*Chapter 35*: Chapter 35

April 25th,2012

Harry was lazing about in his bed and enjoying his rest after the previous week's chaos. Right now he got to just rest and recuperate...and also play some more Saints Row on his flat screen. He missed being able to play this video game even if he had only gone a few days. As he flicked the controller to mow down his enemies, he heard the doorbell to his apartment ring. Harry made an annoying whine in the back of his throat before summoning a robe and going downstairs to open his door. He wasn't surprised to see Daphne's face looking at him when he opened it.

"I was playing video games," Harry said to the woman in semi annoyance. Just then, Tracey popped her head from the side of the door and waved at him.

"Hey, Harry. How have you been?" Tracey asked with a smile. Harry returned the smile before frowning.

"Well, recently I had to deal with the annoying god of magic who thought he could take over the world. That was pretty annoying." Harry said to her with a hint of amusement. Tracey nodded.

"Yeah, I heard about that. Just a good thing you and the other Avengers were there to stop him." Tracey said. Harry just nodded and beckoned them both in. They sat at his dining table while he went to go warm up some leftover pizza. He returned a few moments later with his pizza.

"So what made you come knocking on my door at 10:30 in the morning?" Harry asked as he bit into his food.

"We just wanted to make sure you were alright after your fights. You DID tell me that you ran into a building face-first at more than 200 miles per hour." Daphne said to him. Harry smiled at the memory.

'God that was painful' he thought to himself

"Yes well. I'm alright. I've fully healed from that already. Didn't take to long." Harry said. He thought back to his injury. Then his thoughts turned to a certain redhead that he would be going out with tomorrow. He had already thought about where to take her and figured he would take her back to Craig's bar. He knew that she went to high-class places all the time but preferred hole in the walls better because she rarely got to go to them. Plus it was where they first met.

"So who is she?" Daphne asked as she looked at Harry in the eye.

"Hm?" Harry said as he regained his thoughts. Daphne smirked at him.

"The girl. The one who you have been absentmindedly thinking about for the past couple of minutes ." Daphne clarified. Harry frowned. Had he been that lost in thought?

"Does it matter?" Harry asked.

"Indeed it does. I have to approve of her before you get into a serious relationship." Daphne stated. Harry glared at her.

"I think I can choose who I have a relationship with fine, thank you very much," Harry said sarcastically.

"Good for you. I still have to approve of her. Don't pretend that you wouldn't do the same if I decided to have a relationship with someone." Daphne said back. Harry was going to retort but it died in his throat. She was definitely right about that. Any man that Daphne tried to date would be researched until Harry knew everything about him to assure he was legit. If not then the man would disappear from Daphne's life, one way or another.

"Alright fine, you can meet her," Harry said begrudgingly. Daphne smiled when he relented.

"Good. Oh, and you have some paperwork to catch up with so make sure that you go to the office later today." Daphne said as she got up. Tracey followed. Harry raised an eyebrow.

"Was that all you came out here to tell me. This feels like a phone call could have sufficed." Harry said to her. Tracey smiled at him.

"No. we were going into town for a girl's day and just thought to stop by real quick to see how you were," Tracey said.

"Ah," Harry said in realization. Well, that explained it.

"Well, I shall see you next week then. Don't forget to do your work. You have lots of it to do." Daphne said with an evil grin. Harry glared at the woman as she and Tracey left his apartment. Harry sighed as he got up and left to go get ready for his job.

3 hours later

"So you finally grew a pair and asked her out," Tony said with a smirk towards Harry. Harry glared as he bit off another piece of his club sandwich.

"Yes, you insufferable excuse for a human being I asked her out. We will be going tomorrow." Harry said with some exasperation. Tony smirked.

"So where you taking her?" Tony asked him.

"I'm taking her to the bar where we first met," Harry said. Tony raised an eyebrow.

"Not going to go for a more fancy place than just a bar?"

"No, I think this place will do fine. Plus, I know that she likes the food there." Harry said.

"Still, girls usually liked to be wined and dined. The whole package you know." Tony commented.

"Normally I would agree with you but on this occasion, with this particular person, I think this would be best. Red would see all that stuff in her job on a daily basis, she wants to do something legitimate, that real people do. Not something that's just about parading around wealth and class." Harry said as he continued his fierce battle with his sandwich. Tony just looked at him with a smile.

"I suppose your right. You would know more after all. Not like there's anyone else here who may have more experience with beautiful girls or anything like that." Tony replied sarcastically. Harry rolled his eyes as his eyes focused in on a speck in the sky closing in on their location. He broadened his senses till it reached whatever the speck was and found it to be an owl. Harry frowned and stood as the owl got closer and closer until it eventually landed on the table. Tony just stared at the bird with a confused look before looking at Harry to explain. Harry was stone-faced as he pulled the latter from the owl's leg and read its contents. Tony watched as Harry's eyes seemed to catch on fire before he disappeared in a flash. The letter floated down until it landed on the table and the owl flew off. Tony leaned over and looked at what the letter said. There was only one line on it.

Rose has been kidnapped.

Abandoned Manor somewhere in Wales

Adrian Reynolds considered himself to be a pretty smart guy. He graduated from Hogwarts as one of the tops of the class of Ravenclaw. He even studied some muggle engineering just to make sure he was secure in his future. Sadly for him, he was a muggle-born. This immediately meant that unless he wanted to be horribly underpaid and poor for his entire life he would have to give up on the magical world that he had come to enjoy. Well, at least he would have if he did not find out about an underground movement that was quickly gaining influence and recognition called the New Republic of Magical Britain. They fought to make equal opportunities for everyone no matter there blood or background. They would fight the pure blood-based society for freedom.

It had all sounded so grand to Adrian so he immediately offered up his services to the cause. He started off as a regular member that was nothing more than a foot soldier that would get people to join the cause and maybe trash a pure-blood business or two. He stayed that way until the fighting had started. The New Republic had declared war on the ministry and Adrian quickly used his wits to climb the power ladder until he was one of the key strategists of the movement against the ministry. He was proud of the accomplishments that had earned him such a prestigious position. While they were doing well enough against the ministry, their progress was not going as fast as they predicted. The ministry had already gathered Aurors and stationed them all over magical settlements all over Britain in large numbers. This made actually taking ground from the ministry extremely hard. They needed a solution to pressing forward before the ministry was strong enough to gain the upper hand.

It was around this time that Adrian remembered some information about a certain powerful individual from his days at Hogwarts. Harry Wolfe was well known in Britain not only because of the rumors of his mysterious past before Hogwarts and crazy strength and power but also because he had a business that was slowly becoming hugely popular and powerful all over the globe. Someone like that would definitely turn the tides for whatever side he joined. Sadly, Harry had no reason or want to join the war. In fact, when they had sent a representative early in the year trying to get him to join he had left before saying, "Get out of my office before I shove my paperwork up to your ass and set it on fire."

That was the last time they had sent anyone to try and talk with him. Harry was well known to be uncontrollable and, perhaps, crazy. Still, everyone had to have a weaknesses and Adrian happened to remember that weakness. He remembered once seeing Harry smiling and hugging a little red-headed girl. It was Potter's daughter and Harry's younger sister. Despite his fearsome repetition, he had turned to mush before this little girl. Adrian would not usually use people in such a way, but they were at war dammit! In war, you couldn't allow your personal feelings to get in the way of what needed to be done. They needed a monster like Harry on their side if they wanted to keep their advantage and not get butchered by the ministry. So, he developed a plan to subdue the Potters while they were visiting Diagon Alley. They would take the girl after knocking out the Potters. The plan had gone well, he had spies placed in Diagon Alley to alert him when the Potters came and they executed the plan. The Potters hadn't even had time to look surprised before they were surrounded by ten men and stunned. Rose had just looked at them confused but they took her before she could say anything

After the capture, they had taken her to an abandoned mansion that Adrian had turned into his base of operations. That was two days ago, all that was left now was to send a letter to Harry to explain what would happen if he didn't comply with Adrian's wishes. Adrian sat in his desk and started writing the note with only a candle and a fireplace to light his paper.

"Hello, Adrian."

Adrian shot up with his wand out

5 minutes previous

Harry was so angry he could feel the magic coming off him in waves and tendrils. As soon as he flashed to Rose, he could not be angrier. His little sister was sleeping on the ground and looking slightly roughed up. He swallowed his anger before crouching next Rose and shaking her slightly.

"Rose, are you okay?" he asked softly. At hearing his voice, Rose's eyes shot open and looked up at him. She immediately smiled and hugged him.

"Hi Harry," she said as she cheerily greeted him and wrapped her arms around him. Harry looked at his little sister confused.

"Rose are you okay?" Harry asked. Rose tilted her head and looked at him.

"Why wouldn't I be?" she asked curiously as she looked up at him with the roundest eyes he had ever seen. Harry just looked at his sister with concern. He wasn't detecting any tampering with her mind. Was it possible she didn't understand the situation she was in?

"Rose, you understand that you have been kidnapped correct?" Harry asked cautiously. Rose nodded vigorously.

"Yeah," she replied. Harry was at a little bit of a loss.

"You're not frightened?" Harry asked her. She shook her head.

"No. I wouldn't have gone with them if they were going to hurt me. I would have just cooked them as you do!" Rose said with a smile. Harry was getting more questions rather than answers from everything she was telling him. He assumed by 'cooking' them, she meant lighting them on fire but she why would she think she could do that?

"Rose only I can make fire without a wand. You know that right?" Harry asked her slowly. She shook her vigorously in quite the adorable fashion.

"Nu-uh. I can do it to see." She said with a grin and held out her hand. Immediately he small fist was covered in a purple flame that had Harry recoiling for a second. His jaw dropped as he stared at the flame. From the heat radiating off of it, it was no hotter than a regular flame but from the dark magic radiating off of it, it probably had some very nasty side effects.

"Rose...how are you doing that?" Harry whispered still in shock. She looked at him confused.

"What do you mean? I just do what you do. I tell the glowy stuff in my body that I want the pretty fire, so it gives it to me." Rose said. Harry just stared at the flames. He did recall several instances where he was teaching Daphne a trick endlessly and Rose was around while they were all on the island. Could it be possible she was actually paying attention the entire time? And the will power for her at such a young age to produce this was just baffling. He had done it of course but he was an extremely special case.

"Why is it purple?" Harry asked weakly, not quite sure what else he could say.

"Cuz it's pretty," Rose said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Like saying the sky was blue for instance.

"Ah, of course. How silly of me." Harry said dryly in reply. Rose nodded in agreement with him.

"Well, we need to get you home and continue this conversation later," Harry said. Rose smiled and immediately hopped on his back and tapped the top of his, signaling she was ready to go. Harry didn't even comment on the tap, he was simply to confused to make sense of his little sister. He then flashed away.

5 minutes later

Harry had returned to the mansion after he had safely dropped Rose off with the Potter's with a warning that they had better be more careful with his sister before he made sure that she was permanently safe by taking her away from magical Britain. With that last warning, he had returned to the abandoned manor and had started slinking around. He had taken down any guard that he came across with knock to the temple with a blunt object. Knocked some out and may have killed others. Harry was not sure, his only focus was to get to the leader. This is what brings us full circle to Harry leaning against a wall and using a quick peek into a stranger's brain to find his name.

"Hello, Adrian," Harry said. The clearly spooked man shot up drew his wand and pointed it at Harry. Harry was sporting an emotionless look but anyone could see that he was extremely pissed. It could have been the magic that occasionally crackled like electricity around him as well. Whatever it was, it clearly frightened the hell out of Adrian as the man lowered his wand slowly.

"Mr. Wolfe I presume?" He asked politely.

"You should dispense with the pleasantries and get to the point fast before I decide I would like you better as a pile of ash," Harry said sounding extremely calm and pissed at the same time. He could see the man visibly gulp.

"I would first like to say I had no intention of harming a hair on your sister's head. I simply wished to get your attention and saw no other alternative." Adrian said. Harry just continued to stare at the man blankly. Adrian decided it would best get to the point before Harry made good on his threat.

"In short I would like to preposition you with a deal that may be mutually beneficial. As you probably have guessed, I am a revolutionist. As you also probably guessed, I would like you to help with our cause to take down the current magical government of Britain. If you help us with this, when we take over, we will help you in any way we can with establishing one of your business branches in the UK. Of course, we will also offer you asylum in our country if you ever need it." Adrian said. Harry looked at him.

"You want to talk business after kidnapping business. Hahaha. You got balls, I'll give you that." Harry said as he walked over to the fireplace and looked at the flames.

"Alright, let us talk business. Not only do I want everything you offered, but I also want two more things." Harry said. Adrian took a breath as it looked like the most powerful wizard since Merlin was willing to not outright squash him like a bug.

"Name them." He said with a little more confidence than when he first started.

"First I want Azkaban and everything on it. Lastly, I want an unrestricted import license to allow my company and myself to bring anything we want into the country." Harry said as he continued to stare at the flames and think about what his little sister had shown him. Adrian looked at him confused.

"Everything on it? I assume you mean the dementors. Why do you want them?" Adrian asked.

"None of your concern," Harry responded. Adrian bit his lip. He had no doubt his superiors would have no problem giving up Azkaban and the dementors. They had planned to change to the entire prison system anyways but the import license would be much harder. With that, he could bring anything he wanted into their country including any objects no matter how dark or dangerous they were. That could be catastrophic.

"The first thing I can guarantee but the second one...I'll have to talk to my superiors," Adrian said. Harry nodded and picked up the poker from the fireplace.

"That's fine I'll give you some time to talk about it with them. Harry said as he turned to the man with the searing hot poker still in hand. Adrian looked nervously at the poker.

" Now that we're done with business let's get back to the issues at hand. I don't want you to panic Adrian...but I'm going to hurt you. Badly. I mean, you kidnapped my sister. There's absolutely no way I could just let that slide. Others might think I'm going soft. Don't worry, I won't permanently break you and I will heal all the wounds I cause." Harry said as he slowly approached the man who was now backing up in horror.

"Don't try running, you'll just make this take more time and I would rather get this over with quickly so I don't miss my date. So help me god Adrian if you make me miss my date on the same day that you kidnapped my sister I will show you things that would make even the devil cringe." Harry continued as he closed in on his target. For the next hour, nothing could be heard from the manor except for bloodcurdling screams.

Sometime later at Craig's Bar

Harry was fidgeting slightly with his jacket. He had dressed casually and now was just waiting on Natasha. She had assured him that she would be there. She had told him there was "traffic" which really mean she was running late because she was just getting back from killing someone. Harry sat at the booth and just looked around the bar. It was a relatively slow day but people could still be seen throughout the bar interacting with each other.

'Maybe I should have taken her to a fancier place. Eh, whatever. I didn't feel like putting up a front. This will do fine I'm sure.' Harry said to himself. As he continued to be bored, he started to stare at the few others in the bar and imagine everyone as a secret agent sent to kill him and how he would kill them.

'...and I would smash a bottle over that dude's head and throw the shards in his ear. It's what he gets for wearing a button-up with khakis and a baseball cap. I mean seriously, he's practically asking for it,' Harry thought. Before he continued on to the man's barbie doll looking girlfriend, his date walked through the door. Natasha was wearing her classic leather jacket with a tight leather pants combo. That and her loose maroon T-shirt gave her the appearance of probably the sexiest, casually dressed, woman on the planet. Harry stood to greet her.

"About time. I was beginning to think I had been stood up on my first date." Harry said with a smile. She smiled back.

"The thought crossed my mind but I didn't want you to cry yourself to sleep tonight so I decided to show some compassion and show up." Natasha teased with a light smile. Harry chuckled before gesturing for her to sit. As soon as he did, he subtly threw up some privacy wards.

"So what have you been up to since we saved the world?" Harry asked.

"Eh, you know, this and that." She replied mischievously.

"Oh? This and that huh? Well, I have an idea about 'this' so why don't you remind me about 'that'."Harry shot back.

"I'm afraid it's classified," Natasha said a faux apologetic voice. Harry made a disgusted face.

"Bleh! Classified stuff is no fun. If it doesn't make national news then it just doesn't count as a good time." Harry said in a childish voice as he opened the menu.

"I think you and I have a very different idea of a good time," Natasha said as she followed suit.

"Oh come on. Don't tell me you didn't enjoy getting to fight aliens from a different galaxy along with a homicidal god." Harry said.

"Not particularly, it was just another day on the job I guess." She replied dryly. Harry shrugged as he put down his menu and they ordered their drinks.

"Well, I thought it was fun. I haven't had that much fun in a while. Even if I didn't get to fight Thor before he left..." Harry grumbled at the end.

"What weird fetishes you have," Natasha said bluntly. Harry looked at her and smiled.

"You have no idea. Didn't I tell you? Fighting big, bulky, blonde dudes is a huge turn on for me. I can't wait till Thor comes back and shows me just EXACTLY how good he is at hammering stuff." Harry said with a smile. Natasha looked like she was going to be sick.

"Ok, I concede. Please never make me see that image in my head ever again." She requested in a subdued manner. Harry busted out laughing at that.

"Hey, don't dish it if you can't take it," Harry said. Natasha nodded wearily. From there, they got their drinks and then their food. They didn't really talk about their jobs, more of their hobbies and interest. Harry was surprised to learn that Natasha was actually an artist. She didn't do it often but she needed to learn for some mission in the 70's she had actually enjoyed it but had not found the time to ever continue the habit.

"Okay, so you have to draw for me." Harry pressed. Natasha shook her head with a laugh.

"No way. I haven't drawn in years. I probably suck at it by now. You know what they say, 'use it or lose it'." Natasha said trying to convince him. Harry was having none of it though.

"Nonsense! I'm sure it's just like riding a bike. It stays with you forever." Harry said. Natasha shrugged.

"Maybe, I still don't plan to find out though," Natasha said. Harry dropped it but was still planning to store the information and make sure she drew for him sometime in the future. From there they continued to waste away in joyful conversation until they had to leave. They then decided to leave and just walk around for a while to continue the conversation. Harry had decided sometime into it that he had wanted to hold her hand. He gently grabbed it. He waited for a second to see if she was opposed to the idea. She just looked at him and gave him a playful smile. Harry took this to mean she didn't mind and they continued to walk like that.

"So what have you done recently to keep yourself busy." She asked. Harry thought about it.

"Eh. Just work. Tortured a dude earlier." Harry said nonchalantly.

"Why's that?" Natasha asked in a very unconcerned matter.

"He kidnapped my sister. He didn't have any real evil intentions but still...It's the fact that he did it that is the point in all this. No one kidnaps my baby sister!" Harry said. Natasha gave him an amused look.

"I didn't even know you had a sister," Natasha commented. Harry shrugged.

"You never asked," Harry said simply. Natasha deadpanned at him. Harry just laughed at her face. Before they knew it, they were in front of his building. Harry just looked at her for a minute.

"Soooo...I don't know how to end dates. Do I just say goodnight and leave? Do I take you upstairs for some 'hot coffee'? Give you a ride to your house...or flying base?" Harry asked over and over. Natasha smiled at him.

"I liked this night out," she said, completely ignoring Harry's ridiculousness. Harry smiled.

"Yeah, I was pretty great wasn't I?" Harry said rhetorically. She reached up and smacked him on the side of the head.

"You're an idiot. It sometimes amazes me that you're still just 16 but then other times, it makes perfect sense," she commented. Harry shrugged.

"Both physically and mentally, I'm actually a few years older. 16 only describes how many years I have been alive since leaving my mothers womb." Harry commented. Natasha made a 'hm' noise. She then reached up and kissed him. This time, Harry was much more prepared. He wrapped his arms around her and held her tight as he deepened the kiss. He wasn't sure how long they stayed that way but it felt like forever. When they finally pulled apart, Natasha looked quite content with his actions.

"I don't suppose you will take that offer to come upstairs with me?" Harry asked her quietly. Natasha smiled.

"Not tonight stud. I have to wake up early for another mission tomorrow," she said. Harry was happy that she had a hint of annoyance in her voice.

"I suppose will have to make up for it a different night. For now, I have something for you." Harry told her as he reached into his pocket. When he pulled his hand out and opened I, Natasha looked confused. In his hand was a silver ring. It was very petite with no precious gems on it but it looked to be different than most silver.

"Jesus, it's a little early for proposals don't you think?" she said with some nervousness. Harry, once again, burst into a fit of laughter.

"I ain't proposing you dingus. This is so I can find you if you're ever in trouble. If you ever feel like you're in real trouble, the ring will pick up on it and broadcast a signal that only I can feel. It will allow me to instantly come to your aid like the prince charming I so obviously am." Harry said with a smirk. At his clarification. Natasha breathed a sigh of relief and slipped on the ring before frowning.

"Is...is this platinum Harry?" she asked. Harry smiled.

"Only the best for my girlfriend," Harry said. Natasha's eyes shot to his.

"Is that what we are," she questioned curiously.

"Not unless you have a problem with that?" Harry replied. She smiled.

"No problems on this end. Guess I'll have come to see your ugly mug every now and then huh?" she said rhetorically.

"I hope it's a little more than every now and then," Harry replied. She smiled.

"Fine. I suppose I will have to just learn to live with it. I don't suppose you can let me borrow a car?" she asked. Harry looked at her and then sighed. He pulled out his keys and took one off the chain before giving it to her.

"It's the Aston Martin. I don't want to see a scratch on it though Red. You hear me?" He teased. Natasha rolled her eyes before leaning in to give him one last kiss. Harry groaned.

"You're purposefully making this super hard for me aren't you?" Harry asked. Natasha snickered as she stepped back and walked to the parking garage.

"Goodnight Harry." She said over her shoulder.

'Damn she left looking real cool on purpose. Now I look like a fool. You win this round red.' Harry thought.

"Later Red." He said before heading up to his apartment to get some much-needed sleep.

'Now...to make sure my baby sister doesn't burn down the entire UK with her 'pretty fire''