*Chapter 30*: Chapter 30

January 12, 2012

Harry was currently back in Britain as he visited Rose. Rose was apparently getting more friends with some other children. Lily had asked if he could go with Rose to a little play date at a park with some of Rose's friends and their moms. Harry initially wanted to say no but Rose had also asked if he could take her and she had used her most dreaded attack against him. He didn't remember actually saying yes to her, but the next thing he knew, she was cheering about how Harry was taking her to the park.

'Note to self. Her ability has evolved to the point where I can no longer even remember agreeing with her. This will require further study.'

After gathering a few of her toys. They were off. The park was near Hogsmeade so he flashed her with him to the small wizarding town. The park was easy enough to find. There were a few other kids like it that we're playing amongst themselves. 3 girls immediately ran up to Rose asked her to join them. Harry took this to mean that they were the friends she was supposed to meet. Rose looked up to him and silently asked if she could join them. Harry gave her a single nod and a smile as she ran off to go and play with them. They seemed to be playing tag. He sat down and was immediately approached by three women that he could guess where the mothers of Rose's friends. Harry looked at them with a neutral expression as they approached. The lead woman, a tall brunette that had a mother's glow around her, smiled down at him.

"Well, you must be young Harry. We have heard so much about you from Lily." the woman said as she continued to smile down at him. Harry raised an eyebrow in questioning.

"Lily talks about me does she? Anything in particular that she mentioned?" Harry asked politely.

"Well she did say something about you being quite scary in person..." the woman continued as she looked at him as if searching for what Lily thought was scary. Harry smirked at her.

"I do indeed give off that impression quite often. Mainly to people I don't like or annoy me. I guess that means I look scary to most people." Harry commented as he looked back at Rose who was still playing.

"Oh my. Shall I take that means you don't have a problem with us talking to you?" the woman asked kindly. Harry just shrugged.

"Take it however you want. I just think Rose wouldn't be too happy if I scared her friend's parents away." Harry said.

"Ahh. So toleration then?" The woman said in understanding. Harry nodded. He was glad the woman understood.

"Well then, I guess we will leave you be. It was lovely meeting you." the woman said with a final smile and left with her group as they giggled away. Harry sighed. What an interesting experience. Harry knew he was getting older but seriously? Cougars? He supposed that he was almost a legal age and it was now common knowledge among magical that he owned a very successful company. It was highly likely the woman may have been trying to see how well her luck was. Harry shut down that thought process. He didn't want to think of such things anymore. He just continued to watch Rose smile and play with her friends.

After a few hours of this. The other girls had to go home so Harry called out to Rose to get her to return to him.

"You ready to go?" he asked her with a smile. She looked at him.

"Can we go get sweets?" she asked with a smile. Harry wasn't fooled. He could see her prepping her secret weapon. He smiled at her.

"Don't we always?" he asked her rhetorically. Rose let out a cheer before they both disappeared from the park in a flash.

An hour later

Harry arrived back with Rose at Potter Manor just over an hour late. Surprisingly, he wasn't covered in a random desert that Rose had taken a liking too. He silently thanked any deity listening that he made it out of that bakery just the way he had entered it. He knocked on the door and waited. Eventually, James opened the door with a smile.

"Hey Rosy. Did you have a good time at the park with Harry?" he asked. Rose nodded vigorously.

"That's good. Why don't you go wash up and prepare for dinner? Uncle Padfoot and Moony will be joining us.

"YAY!" she cheered before kissing Harry on the cheek as a goodbye and running upstairs. Both James and Harry watched her go before turning to each other. James said nothing for a second before closing the door leaving him and Harry outside alone. Harry said and did nothing. He just waited for James to say whatever he needed to say.

"I know you probably still don't like us much Harry, but I know you love Rose which is why I'm going to ask you for a favor if you don't mind," James said as he looked at Harry to give him permission to continue. Harry wanted to blow the man off but he didn't. One, because the favor had to do with Rose and two because he had never seen James this serious ever. He nodded to show the man he could continue.

"As you may know, Magical Britain is close to being in a civil war." He said. Harry nodded again. Not only did he know this, but he had also predicted it.

"I do. What's this have to do with Rose?" Harry asked.

"Well, to be honest, the Potters are trying to stay out of this revolt. I even quit my job as an extra precaution to make sure our family is not targeted. I know that soon it's going to get real bad. Every day, more people join the New Magic Republic or whatever they are calling themselves. Soon tensions are going to break and either the ministry will need to submit or they will launch a counter to them." James said.

"They will launch a counter," Harry stated as fact. James nodded.

"I figured they would. Too many purebloods would lose their influence and power should this new government take control. They would force the ministry to act. I don't know how bad its going to get. With Arthur almost grown and me and Lily being able to hold our own..." he trailed off.

"You're concerned about what this conflict will do to Rose. Something may happen to her." Harry finished. James hesitantly nodded at the conclusion that Harry had drawn.

"Yes. I will not be so foolish to think that I will be able to shield Rose from everything when everyone eventually starts killing each other. What I'm trying to say is, if anything ever happened to me and Lily, we want you to take Rose and get her out of here." James said. Harry narrowed his eyes at that.

"Do you think you will be targeted that much?" Harry said. James shook his head.

"No, but things happen in wars. Innocent people get hurt all the time. I don't want Rose to be one of those innocents no matter what. So just in case, anything happens to us, I want you to take Rose and get her as far from here as possible. Can you do that for me?" James asked. The man almost sounded desperate to Harry. Harry didn't really need to be asked this question. If Rose was ever in true danger while living here, he would have taken her away.

"I can do that Just make sure that you don't die. As much as I don't really like the rest of you, even I know that I can't replace Rose's father or mother." Harry said. James nodded in relief. He then opened the door back to his house before looking back at the boy who was once considered his son.

"Thanks, Harry." He said. Harry just stared at him for a second.

"It's not a problem," Harry said as he disappeared in a flash.

March 13, 2012

Harry looked in the mirror that was located in his New York office. He was wearing a tuxedo and looked quite spiffing if he did say so himself. He was going to be going to one of Stark Industries parties in downtown tonight. Tony had greatly encouraged him to go and meet him and Pepper. Harry figured that he could just pop down for a few hours to be polite and then head out. It would also give him a chance to decided if he wanted to get a penthouse downtown. It would be easier for traveling purposes. He just was about to head out when Daphne poked her head into his office.

"Well. Don't you look handsome? You clean up well Wolfe." she said with a smile. Harry smirked.

"Of course I do. I have the ability to blend into any environment. Including fancy-pants parties that the one percent throw." Harry said as he adjusted his bow tie.

"You do realize that you are part of the one percent right?" she asked sarcastically.

"Well... I guess I am. Didn't really think about that. Hm, being rich is weird." Harry said.

"Indeed," Daphne responded with a half-smile.

"Well, I am off," Harry said.

"You're sure that you don't want me to go as well?" Daphne asked.

"Nah. I can handle anything that might happen," Harry said.

"If you're sure," she said knowingly. Harry glanced at her suspiciously.

"You know something I don't?" Harry asked.

"Call it women intuition," she said with a smirk as she left him alone in his office. Harry raised an eyebrow.

"Well, too late to think about it now. Better head out." Harry said to himself as he exited his office and proceeded to leave the building. He went to the employee parking lot and walked up to a silver 2009 Mercedes Mclaren. He entered the car with a smile on his face. He started the car up and revved the engine just to hear the car purr. He then set off to his location. He winded down roads and sped along freeways. He was quite surprised that no police had come after him with the speed he was going. After close to an hour of driving, he came into Manhattan and was in front of the building that was hosting the party. It appeared to be some kind of fancy hotel. He had a valet take his car and go park it somewhere. He proceeded to walk up the stairs and through the doors before following other guests to where the party was. He entered what appeared to be a ballroom with a bar attached to it. It was quite beautiful inside. It had crystal chandeliers hanging from the room as well as a band playing in the background. Many important-looking men and women were chattering or out on the floor dancing. He immediately surveyed the area and found Tony and Pepper talking intimately with each other. Harry smiled and approached them.

"Hope I'm not interrupting anything," Harry said as he came up to them. Both of them looked up and smiled.

"Harry. How are you?" Pepper asked first.

"Doing well," Harry said as he took her hand and kissed the back of it. "And you?"

"Well, I'm currently trying to get Tony to interact with...well anyone to be honest," she said with some slight irritation.

"Hey! I'm not the CEO anymore. I no longer have to force myself to have meaningless conversations with these bores. I am only here to be your sexy date." Tony said as he lifted his chin with a fake arrogance. Pepper rolled her eyes and Harry chuckled at his antics.

"Well then, I suppose you're talking to your new role well," Harry said.

"I don't mind. It's nice to see it from the other perspective for once." Tony said with a smile. Harry nodded at his friend in agreement.

"So...wheres your date?" Tony asked. Pepper playfully slapped his chest. Harry smiled.

"I did not need one," Harry replied. Tony just looked at him as if he were stupid.

" You're probably going to regret that you know," Tony informed him. Harry raised an eyebrow.

"Oh? How so?" he asked skeptically.

"Look around. You're young, single, and rich. Since you have been talking with us alone, I have noticed 8 different women checking you out. They vary in both age and marital status." Tony said with a grin. Harry took a second to process that before shrugging.

"To bad for them. I'm underage." Harry said.

"They don't know that. I've told you before, you look older than you are actually are." Tony said.

"Still doesn't matter. Not like I would get with any of the women here. None would be my type." Harry said.

"Says the virgin."

"Tony!" Pepper scolded. Harry just laughed at that.

"Maybe you have a point. Still, I would like to think I have better self-control than that." Harry said.

"I'm sure most sixteen years old's would like to think that too," Tony said as he sipped some alcoholic drink that Harry didn't recognize. Harry rolled his eyes at the man. Harry looked around the room and did indeed see some women giving him looks. None interested him although somewhere quite beautiful. Pepper walked off to go talk to someone and left them both alone.

"So who are they? Trophy wives?CEO? Or both?" Harry asked.

"I don't know. Haven't really paid much attention to them tonight." Tony said dismissively. Harry eyed the man.

"Man, Pepper sure has her claws in you deep. Definitely a change from two years ago." Harry commented.

"Who knew I would be so good at being a one-woman type of guy?" Tony responded in amusement. Harry chuckled in agreement.

"Well, I suppose I should wander around and try to not get to noticed," Harry said as he prepared to leave.

"Before you go, Ms. Super Spy is here," Tony said. Harry looked at him in confusion.


"You know, Natasha. The redhead." Tony explained. Harry tilted his head even more in confusion. Why would she be here unless she wanted something with him or Tony? Maybe she was scouting out a potential target among the crowds.

"Why is she here?" Harry questioned. Tony shrugged.

"Best I can figure is that she is here to make sure nothing happens to either of us," Tony said. Harry frowned.

"Shield is trying to give us babysitters now are they?" Harry asked rhetorically. Tony nodded.

"Well, something like that. Since we're both not only consultants but also major business partners with them, they want to make sure nothing happens to us." Tony said. Harry looked at him.

"You have a suit stashed somewhere close by?" Harry asked. Tony gave him a smirk.

"Always," he responded.

"Then I don't understand the problem," Harry said. He scanned the crowds and looked for their so-called babysitter. He didn't see her so he expanded his senses and looked to find her life force among the crowd. He found her almost immediately. She was at the bar on the other side of the room.

"You should go say hello," Tony said suggestively. Harry's eyes snapped to his friend in suspicion. Tony's face was skewed in an innocent expression.

"Why's that?" Harry asked.

"Well... you did save her life," Tony argued.

"I saved your life too. Didn't mean I wanted to become a buddy with you." Harry said as he looked towards the direction he knew she was in.

"And yet, here we are," Tony said. As he took another sip of his drink. Harry kept looking in the direction but slowly nodded in agreement.

"Here we are true. Alright. I suppose I should and at least go and tell her that Shield needs to respect our privacy." Harry said.

"You do that," Tony said with a mischievous look as he walked away to go rejoin Pepper. Harry himself, walked through the crowds and towards the bar. He wasn't sure but he was almost sure that someone squeezed his left butt cheek when he was walking through the crowd. He had looked around for the perpetrator but couldn't see anyone who looked suspicious. Though there was a blonde that looked just a little too innocently at her husband. He shook his head and continued his trek. He approached the bar and saw his target redhead. He walked to her side.

"This seat is taken?" He asked her.

"Yes," she responded without looking up. Harry's lips twitched upward at that.

"Sucks. I'm taking it anyways." Harry said as he sat down on the stool and looked over at the redhead. By now, Natasha had turned her head and looked at him.

"Not very gentlemanly of you," she commented with a smile.

"I'll have to apologize to your date for stealing his seat when I see him." Harry teased.

"I just happen to be here by myself," she said as she sipped what looked like a cocktail. Harry raised an eyebrow.

"The Black Widow couldn't find a date? That's quite shocking." Harry said.

"Fury wouldn't let me bring anyone along," she explained with fake sadness.

"Ah yes. Fury. Mind telling me why he is under the impression that I and Tony need a babysitter?" Harry asked while making sure that none of his anger leaked into the question.

"Well, you're both highly valued personnel for one," she said.

"I fail to see how that fact places me in a position where I need a babysitter," Harry commented.

"You don't need per se. It's just better safe than sorry," she said.

"Why? Do you have a problem with me being around," she asked with a hint of seduction laced in her voice.

"I have no problem with you being around. I have a problem with what you being around means." Harry stated. Natasha raised an eyebrow.

"I see. Well, it is what it is. Neither of us can change the decision now." she said. Harry looked at her.

"On the contrary, I can probably go to his office and threaten him. The only problem I have is finding out where that is. Luckily, I have a feeling you know exactly where it is. This is all hypothetical of course." Harry said with a smile.

"I'm sure. So how would you, hypothetically, get me to tell you where it is?" she asked.

"I wouldn't need to get you to tell me about the location. You would tell me whether you wanted to or not. You wouldn't have a choice in the matter." Harry said. Natasha gave him a hard stare for a moment.

"Is this like you're healing people thing," she asked.

"Depends. Did you tell your boss about my healing people thing?" Harry asked.


"Liar," Harry said with a smile as he looked at her. He knew that there was no way that Natasha didn't tell Fury. She was extremely loyal to the man's organization.

"So you won't tell me then?" she pressed.

"Let me ask you something. Why did you join Shield?" Harry asked, ignoring her question.

"Why do you want to know all of a sudden," she asked calmly.

"Just curiosity. You tell me and I will tell you something about me." Harry said. He saw her eyes light up at the chance to learn more information on his powers.

"Alright fine. To be honest, I didn't have much choice. Once I got on Shield's radar, they hunted me down relentlessly. The agent assigned to take me down didn't though. He made me an offer. He asked me to join Shield. It paid well and I would make a good difference in the world for once. He even let me go so I could think about it. After a few days, I decided to meet up with one of my old partners and ask him for advice."

"Nick," Harry said with realization. Natasha nodded.

"Nick was always good at making tough decisions. He was reliable. One of my best partners. Once we cut our partnership, he never betrayed any secrets of mine or ever accepted any contracts on me." Natasha explained.

"What did he say to you," Harry asked curiously. This was one of the few things about Nick that he had never found out about.

"He told me that he couldn't make the decision for me. That I had wasted my time by coming to him because I had already known what I was going to choose. Then he smiled at me and said he would see me around before leaving. That was the last time I ever saw him." Natasha said. Her voice had gained a darker and sadder tone to it. Harry could sense the actual sadness coming from her as she talked about Nick.

"Yeah. Nick was like that a lot. He wanted to help you but would always make you solve your own problems. Hell of a man." Harry said he thought of the man he considered a father and had taught him so much. It still hurt to remember him.

"If you don't mind me asking, how did he...pass?" Natasha asked. Harry thought back to the day and internally winced.

" We were in the Caribbean relaxing from our jobs. By this time, we had started taking jobs solo. I'm not exactly sure what happened, but the FBI marked him on one of his last jobs and started hunting him down. We had been hiding on the island of St. Thomas to wait for the heat to go down. I'm still not sure how they found us, but one night the FBI swarmed the house." We barely had time to escape. We ran into the forest to get back to town where we would leave the island and go to a different country. We never made it there though. They had dogs and were tracking us. Sniper put a bullet in him and he went down protecting me. He was still alive and told me to go on without him. I refused of course. As I held him. He got shot again. He told me his full name as he died in my arms." Harry said solemnly.

"I'm sorry," Natasha said sincerely. Harry shrugged as he traced a random pattern in the bar with his finger.

"I've dealt with it. Anyways, thank you for telling me about how you joined Shield." Harry said as he sobered up.

"Will you tell me something about yourself now?" she asked with a hint of excitement. Harry smiled lightly.

"Alright. Let us see. What do I want to tell you? How about the fact that I can turn one thing into another thing." Harry suggested. Natasha tilted her head in confusion. Harry was slightly surprised by how cute it was coming from the woman considering she usually gave off a more 'sexy' vibe.

"Can you explain further?" she asked, not quite understanding. Harry nodded. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a quarter.

"Look closely," Harry said. He closed both hands around the quarter and concentrated. When he opened his hands, the quarter was gone and in it's place was a small beetle that started to slowly walk around his palm. Natasha's eyes widened in shock and her mouth opened slightly. Harry smirked at the reaction.

"How did you do that?" she asked/demanded.

"Magic," Harry said teasingly. It was the truth but she didn't need to know that just yet.

"Is it real?" she asked. Harry pondered that for a moment.

"Really? Yes. Alive? No. It is basically a puppet. I can of course create it with all the innards of a regular beetle if I know its actual physiology but this time I haven't. Plus it has no will whatsoever. It's sole purpose is to do what I want it to. It doesn't need air, food, water, etc. If you kill it, it will just revert back to the quarter." Harry explained. He held out his hand to give the beetle to Natasha so she could observe it. The bug crawled on her hand and started walking around.

"So it is like this until it dies or you turn it back?" she asked. Harry shook his head.

"It will eventually turn back into a quarter. The more magic I put into it, the longer it stays in this form." Harry explained.

"Hm. You don't say..." she said as she continued to look at the bug curiously.

"You can keep it. It will revert to a quarter in around 20 hours as long as it doesn't die." Harry said.

"What would I possibly do with it?" she asked rhetorically.

"Give it to Shield for tests," Harry suggested. She looked up from the bug and at him.

"The fact that you would allow that means that we won't find anything," she said accusingly. He smirked at her.

"Maybe." He responded teasingly. She rolled her eyes. She put the bag on the table and watched Harry turn it back into a quarter by waving his hand over it.

"So are you satisfied?" Harry questioned with a raised eyebrow. She smirked.

"It will take a lot more for something so small to satisfy me Wolfe, but its a start. I suppose I must be off. I guess I should reward you for such a display." she pondered out loud. Harry was about to confidently say that she had absolutely nothing he wanted. Before the first word left his mouth though, she leaned over and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. When she pulled back, she smiled at his shocked face before grabbing her purse and making her way to the nearest exit.

Harry just continued to stand where he was with his shocked expression. It took about two minutes for his brain to reboot. He looked around confused before straightening his bow tie and went off too find Tony and tell him that he decided that he was going to leave. When he found Tony and Pepper, Tony smirked and Pepper giggled at him which confused him.

"I take it you had a good talk with our resident spy." Tony teased him. Harry looked at him.

"What makes you think that?" Harry asked.

"Hm. Could be the dazed look you came over here with or the red lipstick that's on your left cheek." Tony said. Harry frowned in confusion. He touched a hand to his cheek and when he pulled it back, he noticed red from said lipstick on his fingers.

"Huh. Didn't notice that was there." Harry said as he reached over to grab a napkin and gently rubbed off the lipstick.

"I think you were the only one who didn't," Pepper said as she observed the other guest that were close enough to notice the bright red on Harry's cheek.

"Well. I was thinking about heading out of here anyway. I have a long and probably confusing day ahead of me tomorrow." Harry said.

"I'm sure. Well, have a fun night buddy. I'm sure you're going to have some wonderful dreams." Tony said as he patted Harry on the back. Harry glared at him.

"Tony it's still not too late for me to hang you from your tower with your intestines. I do have experience with such things you know." Harry threatened. Tony raised his hands in surrender.

"Alright. You've made your point. No pleasant dreams for you." Tony said. Harry rolled his eyes. He looked to Pepper and gently grabbed her hand and placed a kiss on it.

"Thank you again Pepper for inviting me to such an event. It was enjoyable." Harry said politely.

"I'm sure it was." Pepper said in amusement.

"Ugh. Not you too. Tony's rubbing off on you. Let's hope you don't start humping anything that's moving and has a penis." Harry teased.

"I think I would rather just kill myself." Pepper said seriously. Harry laughed before saying one last goodbye and turning and leaving. He had the valet get his car and got inside of it. Then he started driving back to his office where he would drop off the car and return home. Before he did though, he touched his cheek.
