*Chapter 36*: Chapter 36

May 21, 2012

Harry waited in the Leaky Cauldron and tapped his fingers in annoyance. The bar was almost abandoned entirely. What with the battles going on in most magical communities all over Britain and all. Harry liked it a lot more than how busy it used to be though. A nice change of pace. His thoughts drifted over to Rose while he was waiting. He had gone to visit his sister multiple times a week to see the limit of her powers. So far, he found that she could not do much with her powers, her main thing was the purple flames she had. Harry had her use it on a bird to see its effects. Rose had first protested but Harry had said it would be much safer than accidentally using it for the first time on a human. So Rose had closed her eyes and set the bird on fire. From what Harry could see, the flame did not burn the target to ash as most flames did. The flame seemed to dissolve the bird away until there was absolutely no trace that it was ever there. Harry was left baffled by this. Why was Rose's flame having such a dark effect? Not that he was concerned over the fact that it was dark, he was just wondering why it was. He had asked Rose what her thought process was when she made the flame.

"I just remember a time where I got angry and it helps me make them," she said with a small shrug. Well, that explained the dark aspects of the flame at least. The most flame would require such feelings if one were to make it from scratch. Harry found that passion and anger worked the best out of them. However, since anger was a darker emotion, it only made sense that Rose's flame would have a darker alignment than a normal one.

Ever since then, Harry had started Rose on some small exercises to expand her wandless abilities. Such things could consist of lifting pebbles or making small shields around different parts of her body. After that, he would probably move onto more important things... like how to melt male genitalia off future suitors. That was probably his first priority especially since it would only be a few more years until she went to Hogwarts.

" ?" a voice said breaking him away from his thoughts. Harry looked up. A middle-aged man with salt and pepper hair and black robes was staring at him cautiously. Harry stood up and forcefully shook his hand with a smile that seemed to make the man even more uncomfortable.

"You seem to have me at a disadvantage Mr...?" Harry trailed off waiting for the man to finish his sentence.

"Hemingway. Frederick Hemingway." The man said. Harry nodded and sat down before gesturing for the man to do the same.

"So you're the top boss I assume?" Harry asked the man. The man nodded.

"Indeed, I am the one currently leading the revolution. Adrian has told me about you and what you did to him." The man said uncomfortably. Harry smiled like a Cheshire cat.

"Good, then I won't have to tell you what will happen if you waste my time. It was a little stupid to bring the guards though. Not only do they stand out but if you somehow get on my bad side, that means I will have to deal with them as well." Harry said as he looked at two men across the bar that came in at the same time and looked like they were trying to blend in.. The man squinted at him in what looked like slight anger at the comment.

"I do hope that we can come to a peaceful arrangement," Frederick said. Harry shrugged.

"Eh. Personally I could go either way myself. So, why don't you get to the point where you tell me if you have accepted my terms or not." Harry said.

"Azkaban would be no issue, this license you are asking for is a little more...difficult," Frederick said carefully as he observed to see if Harry took the news negatively. Harry simply raised an eyebrow.

"Oh?" He questioned.

"Yes well, I'm sure you realize that with this, you would literally be able to legally bring anything into the country whether it be a dark artifact or a nuclear bomb. That could be dangerous." Frederick tried to explain to Harry. He was a little befuddled when Harry just started chuckling across the table.

"I think you are confused about something. This license is for your benefit, not mine." Harry told him as he calmly took a sip of his tea. Now it was Mr. Hemingway that looked confused.

"How so?" He asked trying to stay polite. Harry smiled.

"Well you see Freddy, if I want to bring a dark artifact, bomb, or any other dangerous trinket I find into the country, I'm going to do it. There's nothing you can really do to stop that. At least this way if I do it and you find out, you won't have to send people to try and arrest me which I will in turn slaughter. You might even get to ask me why I brought into the country in the first place. Starting to see how this actually benefits you?" Harry finished. As soon as he finished Frederick suddenly felt cold. He had known before coming in here how dangerous this man was but seeing it first hand was entirely different. The way he casually mentioned causing death to his fellow humans was almost unnatural. It was like he thought he was talking about the weather and the confidence he had said it with. He was totally sure that he could kill anyone who was sent after him. Frederick was almost sure that he could too.

He thought over the offer for a minute. It didn't sound like he had much of a choice. Still, if the press ever found out about this...

"Here I'll even sweeten the deal for you. You ever heard of Albus Dumbledore? What am I saying? Of course, you have! Well, I'll talk to him and have him help you establish this new little government of yours." Harry said with a grin. Frederick's eyes almost burst from their skull. Was this man already so powerful that even one of the most powerful wizards in the world listened to his every word?

"I'm almost afraid to ask but how are you so sure he will help us?" Frederick asked. Harry smiled menacingly.

"Lets just said he sold his soul to the devil for something and leave it at that," Harry replied. That honestly scared Frederick more than it should have. He wasn't sure what Harry meant but it sounded very frightening.

"Well...If you can get us Dumbledore's help with the establishment as well then yes, we have a deal." Frederick said. Harry's smile turned much more friendly.

"Great now let's just get a few of the legalities out of the way," Harry said as he pulled a rolled-up scroll from his jacket and handed it to Frederick. Frederick opened the parchment curiously and saw that it was a contract for what they just discussed. Even the things they just decided on. He looked at Harry warily.

"Did you predict exactly how this conversation was going to pan out?" He asked. Harry just continued to look at him with a smile. Frederick just sighed as he continued to check over the contract and make sure that everything was exactly as they had said.

"Everything appears to be in order..." he murmured before signing the contract with a quill provided by Harry. As soon as he did the last stroke with his quill, the paper disappeared into a ball of flames until nothing was left. Frederick had to stop himself from jumping back in surprise. He looked at the spot the contract was just at. He had been sure that it was not magical otherwise he wouldn't have signed it so quickly.

"Was that a magical contract?" He asked almost hysterically. Harry just tilted his head.

"I wouldn't really call it that. Magical contracts usually imply that you lose your magic if you break them..." Harry trailed off as he stood.

"Then what are the consequences if I were to hypothetically break this contract," Frederick asked quickly. Harry just shrugged.

"Let's just say that you and Dumbledore would have a lot in common if you did. Now if I am not mistaken, the biggest supporters of the keeping of the ministry ways are the Malfoy's correct?" Harry asked. Frederick shook his head to clear it from all the thoughts he had on what would happen if he broke the contract. He then nodded.

"Yes, they are. Lucius Malfoy is supplying the Auror force with the best armor money can buy as well as his contacts with Death Eaters to schedule raids on towns we have taken over. They strike hard and fast giving us little time to strike back. We are almost 100% sure that he is the brain behind these attacks." Sadly, Malfoy Manor is heavily fortified with not only the strongest wards but Lucius's old death eater friends. It's been impossible to strike him.

"Hm. Well, I suppose I'll deal with them tonight while I am in the area. Then I suppose I'll go talk to Dumbledore for you." Harry said. Frederick nodded at this.

"It was a pleasure, Mr. Wolfe." He said as he held out his hand. Harry took it politely.

"I suppose it was. Now, if you will excuse me." Harry said as he disappeared from the man's view in a flash, literally. When he was sure he was gone, Frederick let out one last sigh.

"What the hell did I just get myself into?" He whispered before apparating away.

Sometime later that day

Lucius Malfoy was currently staying in his study with a fine bottle of fire whiskey and a book detailing some information about some of his recent financial expenses. There were only a few candles and a fireplace giving off light in the room. As he continued to read through the book, he felt a chill go down his back. At the same time, he thought he saw a shadow out of the corner of his eye. He turned his head swiftly to where he thought he had seen the moving shadow. He saw nothing so he whipped his wand out and cast the revealing charm. The effect was almost instantaneous. As soon as the words left his mouth, every flame in the room flickered out.

Lucius looked around confused. The spell revealed nothing yet the unnatural disappearance of the flame led him to believe something else entirely. Perhaps it was one of his colleagues that he had in his house trying to pull a prank. His face scrunched up in fury at the thought. If any were trying, he would gut them like a fish, slowly.

'Leave the room' a soft voice said quietly in his ear. He spun around towards the door but saw nothing, just more darkness.

"Who is there?" He said into the darkness.

'Leave the room' the voice said again, this time he felt compelled to. It didn't feel like a compulsion though. It was almost like his own mind was telling him to leave. He walked over to the doors and slowly opened them with his wand still drawn. He looked in the hall and saw that the lights were off out here as well. He slowly left the room and made his way down the hall with his wand still out.

"Crabbe!" He called out into the darkness. He waited for a second but got no reply.

"Goyle!" He tried again. Still no response. The silence was so deafening around him that he got concerned that no one was in the house. He cast a Lumos and made he was through the darkness but still could barely see. He turned the corner to the main hall and immediately tripped over something.

"Goddammit. What idiot left..." The rest died in his throat as he looked at what had tripped him. It was a body. Not just anybody either. It was the body of Goyle. It was surrounded by a puddle of crimson red. Goyle's face showed surprise suggesting he was snuck upon."

"Do you like my handy work?" a voice said. Lucius spun around and shot off a curse on instinct. There was nobody there.

"Oh my, you're quite jumpy aren't you Lucius. What's wrong? See a ghost?" The voice asked mockingly.

"Who are you!" Lucius demanded into the darkness.

"Unimportant for now. What is important is the game." the voice responded. No matter what, Lucius could not pinpoint the voice's location. It's like it was coming from everywhere at once.

"What are you talking about? What game?" Lucius yelled.

"Why the most dangerous game of course. Shall I explain it to you? I've done a little update on the rules." Continued the voice.

"What the hell are you talking about!" Lucius screamed. He was being played with and underestimated. He hated both.

"Well, I took the liberty of getting your friends out of the way. It's just us now Lucius. Well and your wife I guess. I put her to sleep while I and you play. Now, for the rules! I will hunt you down using no magic to find you in the dark. The only magic I will use will be to communicate. If you survive longer than an hour, I shall spare you this night and give you a chance to run from this country. If not then...well let's just say it won't be pleasant and leave it at that. Do you understand?"


"Great! Then the game will start in 10 seconds. As that one chick from that one book once said 'May the odds be ever in your favor'" the voice said before going quiet. Lucius was extremely confused but thought he understood the gist of what was happening. Someone or something had killed all his companions and was now going to hunt him like an animal in his own home. If he survived an hour, he would be given a chance to live. He readied his wand and crept into the next room cautiously. He turned off his Lumos and tried to get used to the darkness. Eventually, his eyes adapted and he could make out the outline of the things around him. He saw that he was in the showroom so he went to one of the corners of the room and lied in wait. This way he couldn't be attacked from behind would be much harder to see and would be better able to identify his enemy.

"You know your wife is quite beautiful." The voice commented. Lucius steeled himself.

"You keep your filthy hands away from her."

"What about my clean ones?"


"Doesn't matter. Ooooh. Is this Odgen's Finest? They say this is the best stuff in all of Britain." the voice said. Lucius's breath got caught in his throat at that. Whoever it was, was in his study. That was only a few rooms away. He held his breath. Whoever it was would be here any minute. He waited a few seconds until he saw what he thought was the movement of a shadow. He was sure it was him.

"BOMBARDO!" he yelled as the scarlet spell flew to where he thought the shadow had come from. There was a big explosion across the room as some priceless artifacts were thrown from there resting place and shrapnel flew all over the place. He waited and heard nothing for multiple seconds. He then let out a sigh of relief as he was confident that he has taken out whatever had been trying to kill him. That feeling didn't last long. The breath was literally stolen from his lips as he felt something extremely sharp pierce his chest. As soon as it did, every light in the house turned back on. Right next o he was a smiling Harry Wolfe, one hand at his side while the other was holding the blade that was in his chest.

"Well, you certainly didn't last long. You didn't even try to leave the house. I left the doors unlocked and everything. Don't worry, the blade missed your heart and lungs so you should have a few minutes to get any hateful words out of your system before you die." Harry said with a kind smile that did not match his actions.

"Why?" Lucius barely managed to ask.

"You mean, besides you being a huge asshole that I really just don't like? Well, it has to do with this little deal I made. I won't tell you more though. Despite what others may think, I know for a fact that the dead CAN talk." Harry told him. Lucius slid to the ground.

"I can't believe after all I went through...taken out by a damned child," he muttered angrily.

"Pretty ironic huh?" Harry asked as leaned against the wall without a care in the world.

"Well...don't just hang over my like a fucking vulture. At least leave me to die in peace." Lucius said with the last of his strength. Harry shrugged.

"Fine with me." He said as he gripped the blade and tore it out of the man's chest causing Lucius to slump to the floor and bleed out even faster. He was almost dead by the time Harry left the room. Harry did a light jog up the stairs and into the master bedroom. He opened the door and conjured a chair that he sat in as he looked at the sleeping form of Narcissa Malfoy. He then reversed the sleeping charm he had put on her. She blinked her eyes a few times as she regained consciousness. She moved her head up and immediately noticed Harry. She scrambled up against the headboard and looked at him fearfully.

"Where is Lucius?" She asked fearfully in almost a whisper.

"Dead obviously," Harry told her. She glanced at the bloody knife lying next to him and then back at his face.

"Are you planning to kill me as well?" she asked trying to hide how scared she was and doing a pretty poor job of it.

"Totally depends on you," Harry replied. She just continued to sit quietly, indicating that she was waiting for him to continue. Harry stood and started to lazily pace like a tiger at a zoo. Just waiting for an overweight parent to make a mistake and fall in to become his snack.

"You have 3 real options. The first option is you agree to no other option I give you and I kill you and most likely your annoying son. The second option is that you leave Britain with a sizable sum of your money and ensure your family will never return. The last option is that you stay here and the money you were spending to keep the ministry in power, now goes to the rebels. You may now decide." Harry finished as he sat back down. Narcissa just stared as she weighed her options.

"If I agree to stay here...will you leave me and my family alone?" She asked. Harry just looked at her.

"As long as you do what I asked and you're family doesn't do anything stupid that might put them on my radar," Harry told her. She pondered that for a moment before hesitantly nodding her head.

"Okay, fine, I will send aid to the rebels and do my best to make sure we do not cross again. In return, you will let our family stay in the country." She said. Harry nodded and immediately looked less like a tiger ready to pounce and more like an excited golden retriever.

"Great! Well, this has been fun. You should probably contact all the families of the other people I killed. They will probably want to know that I killed their husbands or wives." Harry said as he left the room and disappeared.

Hogwarts, 20 minutes later

Dumbledore was sitting in his office going over some paperwork that had to do with dealing with the board...again. He sighed as he flipped through the biggest annoyance in his life.

"Hello, goat fucker."

Well, second the biggest annoyance at least. Dumbledore looked up wearily. There he saw Harry Wolfe leaning up against one of the bookshelves he had in his office.

"How may I be of service Mr. Wolfe?" Dumbledore asked trying to get straight to the point. Harry smiled.

"Aw. Not even a little back and forth first? You use to love arguing with me." Harry said as he reminisced about the 'good ole days'

"No, I didn't," Dumbledore replied back dully. Harry waved him off.

"So how's Voldemort?" Harry asked pleasantly.

"Braindead. A healer tried to enter his mind to see what the damage was. He came out saying the whole place was completely shredded and torn to pieces. It was completely lifeless. The healer was adamant that there would be no chance of recovery." Dumbledore said. Harry nodded and Dumbledore suspected he already knew all of this.

"That's what I was going for. Now we just have to wait for him to die and he'll stay gone permanently. Harry told him. Dumbledore just nodded.

"I doubt you came just to ask about your former victim. What else did you wish to know?" Dumbledore asked. Harry shrugged.

"I need you to go help the rebels with setting up their government and finalizing everything so they will be ready to go day one of taking over. Go over everything they should expect and give unbiased advice on the best way to deal with such things." Harry told the old man. Dumbledore didn't make a sound of protest although internally he wasn't happy about this. He had been trying his best to stay out of the war and just live peacefully as best he could but it seemed that was just wishful thinking.

"As you wish," Dumbledore said defeated. Harry raised an eyebrow. How pathetic the man who once blackmailed him sounded.

"Well, I must be off. Have a whole lot of nothing to get done still." Harry said as he popped away to go home and be with his beautiful girlfriend. Without another word, he was gone once more. Dumbledore sighed before opening a drawer and pulling out what looked to be a 40oz. He cracked it open and took a big swig from it.

"I am way too old for this shit."

Once more in his apartment.

"Honey I'm home!" Harry called out as he entered the apartment.

"Yes, I figured when there was a bright flash coming from a random room in the apartment," she said sarcastically.

"Don't knock the flash. It makes sure I have a spectacular entrance wherever I go." Harry told her. Natasha entered the room and rolled her eyes at him.

"So you say. I think its too conspicuous. Eventually, it's going to be known as your calling card. Someone will also learn how to stop you from using it one day as well." she told him. Harry just raised an eyebrow.

"That would be quite hard to do considering how my little teleportation method works but you're probably right."

"I usually am," she replied. Harry just rolled his eyes. The past month with the redhead had been...well great if he were, to be honest. She was easy enough to talk too but also respected his privacy and understood when he couldn't tell her certain things. Her sarcasm always managed to make him smile. It was really easy to be himself around her and not have to put up a psycho killer mask. Even if that particular mask was extremely fun to bring up.

"So, what did you do today?" she asked as they sat on the couch.

"Well. I made some deals, killed some people, and then forced an old man to do my bidding." Harry said.

"Sounds productive," she replied without batting an eye as she continued to watch the TV. Harry on the other hand was having his eyes wander. Natasha was wearing a pair of short shorts and a loose t-shirt which was not surprising since she found them extremely comfortable. Harry rested his hand on her left leg and scooted closer to her. Natasha just sighed.

"For someone who claims to be physically and mentally older than their age, you sure have a teenager libido," she said with a smirk.

"That's pretty rich coming from you. Not only did you literally knock me out last time, but you wouldn't even let me heal the scars. You made me go through the natural rate. Such a sadist." Harry commented as he continued to move his hand up and down her leg. She moved in close to his ear.

"Did you not like being my M Harry?" she whispered quietly.

"I didn't say that. Don't go putting words in my mouth. I was just commenting not complaining." Harry told her with a smirk. She smiled then wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a kiss on his cheek.

"Good. Now take me to the bedroom so I can give you a few more scars." She ordered.

"As mistress wishes," Harry replied before lifting them both up and carrying the giggling redhead to his room. Needless to say, neither got any sleep that night.