around your age then?" Tony continued to press.

"No! Wait….just shut up Tony." Harry said as he shoved the man a little. Tony was laughing at seeing Harry so flustered.

"Hey buddy, there's nothing wrong with older girls. They tend to have more experience you know." Tony continued.

"Shut. UP." Harry grounded out. Tony just continued laughing at the angered teen before calming down and showing Harry the rest of the tower.

Later that day

Harry was sitting down at the bar and sipping on coke as he ordered two cheeseburgers since he felt his guest approaching. He watched the redhead open the door and walk over to his table before sitting down.

"Mr. Wolfe." She greeted politely. Harry's face scrunched up in annoyance.

"Stop calling me that." He said. All these other names that people were calling him besides his first name was really getting on his nerves. At work, he had to deal with it. When sitting in a bar with another trained assassin, he would rather his first name be used.

"What would you like me to call you then?" she asked curiously.

"My name. Harry. Everyone keeps trying to call me alternative names nowadays. 'The Reaper', 'Mr. Wolfe' it's all just terrible. Just Harry works way better than all those." Harry said on a little rant.

"You don't place much in ways of politeness do you?" she asked with a bit of a smirk.

"None. Now let's get down to it. I ordered you a burger by the way. Figured you would be hungry after your flight." Harry said. She looked at him with a raised eyebrow.


"Don't look too much into it. Now, what did you want to talk about." Harry asked.

"Well as you may or may not know, we identified the man who fell from the sky as Thor and the battle hammer was Mjolnir. You have heard of both I assume?" she said. Harry raised his eyebrow.

"Wait. The man who fell from the sky was a Norse god?" Harry asked.

"Far as we can figure, they aren't gods. They just are extremely long-lived, technologically advanced aliens." Natasha said. Harry just looked at her.

"Huh. Who would've known? So what's this have to do with me?" Harry asked.

"We couldn't determine anything about the man or the hammer except what you told us. Somehow you did what all our technology couldn't. Would you mind explaining how?" She asked. Before he could respond, both their burgers arrived on the table. He thanked the waiter before taking a bite and answering her as she started on hers.

"To answer your question, yes I would mind." Harry said as he took a sip of his coke.

"I know that you don't want to give any information away about yourself but we need to prepare in case of future attacks or invasions of a similar nature. We cannot afford to be unprepared next time." She said.

"I understand that. Still doesn't really want to make me give away possible crucial information about me. What's in it for me if I tell you?" Harry asked.

"What do you want?" she asked as she continued to eat her food. Harry thought about it.

"No idea. You don't exactly have anything I want." Harry said. Natasha sighed.

"You are pretty difficult to deal with, you know that?" she asked. Harry shrugged.

"Sucks to be you I guess. So what else did you want to talk about it?" Harry asked.

"Fine. What do you know about Wolfe Enterprises?" she asked. Harry stopped at that. While he did eventually expect Shield to find out, he had not expected it so soon.

"Say what you really want to ask." Harry pressed. She nodded.

"Alright. What, exactly, do you have to do with the company?" she asked as she took another bite and looked at him waiting for an answer. Harry saw no point in lying since he knew they would find out eventually.

"Everything. I built, own, and control the company." Harry said honestly. She stopped eating at that.

"I didn't expect you to be so honest." She said somewhat surprised.

"Well, it was going to come out at some point," Harry said nonchalantly.

"You must have been really young when you started the company then." She said trying to gather more information.

"Yes, I think I was 12 or 13 when I started it," Harry said.

"Wait, how old are you know?" She asked, generally curious.

"I'm 15 about to turn 16," Harry replied. He saw her eyebrows disappear into her hairline.

"15 years old? Wow. I thought you were older." She said with genuine surprise.

"Puberty started for me when I was 10. I'm probably close to leaving it actually." Harry said.

"I see. That explains it I guess." She said as she looked down at her food for a second before continuing to partake from it.

"Is that all your questions?" Harry asked.

"No. Now that you confirmed that you are part of the company, I also have to ask what you're intentions are with making it?" she asked.

"My intentions? I suppose just a way to make a profit as well as help people." Harry said.

"That's it?" she asked skeptically.

"Well, what were you expecting? Not many other reasons to build a company is there?" Harry asked rhetorically.

"I assumed you were using it as a front to fund secret operations of some kind," Natasha admitted.

"Oh. I guess that would have also made sense. To put your mind at ease, I have no ulterior motives for my company that would be described as sinister." Harry responded.

"Are you trying to get out of the killing game then?" she asked. Harry thought about it.

"Originally, no. But there's no real point in continuing it except when I feel like stretching my legs. I definitely do not use it as a source of income anymore." Harry commented.

"I see. Well, since you own the company then I can ask you this next question. You recently sold special uniforms to the U.S military that are virtually bulletproof without requiring Kevlar. S.H.I.E.L.D is also interested in acquiring some uniforms and clothing made of the same material. Would this be possible?" she asked. Harry thought about it. He couldn't find a reason to say no. Just another way to make money really. He had no doubt they would try to analyze the cloth to try and replicate it but they wouldn't get very far. Especially since they wouldn't even know the material it's made out of.

"I don't have a problem with it. Although we currently only sell them in bulk. You send us the uniform/suit design and we make it for you and send it over when finished for distribution." Harry said.

"Excellent. I'll have Fury get someone to contact you about pricing then" she said with a smile.

"That's fine. I'll give you the number to my PA and she will handle it." Harry said.

"Great. Now unto the tricky questions." She said. Harry raised an eyebrow.

"What were we just doing?"

"The simple ones." She responded.

"Of course we were…fire away." Harry said as he drank some more of his coke.

"Are you a non-human or a type of mutant?" she asked. Harry looked at her. She had obviously decided to be more blunt considering all her subtle ways had not gotten her anywhere.

"Not that I am aware," Harry said.

"Then how did you heal me and hawkeye on that roof?" she pressed. He looked at her puzzled.

"When was this?" Harry asked.

"After our fight two years ago." She said.

"Right. And how do you know I healed you?" Harry asked.

"After we got back to Shield, you can imagine the surprise of the doctors when they discovered not even a bruise on either of us as well as showing up in better health than when we left, minus the part about us being unconscious." She explained.

"Magic," Harry said with a smirk knowing she wouldn't believe him.

"Knowing what I know about you. It might have been." She commented as she looked him in the eye. Harry chuckled.

"Maybe. You will probably never know though." Harry replied.

"Oh, ill find it Harry. Even if it's the last thing I do. That is a promise." She said with a mischievous grin. With that, she stood up.

"That's all the question's I had. Thank you for the meal. S.H.I.E.L.D will be in touch with you soon. Don't hang up on them when it's not me who calls." She ordered semiserious. Harry gave her a crooked grin.

"I'll think about it," Harry replied.

"Then I will think about calling you Mr. Wolfe for the rest of our conversations, or better yet, Mr. Reaper!" she said with enthusiasm. Harry scowled at her.

"Fine. I'll pick up the phone. I suppose I will talk to you later then Natasha." He said as she nodded and left the restaurant. Harry just watched the woman go. He noticed Craig come up next to him.

"I didn't know you were interested in an older woman," Craig commented.

"Do me a favor and off yourself Craig."

July 31st, 2011

Harry was sitting alone in Wolfe's cove with Sammy on his lap. He couldn't sleep recently. He kept dreaming of something…or someone. Harry had never claimed to be a seer or ever pretended to be, but he was almost positive these dreams of his meant something. Every time he closed his eyes, all he could see was destruction on a monumental scale. The planet looked like it had just been through Armageddon. Not only that, but he could also see himself or rather a person he thought was him. It definitely looked like him if a little older. His older-self looked angry as it seemed to try to be killing something or someone. Whatever he was trying to kill, however, was masked from him. All that he could tell was that he wasn't doing a very good job if he gets his ass kicked was any indication. Harry took a deep breath and sighed

"You should stop thinking about it," Sammy said from around his neck.

"I can't. It's bothering me too much." Harry replied, still distracted.

"It's probably not even true. You yourself admitted to never exhibiting any prowess at seeing or even guessing the future. Why would that change now?" She shot at him. Harry just looked at her.

"I know I never have but still…I have never dreamt of anything like this. If I was just a regular person then you would probably be right, but I am not. I would be foolish to try and ignore such a potential sign with all that has happened in my life." Harry responded.

"I'm not saying that you shouldn't think about future events, but worrying about it does no one good. If it happens then it happens. There was nothing you could have done to stop it. Don't let it change who you are or what you would do. It will just come back to bite you in the back." Sammy advised. Harry nodded at his friend's logic.

"You're probably right. Still, I should prepare the best that I can for any threats that come in the future. Perhaps I have been too relaxed recently." Harry said. Sammy flicked her tongue in agreement.

"You have, though too much work can be just as bad for you. Too much of something good, is something bad as you humans say." She responded. Harry once again nodded to his snake's logic. He looked around his little slice of heaven. It seemed slightly smaller than he remembered. He looked down again at his snake.

"Don't you ever get bored of staying here?" Harry asked. Sammy looked at him searchingly before answering.

"Not really. I can leave whenever I want if I get bored." She replied. Harry was startled at this.

"You can? Since when?" He asked confused as well as curious.

"Close to a year, I suppose. I AM a magic snake know you know. Not only am I magical, but my magic came almost entirely from you. I can say I'm definitely one of the most powerful creatures on this planet just for that reason alone. Learning your disappearing trick didn't take long. Especially since I've seen and felt it so many times." She said. Harry just looked at her. Sure, he knew he hadn't been paying as much attention to her as of late because he was so busy but still….how much had he missed?

"So is that all you can do?" Harry asked. If snakes could roll their eyes, then Sammy would be.

"Of course it's not you idiot." She responded. Something sounded different about the way she said that and he couldn't pinpoint it for a second. Suddenly it clicked.

"Wait! Did you just say that in English?" Harry asked incredulously. Sammy nipped him on the leg, presumably for asking such a stupid question.

"No shit." She responded, again in English. Harry just looked at her.

"How is that even possible?" Harry asked. "You don't have the necessary vocal cords to produce such sounds in my native tongue."

"Obviously not. I simply use magic to convert my language into yours." She said as she looked off haughty while she explained herself.

"How did you learn how to do that?" Harry asked, calming down.

"I taught myself obviously. You're not the only one who can invent new magic's you know." She responded.

"So how long have you been able to do this particular trick?" Harry asked. Sammy looked like she did some form of snake shrugging.

"Only about a month or so. Not exactly the easiest thing to learn how to do." She said. She then looked at him. "Don't think this means we are going to suddenly start having English only conversations you hairless ape. I still prefer my language to have to resort to magic to communicate." She said with a very snake-like hiss to her words. Harry looked confused at that.

"Well, why you learned how to do it if you didn't want to use it with me. I'm the only one you even like to talk to. You would have no other reason to learn it but to communicate with me. Unless you had another motive that I am not aware of…" Harry trailed off. The snake just looked away. Harry mentally probed her softly so he could keep her from noticing. He then found his answer and gained a huge grin.

"Awwwwww. Was little Sammy trying to impress her best friennnnnddddd." Harry said in a very faux baby tone. The snakehead whipped around and Sammy bared her fangs at him.

What did you just say? Listen here you sack of flesh! I learned how to do it purely for my benefit because I wanted…..Rose! Yes, that's right! I wanted to be able to talk to Rose! You didn't even factor into the equation!" Sammy hissed at him in a very violent matter. Harry raised his hands in surrender while barely keeping a smile from breaking out over his face.

"Okay. Okay. Let's all just calm down. I think I'll just head inside for dinner." Harry said as he got up and tried to get out of there before he burst from laughter. He could feel the molten hot glare that Sammy was drilling into his back as he walked away from her. He almost made it to the doorway when he mumbled to himself.

"Didn't know I had such a tsundere of a snake…"

The last memory he had was a loud and angry hiss as something very big, heavy, and angry collided with his back at breakneck speed as he was able to get out one final laugh.