*Chapter 29*: Chapter 29

December 12, 2011

Harry was sitting in his new office in Paris, France. The building had originally been meant for a law firm of some sort, but they went bankrupt after some of their underhanded dealings where exposed. The building was then left only 3/4ths completed when Harry swooped in and got a contract to finish it. It cost him a pretty penny but, he liked the new digs personally. His personal office had already been customized to fit his personality. It had a 100" plasma screen on the wall with nice leather couches to play his Xbox on. He also had a bar that had a range of drinks including both alcoholic and nonalcoholic since Harry himself didn't drink much. He also had a kick-ass stereo system that was always playing some kind of music as long as he was in the room. Daphne did not like the changes one bit. She said that they were too unprofessional and that they could never bring anyone up here and see it. Harry had told her that it was fine and that he never planned to do so except for people close to him.

"Couldn't you at least get rid of the gaming console?" she asked annoyed. Harry just looked at her.

"Sure. Why don't we just get rid of it and why not just suck out my very essence and take that with you too?" Harry responded sarcastically. Daphne gritted her teeth.

"How many other business offices around the world do you think have an Xbox in them?"

"Pepper lets Tony have an Xbox in HIS office!" Harry whined.

"Well you're not Tony and I am not Pepper so you have to take yours out of here!" Daphne said sternly. Harry frowned even more at that.

"What's the point of being rich and successful if I can't even do what I want?" asked himself wistfully.

"Oh boohoo. You don't get to have an Xbox in your private office at the top of YOUR building looking over the Parisian skyline? The world is clearly out to get you." Daphne shot back as she vanished his Xbox with a wave of her wand.

"It does doesn't it?" Harry said as he looked out his window with a longing look.

"Wipe that very thought from your head Wolfe," Daphne said while coming next to him and looking at him. Harry swiveled his chair to look at her.

"You don't even know what I was thinking!" He exclaimed indignantly.

"From your facial expression, I would guess it was something along the lines of, 'This world is just mine for the taking.' Am I wrong?" she asked. Harry looked at her.

"I don't think we have been friends long enough for you to be able to so perfectly predict what I am thinking," Harry said. Daphne rolled her eyes.

"That would be true if you weren't so predictable," Daphne said as she straightened her skirt.

"Me? Predictable? I think you have me confused with someone else. I am anything but predictable." Harry said.

"To those who don't know you well maybe. But you are predictable in the sense that you always do what people don't expect you to do. This at least makes sure that I'm never surprised by any of your...shenanigans." Daphne said. Harry looked at her with a scowl.

"That doesn't count as being predictable. That's just you learning to expect the unexpected." Harry argued. Daphne nodded.

"In a way, yes. In other ways, no." Daphne said. Harry just looked at her and waited for her to elaborate. She never did.

"You're being..." he trailed off as he felt his phone ring. He pulled it out to see the words, unknown number. That probably meant it was Shield. He gave Daphne a look. She nodded and walked out of the room to give him some privacy. He then answered the phone.

"Hello." He said politely.

"Wolfe. We need your help." said a much deeper voice than he was expecting. A voice that he knew belonged to one, Nick Fury. He instantly frowned and got colder.

"Oh, it's you. What do you want? I thought I made it clear that I don't like talking to you." Harry said.

"We don't have time to discuss your preferences Wolfe. We have an actual situation. You ever heard of Hydra?" Nick asked. Harry raised his eyebrow and racked his brain.

"They were some Nazi science group in the '40s during the war right?" Harry asked.

"Yes, they were. The keyword being 'was'. There a whole terrorist organization knows and they're pretty powerful. They mainly stick to the shadows and use more subtle means such as bribing politicians and taking over 3rd world countries. They are armed with state of the art weapons and are practically trying to take over the world." Nick finished.

"May I ask why you're giving me a crash course on a Nazi turned terrorist organization that doesn't have anything to do with me?" Harry asked, not showing any actual interest in what Fury had to tell him.

"We found one of their bases. Deep in Russia. We sent teams to take it down. We haven't heard from them since they made the first contact. Agent Romanoff was part of the main strike team sent which is why she is not the one informing you of this." Nick explained. Harry felt anger overwhelm him for a split second before he regained control of himself.

"I see...that is most unfortunate," Harry said. Shield had state of the art weapons as well as quite a few bulletproof uniforms, courtesy of his company. Anything that could take down a few teams of agents, one with Black Widow, was nothing to be taken lightly.

"Yes, it is. This brings me to why I have called you. I want you to go to the base, and take it down while also gathering any intel you can. I also want you to recover any survivors that may be still alive." Nick said. Harry didn't say anything at first. He was quite bamboozled on what he should do next. On the one hand, he didn't really like Shield much and tried to always keep them at an arms distance. On the other hand, he did like Natasha. She was surprisingly fun to talk to. Not necessarily for what she talked about but the way she said it. She had an air of professionalism while having an almost sarcastic tone to back up everything she said. Reminded him of a mild version of himself if he were, to be honest. He could only imagine how fun she could be if she ever opened up. He hoped she was still alive otherwise someone was getting shanked.

"Well, what's in it for me?" Harry asked. He couldn't just go for no reason, even Fury would know that something was up. He also couldn't go just to save the sexy redhead either. That would get them trying to take advantage of Harry though her and that was the last thing he wanted.

"What do you want?" Fury asked.

"No idea. Start making me offers I might be interested in." Harry said breezily.

"How about a clean start and a real identity?" Fury asked. Harry raised an eyebrow.

"Explain," Harry responded.

"You're going to find it hard to remain out of the limelight for too much longer with the waves you have been making. Sooner or later, people are going to start looking you up and it will look suspicious if nothings there. I'm offering to get you legit records and without any criminal offenses. You will need these eventually if you continue on with your little business." Nick said. Harry's lips quirked into a smile. What a deal that was. He did need such records. He didn't think the faked ones he used were going to last much longer. Ahh, he loved killing two birds with one stone.

"Well, you managed to capture my interest. As it happens. I am in Paris. Send a plane to Charles de Gaulle airport and send a car to pick me up in my new building. Have some gear for me on the plane. I will handle this little problem of yours Fury." Harry said. He then clicked the end button on his flip phone.

'I should probably get this upgraded soon.' Harry thought.

"Daphne," he yelled. Almost immediately she appeared through his door.

"Yes?" she questioned.

"Cancel my meetings for the rest of the week. I have something to take care of." Harry said.

"You had no scheduled meetings this week which I know you knew," Daphne said with a glare. Harry smiled.

"I know, but I wanted to feel the power other business people feel when they get to cancel all their meetings," Harry explained.

"God, you're weird," Daphne said before leaving the room and Harry to think about his newest mission.

12 hours later

Harry was in one of Shields state of the art jets sitting by the loading doors. He had one other person on the plane with him and that was the pilot. They were somewhere around 11,000 feet in the air somewhere over Russia.

"We're less than 5 minutes from the designated jump zone, sir." The pilot called back to him.

"Alright. Harry called back. He got up and started to stretch as he prepared for the jump. Shield had really come through with the gear. Gave him one of their new suits which were really his as well as an arsenal of weapons to chose from. He grabbed only two silencers and some ammo for them. He would need to go in quietly. Or with magic if needed. He would try to go quietly first. As soon as they got close to the designated area. The hatch at the back of the plane opened.

"We should be right over it now sir." The pilot called back at him. Harry didn't say anything. He just ran at the door and jumped out.

This was Harry's second time falling from a plane and he couldn't say he liked it anymore the second time. It was cold and windy as well as being the middle of the night making it extremely hard to see. He was briefed that this Hydra base was actually built into a mountain and would be a hassle to get into since there was only one entrance and it was heavily guarded. He continued to free fall until he hit the designated distance from the ground to pull his chute. From there he coasted quietly towards the ground. As soon as he landed, he quickly got rid of his parachute and continued on towards where he knew the entrance of the base was. He sensed around him to make sure no one was approaching and to feel out where his enemy was. They all seemed to be clumped at what he presumed was their base of operations. He made his way towards it with consideration of all the twigs that were scattered on the ground under the snow. Harry took a second to heat himself with magic. He did not want to deal with being sluggish due to the cold. He continued his trek to the enemy's base. After around 10 minutes, he sensed himself getting close. He started to see patrols scouting around the woods, looking for possible intruders. He figured that he could either kill a patrol and take one of their uniforms or try and somehow draw the attention of the guards, leading them away from the entrance. Before he decided to pick one, he had a sudden thought to himself.

'Wait a minute. If this is the only entrance then even if I make it inside, then I will have to come back through here anyway. That means any means to get in through stealth will just come back to bite me later. Hmm. Oh well! Guess I'll have to just kill everyone until I either find someone in charge or found their main computers.' With that final thought, he gave a satisfied nod to himself before pulling out his two pistols and hiding behind a nearby tree in wait for the closing in patrol. He waited as they walked directly by his tree and continued. He then stepped out from his cover and pulled both triggers at the innermost two. As soon as the bullets hit their target, he alternated to the outermost two who were confused and barely turning to confront the enemy. Both of them were dead before they could even lift their weapons in retaliation. Watching them, Harry went on to meet the next closest patrol. They luckily only seemed to come in four's. Any more might be difficult to kill with remaining quiet. The next patrol he spotted approaching the location of the previous patrol. He didn't even bother going behind them. He just stepped up from a shadow and quickly gunned them all down before they even knew what was happening.

He did this with one more patrol before the other 20 guards at the entrance caught onto the fact that none of their patrols had come back in their allotted time. They sent out 15 guys it felt like to confront him. Harry put one of his pistols back into the bag and unscrewed the silencer from the other one. He then left the bag under a bush to get later. He then tucked the gun he still had into the back of his pants. It was time to go in loud.

By the feel of it, the guards were fanning out to look for the missing patrols. Foolish mistake. They hadn't even called for reinforcements in the base. He approached the nearest guard from behind. He was looking around with his gun that had a flashlight attached to it. He tapped the man on the shoulder. The man immediately spun around and tried to point his gun at Harry. Harry grabbed the gun with one hand to stop it from pointing at him as well as punching the man in the throat with the other. The man immediately let go of the gun and grabbed his throat as he struggled to breathe. The man fell to his knees as he continued to struggle. Harry grabbed the assault rifle with both hands and slammed it, barrel first, as hard as he could into the man's temple. The man died instantly. Wasn't a pretty death but Harry figured that that's what happens when you join a terrorist organization? He dropped the assault rifle and moved onto the next person. This time it was a pair of guards. He ran up to them on their left.

Her shoulder slammed into the first one while also grabbing his weapon. He then took another step forward and spun to gain some of his lost momenta and slammed the gun down onto the other man's skull, crushing it. As the now dead man fell to the ground, he turned to person he body-slammed and saw them reaching for their radio and trying to scoot away from him in fear. He lunged forward and smashed his left foot onto the man's wrist crushing it and forcing him to drop his radio. His scream only lasted a quarter of a second before Harry's left-right foot came down just as hard on his throat. He then walked away leaving the man to choke to death. He picked up the nearby assault rifle and went to the next person he could find before using the gun as a club to kill him just like his predecessors. One by one all 15 of the men sent out where killed quietly and brutally by Harry. Harry, for his part, didn't feel too bad about it. They were the type of people he normally disposed of and if he were being honest with himself, he had not gotten out and done any good all fashion taking out the trash in a while. Felt pretty good to be out from behind a desk all day. Though he had a feeling he would be returning to magical Britain soon and causing some much-deserved chaos. Maybe force the old man to do some unpleasant stuff. That could be a fun afternoon.

Harry shook his head and proceeded to the entrance. The five guys left were looking very tense. He was still surprised that they hadn't called back up yet. Did they honestly think that just because they had good weapons and some training, that they could handle anybody? Of course, he was positive that it would get a lot harder once he got inside. There would be all kinds of corridors that would to his disadvantage. Of course, he could just use magic. He was tempted to do that simply because he hadn't used it to kill anybody in soooo long. He couldn't even remember who it was. Might have been Umbridge actually... He continued towards the entrance until the men saw him. One yelled something incomprehensible and they all opened fire. Harry, he simply held out his hand and watched the bullets stop inches from in and stayed suspended in the air. They kept firing until they all ran out in their magazines and just stared at their floating bullets. Harry smirked and made the bullets spin and face their senders.

"Anything you want to say before I end this?" Harry asked with a smile. One of the men looked at him in fear.

"Mercy...?" He whimpered in English with a heavy Russian accent, Harry smiled brightly at him.

"Hahahaha. You're funny." He said while taking a second to laugh before propelling the bullets at high speeds at the men. All of them were torn to shreds and fell down dead.

"Well this was easy," Harry said. He then walked through the hidden entrance and into the rest of the base.

As soon as he went through, the door closed behind him automatically. All though he heard it closing, he didn't bother to look back to confirm it. He just kept walking down the hallway that was dark but had yellow lights going down it. It was then that he heard a voice that came from some nearby speaker.

"Quite impressive that you got to pass our patrols." the voice said. It was slightly accented but Harry couldn't place it.

"Not really. It was pretty easy. I hope the rest of your men can prove to be a better source of entertainment." Harry said as he continued to walk down the long corridor with his hands in his pockets.

"Hmm. You don't seem like you're from Shield. Who sent you?" the voice asked. Harry smirked a bit.

"I sent myself. You have somethings I want." Harry said. He was of course lying but he didn't want to be connected to Shield on the off chance that he failed. The extremely small off chance that he failed.

"Oh. And what exactly is it that you are looking in our humble abode?" the voice questioned. Harry clicked his tongue at the question.

"Now that would be telling. Unfortunately, you will never know." Harry said.

"You know, you don't have to do this. You are obviously powerful. You could join our group. We could use a man with your set of skills. The pay is very good." The man tempted with a deceptively kind voice.

"No thanks. I would rather hear you beg for mercy before I end your life. Thanks for the lovely offer though." Harry replied cheerfully as he took his hands out of his pockets when he finally arrives at a door. The door led to another narrow corridor. The only difference was that he could feel close to 50 troops waiting with weapons behind the door. Harry stopped at the door. He debated what would be the most fun way to deal with these men. Should he give us his signature chains? That might be fun. He loved seeing his targets grabbed by them and flung against every wall in a room as they broke more and more bones painfully before meeting their death. Harry smiled.

'Yes, this will do nicely.' he thought. He put his palm flat against the door and used magic to propel the door forward. As soon as he did, the door flew off its hinges and back towards the soldiers waiting for him. He heard yells of surprise as the door kept flying back through the corridor and taking quite a few of the soldiers with it. Before the soldiers who weren't taken down immediately could react, Harry had stepped into the room and had chains sprouting out of every wall in the corridor. It grabbed the soldiers before slamming them into walls, floor, and ceiling. If they didn't die from all the continuous impacts then they were at least fully incapacitated. Harry recalled his chains and watched the now down soldiers laid out on the floor. He continued to walk past all the bodies lying in the hall. When he passed the last man, he turned back and looked at the men who were laid out. Some were still alive and groaning quietly on the ground. Harry raised his palm at them. Immediately black flames shot out and consumed the entire hallway in flames. When he finally cut the flow a minute later. Not a single piece of ash was left. The only way to tell something had happened here was the gray cement walls were now entirely black from the flames. Harry turned around and continued on his way.

"I know you say that. I just wanted to show you what is coming for you." Harry said, addressing the voice from the speaker. The voice responded but with none of its earlier confidence

"...What are you?" the voice whispered in horror. Harry smiled.

"Ask me again in five minutes when we meet face to face," Harry said as he finally entered an actual main room that looked like some kind of barracks. It was completely empty so he assumed that every from it was either dead or with their commander in the main room. The room had multiple doors. He checked behind each one and found one that had stairs behind him. He sensed more people above him as well as some that were known alone and separated in a room to the left of where he assumed their main room was. He continued up a few flights of stairs and got to a door. Opening it led him into what looked like an armory. Behind the door on the other side of the room is where he felt all the presence in what he assumed was the main room. He took a step toward the main room. As soon as he did, the voice came back.

"Wait. You don't have to do this. Maybe we can make some kind of deal? There must be something you want?" The man pleaded. Harry just raised his eyebrow as he reached the door that he was sure the man was behind with the rest of his soldiers.

"Sure. Do you want to bargain? Okay. Then come out here by yourself. I will hand you a knife. If you slit your throat in front of me then I will be satisfied. I'll even spice up the deal. I'll let everyone else in the room live if you do it." Harry said with his same warm smile plastered on his face.

"No, wait. I can't do that. Please anything else!" the man begged.

"I'm going to take that as a no," Harry said as he put his palm on the door and blasted it through. He immediately heard gunfire and had a shield ready to go to block the bullets. He didn't wait this time to have them all stop shooting. He conjured a pack of wolves in the room the immediately jumped on the soldiers and started to rip into their flesh. The bullets were no longer pointed at him but at the alpha predators in the room. Harry heard screaming and gunfire as he stepped fully into the room and looked around. The room was full of computers and giant terminals. He ignored the chaos and slaughter around him as he walked over to the computer. He immediately tried to access the computer. It wanted some password. He tried a few obvious ones with no luck. He then tried to hack into it but the system they were using was too strong. He looked up and around the room. Most of the men and wolves were dead with just a few stragglers on both sides. Three wolves were cornering the last two men. One had a pistol pointed at them but he was shaking too much to be able to use it effectively. The head wolf prepared to spring at the man.

"Wait!" Harry called out. Immediately the wolf stopped and simply growled at the man. Harry walked over to the last two downed and frightened men. One appeared to be a soldier while the other appeared to be someone in charge. He squatted down so he was face to face with the one who looked like he was running to the operation. He smiled kindly at the man.

"Hello. It would appear I need your help with that computer over there. I can't seem to access it. I need someone's password. You wouldn't happen to know the password would you?" Harry asked innocently. The man looked frightened at first before his face hardened and he glared. Harry rolled his eyes internally. This man was going to attempt something stupid.

"HAIL HYDRA!" The man yelled. Before quickly reaching into his pocket and shoving a pill in his mouth. Harry just watched the man attempt to sacrifice for his cause. Right before the man could bite into the pill, Harry summoned it straight out of his mouth. The pill came shooting out so fast that it smashed through his front teeth like they were glass. The teeth shattered almost to their root. The man started screaming.

"AAAHHHHHH!" The man screamed as he held his hand to cover his bleeding mouth. Harry stood and grabbed the man. He dragged him to the terminal and smashed him down on the desk. Hard.

"Here is what's going to happen. You are going to put the password in or I'm going to see how many organs I can take out of your body while simultaneously keeping you alive!" Harry yelled at the man. The man just kept moaning in pain. Harry waited for a second for the man to comply. When he didn't he shrugged.

"I gave you a chance," Harry said. He then grabbed the man's legs and through those onto the table so that the man was now laying on it. He gestured to the man's abdominal with his hand. His magic responded and sliced the man straight open causing him to scream in even more pain. Harry reached in quickly before the man passed out in pain or blood loss. He grabbed his target and pulled it out as fast as he could. The kidney cam out with a fountain of blood accompanying it. By now the man had passed out. Harry quickly concentrated his magic and healed the man inside as much as he could to the point where he at least wouldn't die. He then sent an electric pulse through the man's body to forcefully jolt him back into consciousness. The man was now crying in pain.

"I can go on," Harry said as he placed the removed kidney right by the man's face so he could see it clearly. He looked down at the crying man.

"Are you going to do what I asked?" Harry yelled at the man. The man was still crying but nodded. Harry reached over and grabbed the keyboard and gave it to the man to type.

"If you do anything more than simply give me access to your system then I promise I will keep you alive for weeks experiencing the most painful thing you can imagine. NO! I take that back. It will be a lot more painful than anything that you can imagine. Do I make myself clear?" Harry asked the weeping man. The man nodded and started pressing keys slowly. When he was down. He finally clicked enter. Immediately the system opened up and its hidden files were available for him to see. Harry smiled.

"There. That wasn't so hard was it?" Harry asked. He then put his hand against the still weeping man's head. Before the man could say or do anything. Harry sent another magical pulse, this one much larger than the last, killing the man instantly. He looked at the files. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a flash drive. He inserted it into the computer and started downloading them to the external drive. He had to wait 10 minutes for it to download so he figured he would go find out who the other people were in the base. He was hoping it was prisoners. Before he left he suddenly remembered something. He looked back and saw the last living soldier staring at him with wide eyes full of nothing but fear. Harry tilted his head at the man.

"Would you like to be a prisoner or killed quickly?" Harry asked. The man looked at him.

"Prisoner..." He whispered. Harry nodded. He then sent a wave of magic at the man and knocked him out. He went to the last door. He opened it to see another stairway that led down into the dark. He descended and saw what looked like some sort of modern dungeon. He walked through the hallway that had cells on both sides. There where a few men and women in each. He didn't know if they were all Shield or not. They looked at him with caution. Must have heard what was happening upstairs. Harry walked down the row of cells looking into everyone. None of the prisoners said anything to him. When he got to the last cell, he found who he was looking for. It was clear that they hadn't been eating well if at all since they had been captured. Some also looked like they had been tortured. Natasha looked terrible though. Her normally flowing red hair was stuck to her head with sweat. She looked like she hadn't eaten since she had been here. There were obvious signs of torture all over the part of her body that weren't covered. He touched the looked on the door and ripped it off before opening the cell.

Harry walked up to her and squatted next to her prone floor on the floor. He reached out and gently shook her gently.

"Hey Red. How are you holding up?" Harry asked as softly as he could. He didn't want to have her wake and try to attack him before he could deal with her injuries. Natasha's eye's slowly fluttered open. She looked up at him and squinted in confusion.

"Am I dead?" she asked in a hoarse voice. Harry raised an eyebrow.

"Are you implying that I also died and were meeting in the afterlife?" Harry questioned.

"Don't see how else you could be here," she responded tiredly as she tried to sit up.

"Probably because I actually a GOOD assassin. These chumps weren't even a challenge." Harry joked as he put his arm on her side and helped her lean against the wall.

"So Shield sent you then?" She asked. Harry nodded.

"Yeah. Fury came whining to me as soon as you and your teams went down." Harry said.

"And you actually agreed to come? Fury must have given you quite the deal," she concluded. Harry started looking over her injuries.

"Eh. Sort of. Now enough of that. Tell me where it hurts the most." Harry said as he prepared to start healing her. She looked at him suspiciously.

"Why. What can you do to help?" she asked. Harry rolled his eyes.

"Really? Even now you want to fish for information? Jesus. If you must know then yes I can heal you. Don't bother asking how. Just tell me where it hurts." Harry said. Natasha looked at him before slowly nodding. She showed him each place she was injured starting with her torso. Harry politely look away since she had torn clothes and one could easily see her...assets if they wanted. Natasha raised her eyebrows and smirked.

"Never figured you as the shy type," Natasha said. Harry shook his head.

"I'm not. Just figured it would be rude to be staring at you at a time like this." Harry said with control. Natasha chuckled at his response.

"Thanks. I appreciate the sentiment," she said and let him continue to heal her. After a few minutes, they had her as healed as she was going to get. Her body was still way weaker than usual though from all the loss of food as well as just being so tired after all the torture she had to endure.

"Are the rest of these guys in here Shield agents?" Harry asked. Natasha nodded as she finally stood but had to lean on Harry for support. She nodded.

"Yeah. You think you can heal them too." Harry counted off how many were in the cells.

"I can partially heal all of them but not fully. I've already used quite a bit of my energy today. Anymore than partial and I might pass out." Harry said as he helped her to the stairs and sat her down on the steps.

He then started going to all the cells and opening them as well as healing their occupants as best he could. Some of them thanked him while others were more interested in his healing ability. Harry ignored any questions about it though... He didn't really care if Shield found out anymore. He didn't plan to hide his ability forever so It was just a matter of time before they had found out. He finished and went back to Natasha. He helped her up and put her arm over his shoulder so he could support her. They walked up the stairs and back to the computer. The download was done. He took out the stick and handed it to Natasha. He then used the computer to send a message to Fury to let him know that the job was done and that his group would need a pickup.

"Alright. So here's a pistol in case anyone comes. I trust you know how to use it?" Harry asked sarcastically as he pulled out the pistol he had been caring but decided against using.

"I can probably use it better than you." she murmured.

"I'm sorry. Which one of us got captured?" Harry asked as he looked at her with a questioning raised eyebrow. She rolled her eyes in response.

"That wasn't our fault. They surrounded us before we could even get into the base. They knew we were coming." she said, defending herself.

"You should look into that when you get back," Harry said. "Oh at the guard over there is knocked out for you to take prisoner. I'm sure he can tell you plenty of stuff. Harry said gesturing to the downed man. Natasha nodded. Harry then walked to the door with the intention of leaving.

"Wait. You're leaving?" she asked. Harry stopped and looked back at her.

"Yeah. I don't want to answer any of Fury's questions. I trust you can handle that. And next time I get a call from Shield, you better be on the other end. I'm letting it go this time because of the circumstances but it better not happen again." Harry said sternly as he looked at her. She squinted at him.

"Did you come just to rescue me just so Fury wouldn't be the one to call you again?" She asked suspiciously. Harry put on an innocent look.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Harry said. As he turned around and closed the door. As soon as it clicked shut, he flashed out of there. He returned to his office and immediately went over to his bar. He grabbed a Coke and started chugging it. Before letting out a loud belch.

"I take it you had a successful trip," Daphne said, suddenly appearing behind him. Harry gave her a 'are you kidding me look'

"Come on. Who are you talking to?" Harry said while taking another sip.

"I'm glad all went well. I hope you have a quick rest because you have a meeting in an hour with the french magical government." Daphne, she said as she exited the room before Harry could complain.

"Goddammit! This is not why I gave up being an assassin!"

"Mercenary," Daphne yelled from down the hall. Harry just slumped in his chair in defeat.