Learning Session

Cracking his joints, Kaiden swayed stretching his legs back and forth, reveling in the newfound control he was blessed with. He was engulfed with a feeling that his road to being one who strayed away from was masses was absolutely beginning.

'Now that I'm already ahead, let's continue widening the gap. I have no contacts in the game, however, I need to start building a following. If done properly it's the optimal way to promote immediate profitability.'

"I have to rely on the forum once and word my post in a way that suggests the false pretense of only needing a few Lifestyle players. When in reality…I'll be accepting all who accept my standard.

Opening the forum channel, Kaiden began designing a post suitable for indirect recruitment, staying under the radar from those prying huge guilds as much as possible.

'Forum: If you're a Lifestyle player in the Pendragon Kingdom area, contact me. I have some supplies I need to be filled. If you hold the qualifications to produce the supplies and we come to an agreement on price, I will give more in-depth details – Unsheathed.'

Nodding, Kaiden was satisfied. 'Overall, this should spark the attention of a variety of Lifestyle players who are in search of daily income.'

"I need a new weapon, I'm Level 11 now and this Tempest Blade is so outdated, I'll sell it at the Auction house when I come by a new one."

Dashing towards the Town Mayor's office which he was avoiding earlier, Kaiden began clenching his fist wondering about the effects his body would exhibit in combat. 'For some odd reason, I feel as if… I have more confidence and can calculate things easier without being overly focused. I need to try out my new stats in combat!'

Reaching the Town Mayor's office eventually,

"Hello Town Mayor, I'm an Otherworld Adventurer; Unsheathed."

"Hello Adventurer Unsheathed, my name is Lowe Esteam. For official purposes just call me Mayor Lowe" replied Mayor Lowe.

Holding back a snicker, Kaiden nodded continued in this scenario. "I have just registered at the Adventurer's Guild Hall and I came here to inquire about any possible tasks you may have?"

"Ah, yes we do have one to help the economy of the town, however, it is honestly quite troublesome and I'm not sure of the current difficulty. Are you sure you want to undergo the task?"

'System: [Eradicate a Detriment to Crescent Wake Town] Quest generated.'

[Eradicate a Detriment to Crescent Wake Town] (Current Rank: Unique)

Information: In the recent couple weeks, a few of Crescent Wake Town's merchants and caravan have been experiencing damage and even sometimes death. Investigate the issue and if within your qualifications, eradicate the problem.


1/3 – Investigating the situation on the Crescent Forest's path of merchandise.

2/3 – Provide security through Crescent Forest for the next merchant caravan leaving for Red Fern Town in 30 minutes.

3/3 – Kill the boss monster whose last recorded rank is and its subordinates that reside on the path.

Reward: 50% discount on purchasing city plots for 1 day, 20 gold, and 50 Reputation.

Consequences: Level -2, -40 Affinity with Crescent Wake Town (reaching Neutral).

'Excellent, this blends with my quest so well, I can locate another boss in the forest if this one doesn't hold the standards.'

Rather than completing a quest, one of Kaiden's initial plans was to manipulate the market, increasing his stock of the basic materials that he stopped selling. However, with his low capital and being the only inhabitant in town, he threw that plan to the back of his mind, instead, the quest Kairo gave, was a gold mine! 1000 gold coins? With his business-oriented mind, the situations he could create with the sudden injection of 1000 gold is alarming.

Currently, in the game, all material was still worth in the Bronze category, not yet reaching Silver. Therefore, by the time people flooded the streets of Crescent Wake, Kaiden should have amassed a startlingly sufficient amount of gold to establish the foundations of his guild.

"I accept. Mayor Lowe.", said Kaiden as he left in a hurry, to finish noting the exact new functions of an Advanced Town.

The conclusion was simple, instead of everything being congested, there now existed separate departments for everything. There were Blacksmith organizations, Alchemist organizations, Banks…etc. The basic necessities of life were fulfilled in a town.

'I'll prepare for the quest and wait for the caravan instead of leaving in advance.'

30 minutes later, situating himself in the at the entrance of the town a half wobbly, azure-colored caravan slowly made its way to the entrance. This wobble was caused by a lopsided wheel, on the contrary to a typical overly fat merchant, this one looked decrepit, almost exactly like a skeleton.

'He can't be in such a bad business situation to the point where can't indulge in basic existential activities like…consuming FOOD?!'

"Hello, I am the merchant Penni Pinchor and I supposed you're the guard for our caravan through the forest, in that case, let us be on the way. The quicker my deal settle the higher the bracket for profit become, on we go.", gestured Penni as the caravan began to once again slowly wobble out of the entrance of Crescent Wake.

Lv.85 [Penni Pinchor] (Merchant, Human)

Health: 74,000/74,000 (100%)

However, trailing slightly behind, Kaiden was in a situation where he almost wanted to laugh up the content of his guts because the name this merchant possessed. The traveling experience was overall exceptionally smooth, that is until they reached the middle of the Crescent Forest and were confronted by the reason the caravans were experiencing damage.

Lv.16 [Ash Wolf] (Normal)

Health: 9,800/9,800 (100%)

It was an ash gray wolf the size of a family car, outfitted with bulky legs looking to provide immense spontaneous acceleration. It was like one of the wolves from Twilight!

'Hmm, the monster's health are exponentially increasing as they increase in level, at first I thought it was every 10, but now it's seeming to be in increments of 5. I better emotionally prepare myself for the health that is attached to an Lv.15 Lord Rank Boss.'

Pulling out his Tempest Blade, Kaiden positioned himself between the 4 wolves and caravan so that it wouldn't receive damage as it also had a health bar for the quest.

'Finally, a battle!'

Dropping his stance, Kaiden reveled in the sensation of solo leveling absolutely loving the feeling. Instead of confronting, Kaiden waited for one of the Ash Wolves to confront him. 2 seconds later, just that happened. Gripping his sword, Kaiden's movements flowed like water as he dodged under the wolf twisting his body and slicing the Ash Wolf, dealing -178.

'Seems monsters 5 levels above you cause innate level suppression, that damage was reduced by 20%'

The team of wolves began coordinating their pounces and bites, however, it proved to be useless as Kaiden was now able to control his body in a way enabling him to dodge between the unbridgeable gaps in their attacks.

Activating Sword Wind and executing Double Slash, he once again attacked the torso of an Ash Wolf.

-272, -269

'Let's try new tactics'

Dashing forth Kaiden deflected a claw attack from Ash Wolf, reversing the hold of his blade, he butted the chin with the hilt and jumped rotating in the air performing Thrust into its skull.

-489! (Vital Critical)

'Oh! On fleshly monsters, it seems their head it also their weak spot.'

Performing a backflip using the wolf's back Kaiden landed using the aftershock from gravity as an addition to the force of his body, executing an exquisite Charge. Stunning that same monster for 1.6 seconds. Gripping his sword tightly Kaiden executed Sword Wave – Dispersion dealing ungodly damage.

-510 (Target stunned for 1.6 seconds), -280, -336, -390, -448, -505

Providing suitable protection throughout the whole encounter the caravan wasn't experiencing any damage, causing the merchant Penni to be jubilant. "Yes! Perhaps I won't experience any merchandise damage, unlike others."

Sucked into the sensation of completely controlling battle momentum, Kaiden repeatedly rotated his attack pattern between all 4 wolves, his presence harmonizing with the surrounding. The battle extended well past 10 minutes as he had to deplete over 35,000 Health alone.

'System: Over-level Kill. Level difference: 5. 105% experience bonus applied. Lv.16 [Ash Wolf] (Normal) slain. 455 Experience gained.', repeated 4 times.

As the Ash Wolf's were normal monsters, their equipment drop rate was abysmally low even with Kaiden's higher than average luck, becoming entirely good for nothing other than coins and material drops. Dropping [Tough Leather]x12 and 40 Bronze coins.

As they traveled deeper into the forest, the Caravan began experiencing ambushes in increased intervals. However, now that they crossed even further into the forest the monsters began to increase in volume and rank.

Lv.16 [Crescrent Mark Wolf] (Elite)

Health: 11,500/11,500 (100%)

Now inside a pack of 5 wolves, 2 would be Elite. However, after experiencing a sublimation of his mind, the latent calmness in his bone started to slowly morph into his forefront personality. Rather than complain where no one would hear, Kaiden swallowed his complaints.

'I can do this! It will just take much longer. Phew…'

Engaging the pack this time further away from the caravan as he was unsure just how important the caravan would be to the elites. Kaiden started with Sword Wind and Fleeting Surge, using Sword Wave – Dispersion.

'This would be so much easier if I had extra AoE skills or at least dealt some type of splash damage. But how exactly do I create a skill like that? I'll have to ponder that.'

Treating this quest as an experimental training, Kaiden began performing incapacitating moves. Incorporating jugular blows, knee strikes which was actually recognized by the system.

'System: You dealt an unconventional blow Body Strike, stunning the target for 1.2 seconds.'

Nodding, he also came to the assumption that since these monsters have bodies simulating flesh, then in accordance he should be able to damage their senses.

'Wait! What if…'

Acting on his thoughts, he activated the recording feature of the status bar, Kaiden rapidly approached one of the Ash Wolves dealing a Double Slash at its eyes.

-1059! (Vital Critical.), -1078! (Vital Critical.) (Target blinded for 7 seconds.)

'Indeed, let's keep learning!'

Sliding under the wolf's underbelly Kaiden pressed his feet into its torso, using his hands on the ground as a platform, he exerted all his Strength residing in his core and legs, launching the Wolf 4.5 meters in the air, must be a…Hidden Lotus!

Reacting with a powerful kip-up, Kaiden jumped in the air matching the height of the wolf which reached terminal velocity, brandishing his sword performing multiple aerial slices. When they began acceleration downward, Kaiden began implementing his theories.

Grabbing the hind leg of the disheveled wolf, Kaiden launched it higher into the air as he fell performing an aerial recovery. Landing, once again Kaiden powerfully jumped before the other wolves could pounce. Stabbing his blade through the torso of the wolf, approximately where its heart would be located. Kaiden used its fur as a brace and rotated to the top of its body, using it to perform another jump, the counterforce sent it plunging straight towards the ground 7.5 meters below.

Reaching a height of above 12 meters, Kaiden reveled in this exhilarating feeling before closing his eyes and performing an aerial twist now facing downwards as he began freefalling. Opening his eyes with a piercing glint, he drew back his sword, homing in on the wolf's head in the crater.


A dust cloud formed as an even deeper crater from under the wolf's body, Kaiden's body absorbing the shock. A huge damage value appeared over the wolf's head.

-10,650! (Execution Critical)

Kaiden's blade stabbed straight through the Ash Wolf's skull into the debris below. A system notification appeared, its contents shocking even Kaiden.

'System: Your battle method is highly unconventional, even more so that the system could calculate. Therefore, rewarding you an Epic title "Combat Savant" and the skill creation of the ending move, please name.'

"Gravitational Descent – Homing Pierce."

[Combat Savant] (Epic Title)

You have shown complex battle awareness and incalculable strategic innovation, therefore proving how immense your combat mettle is.

Effects: Increases skill damage 50%, decreases skill cooldown 10%, Additional attack damage +20% And critical damage +10%. In addition, it makes the creation of unique skills and techniques easier.

[Gravitational Descent – Homing Pierce] (Epic Rank Active.) – Level 1/10. When in the air, uses gravity as acceleration and a damage amplifier, take your sword and pierce through any and everything! Deals 1200-2500% damage to the target and a shock wave dealing 150-350% to surrounding targets in a 6x6 meter area, depending on the height of your descent. Cooldown: 30 minutes. Skill Proficiency: (0/5,000). Requirement: Sharp Weapon, Aerial use at least 10 meters above the ground.

'Woah…this is awesome that was indeed epic! I have another use since I used that without having the skill...I'll save it for a Special Elite.' Equipping Combat Savant as his secondary title, Kaiden experienced an immediate boost in his combat power, resulting in an exponential decrease in the current fight's difficulty.

8 minutes later, Kaiden once again fluently protected the caravan resulting in the continuation of traveling. However, Kaiden was a bit absentminded as he reviewed the previous battle experience.

'It seems that the developers weren't lying when they said the experience would be unique incorporating pretty much everything you can think of and if not, you can also pursue it yourself… Hmm, now I need to see just how consistent an Execution Critical is.'

Currently, there were 3 types of critical. A Critical which is just your basic Critical Damage shown on your Character Panel. Secondly, you have Vital Critical which are Criticals happening on a vital spot, doubling the effect. Lastly, you have Execution Criticals which in abrupt terms means a Critical superimposed with a Vital Critical. Creating a whole new tier of damage. The effects become multiplicative not additive.

Stumbling upon an area devoid of an abundance of trees, Kaiden picked up the presence of multiples monsters as well as auras that were much more oppressive. 50 meters ahead was a pack of wolves guarding the entrance however they were much bigger than even Crescent Mark Wolves.

Lv.17 [Twilight Ash Wolf] (Special Elite)

Health: 16,000/16,000 (100%)

'Oh, what perfect targets. However, not altogether. But I know for a fact that they will aggro at the same time. Well, this will just have to be the perfect time to create skills, instead of relying on skill books.'

Gripping his blade, Kaiden continued to proceed forth on the endeavor to create brand new skills to fortify his arsenal.